What can be done to fight the terrorism in India? The time has come after yesterday's attack in Bangalore.
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What can be done to fight the terrorism in India? The time has come after yesterday's attack in Bangalore.
83 answers:
Narendra K
2008-07-28 05:19:58 UTC
Seal the borders and when the Army or police see the terroist shoot at sight.
2008-07-28 09:45:52 UTC
Why terrorism ?

This is just like any other crime. The criminals use jobless youth.

So proper economic structure can help. Fast money can damage the mind.

The education system should not be Bookish ! Kabir: "Poti Padi-padi Jagmua, Pandit bhaya Na Koi. Dhai Akshar 'Prem' ki Padhai so Pandit Hoi" Religion should be more of Philosophy rather than rituals and customs.

Less terror with Jains and Buddhists ........ Why? Dr.Rafique Zakaria had told the Muslim,"Instead of 'Kill & get killed' express 'Live & let live'. "

The idea of 'Punishment', 'Curse', 'Revenge' in the name of GOD is playing more on the minds instead of Love.

This LOVE can win hearts ........ but, Fight induce fight!

Starts with Leaders when they talk of 'Justice' by sword, although it has printed word 'PEACE' on it. Their relations are never spared but killed and we cry 'Hassan and Husain'.

Is it 'Brotherly' love?

Hindu shastra talks of 'Kalki' avtar who will ride in with Fire. So those Bombs have started Kaliyug.

The Love of Jesus/Krishna has ended with a pierce in the feet. GITA: "killing relation for Justice" has started Kaliyug.

Its now 'Animal World' ..... survival of the fittest. That's the story of the Desert & Jungle. Humane-less desert or Human jungle?

Prevention at the start is better than Cure!
Md Mazarul Haque A
2008-07-28 08:47:04 UTC
First of all the media of all kinds must stop naming any oranization before ascertaining beyond reasonable doubt as to who are the persons said to have done so. Secondly the polititians are not to be allowed to comment against any organizations for generating hit by their own comments to gain political mileage. Thirdly the police and other security personnel are to toned up for their duties and must always be on their toes. Any lapse or failure to be strictly dealt with. Fourthly, all the trial and conviction of such antisocial persons are to be publicised for aware of the public for deterent effect. Then only terrorism can be fighted against.
2008-07-28 07:07:01 UTC
A step by step work is to be needed... at two ends the first one is the prevention of terrorism and second one is to counter it...

Prevention.. to change terrorists

1. Find out the youth who are lured by some extremists into such activity and help them psychologically..

2.Prevent such places where such hatred is taught.

3. Make the law more intense.

4.Find and solve the problems on which terrorism can be stopped..

Cure (to prevent any attacks) stop their attacks

1.Make India;s Cyber security system strong..India has a vast number of it professionals but Indians websites and cyber security is very low..

2.Involve local people and there support..

3.Improve intelligence systems..

4.Dont send terrorists to prison its the major fault ..example hijack of IA plane taken to Kandhar..
2008-07-28 06:49:47 UTC
The government should put CCTV cameras everywhere to detect bombs, thieves etc.The government should keep little police-men to guard a place.
2008-07-28 06:19:24 UTC
There should proper co-ordination between various agencies dealing with security matters. We should create a separate cell, may be under SPG/ RAW and Intelligent gathering should be strengthened. These agencies should be working independent of any department and just on the lines of election commission.

Concerned departments should act fast on the information provided to them.Further security agencies alertness should be improved, this would deter the extremist on operating smoothly. Peoples co-ordination and alertness should increase. NO INTERFERENCE FROM POLITICIANS IN THIS AREA.
2008-07-28 04:12:23 UTC
It is a war-like situation. And the response to be appropriate to war. The sooner the Indian government realised the better.

The governments should spare no stones unturned and no amount of spending for containing terrorism is a waste. There should be a round the clock vigil. The law should give the enforcing agencies enormous powers to deal with the situation. I marvel at the way the US and UK have been handling the terrorism issues. Be ruthless.

The political parties should arrive at a consensus on this issue. The internal political bickering should not come in the way of tackling the issue. No bleeding and no more apportioning the blame.
2008-07-28 04:07:55 UTC
what can be done..? the answer is very easy, and the implementation is equally difficult. it's not in the hands of the politicians, it's in our hands. we need to wake up from the slumber and think deeply "are we encouraging terrorism in any way"? actually, we are, by being corrupt and giving excuses in our own way. after all, we do believe in getting through a short-cut than taking the long road ahead, dont we? think deeply and we will get the answers... bribing a traffic police, getting a driving license thru bribing, getting done everything thru short-cut and avoiding the genuine road. buying everything that's pirated and nothing original... the list is endless
2008-07-28 04:01:33 UTC
We always keep blaming the politicians and the police or intelligence for this kind of terrorist activities...

but do we ever think what could have been done by us to stop all these things?

is it possible for the police or intelligence officials to keep checking all the bus stops and railway stations or wherever the place that people gather like anything? I agree this can be achieved by employing modern day technologies... but it requires a great shift in our approach towards national security which may take some time but will happen eventually...

