There,s a growing resentment in this country about the parents of Madeleine.?
2007-05-21 07:46:29 UTC
Why does it not recieve any coverage in the media?
Oh, and any clever clogs that,s going to say that they are tried of this Madeleine story it,s simple, Don,t post an answer.
36 answers:
2007-05-21 08:50:53 UTC
I was going to ask this question myself. Quite clearly there is a lot of people out there that are getting more and more frustrated and annoyed with the case and the whole "Team McCann" PR / media hype. There are even more people out there that think the McCanns should be held responsible for the part they played in their daughter's disappearance. However, as you quite rightly say, nothing has been mentioned about this in the media. Yet they cover every other aspect of the case in great detail - often repeating much of it because there simply is nothing more to say. I can't understand why the coverage of people's opinions of the matter isn't more broad. The only thing I can think of is that they feel it would be insensitive to openly criticise the McCanns. However, as the case goes on (which it looks as though it will) I think we will start to see more criticism of the McCanns in the media. I suppose at this stage also, they want people to stay focused on finding her or reporting any evidence or sightings relating to her disappearance,
2007-05-21 08:42:23 UTC
I'm not sure it's resentment, but there is a definate sense of frustration from a lot of people.

Why do the press not cover it? Because at the moment, if any newspaper launched any form of attack against what the parents did, it would be seen as not supporting the search for Madeleine.

I can't help thinking that the parents have escaped lightly so far with the way in which the Portuguese laws work and so far have been able to avoid answering any questions regarding what they did by saying "sorry we're not allowed to discuss that aspect of the case". It's the Portugues law that seems to be protecting them at the moment and is also keeping the press of their case.
2007-05-21 07:56:21 UTC
I agree with you - i think the McCanns are starting to think they are celebrities, they should be out there searching for Madeleine like every other parent would be and not just leaving it up to the Portugese Police. I think the fact that they have set up an appeal fund is disgusting. People would have given money and practical help anyway regardless of whether they were asked or not.

I really hope she is safe and well the poor little thing but I am slowly losing any kind of respect for the parents - it was their fault after all, they should be thankful that they didn't lose all three of their children.

They must have friends running the newsdesks to have maintained this much coverage on news that has stayed the same for over 2 weeks.
2007-05-21 09:32:13 UTC
It does not receive any coverage as middle class professional doctors are exempted from the negligent behaviour which is afforded to chavs, lower income, unemployed and single parents!!!

According to the Press's mentality you cannot be negligent if you are a doctor as you are simply too intelligent or wealthy for this to be the case!!! Ask Harold Shipman and Sir Roy Meadows .. they got away with crimes and malpractice for years before they were brought to justice!!

The Childrens and Young Person's Act probably has some secret clause in it which says you are only negligent if you are working class or on a lower income!!!

I have emailed all of the newspapers providing links to the points raised on Yahoo Answers which is after all a world wide website and therefore reasonably representative of peoples views.. and guess what.. NO RESPONSES!!!!

2007-05-21 09:22:58 UTC
Yes you are right,

these parents are doctors and should have known better,

they are educated.

If this was an uneducated family, on Benefits/or single parents, there would be an uproar and social services would be involved, but I have already said, there's a law for the well off and a different one for the poor.

I blame these parents for Madeleine going missing, they neglected her by leaving her home alone,and the twins, they were very lucky not to have disappeared as well.

I just hope they fine her alive.
Emma L
2007-05-21 08:24:46 UTC
Yes there is growing resentment towards her parents.

She should not have been left alone and people feel it's the parents fault.

I really don't know why the media has not covered this (If I was a journalist I would).

Every time I see the parents they are smiling and being brave, I would be utterly gutted that I had put my child in that sort of danger after all no one yet knows what sort of living hell the poor kid has gone through.
2007-05-21 07:49:46 UTC
Actually it is the internet and not just Yahoo Answers

A discussion page on the Telegraph had the same amount criticism on every post and the reaction has not been played in the media because thats what the media do they avoid criticism.

