Was Harriet Harman involved with PIE?
2014-02-24 10:36:04 UTC
At the moment the Daily Mil is running a series of articles linking Harman, her husband Dromie and Patricia Hodge with the Paedophile Information Exchange back in the 70's an d 80's through their work with Liberty. Harman has called the Mail articles a 'smear campaign' Now I know the Daily Whale can be a bit much, but if these stories are untrue then surely Harman would just sue the Mail through the courts.
Eleven answers:
2014-02-24 10:46:42 UTC
Lol it was absolutely true, the misguided over liberal agenda of the left at the time is one of the reasons I have never had any time for them!

They were campaigning for the age of consent to be reduced to 10 years old and my leftie friends actually believed it was ok and anything goes, paedophillia was seen as an alternative lifestyle which must have rights and be validated.

They undermined marriage and the family stating that the nuclear family with a mum a dad etc was bourgeoise (middle class) and they encouraged girls to have children out of wedlock, this had the effect of tipping far more families into poverty and spoiling their life chances, no one dared mention marriage but we now know that kids are far better off with two parents to give them a balanced up-bringing.

So much for the left being intelligent.

For lefties

And that highly respected and most left of the left society the Fabians wanted to bring in Eugenics, proving that the left are the worst nazis of the lot

In the early 1900s Fabian Society members advocated the ideal of a scientifically planned society and supported eugenics by way of sterilization.[citation needed] This is said to have influenced the passage of the Half-Caste Act, and its subsequent implementation in Australia, where children were systematically and forcibly removed from their parents, so that the British colonial regime could "protect" the Aborigine children from their parents. In an article published in The Guardian on 14 February 2008 (following the apology offered by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to the "stolen generations"), Geoffrey Robertson criticised Fabian socialists for providing the intellectual justification for the eugenics policy that led to the stolen generations scandal.[31][32] Such views on socialism, inequality and eugenics in early 20th century Fabians were not limited to one individual, but were widely shared in the Fabian Society and throughout a broad political spectrum.[33][34]
2014-02-24 10:43:14 UTC
I do remember reading about the PIE in the late 1970s but I couldn't tell you whether these terrible three are/were involved or not. Liberty (was it the NCCL then?) was/is known for being ultra left-wing so maybe they were. They do try to appear more respectable now but in their younger days they were on the march here and there.

It may well be that if untrue there would have been a God-almighty fuss made by all three of them by now. We'll have to wait and see.

I'd have thought any paper these days would publish such an article with great care.
David GH UK
2014-02-24 11:18:16 UTC
I dont think she was directly,but she and the others supported what was The National Council for Civil Liberties (now called "Liberty") who did support the aims of the PIE group. in those days

These things were not talked about like they are today. They may not have fully understood what it was being generous ?

On tonights news they have all released statements of denial,but as the BBC correspondent noted there was no threat to sue..
David S
2014-02-24 11:31:10 UTC
Of course she is one of the most sexually phobic politicians in the country and always has been. Why don't you read a newspaper that contains some degree of unbiased non invented journalism like the Independent, the Telegraph or the Guardian. The Mail is a neo nazi newspaper that supported Hitler in the 1930s and is now trying to discredit anybody in public life who is not on the extreme right. (I have no particular brief for Harriet Harman or the Labour Party but we are all entitled not to be libelled in the gutter press)
2014-02-25 08:27:22 UTC
I find it all rather sinister.

The history of this is that before the 1970s, attitudes toward The Sin That Dare Not Speak Its Name, i.e. homosexuality, were about the same as they are today in sub-Saharan Africa. In the 1960s, there were a number of sexual liberation movements, gay rights being one, and paedophile rights another. At that time, there was little to distinguish them all. Their opponents considered them all to be depraved and needed wiping out and replacing with the moral certainties of the 1950s. The supporters considered it part of a civil liberties issue, and so they were all lumped in under one banner. It was only in the 1970s that they seriously addressed the whole topic of sexual liberation, deciding which previously deviant sexualities were to become acceptable, and which should face a far stronger taboo. Today, any hint of a criticism of homosexuality is considered "homophobia" and is almost an arrestable offence, whereas any hint of support for paedophilia is sufficient to get you banned from polite society for life.

