please if any other parent mother or father on this site agrees i,d like to know,A family holiday to me means a family holiday,a couples holiday means couples only,so if i was to take my children on a family holiday i would NOT leave my children alone in a place they didn,t no,and to a child the distance means nothing especially those 3 children.If i wanted to have a meal i would order it in,not leave them alone,it woudn,t matter if i had friends on that holiday,i wouldn,t leave them,just to satisfy my needs.And apparently they did this more than once.
If i wanted to do this kind of thing i would book a COUPLES holiday.
Now why they are travelling around leaving them other 2 children with other people,at a time like this they need their mum and dad THEY have LOST a SISTER to,so instead of being passed pillar to post they should only be with a certain 2 ppl.imagine what they are going through,but they don,t seem to be concerned about this.The mccans seem to be enjoying this "new celebrity status" signing photo,s of maddie,smiling ,laughing while on their travels.Don,t you think enough money has been raised?without another scam like a petition.The whole world is involved so don,t you think thats enough support?ppl travelling to portugal to help look for maddie,rewards of 2.5 million,posters in every shop,sponsered bike rides in leicester,it seems that everybody is doing something.
I no i will probably get slated for this being a parent myself but i honestly think this has gone to far,yeah i,d walk heaven and earth if a child of mine went missing but at some point i would have to get on with life,ie looking after my other child,which seems to me they have given up on.Life does go on and there is only so much as a parent you can do.Maybe like ppl have said on here if there hadn,t have been so much publicity things might have been differant.At what point will they stop and go home to care for their other 2 children?
I think gerry mccann is so self centred,and i truly believe he may no something about maddie and in my heart i think he knows she,s safe.Kate to me always seems to look as if she wants to say something but is to scared to,but i do know they love the camera,s,and he seems very controlling over her.And if god strikes me dead,i think something is being hidden,they are to calm and they have a stroll in the park attitude,which ppl are noticing and have.
I won,t be signing no petition,i have put money to a wristband,how much money have ppl got to give them,when will that stop?theres only so much ppl will do till they see through this.
I truly believe maddie is alive and well and like others i believe the mccans will be involved in this somehow and if im wrong then i,ll hold my hands up and apologise.
And at present they are not wanting to be left alone to raise the other 2 babies,because they are never with them so they ain,t making a good job of it really.
I expect ppl to slate me for this but we all have voiced our opinions on this,some worse than mine.
But like everyone no loving , caring , parent would ever leave children that age,ALONE.I think somehow this has to come to a close and they should go home with their babies,and let the police and authoritys do their job,because they are making it very hard for the police to do this.