Would you call someone who criticizes corrupt and sinister activities of the US Administration....anti-American? Or would you not say: "that person is exercising her freedom of speech in a desire to inform the public of said criminal activity"? In my eyes, that individual who stands up and dares to speak the truth with evidence, is more compassionate, more concerned and more involved in creating an informed public than a person who simply believes the televised version of things (which many here agree 'is censored and dummied-down').
One needs to understand more about the motives of the cabal who decide foreign and domestic policy. Never be afraid to discover just what is the motivation behind US foreign policy....because it impacts everyone.
Probably one of the most revealing video clips of behind the scenes covert US operations is found in this ten minute video titled:
"Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man". John Perkins talks about how the American Administration sees the role of Israel as nothing but a stronghold/a fortress that secures US/British oil interests in the area.
The Military Industrial Congressional Complex -Lawrence Wilkerson -Part 2 (discusses how China and Japan hold the investments which decide the economic fate of America).
I found these clips and more by visiting Third World Traveller on the internet