Media must must must highlight the following points to deescalate the situation against each other:
One of the saddest event took place in the form of the Lal Masjid operation, both sides done mistakes:
Lal Masjid leaders’ mistakes:
1-Lal Masjid leaders was making Allah’s home as kidnapping place, which is anti-Islamic.
2- Lal Masjid leaders announced jihad without the permission of the government, which is not Islamic.
3- Lal Masjid leaders tried to made state within state, which is again not Islamic.
4- Lal Masjid leaders wanted the escape route from their crimes, which is again not Islamic.
For Mutahida Majlis-e-Amal & for leaders like Lal Masjid:
Believers, uphold justice. Always bear true witness, even if it be against yourself, your parents, or your relatives—and regardless of whether the person against whom you are speaking is rich or poor. God is close to people regardless of their material circumstances. Do not be led by emotion, as this may cause you to swerve from the truth. If you distort your testimony, or refuse to testify, remember that God is aware of all your actions.-Qur'an, An-Nisa, Surah 4:135
Allah call himself as “ RAAB-UL-ALAMEEN “ means “ MAKER OF THE UNIVERSE “(Means Maker of everything in the Universe) and call Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as “REHMAT-UL-ALAMEEN” means “ BLESSING FOR THE UNIVERSE “(Not only 4 Muslims but 4 everything in the Universe).
5- Lal Masjid leaders lied so many times, e.g.: At first they absolutely denied about weapons any sort of weapons, then at least they retreated from that position after killing a ranger & the operation started. Which is again not Islamic.
6- Lal Masjid leaders change their stance so many times. Which is again not Islamic.
Now government or in reality President Musharraf blunders:
1- President let the problem escalate unimaginable, e.g.: i-Kidnapping not only of foreigners but also of Police men now tell me which government in the world could forgive it, but Pakistani government did, ii-capturing library, iii- Doing constructions without government permission.
2- I heard on Geo news the conversation between Tariq Azim and Lal Masjid leader, where Tariq Azim categorically said “YES” to foreigners issue, then why Tariq Azim who is democratically elected person’s “YES” was kicked out by dictator President Musharraf, I think president Bush must have made a phone call to him.
3- When government was holding its troops outside of the Lal Masjid for 8 days then why all of a sudden one of the government negotiator after changing the deal courtesy President Musharraf said you just have 15 minutes to agree.
4- Government or in reality President Musharraf certainly could have beat Lal Masjid leaders on the basis of religion, since Lal Masjid leaders case on how to implement ISLAM was very very weak. But President Musharraf thought otherwise.
5- After hearing that conversation between Tariq Azim and Lal Masjid leader, I think the whole responsibility of the ONE OF THE SADDEST INCIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF PAKISTAN is now on President Musharraf. If Tariq Azim had no importane then if President Musharraf was sincere should have talked to Masjid leader directly, but proud,uppish,haughty President Musharraf did not, now tell me what it indicates?
After hearing that conversation between Tariq Azim and Lal Masjid leader, It became evident that those ulemas who went inside for talks were either not listening the conversation or they had problems with hearing, since they said foreigners issue was not raised.
And to me all who died either rangers or and Lal Masjid rebels both are SHAHEED, since there were confusions who was right & who is not, but President Musharraf is the true culprit.
Because of President Musharraf poor poor poor leadership Pakistan is in great danger of suicide bombings and so many bloodshed.
Please bring President Musharraf, Shaukat Aziz, Tariq Azeem or any high authority on it.
I think government should show on display verses from HOLY QURAN & FATWA of Pakistani Aalims in their local language against suicide bombings throughout Pakistan, specially in TRIBAL BELT to eradicate suicide bombings, verses like:
Allah says in The Noble Quran: "The Believers are but a single
Brotherhood." [Al-Hujurat 49:10]
"And Allah loves those who do good (to others)."
[The Holy Quran, 3. Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 148]
We sent you not but as a mercy for all creatures. (HOLY QURAN,Anbiyaa, 21:107)
"And do good; Indeed, Allah loves those who do good." (al-Baqarah 2/195)
"Truly, Allah loves those who repent, and loves those who care for cleanliness. " (al-Baqarah 2/222)
"He is The Forgiving, The Loving." (al-Buruj 85/14)
"My Mercy has embraced all things." (al-A'raf 7/156)
*****Certainly sympathizers of Lal masjid are behind this. I am 100% sure. Since Benazir and her PPPP and Altaf Hussain and MQM they supported lal masjid operation, so their party and their leaders will be the target.*****
A sad Muslim and a Pakistani
May Allah help & guide us all, Amen’.