I also think that we should be asking quetions about the media since a whole load of resources and exposure to the point this story is now brimming and the question is does the case deserve this amount of attention?
2007-05-21 10:36:23 UTC
I think the Media is playing smart just now to sell newspapers but I suspect if the little girl is found dead or is not found soon, after all how long can they keep it going? they will do a full turnaround on the McCanns.

They are probably digging up the dirt on them just now but holding it back because they are selling lots of newspapers with the story as it is, once they know people are getting bored with it and sales start to drop then it will be all change.
2007-05-21 11:34:10 UTC
I think the media seems to have fallen into the trap of believing that a professional couple can do no wrong.

If he had been unemployed & she working in Tesco they would have been torn to pieces.

There appear to be so many inconsistencies in their story. Perhaps now that he is back in UK the police will try the "divide & conquer" treatment & question them apart.

Did anyone other than the McCanns actually see Madeline in bed that night? Who saw her last & when (apart from the parents)?
2007-05-21 10:01:41 UTC
we have become a nation of sheep easely led and believe any old crap were told the media have been doing this type of thing for years when the child is found then the media will turn on the parents just to get every last bit of the story and make it look like they speake for the nation or the child i beleave the media to be true scum
2007-05-21 08:03:54 UTC
I have to get one thing straight here.

If all you parents out there were offered a night out with friends but could not get a babysitter, would you go? NO.

If your out on a beach in this country or another do you let you child out of sight? NO.

Even if this child had not been taken was she not in grave danger being left in a hotel room ON HER OWN ! where she could have been harmed?! YES

I don't wish this on anybody as it is awful BUT you have to say her parents are just as responsible....they say they were checking on the children every 30 mins or so......DID IT HELP?!?!? NO!


If any of you had of done what the McCanns have done, you would of certainly had the other two children taken off you and you would of been waiting to attend Crown Court for child neglect.

I find it shocking that throughout the whole correspondence of missing Maddy, neither the media or the authorities have commented on the fact that Maddy should not have been left alone in the first place. I dont think anybody who calls themselves 'good parents' would ever leave 3 children under the age of 3 unsupervised. I believe that it is grossly irresponsible and is a prime example of neglect. I also believe that had it been a working class family whose child had gone missing/been abducted then there would have been national outcry as to why it was allowed to happen in the first place. I feel that I must also add, that it was Mr and Mrs McCanns choice to leave the children alone, even when the hotel has a creche that they could have used.

I hope with all my heart that Maddy is found safe and well, but I blieve that Mr and Mrs McCann should be held responsible regardless of the outcome.
Beau Brummell
2007-05-21 07:54:34 UTC
Well, there is certainly anger and disbelief on this site at the antics of the McCanns but I have no idea if the general public feels this way. In the absence of any even handed reporting in the press, there is no way of telling.
2007-05-21 08:00:19 UTC
A person with a pee brain and a bit of humanity understands this for what it is: a disgusting show of 'educated' parents not giving a damn as to their offsprings well-being. It's disgusting that anyone can describe this as a mistake. If the dumb parents have done this in a foreign country (language they do not speak) they have done it before. Bring back Madelaine who is the one innocent party and put down those modern 'so-called' parents. When their other two kiddies (currently 2 yrs old) grow up and find out the truth, believe me, I would walk away from such 'caring' parents, too!!
2007-05-21 09:06:07 UTC
The papers know..... they're just scared to fan the flames of resentment!.

My opinion is that the Maddies parents are guilty of neglect, those kids should NEVER have been left alone!
2007-05-21 07:53:40 UTC
huh what country are you in babe because in the uk she's been plastered all over the papers an is never off the telly.

edit: opps i should read the question proper before posting

btw the parents have been ribbened by some porchegese newspapers
2007-05-21 07:52:54 UTC
Is there a resentment? Maybe when a story has saturation coverage like this one is, people start getting fed up with hearing about it.