But does that mean innocent people should keep sacrificing their lives till they come up with a great effort to control terrorism ? not necessarily

The public should get an awareness like when they suspect something in the neighborhood inform the police... but for this, first of all we should learn to interact with the people around us and getting knowing about them which has been lost in the modern city life... till the time the shame will continue and you will keep blaming the police and politicians for the same..


2008-07-28 03:35:44 UTC
u first need a new gov. untill these uselss ministers are not removed nothing can be done.
2008-07-28 11:15:45 UTC
Ask Sushma Swaraj ! She has all the answers and solutions including the theory that it was the Congress that was behind these dastardly acts (Sic). Ask her. God Bless India I say !
2008-08-01 00:31:05 UTC
Well according to me its not as complicated as you all are making it... And there is no question bout "terrorists" from "neighbouring countries" coming and bombarding a place like Bangalooru!!! I mean, gimme a break, why will anybody want to bombard Bangalooru is he some "cheap third class terrorist" or something??? No... Its DEFINITELY (not most probably) just a political crisis... That is, this is the first time that a RSS party has come into action in a South Indian state that too in Bangalooru where Congress (I) has always had a strong hold. Now, when elections are nearing a certain party (you might have guessed which by now) got these bomb blasts done just to destabalize the BJP. Otherwise, if it was an international mind do you think they would set bombs as weak as crackers that too in almost deserted places like Nayandahalli and Mysore Road...

I know there were explosions in other places too but if the blasts were really unknown to the "government poeple" of Bangalooru then even the bomb at Forum Mall would blow off. But it didn't... why?... cause if it did then there would be major loss. But as I explained earlier "major loss" wasn't the intension of the "real terrorists", their intensions were solely to destabalize the BJP government. So, Bangalooruians stop faking that Bangalooru is some mine of gold that international terrorists are trying conquor... the world is not boo hooed enough, there are places much better to be conquored. Its the handy work of the local dogs who r thirsty for power THATS IT!
2008-07-29 01:16:53 UTC
What can be done to fight the terrorism in India? is the proper question, but 'The time has come after yesterday's attack in Bangalore' has no relevance as far as many an earlier occasions had been there right from the Govt. of India sacrificing its everything during the Kandahar (Afghan) episode.

However, few points I think may be contiguous to fight terrorism or 'any calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature, done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear' may be noted as:

1. The Acts and rules for curbing terrorism or for that fact any similar situations should be reviewed in the finer outlook for a spontaneous action of retaliation strctly denying the chances of turning the matter into decades of legal activities.

2. No political leverage of whatsoever nature should be attributed to similar acts.

3. The law enforcing agencies of the area in which such things happen should be taken to task and their services terminated on the simple reason that they have failed in their duties, for which they are paid form the exchequer.

4. Parliament and politicos having rendered as mere mockery of democracy, it should be bounden duty of the citizen to take initiative en-mass.

5. The parties ashamedly and courageously owning the responsibilities of such heinous acts should be booked and their life terminated in public.

If above is attained, I'm sure, no one will bother to with terrorism, when they are sure about the fate.
2008-07-29 00:44:25 UTC
You know one thing from past history, Killing the innocent people is one of the hobbies Muslims dynasty. No other invaders (English,French,Portuguese) did much killings in India when they invade ,except Muslims.

I will suggest some steps to be taken seriously and immediately to eradicate terrorism.

1. All the citizens of India should have a security / identity card. If anybody having a false card,he and the officer issued the card should be court marshal by the army court.

2. if a person found as a terrorist or a person helping in any means to the terrorist should be shot at sight.

3. Immediately an world peace meet should be conducted and they must make a resolution to stop all sort of transactions to the countries which activate the terrorism.

4.Our Country must have only 3 Political parties , all the other parties (including Caste wise and Region wise) should be banned by the order of the President of India.
2008-07-28 05:37:09 UTC
The answer lies in the question itself!

