How can I go to Haiti to help with the relief efforts?
Gretchen Leigh
2010-01-15 13:12:19 UTC
I am a 19 year old high school graduate and I would love help Haiti any way possible. I've done a basic search but all I can find are organizations looking for donations. I don't have any extra money to donate, so I would love to donate my time. Can anyone help me?
26 answers:
2010-01-18 00:56:35 UTC
NEVER feel ashamed to want to help and NEVER change that heart of yours. Its hard to tell what is going on there so hard to say. Do keep in mind though that Haiti will be needing help for many years to come and probably you will start to see job/volunteer postings as the emergency phase turns to recovery then construction. There are not enough people who want to get their hands dirty. The world is lucky to have you!
2010-01-18 15:56:00 UTC
I'm very sorry but I think donation is the only way to help right now. Haiti was such a unsafe place even before the earthquake. I know you're trying to help by going down there but it's better to stay here and start saving up money. You don't have to send it to Haiti right away, because Haiti is going to need help for many many years. Just look at Hurricane Katrina. It was quite a while ago but they still need help.

And to the people who are attacking others for wanting to help, shut your mouths. Honestly if some terrible natural disaster were to happen in America, you wouldn't want the other countries just sitting there like whatever. Sure, we're split up in countries and cities and regions and we might not be fond of each other but at the end of the day we all live on ONE earth. We are united as ONE. We need to help our neighbors to function! We're all human beings living on a beautiful world! PEACE!
2010-01-17 14:35:32 UTC
I'm always looking for ways to get to Haiti. I'm a trained paramedic and have been wanting to do some humanitarian work. If interested and have any sort of special skills in the medical field, thats a good way in. The church I attend is getting together a group of healthcare professionals and will be setting up a mission trip to go down and help as best as we can. Thats always a possibility. On a side note, I had a chance to read some other peoples answers and those are also good ideas. I have one thing in particular to say to the person who commented first who essentially harrassed you for wanting to help. Who the hell do you think you are? What have you done this week to help someone else? Thank God we have people that are touched by things that have happened hundreds of miles away and they'd love to lend a helping hand....back to the question at hand, I hope this helps a little and good luck!
2010-01-15 13:33:41 UTC
I was wondering the same thing. I think that, since there is a bit of a logistical crisis right now in getting people and help to needy places, it may be that only certain skilled workers are being accepted at this time. I know there is a call for nurses, for example.

Nonetheless, I did a little search and here are some of the results. You might have to look around at some of the links to find where your hands might be welcomed It may be that you could help with the sorting of donated goods and medical supplies so that they can be shipped more quickly to Haiti: I volunteered with the Red Cross during Katrina... this is an excellent organization to volunteer with.
2010-01-18 04:28:25 UTC
As an individual you probably will not be aloud to go. The best way to get to a forgin place in need is to be a member of an organization that regullary reaches out to these type of places.

The Red Cross is one of the better places that come to mind. It might be too late to join and get to Haiti but you will be all set for the next big disaster (and trust me there WILL be more disasters)

Just to give you and idea. I am a volunteer firefighter with and EMT certification as well as urban search and rescue experience and I was not able to go. Everyone I asked just said they didn’t need any more people.

Keep your head up. And every else needs to grow up and quit bashing this person!!!
whats wrong with the world today
2010-01-18 16:14:19 UTC
First of all, how dare any of you put someone down for wanting to help any where! Its people like you who make this world a sick and twisted place. Yes, there are people and places here (USA) that could use help, but our fellow man (or woman) are in need too and why shouldnt we want to help? I have been to Haiti and the people there are amazing and loving and they need help. There is no reason for us not to want to help. I doubt most people who are there are looking for some sort of recognition. So, why dont those of you who dont think Haiti can use help, find something better to do with your time, like sit on your thumb or something!

Lastly, unfortunately i think it is pretty difficult to get to Haiti unless you have some sort of military connection. The only other way to get there is by boat, and the port is pretty banged up too, so it would be difficult to get in. Believe, if there were a way, i would be on my way to help. I have friends that reside in Les Cayes, and I would give anything to be there to help out.
2010-01-16 16:28:25 UTC

