A "counter petition" has been started to show support for the McCanns?
2007-06-14 16:02:28 UTC
I know there is some debate about the right and wrongs of how the children were left, but the existence of this petition must be very hurtful to the McCanns.

I think its vindictive and smacks more of 'class-hate' than a considered request for a sensible application of the judicial system.

I do not believe that any social services department should be influenced by petitions, no matter how well-intentioned.
I would like to support to the McCanns and to express my disgust at the original petition.
I don't agree that they should have left the children alone that night, however, i think they should be left alone to raise their other two children and search for their daughter.
I am not condoning their action but i will not support inciting hatred towards desperate people who are in need of our support.
A "counter petition" has been started to show support for the McCanns.
26 answers:
2007-06-14 16:13:22 UTC
Well I vehemently disagree with what they did and the way they are going about things right now, but as I have said before, yes, they need to be made accountable for their actions, but there is a time and a place and this is not it. I will not sign either petition; I don't agree with the one about social services, but I can't sign the one which shows support because I don't support them fully, just their efforts to find Madeleine, even though I think they're going about it in the wrong way.
Saucy B
2007-06-15 00:24:42 UTC
Let's face some facts here:-

1. McCanns left their three babies alone every night to go out. They are not a single mother desperate to work and pay for expenses, they are middle class and able to pay for a child minder or take turns in going out.

2. They were offered and refused baby minding services EVERY night along with several other couples at the resort.

3. They all went to a bar which was over the other side of the resort behind the resort pool, which did not have any safety fences around it.

4. They left their door unlocked. A report somewhere says Madeliene had got up and wandered out on a previous night. Is this why she was put in a bed between the twins?

5. They said they checked the children every 30 minutes when bar staff say they didn't see them leave the table.


They should have a visit from social services to discuss whether they are still maintaining this view. It might just be a defence as they feel bad enough.

I do find it unsettling they maintain its ok to leave kids on the basis that they could potentially see the apartment from where they were. They did not have their eye on the apartment if they did they would have seen a pervert entering and leaving the apartment with their child.

I don't hate them but they are blatently wrong putting this about, sayng they are utterly blameless in the whole affair. It was a terrible decision which led to terrible consequences.

NO ONE deserves this to happen to them. I feel very sorry for them but it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be asked privately what their true views are.
Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry
2007-06-14 23:32:51 UTC
If no action is taken more 'parents' will think it is ok to leave their children alone without any consequences! And this is not due to class hate - this is down to what people think is acceptable parenting.

They arent raising their other two children because they are swanning around the globe in a private jet that isnt big enough for Gerry 'What only a 22 seater' McCann. Maybe if the McCanns had shown slight remorse for their actions then people would be a bit easier on them, but I am pretty sure if it happened all over again they would act exactly the same thing. It is more than just a mistake to constantly leave your children unattended in an unlocked room, out of sight and ear shot, with a big swimming pool between you and your children.

They do not act like desperate people, they act like Madeliene is an afterthought to getting to have an extended holiday.

Would you be as supportive if the McCanns were a couple of chavs from a council estate? Or is child neglect ok when you are a doctor.
2016-04-01 12:07:05 UTC
The fact that a decomposing body was put in a car 5 weeks later is pure speculation. The police have not made a formal statement about that or anything else. I do not like the spiteful posts that have been made about the McCanns but I'm not that keen on the blind denial shown by their supporters. The fact is that the results of the dna tests have resulted, after hours of questioning, that Kate McCann is now an arguido. That is fact. I neither like nor support the McCanns but, if they turn out to be involved, then justice for Madeleine will come at a very high cost for the twins, so I for one am not gloating.
2007-06-15 04:34:46 UTC
Yes services and the police should act on their own judgemnent and not be persuaded by any outside party for taking the correct course to prosecute the law...

The McCanns put their children at risk

Whether they are prosecuted maybe full of the class bias

that you perceive is only from the crtiical ones ...or else how do you suppose they got so much media attention in the first place..

if you really think that in the present bandwagon whitewash climate about this case that they would receive fair and impartial treatment regarding this case then think again....

its going to be very hard to prosecute when Gordon Brown has giving his full backing and support and help inwhatever way he can....the police really have to counter a tide to prosecute and they will also be thinking whats in the bigger interest...

in the end the may just prosecute we dont know

but this is required to bring them to account because throughout this whole debacle these people seem above the situation they are ina nd above their daughters disappearance and above any wrong doing

the people who sign their petition to show support are a) neglectful themselves and b) stupid and I supoose the McCanns will be having a laugh because they dont care what the media thinks of them let alone the internet and these petitions anyway..
2007-06-14 23:42:44 UTC
Toietmoi - you've told us several times in different posts that you've donated to the fund, and it makes me curious... please tell me: What is it you think your donation will achieve in terms of finding Madeleine?

