1) England has had plenty of terroristic attacks. Maybe you don't remember the London subway station? Are you that obtuse?
2) 9/11 was a result of the unpreparedness of your precious balsy president Bush. It was not a direct plan of Hussein. The fact that Blair's mother was American is inconsequential to your question.
3) Don't wish an attack on other people, that's threatening and illegal.
4) If you care so damn much, join the military.
5) They did. As stated in #1.
Under additional details:
1) Blair had to demonstrate his political power. It's no longer a necessity for him to do that. **Afghanistan
2) No. Actually. We landed in Normandy. England was trying not to get too wrapped up in it and Russia would've killed off Germany for foregoing their pact. So you're incorrect to say that there would've been anything Nazi-related in Buckingham.
3) We nuked Japan because they bombed us first. We needed a quick stop because we weren't winning via ground forces. Japan, to this day, is very sorry about that as a culture. Don't be rude about cultural differences and don't you DARE say that you are proud you killed thousands of innocent people in Japan. (That would be similar to 9/11.)
4) England didn't want to get wrapped up in that issue. The US didn't either. The only reason we even entered was because of the bombing and the fact that we intercepted a note from Germany to Mexico coaxing Mexicans to overtake the US. England and Russia could have very well taken care of Germany in WW2 if we had stayed out of it.
5) No. Hussein did not do 9/11. We went in because "God" told Bush to invade Iraq. We were already in Afghanistan. And again, England has experienced terrorism. So they do understand.
You are very stupid and would lose any political fight you're trying to start. You clearly don't understand English history, world history, or American Battles on foreign soils. You have a lack of respect for those that have fought in foreign wars and that brings shame to all of the Americans who would never in a million years agree with you.
Blair stood by us because he felt the need to. There's no need for anyone to help us anymore. Get over it.