We , all, know that only by properly enforced law & order can any crime be contained. In the middle eastern countries ,hands or heads will be chopped off if someone is caught doing crime . Here , in India, there is no enforcement of law. In many places the law enforcers themselves have their own laws! Thus , if I see a crime being committed and if i want to report I am terrified about that simple act myself. be it a Hit & Run case , be it a simple theft , the average person avoids going to the law enforcers. If that is the case how will anyone come forward to even talk about the larger network of terrorism? By silencing the common man by sheer fear and threat, the terrorists get away. Without the full support of the public and with transparent implementation of the Law& Order no crime can be contained.

In many countries , including the USA , law is enforces ruthlessly whether it is avery rich man or a politician or anyone powerful. The law is the same for all.

We see utter nonsense going on in the Parliament with people waving money. We donot know who is right or who is wrong. Which is true or which is false. With the result the Indians have totally forgotten, WHAT IS RIGHT and WHAT IS WRONG!

Without the active support of the public no terrorism can be contained.
2008-07-28 05:36:05 UTC
It has got a big answer.

Generally, India is having 545 MP's since Independance and then the population was around 50 crore. Now the Population is 110 crore and the same MP's are covered.

Hence, India shall be allowed into smaller Independant coountries and all the Indian Poltical Parties were having an answer for the terrorism in Kashmir, North East, LTTE, NAXALS etc.,

India should take suitable decisions to cut the expenditure on BORDER SECURITY OR ON ARMY and India should spend more amount of money on Agriculture, Health and Education which should be covered by atleast 50% of the Budget.

More sensibly all the Politicians should commonly work on controlling the birth rate drastically.

Minimum Qualification to contest in elections, Lower and Upper age limit, Suitable Qualification to become a concerned minister shall be imposed.

The law and the constitution shall be amended to punish the criminals. The poorest of poor men should really get the benefit of the loans/grants availed by the Indian Government from the world bank/adb etc.,

A ray of hope seen to the Possibility of controlling terrorism.
2016-04-03 07:17:18 UTC
Well Bush's plan to fight terrorism was to fight it over there where the terrorists weren't in Iraq.He is fighting them where Bush was too afraid too in Afghanistan. BTW-----911 happened because Bush compromised national security by ignoring terrorism until 911.Who obstructed an FBI terrorism investigation for 4 weeks before the attack?Why was nobody ever held responsible?
2008-07-28 13:00:03 UTC
Only public can save the country. no one else.

Politician come and goes make their promises but never fulfill them.

I just want to say you some thing.

The police officer pay million to get job. Think, from where he will get that money back and why he is paying that money.

He know very well how to get back that money.

Think if you brake the traffic rule just pay 20 Rs to the police officer and go ahead. just 20 is the value of law keepers.

So how they can provide you security. terrorist having money power and they use it. because security departments are ready for sell.

He is not coming to serve the country he is coming to make himself.

Same thing with the politicians. no one care Country. there is no more Lal Bahadur Shastri.

Think about Jawaharlal Nehru. He and Zina divide the big country for them self not for public.

How many peoples was kill in that time when they divide country.

For freedom everyone fight together. But we got the freedom then only two f**king divide it. why?

We are also the same. we are also ready to cheat anyone to achieve any thing.
Vikas Gupta
2008-07-29 01:36:05 UTC
We should not give fundamentalists reasons and justifications to unleash their terrorism.

Shameful events like Gujrat where 3000 Muslims were massacred in broad daylight only fuel fundamentalism and communalism.

These killers of Gujrat (post Godhara) were also terrorists. They still roam free!

And yes.. political parties have their own interests. If all was fine with them 3000 Muslims and 3000 Sikhs would have been alive today (who were killed by two of India's greatest national parties)!

Police action after events and other remedial measures will not be very effective if the latent motives of politics are not controlled.