I don't mean to offend you by asking, it's just that I'm having trouble equating the fund with helping to find the child. If I saw hoardes of private investigators being employed in the first week or two, then I could understand, but for the website to continually display the ever-increasing balance, like it's some sort of achievement in itself, confuses me. So far, the only use for the money seems to be to fund the McCann's lifestyle in Portugal, but even that seems a bit pointless to me, as they're not actually doing any searching...

Please enlighten me!

Regarding your question - I would be much more inclined to be supportive of the McCanns if they had acknowledged their part in all this. It's their continual self-protection that angers me, and I can't tell you how it disappoints me to hear their justification for their behaviour - I think it speaks volumes about their mentality.

I still hope they find Madeleine, one way or another, with all my heart.
2007-06-14 17:16:38 UTC
I pray for the family and for the little girl, but definitely the family needs to go through a parenting class or something just as they would if they were low income workers with three children who had been caught doing the same thing. I have no hate for them, just for the way the whole thing is being handled. Evidently there is some trouble getting away for the night and getting a babysitter and taking appropriate precautions for safety of their children.... Do you know I'd be arrested and my children all taken away if I left them in the unlocked apartment, walked down the stairs and twenty-five feet to my mailbox, gone for only thirty seconds? I'm not saying the parents should get "in trouble" but definitely they need HELP if they are in a higher position in society and still are doing these irresponsible things that have resulted, this time, in an unfortunate happening.
2007-06-15 04:43:27 UTC
Awww, come on, this has nothing to do with 'class hate' this is what's right and wrong and the kids welfare. I am not signing this petition as I am opposed to the McCann's behaviour. No shocker....they're asking for a contribution whether it's to give freely or not....what about justice for innocent Madeliene?
2007-06-15 00:50:11 UTC
sounds cool ,hay maybe we can all setup a donation page,and earn some extra money, i know i could do with one,problem is i have three kids to and most places only do deals for family's of four,i know i can leave one behind, that's OK as long as the door is unlocked, now to be serious I'm not anti MC cane, i won't wish what happened to them on anyone however i think it is totally stupid to say leave them alone to raise their other children(which they are not)and support them and donate , everyone is allowed their own opp ion and if they have never come across people before that have said anything that they don't like before then they must be perfect, you think they are wonderful people and that is your choice other people do not but everybody loves and prays for Maddy and that is what matters isn't it.
2007-06-15 06:56:34 UTC
Trust the "Pro-McCann" petition to get money. Like I said, all this arguing is useless. Madeleine is missing, petitions and arguing and reporting and blocking won't bring her back. At least supporting her and wishing and praying for her won't upset us all.
♥ Mummy ♥
2007-06-14 16:50:25 UTC
So just because they are suffering does it mean that they can get away with it without any consequences?

They were responsible for what happened!

If no one does something now they'll go on the rest of their lifes thinking that its ok to leave babies on their own.

They said that themselves, that everyone does it and they just can't accept that its wrong. Instead they say they've made a 'mistake'.

Edit I liked the way you say

'I donated for her fund, what have you done?'

Now we're supposed to feel guilty because we weren't stupid enough to donate our money to a so-called fund which it seems they're not even using to help with the investigation?


Hate petition? How is it a hate petition when its the wellbeing of two babies at stake?

Can't you understand that the Mccanns not being prosecuted will only make people think that it is ok to act the way they did?

And let me tell you, If I was a doctor and needed help I wouldn't be asking people to donate to a fund. They have money, they have friends with money. Why can't they part with their own money?

Don't get me started, I could go on all night.

Show me where it says in that petitions that the twins are to be taken away from their parents.

Not that it would make much difference to them. They seem to spend more time being looked after by someone else.
2007-06-15 09:17:58 UTC
please if any other parent mother or father on this site agrees i,d like to know,A family holiday to me means a family holiday,a couples holiday means couples only,so if i was to take my children on a family holiday i would NOT leave my children alone in a place they didn,t no,and to a child the distance means nothing especially those 3 children.If i wanted to have a meal i would order it in,not leave them alone,it woudn,t matter if i had friends on that holiday,i wouldn,t leave them,just to satisfy my needs.And apparently they did this more than once.

If i wanted to do this kind of thing i would book a COUPLES holiday.

Now why they are travelling around leaving them other 2 children with other people,at a time like this they need their mum and dad THEY have LOST a SISTER to,so instead of being passed pillar to post they should only be with a certain 2 ppl.imagine what they are going through,but they don,t seem to be concerned about this.The mccans seem to be enjoying this "new celebrity status" signing photo,s of maddie,smiling ,laughing while on their travels.Don,t you think enough money has been raised?without another scam like a petition.The whole world is involved so don,t you think thats enough support?ppl travelling to portugal to help look for maddie,rewards of 2.5 million,posters in every shop,sponsered bike rides in leicester,it seems that everybody is doing something.

