Good ol John McCann ....... im afraid we beg to differ.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Good ol John McCann ....... im afraid we beg to differ.?
43 answers:
2007-06-11 03:46:51 UTC
As I have said before:::

My brother lives in NZ (Picton) and gets the NZ and Australian news there,The TV has all but dropped the story but the papers and radio do on occasions report it but they suspect the McCanns are not telling all they know about the evening,They distrust the McCanns deeply and suspect they have lied,My wife's friend lives in Marseilles France and said the French care little for them having a dislike of the neglect issues,the Spanish papers along with the Portuguese are disinterested as are the Greeks who again feel it was their fault she was unattended and went missing,The USA are interested in their own domestic news which is off course understandable,The German press have asked questions and one of the Team McCann directors has resigned.

It would appear that the only people really interested are the British and from what I can glean from people a lot less than 25% support the McCanns actons that evening and the ongoing tour ..

Why did it take them so long to go to Morocco ?
Roisen C
2007-06-11 03:54:28 UTC
What he is actually saying is anyone with a shred of decency would not be signing the petition to have the McCanns face their negligence, they simply are not liking it.

They over publicise themselves. The petition has over a thousand people's indecent signatures.That does not make the McCann's look at all good.
2007-06-11 03:24:44 UTC
This is the bit I found slightly hypocritical

To quote John McCann

"The question is how do we compel a heartless criminal to do some good? We don't know the answer but we are working on it.

Who were the heartless people who left 3 babies alone ? He needs to think before he speaks .

In my opinion a lot of criminals would never condone child abuse you only have to see what happens in a prison with paedophiles . They are usually kept away from most other inmates for fear of violence or even death.
2007-06-11 03:26:14 UTC
here here once again Dave youre spot on
nicola h
2007-06-11 03:21:49 UTC
i agree with u dave,
2007-06-11 03:28:03 UTC
Anyone with a "shred of decency" would not leave their three babies alone while they went out eating & drinking. Anyone with a "shred of decency" would not turn their daughter's disappearance into a money-making business. It's disgusting.
2007-06-11 03:25:56 UTC
Hear, hear. It also says that Mrs McCann has constantly pleaded for information. I don't plead like that, I would be sobbing with emotion, but she always seems so cool and collected.
2007-06-11 03:22:38 UTC
I totally agree with you Dave. I have said it from the very beginning that it is about money and not Madeleine.
2007-06-11 03:30:14 UTC
If they are all so totally blameless, why should sides even come into it eh Dave? I agree with you 100%, it's Madeleine's side the decent folk are on, not the side of her neglectful ,selfish parents.

Why do they insist on it still being a kidnapping, are they overlooking the absence of a ransom note/call/any contact whatsoever? If Madeleine HAS been kidnapped, the hype and media frenzy is jeopardising her safe return if anything.
2007-06-11 03:22:10 UTC
anyone with "a shred of decency" is against two people for leaving 3 kids unattended in an unlocked room abroad while they stuffed their selfish little faces. Sounds like they're all blummin deluded. I cant wait till the McCanns return to the UK, they're probably in for a nasty shock
2007-06-13 05:33:23 UTC
I am just amazed at how tribal people can become. Viscious and spiteful to any who disgree with their chosen view of a situation. What a thoroughly nasty bunch we have become. Angling for whatever gives credence to an opinion ( sometimes really scraping the barrell)

The driving force behind the Spanish Inquisition, Witchfinding and whatever passed for the same trait in the non-christian world, is still alive and well in the human psyche.

Lets just keep pressuring the Police, CPA and Social Services in this country to THOROUGHLY investigate the fact that 3 mites were left alone and unsupervised. If it had been a child minder or nursery, and a child had gone missing, there would be hell to pay - No Question!
2007-06-11 15:21:30 UTC
I agree with you mate, I wonder if the whole family is indifferent to children, dump them somewhere as they must go out. If it was some poor single parent from a council estate they would be slated for this attitude. I have a shred of decency and I would rather leave my only son with a pack of hungry wolves than team McCann, he might stand a chance that way! But I don't desperately need to eat out at a restaurant or can afford too!