It is a master class in PR and marketing though.
Laney H
2007-05-21 07:52:26 UTC
Yes I totally ahree with you. I had a party on sat nite and I was amazed by the amount of ppl that aired their views on the subject. The general opinion seemed to be that if these were not professional ppl then there would be an absolute outcry! Imagine they live in a poor area, out of work etc...the outcome would be the same....neglect!!!!
2007-05-21 07:51:15 UTC
Media stories have momentum. Once they start going in one direction, they rarely turn about. But it can and does happen eventually
2007-05-21 08:02:24 UTC
Simply because of their status, if they were a couple of Chavs, the media would be crucifying them right now. The Maccans should be strung up, I've given my feeling on this in earlier answers so I won't bang on about it anymore, but those people are SOLELY to blame for what happened, but being a Doctor and a surgeon apparantly makes them heroes.
2007-05-21 07:54:45 UTC
I'd like to think Ive been leading the charge on the resentment against the McCanns LOL. I take great pride!

And the answer to your question is because the so called journalists out there are a bunch of cowards. Every single one of them.

Someone with balls (ie me) needs to go out there and sit down with the police commissioner and start investigating the other angle, involving the 2 people we DEFINITELY know contributed to Madeliene's disappearence.

By the way what happened to that russian guy and the British dude? that all seemed to have gone quiet very quickly .......
2007-05-21 07:51:51 UTC
I think you are right unfortuneately, despite them being so close to her, people blame them for leaving 3 children on their own, if it happened in this country they would be arrested.

Whether its right or wrong, I dont know.
2007-05-21 07:55:16 UTC
I believe they should keep the story covered untill the little girl is found.I hope they find her alive & well.
the Phoenix
2007-05-21 07:52:36 UTC
Because its not going to help find that dear little mite is it? The parents know they were to blame and they will have the rest of the lives to contemplate that- they have already paid the ultimate the price- they have lost their little girl.All the negativity of the wrongs is better chanelled into looking for Maddy at the moment.
2007-05-21 13:55:56 UTC
i wish the parents were council house tenants on benefits. then you could all have them strung up and finished with. what difference does it make for gods sake. think about maddie. she is the one that matters.
2007-05-21 07:58:22 UTC
the apprently made a mistake and thats ok in the eye of the media....
2007-05-21 08:13:33 UTC
don't you know by now that the media is now judge and jury...?...the media sensationalize on one angle until they see the tide turning and then explore the next's called "ratings"...
2007-05-21 07:50:39 UTC
Because they are doctors and surgeon. If they were on benefits or worked in supermarkets all the coverage would be on what bad parents they are.
2007-05-21 07:51:43 UTC
this whole section of herd behaviour is way beyond my simple understanding
2007-05-21 07:52:37 UTC
i think its because it was strange that they left the kids on their own
2007-05-21 07:50:50 UTC
Sorry just realised what you meant.
2007-05-21 08:19:09 UTC
how many of the people who have voiced their opinions here, are parents who have had a child go missing on them? how many of you are criminal pro filers? and how many of you have experience in searching for missing people?.

if you do not fall under any of these headings, then all you have are unsubstantiated opinions, so keep them clean and constructive, and finally don't forget this child is still missing
2007-05-21 07:49:14 UTC
You could always tell the Sun. I'm sure they would be thrilled to hear from you.

What you read on here is not representative of the real world.

It's the internet.
2007-05-21 07:52:31 UTC
On here you are anonymous and you can be judgemental without thinking of the implications of cruel words..

So many armchair sleuth's and social worker wannabes.

The average decent person does not judge these parents at this time and maybe never will.
2007-05-21 07:51:01 UTC
cos they're middle class, they cant possible be wrong! :)
2007-05-21 08:02:15 UTC
I think that her parents are being punished enough right now, don't you?
Danielle S
2007-05-21 08:01:33 UTC
It's not a question, check your grammar.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.