2008-12-04 13:51:45 UTC
Have the reporter at the Daily Mail and its readers not considered that if the licence fee and the BBC became an independent broadcaster the readers of the Daily Mail and their readership will not have the right to complain about BBC programming output.
the recent furore about Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand making lewd phone calls to the actor Andrew Sachs should have blown over weeks ago but the Daily Mails relentless witch-hunt of the BBC hasn't stopped. Have the Daily Mail not stopped to consider that if BBC were to become an indedependent broadcaster then the Mail and readership will not have to right to complain about who the corporation employs or what the programming output is on either radio or tv. I have always liked Jonathan Ross and always watched Friday Night with Jonathan Ross friday night are just not the same with JR.
I will admit in the past I have argued against the licence fee and thought it should be abolished but I have changed my mind I think the BBC makes some really good shows which is sold all over the world for instance Worst Week of my Life has been remade on US TV as Worst Week and so has Life on Mars and several other shows. If the BBC was an independent broadcaster BBC would have commercials on their channel between programmes probably and I don't we would have same high quality programmes we're used to as we have right now on the BBC. Personally I am sick of the Daily Mail relentlessness witch hunt of the BBC and all who work there if you don't like a show or programme(s) if you find the content(s) offensive then don't watch thats why we have different tv channels to watch and we don't have to watch tv we can always turn the tv off and read a book or listen to some music or go on the internet we all have choices.