2007-06-14 05:15:17 UTC
To Dave and all the others who agree with you, I applaud you all. I live in the States and I can reassure you that I have talked to allot of friends and people I did not even know about this case and not one person felt sorry for those parents. It is even hard for me to write out the word parents.

No decent person with Morales and real love for their child or children would not have done what the ignorant people did. I pray they find her safe and alive and then take her away from them and put her in a decent caring and loving enviorment.

This sounds allot like Jon Bonet Ramsey case her in the states. Although she was found murdered in her own home age 6. It is also kind of weird that she was found in place in the basement where the Police had searched very well and daddy dearest goes to that very area and He finds her dead. No one has ever been charged in her case, I can only say that no one here believed those parents line of crap either.

They are wealthy and left soon after John found his daughter and moved to another state. I cannot believe that a child at the age of 6 would not have made noise of some kind and no one in the house heard her. Yeah, right. So, I agree so totally with all who answered you Dave except for one.
2007-06-11 06:05:04 UTC
The fact of the matter is this...John would not have to feel hurt had his Brother and sis in law done the right thing from the start 7pm that evening. He would not be hurt by peoples opinions had these parents not gone on a frenzy nut job pr campaign, lied to the police etc etc etc. From my view of other cases where the parents actually did it...those are the ones that were all over the news. A young lady went missing in my area last year and her name was constantly mentioned...she was shown on without a trace...her parents had her name out there up until they found her dead but in a much more quiet manner. There were even fundraisers in honor of her but it was done in the form of yard sales, craft fairs, bake sales. bottle drives. It gave the parents enough money to keep her posters up and her name in the media. Every bake sale and bottle drive was mentioned on the news. Seems a more appropriate way to do things in my eyes. These parents were certainly far from the McCanns financially. He worked in a mill and she a dept store. Yet they managed to keep their daughters name out there for the 7 mos she was missing.
2007-06-11 12:02:59 UTC
John McCann makes me ashamed to be Scottish.

that money was not collected for globe trotting. they are both doctors and must be earning in the region of nearly £200.000 a year between them. they could have well put a ransom up themselves.

and another thing decent people would have done is:-

1. immediately after her gone missing, been hunting in bushes, and woodland and the beach.

1. gone round knocking on all private house doors

3. knocked on all hotel rooms

4.took turns in doing this every day the other one watching the twins. it seems the babysitting service was ok once maddy went missing

5.Shown at least some public anger toward robert moran. although there is no proof, the guy did have child porn on his pc....i would have gone for his throat

and to end it ....decent people

Chris S
2007-06-11 05:29:04 UTC
Hmm 'Anyone with a shred of decency is on our side.'

Well ok John, in that I would like nothing more than Madeleine to be returned safely, yeah ok I'm with you. If however you are as I suspect, implying that the huge number of people that question your brother and sister in law's actions somehow lack 'decency' then you are a disgrace. Most 'decent' people do not condone their actions and are perfectly justified in saying so, preferably the louder the better. There is a chance that it may just help save a child from a horrible fate of any type in the future if a climate is created where it becomes even more clearly unacceptable to leave very young children alone.


gorge san
2007-06-14 04:13:14 UTC
I disagree.

I know Maddie's parents were very stupid for leaving there children alone, but when you are on holiday you tend to be more laid back. I think it is horrible to think that the parents only care about the money. I am sure Maddie's parents were not the first parents to leave there children alone. My opinion is that they feel extremely guilty about leaving there children alone, and I could not disagree more about what you are saying.
2007-06-11 05:33:39 UTC
It seems to me that every time John McCann opens his mouth diarrhoea comes pouring out.

This comes alongside another fantastic quote " This has nothing to do with duty of care!"

Decency! Decency! Who the hell does he think he is? Decent people don't leave their children alone and unsupervised so that they can go out to dinner. Decent people don't leave their children alone to go out full stop. Decent people don't lie to the police hindering an investigation into their child's disappearance. Decent people admit their wrong-doings. Decent people don't milk a tragic situation for all it's worth. Decent people would look aggrieved that their child was missing.

Decent people are not the McCanns.

If Gerry and Kate's PR team have any sense whatsoever they will gag and bind John McCann.
2007-06-14 06:46:41 UTC
I completely agree with you ..... they are NOT parents. Being a parents means to look after a child / children every minute of every day .... not just when you feel like it.

