I have to get one thing straight here.
If all you parents out there were offered a night out with friends but could not get a babysitter, would you go? NO.
If your out on a beach in this country or another do you let you child out of sight? NO.
Even if this child had not been taken was she not in grave danger being left in a hotel room ON HER OWN ! where she could have been harmed?! YES
I don't wish this on anybody as it is awful BUT you have to say her parents are just as responsible....they say they were checking on the children every 30 mins or so......DID IT HELP?!?!? NO!
If any of you had of done what the McCanns have done, you would of certainly had the other two children taken off you and you would of been waiting to attend Crown Court for child neglect.
I find it shocking that throughout the whole correspondence of missing Maddy, neither the media or the authorities have commented on the fact that Maddy should not have been left alone in the first place. I dont think anybody who calls themselves 'good parents' would ever leave 3 children under the age of 3 unsupervised. I believe that it is grossly irresponsible and is a prime example of neglect. I also believe that had it been a working class family whose child had gone missing/been abducted then there would have been national outcry as to why it was allowed to happen in the first place. I feel that I must also add, that it was Mr and Mrs McCanns choice to leave the children alone, even when the hotel has a creche that they could have used.
I hope with all my heart that Maddy is found safe and well, but I blieve that Mr and Mrs McCann should be held responsible regardless of the outcome.