You cannot expect fundamentalism, communalism and terrorism to abate if you have a Narendra Modi et al. preaching and practising hatred against Muslims.
sreenivasa m
2008-07-30 00:48:05 UTC
UPA government has committed a blunder by repealing POTA which was tough for the terrorists and these terror outfit organisation have effectively infiltrated into the country's political system to make the climate conducive for their nefarious activities. UPA has succumbed to the vote bank politics at the cost of the country's security. Government should bring back a tough law against terrorism and for this purpose all parties should join together by sinking their differences. Unity and security of the Nation should have the highest priority. The strength of the police and intelligent agencies should be enhanced and modernise them. We should learn from Israel a small country which is effectively dealing with terror organisations . Side by side Govt should give vide publicity and educate the country's youth especially those unemployed and who are easy targets for the terror out fits for recruitment. As it stands it is Islamic jihadis which has been identified as the forefront organisation , in organising these terror activities. Muslim clergies should unite and condemn these activities and educate their community the bad name these terror organisations bringing to their community. They should stand unitedly against the terror and isolate them from the community to free themselves.
rajanikanta m
2008-07-30 10:19:14 UTC
We should bring strong law like POTA,TADA to handle terrorism. Indian judiciary system take much time to decide the fate of the convict. So we should arrange separate courts for taking quick decissions on the cases related to terrorism . If the convict found guilty then death sentence should be given easily in these courts . The most important thing is that the president should not have right to change or delay the punishment given by the court.
2008-07-30 08:05:18 UTC
I think it won't happen with the blessing of God. It shall happen with OUR blessings. We, the people shouldn't get influenced by the attacks of terrorists. I think we need another Mahatma Gandhi for today's world. The people need another round of experiencing the pain of fighting against terrorism. The politians, police etc can't do this alone. They need alone. During our fight against Britishers too, when the whole country came up together on the hole did the colonial power surrender. Think about it.
2008-07-28 21:34:42 UTC
Let us address your Q exactly w/o going into long statements.

There should be a separate agency which will operate in the States with head quarter at Delhi/Mumbai or any convenient city.

They must have appropriate powers for the job to be done.

Most importantly, they 'must' be immune from any other power holders like a 'big' bureaucrat or 'any' politician or 'any' police official including CBI.

But unfortunately I don't expect such a thing will materialise in India, Let us just pray for this.
2008-07-28 20:39:26 UTC
Everyone, the State governments and the Central government depends upon the intelligence agencies and the police. The role of the police is very important. The police can takle. I think the investigation and the cases should be handed over to the millitary organisations for fair approach. A fair justifying approach will only solve the issue once for all.
2008-07-30 02:15:20 UTC
To combat terrorism first all of us should feel the patriotic approach made by our freedom fighters. Every body in this country is terrorised when something unwanted happens to him. We separate ourselves or by our politicians for a favour and when that favour is accomplished we forget about the country. The cause of it is serious unforgivings in many minds.


If we go to a common worship area say a popular temple there are many division in the approach for the rich and famous and ordinary peasant. Some may take it easy and the other may take it as a terrorised feeling.

Similarly if we get favour by bribing one politician or an officer we will get thing done knowing that the other may loose. Also in resevations too the so called oppressed and the affinity of the most affuluent in this country,the approach by the government is simply unethical politics.

There is no end to corruption and there is no reward for any hard working job. Our country is still imperialistic even though we got independence from the imperialist.

Almost all IAS,IPS and Politicians are acquiring wealth beyond any control. If you ask them they say it is part of survival in the system. No one is ready for any patriotic sacrifice for the sake of the country. I f somebody is thinking of the future they say to them to change or otherwise push them to change. Even a terrosrist can place a bomb in a place he wanted by bribing someone responsible for that. Because almost all are greedy beyond their control.

This terrorism is only available in democracies only that too practicing pseudo democracy like us. Corporates can earn money without control and the poor farmer whose hard work will not be rewarded.

No open forum in our country.

Therefore only way to combat terrorism is capital punishment for non patriotic activities practised by our Politicians.

the punishment would be such

* Wealth without hard work should go to the country.

*No individual can own more than what is normally required. There should be a scale for wealth.

*The lawyers who take cases for the wealthy criminals should feel the national importance in acquitting them by producing false evidences and blowing the loop holes in the law.

we should unite ourselves for the sake of the country not like the politicians behave in the parliament.
soundara v
2008-07-30 01:52:10 UTC
Who is terrorist? Other than human - No.? He is also a humanbeing. Wherefrom he comes? The present terrorists enrol members from the childhood or adulthood. Why these members join them. Because, they want to find a livelyhood initially and after that they are getting trained in their ways and means. If these incumbent members are provided food, shelter and education, by their parents or community or government, they would not join them. They would not have the mind to approach them. Because their parents, community or government neglect them they take this course as an alternate ways to get their food and shelter. While giving training they know they are not afraid of the death. This is how terrorists grow. If enrolment is stopped, terrorists activity will die in due course. Hence, I can blame, the parents, community and government for not giving food, shelter, education from the childhood. When they are grown, they should be given jobs for their livelyhood.
2008-07-29 21:57:21 UTC
The first thing i would like to say whether these terrorist are from outside the country or inside the country. They are not Killing the People, There Killing the Humanity.

