Dont you think Tony Blair and British troops are the only people with balls in England for supporting the war?
2009-05-01 12:44:42 UTC
I know ive been on Englands case today. But respect Tony Blair all the way. Its the English people who have given him and us a hard time.

The only reason the English people didnt support us was because they never experenced anything like 9/11

Saddam Hussein and Bin laden plotted and succeeded at killing
3,000 Americans on 9/11, and Tony Blair, just like Churchill (who had an American Mom- which shows where his guts and courage comes from) had the grapefruits to stand by us.

You folks across the pond can learn plenty from that dude.

If you ever have a 9/11 by the muzlums then you will see how quickly the American people will help you.
28 answers:
2009-05-01 13:24:45 UTC
Blair always struck me as a bit of a ponce.
2009-05-01 13:39:07 UTC
Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. The Bush regime wanted an excuse to invade Iraq because they needed to get their troops out of Saudi Arabia, where they were inflaming the Islamist militants. After 9/11 they cynically manipulated the insecurity of the American public to get them on board for an invasion by fabricating a link between Iraq and 9/11 and tales about weapons of mass destruction.

Blair roped us in on Iraq against the wishes of the British people because he has some kind of messiah complex.

Your remarks about Britain never experiencing terrorism are exteremely ignorant. Google IRA, Lockerbie, 7/7.
2016-05-25 10:53:37 UTC
The Iraq war is a no win situation and has been obvious for as long time except to Bliar. It is easy for Bliar to use other peoples lives to boost his ego and position with Bush. We are now considered the same as the USA an illegal and cruel occupation army. We need to get out of Iraq now and that applies to Afghanistan also, where again we are supporting the corrupt puppet regime of Karzai who was an employee of one of the Bush companies. It was all about the gas pipeline through Afghanistan to India for USA corporate greed, the Taliban would not agree with the price offered by the USA so we have another regiem change. Days after taking office Karzai signed the contract with the USA for the pipeline.
2009-05-01 13:11:56 UTC
1) The English people have been being blown up by the IRA for the last 100 years. They thought that Americans were weak and panicky after 9/11. They made fun of Ameirca for going to pieces after 9/11. Especially when radio stations started banning Phil Collins songs and episodes of Pokemon

2) The English people saw 9/11 as being America's own fault for 60 years of failed middle eastern policy. Many English thought that America was a big bully getting some of its own. If you kick an ants nest for long enough eventually you will get bitten.

3) According to the CIA and the FBI, as well as England's own secret service, Saddam Hussein had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.

You obviously don't know the first thing about 9/11 or Iraq. Bin Laden was a sworn ENEMY of Hussein. Hussein was a secular leader put in power by the CIA and Bin Laden saw him as a traitor to Islam. Both would have killed the other is they had a chance.

4) England WAS bombed by radical Islamists and Ameirca did nothing. England was also repeatedly bombed by the IRA and Washington actually backed the terrorists by refusing to extradite IRA fund raisers in the US and by not handing over intelligence reports on the IRA.

Blair was a coward. Iraq was a dusty third world hole in the ground. It was wracked with poverty and disease due to 10 years of sanctions. It had no military to speak of. It's air force consisted of a hand full of cold War era jets that were barely enough to mount patrols let alone fight a war, and it didn't have a navy, only a small coast guard. Blair teamed up with the most powerful military in the free world and invaded a country in an orgy of firepower. This wasn't the act of a brave man, this was the act of a weak coward hiding behind the coattails of Bush.

To make matters worse, Blair LIED about why he was going to war. He invented a chemical and biological weapons threat and invaded because of that.

Are you listening to this? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and your big hero Blair didn't help the US because of 9/11 he lied and invented a fake threat to attack a small weak middle eastern country for OIL.

Of and I will repeat myself about the IRA. England has experienced more terrorism that America has. Alquida attacked America ONCE. I was in England during the mid 80s-90s. I have lost count of the bombs that went off, and of the amount that were defused by the bomb squad. I was evacuated because of real/suspected bombs that you have absolutely no idea what it was like.

Remember Ohma? and the Manchester bombings? England knows terrorism far more than the US ever will.
Helen S
2009-05-01 12:58:24 UTC
Janey, please don't associate Tony Blair with the British people. He's a long gone but never to be forgotten embarrassment to this country. As the poodle of Bush he took our country into a war where there was no need to be. That was an illegal war and the pair of them should be arrested for war crimes. I'm not supporting Saddam Hussein or any of his ilk but the plain and very simple truth is best for Americans to understand - if you know where Iraq is to start with on the globe - there are two Muslim tribes in Iraq and when the Yanks eventually leave, everything that has been put in place by our two countries will have been for nothing. Those two tribes will revert to feudalism and crucify each other in the interest of the same religion! You cannot get away from 11th century dictat! Why do you think their females are so repressed? fOR GODS SAKE, DON'T ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THIS, STUDY THE MIDDLE EAST AND TRY TO HELP THE WOMEN OVER THERE GET OUT OF THE MISERY THAT THEY HAVE TO CALL LIFE!