This is the link to Haiti Outreach which will outline how to help. Also, please contact the Red Cross since they have proven to be a humanitarian leader and reputable which is important during times of crisis. Fraudulent groups pop up out of nowhere to profit from tragedy as sick as it is. As for the comments regarding people needing help at home, I would love to know how many of them are contributing to any of the efforts for our hungry, homeless, or abused. I would venture a guess to say none of them because people with the empathy you have or people who are actually giving of their time and finances to causes here at home do not typically insult or reply with hostility to a question like yours. Whether it is helping the APL, cleaning a local shelter, or spending months in Darfur, people with compassion and selflessness get that the needs are on a similar plane and act without judgment and ridicule. Clearly these people have not seen the photos or have read/watched the coverage of how horrifying and desperate the situation in Haiti is nor could they imagine anything half as bad effecting their comfortable lives. And these are the people who will shamelessly reproduce and create offspring the likes of them - joy. Shame on them for being so quick to jump on you. May their MP3 players and Wii machines keep them safely indoors tonight since the real world has not reached up to shake their hands just yet. It will scare the hell out of them when it does though, rest assured.

Also, an idea. Money is scarce you said. Is there possibly a drive or fundraiser that you could start among your community? Just a thought...

Take good care.
2010-01-17 14:54:33 UTC
I agree with everyone, that we should just do our best here in the US and later on if there is a "possibility" to do humanitarian services, then go. But, if you have never done any type of humanitarian/volunteer work in the US to begin with; may I suggest for you to try that first and then see if you have the mind and spirit for something as catastrophic/massive as an earthquake - aftermath?

It takes a driven spirit, a strong character, a prepared mind and body and special training to be a volunteer for such horrific ordeal. Take it from me, been there, but in much smaller scale comparing to Haiti's disaster. -- I give you kudos for wanting to help though, but a good heart is not enough right now. :o)

Either way; my heart and prayers goes out to all Haitians and the volunteers of all countries participating/serving 24/7 non-stop.

"Haïti, mon esprit et mon coeur est toujours avec vous"

2010-01-17 21:32:13 UTC
Me and my boyfriend are trying to get to haiti as well and so far i have not found anyway to do so, my boyfriend was born and raised in haiti he has family there who he wants to go and help as well as all the other people who have been effected by the earthquake. I will advice you that unless you go with and organization it is not safe. Haiti is not a safe place, i know this personally i only feel safe going because of my boyfriend. I think that you wanting to go and help is a great thing. I will continue to search to find a way to get there, i will update you if i find anything and i ask you to please let me know of anything that u may find. thank you.
2010-01-17 15:13:29 UTC
Call different organziations like Samaritan's Purse, which I know that you can get on a disaster relief team. It may not be for Haiti but it may be the next time there is a disaster. You can be on their call list. Other orqanizations that provide disaster relief are World Vision, Unicef,

Samiaritan's purse had a lot of teams in Atlanta during the recent floods. Maybe you can be on a team and they will likely need lots of volunteers for Haiti in the future when things become more stable.
2010-01-17 17:14:20 UTC
Right now there are not to many organizatios who can use physical help unless you are trained medical pro.However in the coming months,man power will be neede to rebuild.Most likely you will have to provide your own tickets and they will provide the rest.For people who say why do not you help in the US.They have no idea as to how bad things are elswhere,You have lifetime to help here.I was in Cambodia recently.That is another country you should look into for on going help.Keep up the good thoughts Good luck

Dalai Lama once said

"All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives"
2010-01-17 22:55:55 UTC
thanks alot to all the stupid ppl for you great answers. and dude im exactly in your position i did a google search to see what i could find and your question popped up and i was like damn im a 19yr old high school grad and i wanna go help to. I remeber when katrina happened and i had no money to donate and i couldnt go to help i still feel so bad about that and i really wish there was something i could do good luck i hope u find a way to help i got a part time job so i could donate
2010-01-15 13:20:23 UTC
Voluntary organisations usually do not send students or young people to Haiti because it is very, very dangerous. There is no industry or trade out there, and poverty is extremely high, so most people get by through crime. I assume that they only want professionals out there, because organisations cannot afford to be accountable for the experiences of inexperienced volunteers. It is unfortunate and I too wish I could afford to help.
2010-01-17 15:13:26 UTC
The only reason why others won't sympathize with what your wanting to do is because they are afraid. There afraid to do what they've been taught to only "feel". It's ok to be concerned and feel remorse for those that suffer but u shouldn't get carried away... Is what they think. I respect and admire what u are trying to do. It's people like you that die with not just a name but a definition. Whether life is short for some or long for others in due time it will pass... And I woul hate to find myself on deaths bed realizing what I thought was living life was only someone elses definition! Be strong kiddo!
2016-11-08 10:04:22 UTC
of course a rustic like Iran that's warfare torn, attempting to rebuild isn't able to deliver suggestions. China had rescue communities and ingredients on the floor interior the 1st few days following the earthquake so which you're incorrect for calling them out. i don't be conscious of approximately Venezuela yet many different countries have joined interior the attempt from Europe and Asia. The Dominican Republic, which shares the island with Haiti has additionally been very supportive.
2010-01-17 12:31:17 UTC
I just checked on Red Cross and they are no longer accepting volunteers to go to Haiti. Just thought I would add that since many people suggested to look on their website. Good luck.
2010-01-15 13:28:30 UTC
You don't want to go there, trust me. Besides, they wouldn't send you to such a country as Haiti especially when you have no experience or training like the ones they are sending over there.