No parent should be able to control their tears in such a circumstance ... if it was any of my children the tears would just flow .... tears are not a conscious emotion they just happen ... real tears anyway .... !

I really hope they find Maddie alive .... just like everyone else ... then they should have all their children taken as far away from them as possible.
2007-06-11 04:25:30 UTC
What an arrogant man.

So anyone that was appalled that 3 young children were left alone, lacks decency?

I don't think so.

How about the parents having the decency to admit they were wrong. That would be a start. Not gonna happen though, perfect Kate & Gerry Never, repeat Never, ever get anything wrong.

I wonder how many people know exactly what their donation is being spent on?

As for kidnappers? Surely not likely after more than a month.
2007-06-11 09:37:32 UTC
For how high profile this case has been, 1000 hits on the petition is a very very small amount.

I don't know whether or not there is a supporting website for the McCanns, I just wonder what kind of response they would get.

Nearly everyone I have spoken to have said how awful it is that she has gone missing, and how they wouldn't have left their children alone if it had been them, and nor would have I.

I have not heard one person, away from these boards, mention money or fame etc..
2007-06-11 03:39:21 UTC
Just read the article!! He also says: "Whenever logic dictates that she is definitely not in Portugal, that's the time to pull out.

"But until that day arrives then there's the horrible psychological problem of feeling that Madeleine is abandoned. They can't walk away and leave her."

Surely he means they can't walk away and leave her AGAIN !!Now I am unclear on whether or not they believe she is still in Portugal cos they are still using that as base, so does that mean logic dictates that Maddy is still there and if she is why aren't the parents staying there instead of going all over Europe... It gets more confusing everyday. Still it's good to see the reward is back up to 2.5 million again.
2007-06-11 05:52:15 UTC
every single question you post has a valid point mr dave s. its about time these 2 payed for what they have done. our thoughts and prayers have been with maddy from day 1. she deserves justice for what her so called parents did to her. when food and wine becomes more important than your children,maybe there is a good reason why they couldnt concieve naturally. it makes my stomach churn to think of what they are responsible for. maddy is paying the true price for their child neglect. how many times previous did they leave their children alone. they left them alone,and unprotected. they really do seem to be above the law here,and i havent a clue why. its a disgrace they are walking free,poor maddys not. we can only hope and pray she is safe and not suffering. if they had got theri prioritys right in the first place non of this would be happening. why is he so angry at criminals,has he forgot he is one. all that money,and he's the trusttee. THERE'S A FLAMING SUPRISE!!!!!. THIS WHOLE THING IS TURNING INTO A PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR HIM TO TRY AND FEEL IMPORTANT. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. WE HAVENT FORGOT YOU MADDY. SOMEONE WILL GET JUSTICE FOR YOU SWEETY. GOD BLESS YOU DARLING ANGEL. X
2007-06-11 06:30:44 UTC
This John McCann is a total ***, if his brother and sister in law were normal people who took their children with them to dine ( supposed to be a family holiday )then the public would have more sympathy. but it's obvious that it's acceptable within the McCANN CLAN and CO (Friends and hangers on) to leave their children unattended to gorge themselves and Co with food /wine etc and not give a damn about the poor kids left unattended in a apartment. So sorry "A MESSAGE TO ALL YOU McCANN'S" Decent people dont leave their kids alone to go and feed their faces
2007-06-11 04:18:27 UTC
He says in that article "We may make more use of the reward money".

By this, I assume he means the money that was put forward by celebrities etc. I didn't ever get the impression that they put this money forward to be paid for any ransom. I wonder whether these celebs would want their money paid to a peodophile or whether they wouldn't care as long as Madeleine was returned safely.
Beau Brummell
2007-06-11 05:16:32 UTC
Everthing about them just seems to grate. I would have thought they would do better to keep a low profile than talk about 'decent' people etc. The McCanns can't seem to accept that they should share the responsibility for Madeleine's abduction. They also don't seem to realise that the people who are not impressed by them care about Madeleine and not them.
2007-06-14 18:13:32 UTC
One can't help but think that had they spent a few measly Pounds on childcare they would need so much now.
2007-06-11 06:44:17 UTC
I too am on Madeline's side and pray for her

every day. What saddens me is all the

accusations flying around. It is all speculation,

and what happened to being innocent until

proven guilty!! People handle situations in

different ways,and do their crying behind

closed doors. If she was my child I would

go to the ends of the earth to try and find her.

