If you could change the history of the United Sates, what would you change?
2006-08-03 16:57:51 UTC
What part of our country's history would you change?
40 answers:
2006-08-03 17:01:26 UTC
The geneocide of the native americans
2006-08-03 17:09:10 UTC
Arrogance of the past, present and the current history being written.

Native American Indians were thought of as being in the same category as the current phantom terrorists.

Don't bother trying to understand them, they are simply our enemy, and must be dealt with accordingly.

Lives get lost, time goes by, and people scratch their heads in disbelief.

Native American Indians are now a part of the American culture, some have blended in with other groups, some have become rich through casinos, and nobody today sees them as they were some hundred years ago.

Knowing this, why wouldn't the Americans take a different approach with the current unknown enemy.

I would opt for whatever way possible without the further useless bloodshed and wasteful expense of this administration.

There has to be a better, cheaper, more economical and less deadly way to deal with this new enemy....(What if all the enemies from the past were to wage war together against America...hmn?)
2006-08-03 19:40:17 UTC
Not a thing. The law of unintended consequences would flow from all of your answers, people. Our history was the destiny of our constitution. We were founded on the principle that all men are equal, endowed by their creator with inalienable rights. YOUR right to think as you want is given to you by God, not the state. A powerful truth. One of the federalist tracts said "the flames kindled on the fourth of July, 1776 have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism."

The world into which we were born as a nation was much cruel, far less fair, far more eager to enslave others than anything your liberal school teachers tell you about in America. The idea of government espoused by our founding fathers has liberated much of the world from tyranny. I'll debate any of your girly men who think America is the moral equivalent of Lucifer anytime.

Ok, maybe I'd stop the Civil War. McClellan should have gone after Lee after Gettysburgh when he had the chance.
2006-08-03 17:08:56 UTC
The Democraps creating NAFTA. Biggest fiasco pulled on the American public.

Further back, instead of obtaining Texas and the Southwestern states from Mexico, could have had Mexico for a few more beers. If Mexico had been made a state, USA wouldn't be flooded with 12,000,00 w*tbacks. Who knows how many before what we know now?
2006-08-05 13:32:04 UTC
If I could change the history of the USA then there wouldn't actually be a USA, the original (native) Americans would still be living there in peace and would never have been slaughtered to make way for European settlers.
Lottie W
2006-08-10 15:04:20 UTC
What a good question!

I would change a lot.

First, I would have had the white man KEEP his treaties with the natives. We might have vast open spaces with natives still living as they did, and we could be learning from them.

Slavery and slave trade illegal. We would have had to treat everyone as equals, and citizens. We wpuld not have been guilty of the murder and abuses of people and they wouldn't act like victims.

I would get rid of the electoral college and lobbyists. One person, one vote. And represent the people in your district, not big money.

Women's suffrage from day one. We would not have ignored and mistreated half our population for centuries. We would have women in all aspects of government.

Force Congress to stay in surplus budget. No money, no program. No unfunded mandates, no wars we can't afford.

Death penalty would be illegal, except in serial killers/serial rapists. 2 is a series.

We would have not had the civil war because of no slavery and equal rights for all. The rebels for "states rights" would have been arrested and jailed for treason. No war.

Wars would be fought for something, not just greed and power.

Big shots' kids would be on the front-line with everyone else. Girls, too. So we'd be out of Iraq tomorrow to protect Bushies little drunk twins.

We would have stayed out of Korea and Viet Nam and the Falklands. Cuba would be a resort.

No child labor. Socialized medicine. SocialIzed natural resources.
2006-08-11 12:55:58 UTC
I would let the British keep the Carolinas and Georgia during the Revolution. Without the heart of the South, slavery would have dried up long before it split the nation apart.
2006-08-03 17:05:00 UTC
I would change the way that the blacks were treated, starting from slavery right on into the 60s and later decades where even police officers did not treat them fairly. It is a disgrace to our country considering that we are the melting pot and have so many different ethnicities here who have traveled far and wide in dangerous and ghastly conditions to obtain freedom. The least we could've done was allow others to have it as well and not sink to such a low level.
2006-08-03 17:04:50 UTC
September 11th that's a part of history right? well if it counts that is what i would change. I was born in 90 and that was probably the worse i have seen in my life so far. I remember the look on my parents face that day and i hope i never see that look again. It was truly sad.
2006-08-03 21:31:33 UTC
Pretty much everything that has happened in the last six years. Bush 2000, 9/11, Gas, Iraq, Bush 2004, Iraq, Katrina, Wilma, Gas, grandson's siezures, Gas, Israel, Lebanon, and Gas.
2006-08-03 17:44:36 UTC
No slavery. No stealing blacks from Africa to work on southern plantations or anywhere else in the US. Just as the Holocaust is probably the worst thing that ever happened in Germany, I think slavery is the very worst period in our history.
2006-08-03 17:11:29 UTC
I would outlaw atheism and the teaching of evolution.

The USA was founded by Christians upon Christian principles, which is why atheists, Muslims and other religions are allowed here.

The USSR and China's current government were founded upon atheism, which is why millions of citizens were put to death for being Christians or other religions.

Atheists have used the courts throughout our history to censor any references to religion, primarily Christianity, but not exclusively.