Haiti is a crap country, a snake pit...Do your research on the place and you will understand.

All you can do is donate money and/or rations.
2010-01-15 15:58:28 UTC
OMG, WOW! i TOTALLY agree with you, im trying to find a way to go also. & no matter what ppl say, i feel we CAN b in assistence, & even if werr not medically trained for this or whatever else they say. But im looking at this thru spiritual eyes & not a worldy view. Sure ppl in the US need help to, but this is a BIG natural disaster, wherr ppl are ALOT less fourtunate, & quite frankly, i dont consider fellow Americans to b the only ppl i need to help, or juss bcuz theyr american they get First _Priority help service, im apart of the WORLD, & i will help wherrever in the WORLD my heart draws towards. Its not about medical or physical attention, LOVE is the biggest Healer. see i want to help mentally & emotionally, therr are tons of kids tha no longer have parents, tha cud b held, talkd to, made smile, & help make laugh. there might b juss a little girl who wants her hair brushed ya kno! THATS how im tryna help! what if therr was a earthquake in the US, wherr yr children werr stuck, surely the $$ will put them in a place, & give them a bowl of food, but tha doesnt stop the constant crying, & forming of depression, or comfort. & i kno if it werr me, for someone to come & juss sit with me wud mean the world to me. Or even the Elders who cant really get around, juss any1 who needs a helping hand, or kind spirit ! So im with you! dont let ppl discourage you. & if u find a way let me kno, & im looking too ! :)
eric h
2010-01-17 17:47:45 UTC
well , i dont understand the little compation that some peaple have,, yes the usa has there own problems,, but most of them could help them selfs, i have no money or fuel to keep my home heated, but i can see that there is need, if peaple here need help, put down the bottle @ look for a job!!!!!aw i dont wont to work at a fast food joint,or i dont want milk the cows,,,,,,,,,,, lol,,who cares, grow up @ get a job.THESE PEAPLE HAVE NOTHING LEFT.
2010-01-15 13:21:24 UTC
i want to go there also and personally but ill be the one needing food and shelter also! which adds on one more victim in haiti....and that sucks :(

so i say you donate money or something...dont bother going will get a disease or something!

you will be the one dead lol jk
2010-01-15 13:18:25 UTC
The only way in to haiti is by boat, but there are already hundreds helping, so there is no rush because all these helpers have no where to sleep or cook food.
2010-01-18 06:24:30 UTC
im red cross trained 100 hrs two times deployed in usa i have dont enought training to go . people are are in there own world they would be the frist to complain unless they need help ,it harder to volunteer than people think .the ones who want to help aready do at home,i started volunteering in 1998 .because its so hard to volunteer i started "JES-US" im "jes-me" your "jes-u" together we are "JES-US"they wont let people in for 2 or 3 mo .we are planing a mission to go rebuild churches and schools or what ever they need ,if you want to go you need shots and a passport .if you would like to help my e mail is do what your heart says not idiots anyone who reads this and wants to help we turn no one away
2010-01-15 13:30:42 UTC
why would you want to get on a plane and go help people of another country when there are so many places in the usa that need help?

is it so you can come back and use what you did over there as a pick up line at the bar once you get back to impress people to make them think you are compassionate!
Flojo infestation
2010-01-15 13:21:28 UTC
They need money not more people.

Stay at home and fundraise.

The place is not far from anarchy.

It will not be safe for people like you

2010-01-17 15:09:57 UTC
there are plenty of people helping.

i think you will just be in their way.
Block Me
2010-01-15 13:17:05 UTC
boo hoo.

Plenty of people in the US need help.

Volunteer at a soup kitchen or elderly care.

I guess those people don't have a trendy enough cause for you to want to "help" though.

No celebrities showing up to thank you right? Nobody is going to interview you so why bother right? Yeah! How kind you are! Yeah!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.