The above is the headline Q. This is the full-version Q: Is it altruism if the US gov't helps victims of Katrina back on their feet by restoring the needed public infrastructure of the towns,cities ,counties, & parishes of LA, MS & AL? The people whose lives were impacted by Katrina & Rita & who were forced to leave their homes & businesses, want to go home but many can't until the gov't commits to & begins the effort to restore in earnest the public services necessary for people to commit to living temporarily in FEMA trailers while their homes are rebuilt. Public services from water to electricity to garbage/debris removal, police enforcement, public transportation, public housing, medical facilities, & education facilities that were all damaged or destroyed by Katrina & the Levee failures, are the necessary supporting infrastructure of daily life in any city. How can the gov't at all levels, Federal,State & Local, across the Gulf Coast think they can pretend otherwise. TWH 08282006