Please don't be judgemental. The truth will

come out one day.
2007-06-11 08:38:34 UTC
Shouldn't that read.. "anyone with a few grand is on [their side ].......

As for the McCann website, hits mean nothing.. it is strange that the McCanns are not using an individual visitor counter.... !!
2007-06-11 05:16:39 UTC
they are criminals, someone emailed me a video of Madeline earlier, such a beautiful girl. I cannot get my around the fact they left their 3 children.WHY???? As for the quote bout the money, well I agree, thats Team McCann (by the way I hate that, Team McCann, they are not a football team!!!!!)
2007-06-11 06:32:58 UTC
WHAT! 'Anyone with a shred of decency is on our side". I think everyone's on madeleine's side. He's got the nerve.

ps: i agree too.
2007-06-13 10:19:07 UTC
i agree get the parents back to the uk and question them about the whole ordeal lets have some truth about the kidnap
2007-06-13 04:23:47 UTC
i totally agree these people seem to think they are loved and cared for that we all love them in their little bubble, ME, i cant wait for them to come back to uk and face the music,
2007-06-11 04:23:01 UTC
Good point you made there. Lock up the parents for good especially with children about and never let them out.
2007-06-11 05:51:47 UTC
agree completely, just because John has hair round his mouth, doesn't mean he has to talk like a fanny
Como Lewis (deceased)
2007-06-11 09:39:53 UTC
"Money is what these b******s listen to."

Actually Dave, he probably WAS talking about Gerry and Kate.
2007-06-11 06:51:59 UTC
over 1000 on the petition.. wow..

Dave S - I am sure you can tell us all... how many hits on the findmadeleine website? Last time I heard it was 172 million.

Puts the 1000 signatures in its place doesn't it? All of those probably came from people on here who have an unhealthy obsession in attacking everything the McCanns do.

Yes, I do know what hits are.. I understand that this is not 172 million people.. but don't you think it reflects where the majority of support lies? Whichever way you look at it.
2007-06-11 05:39:33 UTC
Well said.
2007-06-11 05:20:33 UTC
Clearly, their arrogance is hereditary.
2007-06-11 03:20:13 UTC
I completely agree! Lock her parents up, and throw away the key!
2007-06-11 03:34:57 UTC
Good old not afraid to differ. Madeleine's uncle seems to be hurt by the accusations hurled at his family. You'd be too, wouldn't you? His language & verbiage may not be "spot on" like yours Dave, but to me, he sounds really hurt. Why do you insist on making them out to be so mercenary? Isn't it a possibility that their visits are a screen to distract the abductor? Isn't it possible that they are using their own money but are raising more as they know that money runs out? It that so awful? They aren't forcing anyone, are they? How can you be so sure that PIs have not been hired. They wouldn't tell you, you know...Yup, they blundered bigtime & let down their baby but they are doing everything they can to get her back. You or I don't have to agree with their methods. They don't have to tell us what their strategy is. C'mon, let them do their best to right their wrong. Justice for Madeleine is not about getting back at her parents, its about finding her, which they are not giving up on, inspite of views like your own.

Edit: Seriously now, do you know them? Personally? You seem so familar with them & their thought processes & motives. Uncle John & you didn't hit it off at the last party?!

Edit: Oh...and i guess you wanted the Gospels, "When the Saints go marchin' in" & "Judgement Day"...huh?...Funny tho', i can't hear them trumpets blare when i read your posts...

: )
2007-06-11 03:20:49 UTC
couldnt agree more spot on
Chris B
2007-06-11 03:28:27 UTC
You beg to differ, don't include me or others in your vile opinions.

For someone who is a grown adult man, you have shown a disturbing, slightly twisted, and wholly negative take on this whole situation.

Are you is a prison or locked unit somewhere?

I hear those electronic bracelets chaff Dave. Keep moisturising your ankle :-))

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.