Okey Now come to the question. First of all , All the people should be aware about the places where they are usually go and if they feel anything changes they should have to inform the Police immediately.
2008-07-28 17:55:51 UTC
Your concern is most appropriate and call for the time. Some of the major terrorist attack which Indian people faced are:

1)Serial Blast rocked Mumbai 15 years ago,

2)Attack on Indian parliament, New Delhi,

3)Serial Blast in New Delhi on the eve of Diwali,

4)Blast at a mosque in Maharastra,

5)Massacare at Akshardham Temple in Gujrat,

6)Serial blast in Mumbai local train,

7)Serial blast in Hyderabad (including mecca mosque),

8)Serial blast in U.P.(Lucknow, Benaras, Faizabad),

9)Serial blast in Jaipur,

10)Serial blast in Bangalore,

11)Serial blast in Ahmedabad (and many more which I can not remember right now).

What next? Indian Government proved inefficient in fighting against terrorism. In last fifteen year BJP, Congress and more or less every major political parties have shared power with ruling party in the parliament. But none of the parties shows concern to make long term strategies to fight against terrorism, except some speeches when such massacre happens. As a result some mischevious elements are playing with innocent people, since last 15 years. My proposal is:

1)Merge state police with paramillitary forces, because in most of times state police proved incapable because of there lukewarm attitude, lack of physical fitness and improper training.

2)Intelligence department should spread there network and must improve efficiency.

3)Ministry of home affairs should be abolished immediately. National security council should be made with services chief and Intelligence chief headed by honourable president and honourable priminister. This committee must meet fortnightly to assess the security aspects. All state Governments will be responsible for the implementation of consciousness points with the help of paramilitary forces.

But at present only I can pray to GOD?
2008-07-30 11:49:19 UTC
Terrorist attack on any country is not a new one. In good old days, when even a small town was ruled by a chieftain, actions like dethroning, destabilization etc went with full vigour. Nefarious and all kinds of underground activities were unleashed, proportionate to the knowledge of that particular period of time.

So, for terriroist activity, as an Indian, I feel, first we have to stop blaming game. We have to live in a conginial atmosphere where mutual co existence should be rule of law.

To root out terrorism, in my opinion, the vastness of India is a main cause.Apart from strengthening intelligence and tightening the porous borders, every person should be issued with a National Identity Card. Movement of every person should be accounted for; unscrupulous scanning of everyone should be carried out by a foolproof methodology.

As and when unsuspected and innocent lives are lost, everyone including you and I, are making hue and cry. Such empty voices should be converted into national consensus and lead to a movement for communal harmany. I live here. You live there. You have freedom as I have. But you should know me, my background as I aught to. My society should accept me as a nonharmful person vice versa.

Community intelligence, personal identification, full fledged data of very citizen, monitoring the activities may put pressure one criminals and intruders .

Police alone cannot win the game. Team work, collective prudence, knowing the surroundings and segregating doubtfuls are the things which we need now.

I cannot go carefreely tomorrow to my town bus stand. I doubt everyone as everyone have on me. Peace is lost. To secure peace and love, everyone should be made known to government or the to the system which is governing us.

Let every one who want peace in this globe, be bestowed with peace. Oh God, give strength to withstand the pressure exerted on me by unknown and invisible parasites of this society.
2008-07-29 01:45:21 UTC
First we have to stop blaming each other (politicians etc)..Then Spread Patriotism and Love among all people ( irrespective of the cast ,religion etc ) Create jobs so that people are financially good ...... I know that this will not happen in 1 or 2 yrs but we have to initiate these thing (individually) so that in the future every one will be happy :)

The same thing applies for the rest of the World (Spread Humanity, Love and Create jobs for the people).
2008-07-30 21:21:53 UTC
Production of destructive material is more.And they don't find tough to get this.Because that the power terrorism has actually.We can suspect that terrorist group may have nuclear bomb too.

So i mean to say production of destructive material has increased.

And in India the frequency of POTA Act should be increased there should be any lenient approach.
2008-07-28 18:58:52 UTC
ok lol. One thing Law Enforcement or "Police"

If we have honest and hard working police, this would never happen. If police will be as fat as cows and take bribe as daily income, will India be any better? ummm. no! Govt. is corrupted. Govt cant afford to buy enough security for us, because they need it more than anything else. So, if any magic happens and those fatties get some excercise by searching suspicious people, we may have 1% of Terrorists caught :)
2008-07-29 01:51:45 UTC
People who forget history are condemned to repeat it. We have to stand united at this time of crisis. Let us show those sick people called Terrorists that we will fight them tooth & nail. Blaming political parties is certainly not the solution. All INDIANS have to come together & be Indian first & then may be Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis or any other community.

