Lal Guru
2009-09-21 10:00:32 UTC
Obama peace plan 'has no chance of success'§ionid=351020101
Because of the followings:
This map “First Jewish colony in Palestine, 1878” ( shows a small number of the Jews were living in the Arab land without any trouble.
This map “United Nations Partition Plan-UN Resolution 181, 1947 / Rhodes Armistice Line, 1949” ( was a solution to European anti-Jewish sentiments and action at the expense of Arabs.
This offer “Projection of the West Bank Final Status Map presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000” ( clearly shows that the Israelis offered nothing to the Palestinians.
Remember, you won’t have a peace without justice.
Now, for some reasons, these maps are not well published in the western media! That does not mean they are not true!! Similarly, above quotes can not be dismissed as untrue unless some one provides corroborative evidence.
Now, Israel won’t stop building new settlements in the occupied Palestine because Israel does not want peace. Israel does not want to hand over the occupied land because it got the bigger guns.