Is Tomi Rae Brown, James Brown's "partner", a man or a woman?
2007-01-03 18:20:15 UTC
I just saw Tomi Rae on Larry King Live. This has got to be a man. Does anyone know for sure?
Five answers:
Andy C
2007-01-04 05:13:29 UTC
I was curious about it as well, she is probably a real woman...they are believed to have had a child together....but she does have some manly features, lol...
2007-01-03 18:26:49 UTC
lol Her name is Tomi Rae Hynie. She's a woman. I haven't found anything that said she's a man. That's funny though! Thanks for making me laugh.
2007-01-03 18:28:03 UTC
She is a woman.How else did she have a child with him ? On the other hand,she does look a bit butchy.;_ylu=X3oDMTBxNmxlaHM2BGNvbG8DZQRzZWMDc2MEdnRpZANRU1NIXzM1/SIG=1k7be43qq/EXP=1167964232/**http%3a//
2007-01-03 18:24:19 UTC
She is a for real woman and has given birth to a child.