Remember that the hottest places are reserved for people in hell, who chose to stay neutral.
2008-07-28 22:13:58 UTC
Eliminate Congress (INC) who believe in Cast base and Vote Bank politics.Really if want to eliminate the terrorism from the Hindustan the forget that this country belongs to Hindu,Muslim Sikh or christens, rather it belongs to Hindustanis and we are only Hindustani then we can fight with terrorism.No body in Hindustan above the law of this land.
2008-07-28 09:49:33 UTC
When you think that a mosquito will kill all of humanity, you are lost.

When you watch immature television news and believe, you are lost.

When you accept 'Terrorism' as a problem, you are lost.

In a boxing ring, you fight to win. You don't criticise the judges or the audience.

Wake up, it's just another day! There's much to do and achieve, not the same for the terrorist, who 'blows' up and is resting in assumed laurel!!

There is much to do for the starving masses.... of food, of education.
sanjay v
2008-07-29 02:02:35 UTC
No neighbour/s is/are to b blamed for our weakness. when the wood is dry and dying all maggots bore in and happily keep on destroying it. do what count drakula did(not the film one) he nailed thousands of his criminals just before invading armies came. That scared the crap out of them. But here money is the GOD for us.and criminals join the rulers and become one.we are weak kneed,spineless creatures who wait for somebody else (read army/forces) to do the rescue and sacrifice thing while we make money and still more of it. we have to rise in a silent ,strong, united group .the dogs arround us should KNOW that we HAVE something,we ARE something. only then may be.but this won't get anyone votes.should we wait till India becomes "Islamic Republic of India"
Damodar B
2008-07-28 10:09:34 UTC
This nation India i.e.Bharat has two names. It has twenty two official languages. It does not have itsown ONE language as

National Language,although the language of GITA,namely:

Sanskrit,deserves this rightful position. Like Pakistan has its National Language as Urdu. This nation also should carry only One Name and One Language for it to be nationally integrated. As the name Bharat is secular in nature,the language Sanskrit is also secular in nature. This language still exists in all the states of Bharat in various forms,as per remarks by State Dept of US. Language is for all citizens.

It should be evaluated on the basis of its merits. Polititions lack cofidence because of selfish attitudes. They do not have a vision in the interest of Nation. May God help them for righteous attitude.
2014-09-15 14:51:18 UTC
particular vote bank. The full effort is in force 2 make them realize that u r from this cast & u have the right (U.P. Politics). They will not grow up. Reservation politics. Liberty 4 all religions 2 pray on loud speakers. Liberty 4 all 2 make road shows of their Gods. A
2008-07-28 05:58:58 UTC
there should be tight security,but that alone doesnt solve the problem.even among the high ranking officials there will be anti socials.there are many cases which still remains overlooked

giving a chance for the culprits to escape,the judicial system should be in Indira Gandhi's head of the govt

due to political unrest, emergency was declared,so analogous to this can be done to curb terrorism.
2008-07-28 04:02:15 UTC
In each and every state a special squad of best cops should be appointed and also our indian intelligence need to be more strong and their steps should be more faster than the terrorists. The another work of this special squad is to take care of each and every step of local police and their working.
rajesh m
2008-07-29 10:01:17 UTC
terrorism is outcome of disaproval of goverment moves which upsets common man who come up with anti combatisim.

this can be a motive of certain group who are against another or entire nation who are against the policies.

the best thing would be to go for elections rather than parlimentary voting which is bribe and biased and result of total money which says apna sapna money money......
sukhi g
2008-07-28 23:56:18 UTC
This is good question and answers, It will be big debate, but one can suggest for internal security and law enforcement agencies should implement properly. India should take development strategy e.g., job opportunities, economic equality, political stability etc are requiered for this.
2008-07-28 07:37:43 UTC
Firstly, the boarder security must be tightened and controlled by armed forces, as they do better job. It controls illegal immigrants. Every citizen must to their bit in alerting the police on slightest suspicion. Even if 1 criminal is caught..we stepped on their network. Let our leaders fight for better causes.
2008-07-29 16:22:50 UTC
well all my dear frnds...i think that as there is more educated ppl in india now and mostly r young generation driving the nation to seems whn it comes to bomb attcks .....most of us all forget r intelligience and work in terms of rivals to other religion or party....common guys its high time we r been played like fools and waved by politics....we shld rather think why and who and if some one did like that then why on a smalll scale....its all politics...this gujrat politics have done the mess on first hand and now i think they r again hitting it back by a diffrent look....its time we shld nt allow parties like this to come up and make a mess of a state and its ppl for ever
2008-07-28 12:21:22 UTC
When the hope of justice is zero the person become terrorist to take the revenge and nobody can stop it (even Israel is unable to stop this what we are?)