Knowing Harriet Harman to be in the vanguard of what can only be described as an Orwellian anti-sex league, and nicknamed Harridan Harperson for her feminist views, I would be very surprised if she expressed any sympathy whatsoever for PIE, regardless of her membership of NCCL. It would be completely out of character. I also accept her insistance that she and her husband joined NCCL after PIE affiliated itself to it, and were instrumental in arguing for their removal at the time. Considering the raft of anti-paedophile policies that came in under New Labour, I cannot accept PIE had any favoured influence over either Harriet Harman or Patricia Hewitt. I do even suspect that these two might have been instrumental in deciding that homosexuality was acceptable and paedophilia was not.

As for Savile, most of what he did was before their time, and he had much more influence over Margaret Thatcher than he had over anyone that succeeded her. Is the Mail is suggesting that Harridan regularly entertained PIE campaigners for Christmas dinner? If they want to rake up historic muck, then what about Savile and Thatcher's relationship?

The Mail article is one of a series of fairly crude smears against senior Labour politicians. I remember an old story about Ed Miliband's father that did the rounds last year. They are very probably orchestrated by someone in Conservative Central Office, and is certainly in character with a shady special adviser, who seem to be setting how we are to be governed, rather than anyone elected by the public.

I find all this rather irritating, especially since other quite important Parliamentary activities, such as the proposed closure of good hospitals such as Lewisham General in order to fund corrupt PFI contracts is being completely unreported except by 38 Degrees. This particular policy, started by Major, continued by Blair and Brown and on into the Coalition seems to be unrelated to who is actually elected to govern, and confirms in my mind that British democracy has been perverted. Is this not a rather more important news story than some taboo organisation that was wound up more than thirty years ago?

There are plenty other unmandated and deeply damaging things being pushed through Parliament that we are simply not being told about. Instead, we get day after day of this sort of rubbish, such as the PIE / NCCL non-story.

I expect this sort of behaviour from the Mail, but not from the BBC. Criticising Harman for refusing to admit to any involvement with PIE in the 1970s, to the extent that she appears to be judged by our national broadcaster to be guilty of denial, is far more serious.

I would not be surprised if the BBC be taken to court by Harman for what they suggested today, let alone the Mail. I think she and the Labour Party are showing astonishing restraint - probably because after the Gagging Act has now been passed, they know the electorate must now get most of its information from organisations such as the BBC and the Daily Mail.
2014-02-24 11:37:39 UTC
the mail have a liberty circular written by harman the then legal advisor of the group suggesting exactly that.. ooopps! why do you think the creatures are trying the fake dignified silence bull.. ha! litigation; well there again the world isn't made out of lunatic socialists willing to forgive all and any instance of human slavery and it's apologisers so long as it's committed in the comrades names. {view other answers for details}
corny, but still never was a cornflake girl
2014-02-24 11:15:08 UTC
No but she is a victim of a Mail smear campaign which fails to recognise the fact that her and her husband were some of the very few stood against PIE in the Civil Liberties group and got slated for doing so at the time.
2014-02-24 10:51:23 UTC
Now I wouldn't normally miss a chance to kick Labour, but I honestly do not believe Harriet Harman would knowingly have anything to with such an organisation.....If ever there was any I'm sure it would be inadvertent.........

I think we just need to be very careful before casting such hideous aspersions............she may be a lefty but still doesn't deserve that.....
2014-02-24 12:44:44 UTC
If she was a tory it would be on the news every day,philip schofield would be giving his opinion and she would be hounded out of public life.What's sauce for the goose....
2014-02-24 10:41:41 UTC
The truth is finally coming out and this trio cannot deny that they were involved in a vile organisation that wanted to lower the age of consent to TEN, and legalise incest. It was Patricia Hewitt not Hodge who was Health Minister when Saville was prowling hospital wards and she was made aware of what he was doing and did not ban him from hospitals he visited.

BTW several other newspapers as well have picked up on the activities of this trio.
2014-02-24 11:57:07 UTC
And some people wonder why so many people voted for Thatcher.

Those with long memories remember why.

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