Why do people still like Obama.?
2010-08-05 17:45:38 UTC
I really do not understand how people still like Obama. He broke all of his promises except making a dumb healthcare bill. Like come on, us middle class people can not keep paying taxes and paying on our premiums. This is what he has done wrong:

Not keeping our country safe for one. North Korea is threatning to have war with us and has a missile pointed at us. Its not like we can do anything because now because Obama cancelled all our nuclear weapons. Now we are defenseless

2 Him and his liberals just overuled the prop 8. Like what up with that, dont you see that California just voted against that. Why would you go against the american people. I thought you were for the american people?

3 The healthcare bill. Almost nobody wanted the healthcare bill. That why they voted a Republican senator in over a long time. Now if you can not afford healthcare, you will get a fee. Which is a fancy word for tax.

4 Also that hes done nothing to clean up the oilspill. Like come on. Bleach is not going to magically going to come upon the ocean.

Come on Obama. You have got to do better than this.
Seventeen answers:
no pepper
2010-08-05 18:33:22 UTC
The only people that like BHO are the ones that don't like to pay their own way through life. HIs supporters want something for nothing for everyone that don't contribute to society. They are destroying our country.
2010-08-05 18:25:26 UTC
You are a moron

1.) Obama walked into the mess the bush regime created. North Korea... that was a problem long before Obama... Obama knows america can not fight another war... we dont have the resources or money to take on North Korea and god help us if we go against china. China just announced a new missle that can take out the US aircraft carriers... Why do you think the US backed down from holding the drills in the Yellow Sea? Because China commanded us to and we bow down to them now... america is no longer a world super power... we are a dying nation... remember what happened to the soviet union? We are next.... China and Saudi Arabia are the new super powers

2.) The people were for overuling prop 8. You moron. The statistics show the only people that opposed it were hardcore republican christian conservatives... even moderate republicans were okay with it... moron

3.) The health care system is not perfect but it is BETTER than what we had before... moron

4.) The oilspill once again is the republicans fault... remember sara palin "Drill Baby Drill" this is what the republicans pushed for... they are the ones the lightened up the regulation causing the accident...
2015-01-27 17:25:49 UTC
Yes, Obama walked into the mess that Bush and the whole congress gave us via the new laws and daunting regulations that are replete with over arching restrictions for small businesses. Many of these regulations are choking job creation and thus worsening a continued sluggish economic recovery. But obama promised to clean it up! This is what he ran on and all he has done among many fiascos is to get us deeper into debt and now we are 18 trillion in the hole. And you morons are still blaming previous administrations. It is like a gardener saying to a homeowner that his yard is a huge mess and to hire him to clean it up. The gardener gets hired but instead of trimming the hedges, mowing the lawn and picking up the trash, the yard is left to fester with over growth and weeds while the gardener is nowhere in sight, except of course he can be seen tending to the lavish lawns at the local golf course! Obama said he would fix this country and it has gotten worse with race bating, losing our financial AAA rating, increasing the national debt more than any pres ever, or what about “…you CAN keep your doctor, you CAN keep your insurance!“ It is more like you CANNOT keep your doctor or insurance, (Just ask Gruber!). It’s all a big fat lie! All the military’s efforts in Iraq and Yemen have all been undone and yes thank the pres for Isis and Benghazi. Bush did not take us here, obama did! It is said that Bush lied, people died. Well Obama lies, is lying and continues to lie and people died, and unless he is impeached, people will continue to die. Wake up moron!
2010-08-05 19:03:48 UTC
Oh yeah Lincoln like putting new taxes is suchhhhh a great way on helping the middle class. How can you say that Bush tax cuts are for the rich, you have got to be kidding me. They are for the middleclass too. Wow Hot head. Do you believe a percent of what you said. You and Jack Insurance are blaming it all on the republicans. Its all on them. How can Obama know we cant go into another war. So are we just going to give up on all our military advacncements no. Its people like Obama putting us down. How in the world can you say that the prop 8 was overuling. When people first voted it passed. I think you need to go back to primary school. Ann Marie,

Obama sitting on the couch= what hes doing now
2010-08-05 21:30:18 UTC
........How Long can you Bull$hit the People?.........

