Is The Duke Of Edinburgh Guilty Of 'Blasphemy' With His Views On Overpopulation?
2008-05-11 11:32:00 UTC
The Duke of Edinburgh, in an interview with Trevor McDonald, has claimed that overpopulation is the root of so many of the world's ills:

Given that the bible clearly states that we 'should go forth and multiply', is it not the case that Prince Phillip (who after all is married to the Defender of the Faith) is guilty of Blasphemy?
Sixteen answers:
2008-05-11 11:41:46 UTC
Blasphemy is another word for religious censorship, usually enforced by bullying.

If Prince Philip is guilty of that, then good for him.
2008-05-12 07:58:33 UTC
He is absolutely right, there are too many people on the Earth, but that is a situation that will be resolved soon enough. A disaster of Biblical proportions is on it's way and we are not prepared to make the decisions that will help us mitigate it's effects. Let me explain.

For every calorie of food you eat, 10 calories of fossil fuel energy was ussed to grow it, fertilise it, harvest it and transport it to your plate. For around 60 years now, we have been using fossil fuel based fertilisers and pesticides to grow food on land that was previously unfit to grow crops. This allowed a population explosion from a stable 2 billion to the 6.6 billion (and growing) we have today. It is now clear that we will reach the peak of all oil production in the next couple of years.

Without oil this level of population is UNSUSTAINABLE.

We have overshot the natural limits of the Earth to sustain us by around 4 billion people. There will have to be a controlled decrease in the world's population if we are to aviod anarchy, famine and war.

It is extremely irresponsible to continue allowing unlimited population growth, but Governments are only interested in maintaining the current economic model of constant growth, which requires an ever growing population to make it work.

As the model also requires ever increasing supplies of cheap oil, the basis of the model is cracking and we are experiencing the effects of what will be the eventual collapse of the global economy. The coming Depression will be nothing like the one in the 1930's, because at least then there was plentiful resources and room to expand. Not any more, and if populations are not controlled, they destroy the habitats of other species on the planet.

To say that it is blasphemous to reduce populations is to misunderstand the original bible verse, and to ignore another, even more important instruction of God to take care of the Earth.

Geneisis 3 states 'For you are tenants upon the Earth'. We are given clear instructiions to look after the Earth and all creatures on it. We are not following the Lord's instruction if we do not preserve the environment of not only ourselves, but the rich and diverse variety of species in it, both plant and animal, that He created.

Not to do so is the real blasphemy.
james d
2008-05-11 12:08:59 UTC
well done that man for talking absolute sense

i have long said this is the cause of so many problems

the liberal; elite bang on about carbon footprints - when the reality is there are too many carbon footprints rather than carbon footprints being too large

no one in power will ever tackle this issue however because it sounds rather facist to talk about controlling the world population - but we really should

i am sorry to sound heartless, but this is why i would not support any charities working in Africa and the third world, because 'saving' lives is only a temporary measure and you are simply building a bigger problem which will blow up in your face the next time their is a famine or drought

come on lads - get your rubber johnnies on !!
Comrade Bolshev
2008-05-11 11:52:22 UTC
This is almost too silly to answer - but, for once, Philip has actually said something sensible, so I'll give him a cheer.

The Bible quote (Old Testament, much of which needs to be taken with a large pinch of Lot's Wife anyway) was not an injunction to the whole of humanity for ever and a day.

Suggest you go back and read it again!
Dee L
2008-05-11 13:13:24 UTC
No firstly because there is some basis for his views : the earth is overcrowded (often due to daft religious doctrine or cultural traditions) and secondly because the quote ^^is not aimed at all the populace.

The quote you refer to is : "and God said to Noah and his son's go forth and populate the earth......"

Not surprising when everyone was "wiped out" in the flood.
2008-05-11 15:27:14 UTC
How stupid an answer when he is right. This Country alone is getting that way, and our Land is being covered in buildings to house them. You know it as well as everyone else. Please do not quote the Bible, as this time its wrong,as now this Planet is getting smaller all the time, with millions of people.
2008-05-12 04:20:31 UTC
too many people on this planet right now chasing to few resources.

oh and to nic nac who called phill a kraut and a fascist just two quick facts for you

A) he's Greek

B) he fought against the fascists in WW2
hello there
2008-05-12 12:35:53 UTC
The royal family have always been controversial characters.

He is though entitled to his own opinion at least. No matter

what I say, he is entitled to his own opinion
2008-05-11 11:57:30 UTC
My father, RIP Dad, said always the war is Nature's way of controlling population sizes.

Somehow that worries me about China. What is their population ? One billion ? Trillion ? They need land.... they must be desperate for living space.... They are overcrowded.... we're not in Europe.... yet !!!

So I think it is worring !!
michael w
2008-05-11 11:56:02 UTC
Its hardly blasphemy to tell the truth. There are at present 6.6 billion people alive on earth today.I doubt if you could count up to that in a lifetime
2008-05-11 11:37:54 UTC
well do you notice every time this poupulation thing comes up we have a huge war....if the u.s. goes to war with iran it'll be world war 3. then the poupulation will be good and the economy will get better,its like a cycle. and no,its not blashemy.....the more people,the more the planet gets screwed up.and its 2008 anyway,who needs faith?
2008-05-11 11:56:51 UTC
he is guilty of talking sense. he is right too.
2008-05-11 11:38:28 UTC
im far from being a royalist but admire rhe man for speaking his mind
bruce m
2008-05-11 12:32:58 UTC
i think it's the first sensible thing he has ever said.
2008-05-11 12:03:30 UTC
Trevor McDonald and the Telegraph? God help us all.
nic nac
2008-05-11 11:36:22 UTC
Guilty of hypocrisy, certainly. He's an old Kraut fascist so what can you expect.

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