Ah Ha! it's the pencil head from earlier today who has no comprehension of the British Language and thinks that it's a derivative of american??? One finger down the throat will do ladies!

As i said earlier to you, you seriously need to get an education and hopefully not from the same place that Bush and Clinton went to, they don't know geography nor history, relied on advisors to tell them when to button up their flies, well sometimes even the help got fed up and let them advertise their wares. Not very preposessing anyway by British standards, and quite honestly asking a chalet maid for a ********? how undignified for her! Was there any wonder she complained when she saw what little there was on offer?

Sorry dearie, but in another twenty years or so you just might with a lot more education understand what the Great in Great Britain used to mean. Doesn't at the moment because Blair was Bush's poodle for a while, globalisation and all that rot, but soon you'll all be dancing to our tune again and begging for visits to our Queen and Royal Family. You don't have a history, that's it! That's what you lack besides intelligence - history! Toodle pip!
2009-05-01 13:10:58 UTC
1) England has had plenty of terroristic attacks. Maybe you don't remember the London subway station? Are you that obtuse?

2) 9/11 was a result of the unpreparedness of your precious balsy president Bush. It was not a direct plan of Hussein. The fact that Blair's mother was American is inconsequential to your question.

3) Don't wish an attack on other people, that's threatening and illegal.

4) If you care so damn much, join the military.

5) They did. As stated in #1.

Under additional details:

1) Blair had to demonstrate his political power. It's no longer a necessity for him to do that. **Afghanistan

2) No. Actually. We landed in Normandy. England was trying not to get too wrapped up in it and Russia would've killed off Germany for foregoing their pact. So you're incorrect to say that there would've been anything Nazi-related in Buckingham.

3) We nuked Japan because they bombed us first. We needed a quick stop because we weren't winning via ground forces. Japan, to this day, is very sorry about that as a culture. Don't be rude about cultural differences and don't you DARE say that you are proud you killed thousands of innocent people in Japan. (That would be similar to 9/11.)

4) England didn't want to get wrapped up in that issue. The US didn't either. The only reason we even entered was because of the bombing and the fact that we intercepted a note from Germany to Mexico coaxing Mexicans to overtake the US. England and Russia could have very well taken care of Germany in WW2 if we had stayed out of it.

5) No. Hussein did not do 9/11. We went in because "God" told Bush to invade Iraq. We were already in Afghanistan. And again, England has experienced terrorism. So they do understand.

You are very stupid and would lose any political fight you're trying to start. You clearly don't understand English history, world history, or American Battles on foreign soils. You have a lack of respect for those that have fought in foreign wars and that brings shame to all of the Americans who would never in a million years agree with you.

Blair stood by us because he felt the need to. There's no need for anyone to help us anymore. Get over it.
2009-05-01 13:10:05 UTC
Yea your statement sounds pretty cool but there is a little snag with it. Iraq was the wrong F*****G country. Iraq was a scar left over from when Bush's daddy was in power & 9/11 was the excuse Bush junior needed to go into Iraq. The only problem are the terrorists are still running riot. Believe it or not they bombed London. I mean how many years have you been in Iraq now. How long does it take to sort out a few tribesman with a few tomahawk cruise missiles. It is a war you have already lost
2009-05-01 13:28:32 UTC
Never experienced 9/11? We had UK born there. We had also been the target of the IRA for years and thousands died. That little campaign by terrorists was also part funded by US citizens. Please get your facts, never mind getting them right, just get them.

Saddam never plotted anything apart from yanking the wests chain. Bush Junior wanted to settle old scores, simple. Tony Blair did not have the cobblers to tell the US war monger to get lost as he should have.

Nukes. You would not have had the bomb if it were not for the europeans.

Germany. You could not have helped, note the word helped, if it were not for us holding out.
2009-05-03 09:07:32 UTC
Ha ha. You really need to experience a little more of the world sweetheart. There are so many glaring errors in your rant that I won't bother going into them. However you should be aware that people like you were the reason for 9/11: hateful and ignorant. :)
2009-05-01 17:24:49 UTC
I think it's pretty funny that someone who is acting like an ignorant American deliberately to wind British people up is infact British herself lol

Really dear, all it takes is 1 look at the bottom of the screen where it says "this question was originally asked in UK Yahoo answers" to figure it out soon enough lol
Hollister C
2009-05-01 12:58:17 UTC
0/10 for knowledge of history. Saddam Hussein did not plot 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden was nowhere near Iraq.

