The man PAID for a service to be performed on a particular date and time; he did not get what he paid for. A friend, former airline worker, now retired, told me today that the POLICIES state they cannot ask a passengers on board and seated to leave for over-booking; those that came later are not allowed to board; they KNOW how many seats there are and how many passengers can board & they DO count people boarding. And that the idea of removing paying passengers already seated to give the seats to non-paying employees is unheard of. Non-paying employees usually are the first to board.
The police simply acted on the behest of the airline workers without question like puppets rather than investigate why; they acted like airline employees, not like public servant law enforcement personnel... bad, bad, bad publicity for the cops blindly catering to big business money.
The "fine print" some are repeating ad nauseum... that is a feeble attempt to UNLAWFULLY violate people's civil, legal and Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties. NO ONE loses their civil, legal or Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties by entering a business' property/premises. And signing the ticket can be argued is done under duress since you have no pragmatic, viable options available and cannot board unless it's signed.
Airlines have become abusive toward passengers. People must fight back and take back our civil, legal and Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties and DEMAND we be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Seems like our elected officials need to wake up and start earning their salaries and benefits for a change.