Everybody will like to take the law in hand when he don't get justice.
2008-07-28 05:01:16 UTC
Following Steps

1 Declare India Hindu Nation

2 Enforce POTA

3 Commence Combing Operations exactly similar to Pakistan Army Combing operation of 1947

4 Drag Muslims to Pakistan exactly 1947 way
Jitesh B
2008-07-30 08:15:29 UTC
A clear message, as it has been done by the USA, need to be sent to the terrorists that their act will cost them pretty dear. How do we do that? Narendra Modi probably has the answer.
Ruchit Desai
2008-07-29 01:43:58 UTC
to fight terrorism,counter terrorism is the best solution.prepare a team who are always ready to attack on terrorist camp where they are.wheather they are in POK or india jst make attack on them.
2008-07-30 05:41:40 UTC
Each every youth must send to millatary services after his/her high school education atleast for two years.And it is mendateory.this is for future plans.

In present there sould not be political interferance in army/polioce operation.
Tushar C
2008-08-01 06:00:57 UTC
look buddy it's really hard to put terrorism at backfoot but if we really wanna eliminate terrorism from over country we'll hav to sacrifice few things like lazyness , our rights n perform our duties wid a single loophole/curruption in it first of all we should b one n alert at our side then the second step is to get rid of this stupid thankless democracy there shud b only presidential rule here in the country non of the human in this country can enjoy his/her fundamental rights all is to get ready for the duties in favour of this nation.third thing is no trials for those who hav been found envoved in the terrorist activities or helping them just cut off their hands,feet,tongue n give them a hard wounds wid infectious army knives n remain them at ease for fews days they will die seeing the hardest core of hell stop all the international services like train to pakistan,bangladesh,nepal etc n keep on intensive checking at the airport etc wid brain mapping/scanning equipments etc,we'll hav to b miles ahead of those bloody bullshits if we wanna get rid of them along with that take the population of external states like north-eastern states, J&K etc into our confidence that india is their country too so that life route of terrorists could b cut down.there are lots more to say but first of all apply them then contact me again till then good byeeeeeee "bharat mata ki jai" "jaat balwan jai bhagwan"
2008-07-29 00:20:47 UTC
it has to be a combined effort, arising from, powered, by fierce patriotism, the realisation and awareness that every individual in this "free" and "developing", lovely land that we call India, has a responsibility for maintaining the freedom, the progress, the beauty and nobility that we have, together!
2008-07-28 14:29:31 UTC
Finish Pakistan and Bangla Desh. They are the source of terrorism in India.
2008-08-02 03:39:56 UTC
chuck the muslims out of india! thats the only sure fire way 2 eliminate terrorism!
abhi A
2008-07-30 17:11:58 UTC
No its not politics. No its not indian government did it offcourse. yes Its the fault of us our secrity system. we were crashed helpless in streets, markets, buses, by cycles as sharpers, and shamelessly in hospitals too. ball barrirgs and nuts and bolts were flying all around here and there. some lost son, some lost dads some lost moms and some lost loved ones. tears were spread all across the nation for no reason. bombs and bombs were found every where citys of gujarat. this was a very planned and well master minded attrack on the defencive nature of mother india. not only today from long time we are been touchered helplessly by acts like this and couldn't defend ourself because we dont know who is really doing this. we dont know who is making this poison of dead and spreading all across our surrounding where our children dream to grow and empower nation. today india is leading with the world in technology and many aspects and many thinks the world to see from us. but this is untollrated by the terror seekers and want to disturb the development of our country. this is time to reunit hand by hand, shoulder by shoulder, and show those evils that when it comes to country we standup unitedly to defend each other and our self believe is much much light year far stronger than their bombs, bullet and pioson.

its time to take india to one step ahead to fight on own legs against terror. terrorism is a biggest problem known to mankind now in 21 century. i dont know what would they get killing unknown innocent people. blood and pain of other make thier eyes happy for what i really dont know. some one is dieing they laugh what really make them happy i really dont know. what kind of human being are they. didnt they came from the mother womb. she didnt dream to make her son or dauther a good human being keeping 9 months inside her bearing so much pain. what they given to their mom nothink for that. today she would feel ashamed to see what her child is doing. killing and giving unstopable cries for the people and loved ones.

doing this bring nothink more than hate and hated. today we have a biggest challenge of country unity to fight terror mind and terror seekers.

1) terrorist or terror doesnt belong to any religion because in kuran it is written. but even tho most or the people behind it are muslims and cant denie this.