So Christians are for tolerance and loving their enemies as Jesus taught, atheists are for censorship and persecuting and murdering their enemies, as Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao taught.

The Soviet Union, a land of far greater human and natural resources than the USA ever had, placed the management of those resources in the hands of evolutionists. The result was the murder of 10 million of their own citizens by their leaders, poverty, and ultimately the downfall of the government.

The USA was founded by Christians, so free enterprise, democracy and liberty allowed the USA to prosper. Nations lined up to trade with the USA because everyone who did also prospered. That is what gave the USA its leadership position.

In the last 50 years or so, millions of Americans have been raised to believe in evolution. As a result, they now abort a million babies per year. The evolutionists push pornography, homosexuality, prostitution, child-sex, and a host of other self-destructing behaviors. Is it any wonder the Muslims hate America?

In 1831, the famous statesman Alexis de Tocqueville came to America seeking to discover the secret to the USA's greatness. Here is what he found, "I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers - and it was not there . . . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce - and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution - and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."

As more Americans are indoctrinated in the government schools to believe in evolution, the farther they get from goodness. I fear very soon, America will lose its greatness, and when that happens, the light on the hill will grow dim, and the darkness which lead so many to slaughter in the name evolution such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc, will rule the world unchecked. Then you will see slaughter on a scale that will make the tens of millions that were murdered in the name of evolution during the 20th century pale in comparison.
The Nag
2006-08-10 21:51:22 UTC
I wouldn't change anything. Everything that has happened has made us a Greater Nation, even if it was born out of hatred, tears or terror. Our country grows from it's mistakes, making us a greater and stronger nation. I just wish that more people would realize that.
2006-08-10 19:56:59 UTC
I would not change a thing, compared to any other country the U.S. has done it right, with the Constitution of the united states. Their were some very, very intelligent people who put it all together..
2006-08-03 17:04:08 UTC
Definitely 9/11.

But looking back farther, I say Civil War.

It divided the nation in half and some people today take pride in calling themselves confedrates...
2006-08-03 21:38:25 UTC
There would have never been any slavery. And the North and South would have just split. Their cultures and values are just way too different. Even now they almost seem like separate countries.
2006-08-10 02:52:17 UTC
I would change the outcome of the Iran hostage crisis by dropping the big bomb on them back when they started this radical approach to Islam. It's called nipping it in the bud.
2006-08-03 17:05:52 UTC
Not be so oppressive against the Germans at the end of WWI. The oppression left the door wide open for Hitler to come into power. Stopping WWII may have stopped the invention of A bombs. IDK though, It's ripples in a pond, who knows what all that would change. Maybe good, maybe not.
mutaali t
2006-08-10 16:18:49 UTC
I would change all parts of the history that ignore the statement that all men ( presumably meaning "people"?)are equal.
2006-08-03 17:03:29 UTC
Have Gore win in 2000. No Bush. No War.
2006-08-03 17:04:32 UTC
the Civil War more Americans died in the Civil War than WWI,WWII, and Vietnam combined and i would also change 9/11
2006-08-03 17:03:08 UTC
I would change the policies that led to the wanton slaughter of native Americans, they were here first after all.
Leveta G
2006-08-03 17:36:24 UTC
Every thing happens for a reason. We have to learn from our

mistakes and go forward. As Americans if we hold on to event's

that make us mad we make bad choices. Like the ones we

Voted for to run this country. So please help me to pray for USA.

To let god lead us to victory in every decision we make.

Please bring our people home. No more WAR. In Jesus name we

all pray for it Aman.
Cpn Ron
2006-08-03 17:02:56 UTC
Have the south win the Civil War, we would have about one tenth of the problems in this country today with a little good old fashioned southern justice
George B
2006-08-05 00:25:05 UTC
I would have sent John Hinckley a coupon for shooting lessons.
2006-08-03 17:31:28 UTC
Slavery, I would have had it stopped a long time before it was.
2006-08-08 18:19:45 UTC
Oklahoma federal building......................911 Viet Nam
2006-08-03 22:13:04 UTC

2006-08-10 10:03:56 UTC
the begining of time, when adam and eve were kicked out of the garden,so we wouldn't have to put up with all the evil thats in the world today
2006-08-03 19:06:43 UTC
slavery and rasicm. i think thts so wrong and gets out of control....and instead of kennedy getting killed, bush would
2006-08-10 13:38:55 UTC
It is perfect; no; I would not change one thing.

This is what makes us GREAT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2006-08-10 07:32:06 UTC
It's discovery!
2006-08-03 17:01:31 UTC
probably eradicating native americans/their culture or the atomic bomb
2006-08-11 12:52:59 UTC
eliminate the illuminati that rule today. freemason jew conspirators
Alfred Y
2006-08-03 17:04:19 UTC
only the strong survive and we're #1, so we probably did everything right.
Dbl Monday
2006-08-10 13:46:45 UTC
NOT LETTING BUSH JR. INTO THE WHITE HOUSE !!!!! Otherwise, nothing..
anthony s
2006-08-03 17:02:14 UTC
2006-08-03 17:04:41 UTC
i would have the white people be slaves so they would know what it was like the be in slavery.
2006-08-03 17:02:04 UTC
i think i wouldnt allow slavery
2006-08-11 12:50:38 UTC
no slavery, ever

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