I no i will probably get slated for this being a parent myself but i honestly think this has gone to far,yeah i,d walk heaven and earth if a child of mine went missing but at some point i would have to get on with life,ie looking after my other child,which seems to me they have given up on.Life does go on and there is only so much as a parent you can do.Maybe like ppl have said on here if there hadn,t have been so much publicity things might have been differant.At what point will they stop and go home to care for their other 2 children?

I think gerry mccann is so self centred,and i truly believe he may no something about maddie and in my heart i think he knows she,s safe.Kate to me always seems to look as if she wants to say something but is to scared to,but i do know they love the camera,s,and he seems very controlling over her.And if god strikes me dead,i think something is being hidden,they are to calm and they have a stroll in the park attitude,which ppl are noticing and have.

I won,t be signing no petition,i have put money to a wristband,how much money have ppl got to give them,when will that stop?theres only so much ppl will do till they see through this.

I truly believe maddie is alive and well and like others i believe the mccans will be involved in this somehow and if im wrong then i,ll hold my hands up and apologise.

And at present they are not wanting to be left alone to raise the other 2 babies,because they are never with them so they ain,t making a good job of it really.

I expect ppl to slate me for this but we all have voiced our opinions on this,some worse than mine.

But like everyone no loving , caring , parent would ever leave children that age,ALONE.I think somehow this has to come to a close and they should go home with their babies,and let the police and authoritys do their job,because they are making it very hard for the police to do this.
2007-06-14 16:17:26 UTC
So what, you are spammimg your own questions now. The facts remain the same. A petition to say, Well Done to the Mc Canns for leaving your kids along in the house whilst you went to the pub. Don`t worry that one of them is now missing. We forgive you for your wee mistake. We understand, we really do`. Is that what you are saying. Because if it is i will be giving it a miss.

Well what about Maddy. Does she not have any human rights because she is just a baby? Are you sayinmg that this whole episode is about the parents, stuff the kids they don`t count. Is that what you are saying?
2007-06-14 16:21:55 UTC
The one that you have to pay to sign?? Are you sure this has not been set up by the McCanns as there is a paypal sign which comes up after you post your message... and I am serious!!

Anyway this petition will have no impact as there are 4 petitions already on the go which oppose the McCanns two of which originate from Portugal and Canada as I stated before....
Beau Brummell
2007-06-14 19:04:26 UTC
I like the way your petition requires a donation. That figures!

Nice to see that, yet again, (yawn) you have re-introduced your so called class war. I am now laughing.
2007-06-15 04:25:56 UTC
Thank you very much. I have signed this petition as have 8 of my friends / family.

The hate campaign against these people is despicable..

They are like the ancient romans whipping jesus on his way to his crucifixion.

Already undergoing unbelievable suffering they whip the parents with their derogatory drivel.

How sad.
2007-06-15 02:07:52 UTC
It not 'class-hate' as u put it its just wrong to leave ur kids alone while ur out enjoying your self
miss.a.right(first name always)
2007-06-14 16:16:51 UTC
ive signed and also sent a link via a couple of the myspaces dedicated to madeleine i agree with you and think while i acknowledge the wrongdoings of the mccanns i also sympathise with the wrongdoings done to them nobody desreves this and as much as they have on their plates i dont think they need any more grief i hope for the best for maddleine which may seem naive but i prefer to be hopeful for her and would love to see the mccann family reunited with this special little girl

i think also it is class hate people ask would there be as much press and everything else if they were chavs from a council estate my response to that is would there be so much negativity and hatred if they were chavs from a council estate so it does work both in their favour and against them

praying for madeleine xxxxxxxxx
2007-06-14 16:26:30 UTC
somebody should start another showing support for maddy

the rights and wrongs of of how the children were left is not debatable it was wrong

i am supprting maddy and hope she is found safe and well
2007-06-14 16:25:46 UTC
The petition which has been setup to oppose the petitions already active has got no chance. Someone has even started one on the Government petition.
Kirks Folley
2007-06-14 16:17:03 UTC
I cannot sign this petition when I do not agree with them leaving their children to go out for the evening eating and drinking.
Chris B
2007-06-15 01:50:54 UTC
The petition against the McCann's is soooooo immature.

You have to wonder what sort of people put it together.
2007-06-14 17:30:22 UTC
Well said!! That Marilyn Baker petition is sick and cruel.

I totally agree with you, the Mccann bashers are all sheep jumping on a bandwagon. They all think they are or will be 'perfect parents'.

God forbid one of their children are taken when they turn their backs.

The hate campaign on here is getting out of proportion and people need to remember the purpose of the media attention - to find Madeleine
2007-06-14 16:09:43 UTC
I dont understand why you would be showing the link to this page if you DONT agree with this petition.

How sad.
2007-06-15 06:56:04 UTC
well it had to happen
2007-06-15 00:00:59 UTC

Well said ToietMoi! Couldn't have said it better myself!

Will definately sign the "counter petition"...

Thanks for being so clear & concise...

Can't add a word on this as you've said it so well & covered every point so beautifully...!


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