OMG, WOW! i TOTALLY agree with you, im trying to find a way to go also. & no matter what ppl say, i feel we CAN b in assistence, & even if werr not medically trained for this or whatever else they say. But im looking at this thru spiritual eyes & not a worldy view. Sure ppl in the US need help to, but this is a BIG natural disaster, wherr ppl are ALOT less fourtunate, & quite frankly, i dont consider fellow Americans to b the only ppl i need to help, or juss bcuz theyr american they get First _Priority help service, im apart of the WORLD, & i will help wherrever in the WORLD my heart draws towards. Its not about medical or physical attention, LOVE is the biggest Healer. see i want to help mentally & emotionally, therr are tons of kids tha no longer have parents, tha cud b held, talkd to, made smile, & help make laugh. there might b juss a little girl who wants her hair brushed ya kno! THATS how im tryna help! what if therr was a earthquake in the US, wherr yr children werr stuck, surely the $$ will put them in a place, & give them a bowl of food, but tha doesnt stop the constant crying, & forming of depression, or comfort. & i kno if it werr me, for someone to come & juss sit with me wud mean the world to me. Or even the Elders who cant really get around, juss any1 who needs a helping hand, or kind spirit ! So im with you! dont let ppl discourage you. & if u find a way let me kno, & im looking too ! :)