He didn't break any promises

Korea's rattling swords just like they've always done

Prop8..Call it marriage or not, but give them the rights everyone else has..My relative should be able to Will all her worldly possessions to her partner of 30 odd years.

Only a Teenager would say we don't need Health care

Considering the magnitude, and that it was one of the first..(Oil Spills).. in the Gulf, and that Americans are not proactive, especially republicans if it cost them mo money then the clean-up and kill is the best you're gonna get.

.....I'm proud of our first Black President, he's a wonderful speaker..I hope Martin Luther King knows that some of the things he fought for came to fruition.
2010-08-05 18:10:52 UTC
That is such bullshit....all the damage that has been made to the Economy was done by Bush before Obama even went into office...the oilspill was created by republicans on PURPOSE for more money and to make Obama look bad. And our country was made unsafe by again BUSH. Obama got the worse end of the stick, he became president after bush already ruined this country. Bush should be tried for theft and war crimes. Obama is not perfect but he's the best present we had since Clinton.
2010-08-05 18:29:25 UTC
Are you serious? The man hasn't had a stinkin chance. Years and years of unattended issues to unravel and you honestly believe it's THAT simple?? wow.....

He might be president but he has to work with those blood suckin congress...u know...the low lives that pass the laws...

Don't be fooled by the "knowitalls" its the blind leading the blind....

WOW "LAW TAWLINGS" who are you? Dr. Phil pointing people out? Who the hell are YOU? THis whole economy is a mess and has been LONG before President Obama came into office. We've ALREADY hit rock bottom, and yeah...I bet it gets worse before it gets better. Right now for the next 20 years or so, there will BE no president that will have the power to pull us out of this **** hole. It's back to back **** ups that lead us here. Keep your ignorant opinions to yourself and be mindful that some of us understand logic, in which case you seem to have none....damn yuppies
2010-08-06 08:29:22 UTC
If he was white and Republican he would be considered the finest President this country ever had.

Wonder who is your source of information. I am a Health Care Professional and we certainly are

delighted to finally have Health Care Reform.

As to Proposition 8, all of us are entitled to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Why don't you reach back and condemn Bush for the illegal War he started and we now have to

pay for dearly?

Reading your statement, makes me conclude that you are either very young or ill educated.
2010-08-06 06:56:03 UTC
Hey dude, You've been hood winked by them masters of misinformation. Clowns like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck. Then you have the FOX news with there anti- liberal criticism. Start checking that B/S out and you'll be glad you did because you'll find that Obama has been doing what's best for the country. He's been doing it even with all the radical right winger's false criticisms.
2010-08-05 17:53:27 UTC
Lots of reasons. When a Democrat President leaves office, they become involved in humanitarian affairs, like Carter and Clinton. But when a Republican President leaves, they chose not to, like Bush and Bush. The Democrats seem to do more for the poor and middle class, while the Republicans tend to favor the wealthy, like Bush's 50% tax reduction for the rich people and crumbs for the less fortunates.
Andrew S Calm before the storm
2010-08-05 18:47:05 UTC
Many people aren't going to give up their stealing and demon worship even after most of the world is destroyed during the Great Tribulation. The love Obama, they love evil.
2010-08-05 20:56:24 UTC
US is the most polarized nation on this planet,

many ppl love and support obama even if he rapes a young girl out on street,

many others oppose him even if he cures cancer,

its sad
2016-09-14 06:59:47 UTC
You raise some good points here.
2016-09-20 06:50:39 UTC
Don't consider that is right
2010-08-05 19:39:06 UTC
People will always have their own opion about someone you cant make them all hate one person. If it make u feel better there are alot of people who hate obama and only a few that still like him.
The First Dragon
2010-08-05 19:24:34 UTC
Well, Obama is pretty and has a nice voice.
2010-08-05 18:20:22 UTC

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