2)they are made to kill and destroy as they want and even if they had to shed thier life. so they dont fear to dead.


1) we have to make a very powerfull inteligenses in country and worldwide contact so information can be given and taken as necessary.

2) the saddest part of our country people is we have the technology but we are simplily unable to use it efficiently because of lack of knowledge. so we must learn to use technology to the higher limits.

3)terrorism camps are less dangerous but terror master mind are more deadly because they brain wash the youth to play a dirty role in life for their egos. so if you want to destroy some thing then destroy him first not pakistan or bangladesh.

4)we can track those evil believe in this because we will track them and thats for sure and bring to the justice. and that day they have to answer the questions.
2008-08-01 20:48:18 UTC
NOt only for Banglore but Any of Place....

Becarefulll About your near activity........If u find suspect near your area plz infrom Police or else who helps you .

FOr stop terrorism that only one option that get infromation them and if they dont have any or not to tell kill them dont west time to asking question and send to jail..........
sue phoee
2008-07-28 03:12:37 UTC
oh well, the terrorists should use up their "common sense" (thats what they are lacking) mad can they be to keep so many bombs at a particular place? this is so unbelievable! and so sad to the innocent ones who are injured...... whats all this about? why are they doing this? what kind of revenge might this be? wierdos all around this planet!!!!..............
2008-07-28 23:35:19 UTC
have a o non corrupted government, this will save money which will go in good causes like stopping terrorist.
2008-07-28 12:56:11 UTC
We needs to have better laws & those peoples should be killed in the same way they killed many innocents in a reinforced cement tank.
2008-07-28 04:35:43 UTC
Revoke POTA. For that what max we can do is go out and vote for NDA. DOnt skip elections playing some game at your home.
2008-07-28 04:59:21 UTC
There must be good & strict C.M or P.M who can take actions....& there should b good technology 2 cope 4 that everyone had 2 b literate....
2008-07-28 05:36:27 UTC
I think the government must be given to young hands.
2008-07-29 00:03:27 UTC
do an Aeriel survey of all the terrorist camps in India and across the border and bombard them. that's it!
2008-07-28 03:52:36 UTC
terrorists have no faith in themselves to discuss and resolve their demands. they induct innocent and needy people by offering big sums to carry out the work by remaining behind the curtain. they dont have political will
2008-07-28 05:50:01 UTC
Keep peace. Everyone is doing his/her job as per law.
2008-07-28 23:29:19 UTC
jayesh k
2008-07-28 07:51:51 UTC
we ourself can be best persons to handle terrorrism, because we are the people who can look in our surrounding, if found anything wrong can inform appropiate officials, which cannot be done by police personals.
2008-07-28 04:13:54 UTC
Don't prosecute the people behind these attacks. This will just give them a martyr's death. Have a special team and encounter the people behind this.
2008-07-26 07:52:42 UTC
UPA , esp Sonia is the mother guardian of Indian jehadis. Now that UPA 've won the vote, this is how terrorists r celebrating the victory. POTA Murdabad.
2008-07-28 06:37:31 UTC
people of india should b aware wht is going on around us, and all the paties should take part in this
Japjot S
2008-07-28 03:15:50 UTC
in every place there should be a HIGH ALERT.

who so ever is doing bomb blasts , they are making there name ( j , a , s )
2008-07-25 23:09:58 UTC
Nothing can be done except Blessing India !
Pardeep Kundu
2008-07-31 03:41:51 UTC
it is all due to (not & vote) so it will be continue in india.because all these supported by the pakistan so do & die.
2008-07-28 05:43:11 UTC
increse the security deva gowad should be hanged
2008-07-28 07:02:20 UTC
Just do not link terrorism to any religion, stop harrassing the innocent and address the root cause of terrorism.
2008-07-28 03:46:48 UTC
everyone knows its the politicians who do this. Its cong vs. BJP and some poor innocent muslim will be picked up and tortured into confessing. You know how it goes.
2008-07-29 00:06:23 UTC
Ramesh C
2008-07-31 01:07:25 UTC



2008-07-30 05:22:25 UTC
we have to sit with them and talk
jyoti k
2008-07-28 03:38:19 UTC
first close all enteries of other state persons
Allin J0e
2008-07-28 06:09:07 UTC
2008-07-28 16:54:11 UTC
at the cost of innocence......................some of us might have to fall martyr
2008-08-01 13:43:07 UTC
y to blame poor police officials and government ppl wat they can do .................india is our country and everyone has responsibility to save our country ........
2008-07-26 01:10:55 UTC
Luke 8.5-8,10-17

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