No, Wil; we should have done so thirty years ago, before this god-forsaken society became so saturated with guns (specifically, handguns.)
"Constitutional rights" is a misnomer. Our constitution was referring to a "well-regulated militia", and there's nothing well-regulated about gun ownership here. Here's the problem, Wil: handguns have permeated our society so deeply and abundantly that we'll never, ever get rid of them, even if a law were passed. As far as I can see, the only way around this would be to ban ammunition, and gun owners would stockpile within an inch of their lives if such a bill were proposed.
I have no problem with individuals owning shotguns or rifles. I have a huge problem with those who think it's every American's "right" to own a weapon whose entire purpose is that it's easily concealed. Don't even get me started on semiautomatics; why don't we all go about toting RPG launchers.
People who are for effective gun control are, obviously, at a disadvantage here. We're defenseless in the face of all those gun-lovers. For that reason, I sleep with a loaded shotgun under my bed; the stupidity and lack of foresight of this government has given me no other choice.