2/10 for the troll, since you did get some responses.
2009-05-01 14:04:09 UTC
Well do you mean england or Uk as an whole .let us get that fact straight,as there were troops from Scotland ,Wales and NI Ireland there.

Saddam had nothing to go with 9/11 sorry that is fact not fiction,despite every crooked way of reporting.

You only entered the war after you were attacked at pearl harbour..

Also I would suggest you learn to spell.

I actually find your question extremely offensive,you obviously have no idea of history
2009-05-01 12:58:58 UTC
BALLS? what balls do you need to fight against a bunch of third world starving losers sitting on a mountain side with a 1918 rifle with no bullets inside it?

You think taking on Iraq and Afghanistan too bravery or took courage?

I could have sent the girl guide in their with their slingshots and defeated of what was left of Saddams Army in 2003.

No If you want bravery tell Blair etc.. to pick a fight with a nation that can fight back at least? say Russia or maybe North Korea? Then when the flaks starts flying back then we'll see "bravery"
2009-05-01 12:54:54 UTC
Sorry but Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. Moreover the US and us Brits had no permission from the UN to invade Iraq.
marcus VI
2009-05-01 13:06:26 UTC
Tony Blair, NO ! British troops YES! The British armed forces, as per usual, perform their duty in a brave and efficient manner. Their political "masters" sit on their collective arses miles from danger and make sympathetic noises over another pointless death in a war which should not be !
2009-05-01 14:08:51 UTC
You really are showing how stupid and ignorant you are. Here in the UK we were victims of terrorism long before 9/11. Are you someone who thought the IRA were freedom fighters? I suggest you stop your ridiculous posts as you are an embarrassment to your fellow countrymen.
2009-05-01 13:15:27 UTC
9/11 was Bush's Reich-stag Fire.

Same as Hitler assured his rise to power, GW assured his rights to Iraqs Oil.

Saddam had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11 & blair's a war criminal who LIED to the UK general public as there were no WMDs

They had all been deactivated by the UN back in the early 90s & head UN weapons inspector David Kelly died to cover b’liars & his lies.

Why do you Americans idolise a con man?

If B'liar was so good why isn't he still our prime minister?
2009-05-01 13:07:22 UTC
janey. you are not the only people to experience terrorism. we in uk have lived with the IRA terrorism for years. IRA sponsored by USA. you americans have got your heads up your backside. you honestly believe we dont know about terrorists? you should look at the real world. you are not the most important people. you are ignorant of the real world.

do you really think nukking the japanese was good?

if your "question was aimed at annoying the british people ? well done. its worked.
2009-05-01 12:56:23 UTC
Blair is a war criminal and traitor. He murdered countless Iraqis and sent British troops to their death. Even the British army don't want to be in Iraq.

I'm ashamed of America's interference in the Middle East. While Afghanistan was justifiable they had no right to attack Iraq. There was no evidence Saddam conspired with Osama or had WMDs. Worse, you support a terrorist state occupying Palestine which is the reason the Muslims hate you in the first place.
2009-05-01 13:05:29 UTC
You don't know much history, do you?

Britain never had terrorism, have you not heard of the IRA, which you yanks actually funded?

Japanese bombs, they were scientific/political tools, the war was already over. So technically, they were war crimes.

If the Japanese had not been allowed to bomb Hawii they the Yanks, would never have got involved.
2009-05-01 18:10:21 UTC

tony blair has the blood of every dead UK soldier on his hands

he lied to you

he lied to me
2009-05-01 13:28:42 UTC
Obvious troll is obvious.

This schmuck isn't a Yank, look at their history.
2009-05-01 14:12:24 UTC
you people supported and financed the terrorist IRA for years so dont expect any sympathy from us .
2009-05-01 13:07:44 UTC
For the love of god woman, get an education.
2009-05-01 12:50:31 UTC
going to war against a weak country with a strong ally is not 'having balls,' it's cowardice.
2009-05-01 12:50:18 UTC
"then you will see how quickly the American people will help you."

Will they be as quick as they were to act in WW II ??? not hold our breath then.
2009-05-01 12:57:21 UTC
what about all the other wars instigated by usa, were they all good decisions
2009-05-01 12:50:56 UTC
Yawn.......not taken that prozac yet then....?

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