What is today's most important unreported story?
2006-09-28 02:40:31 UTC
This question was asked at the Dropping Knowledge event on 9th September by Anonymous, USA. To find out more about Dropping Knowledge check out our blogs:

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79 answers:
2006-09-28 17:25:46 UTC
There are too many stories that go unreported, or are barely menioned. The world is only just waking up to Darfur; Zimbabwe continues on its kamikaze path towards destruction (latest: union leaders being attacked, arrested etc); more children die each day in Africa of malaria than AIDS but it isn't given the same attention because we all know that if the pharmaceutical companies allowed generic medicines to be available it is such an easily treatable disease; why there's more opium poppy crops in Afghanistan now than there were before the war (when we were told the troops would be destroying them); how - 200 years after the abolition of slavery - modern slavery continues unabated; how there are only a handful of glaciers continuing to advance - with the overwhelming majority shrinking year on year; how ocean levels are rising with the ice caps melting; how Bangladesh will disappear under water in the next 50 years if something isn't done; how more is spent on the arms trade than is spent on aid to you really want me to go on, or do you get the picture?

Too much news goes unreported, and the difference in what is considered news between one country and the next is startling. For example, in the UK there was scant mention of the Caracas floods that lost thousands of lives at the turn of the millenium and Chavez did little to invite the worlds' media to witness them either. Even the sections of the media who seek to criticise him now still don't refer back to that disaster to cite it as an example of his poor leadership (the misplaced lost everything and most were relocated hundreds of miles from their homes, given no help).

You'd think that modern media (including the internet) would stop all this, but you have to be hungry for knowledge and even then its hard to tell the difference between hard facts and half truths.
2006-09-29 09:03:05 UTC
Oil drilling and exploration. How it pollutes the land and water tables. Salt water deposits above soil. Here in the US there are many pump jacks, oil tanks, salt water tanks. I pass by them daily. All have crude oil on the ground, salt water seeping out, I see the salt water tanks that are suppose to go to a disposal site, driving the salt tankers down the highway with the valve open and the salt water being drained on our roadways. I've seen tanks of oil dumped on the ground or drained in to the creeks and streams. I've been to Alaska and seen Prudoe Bay and what it has done to the polar bears breeding grounds. Pollution and trash everywhere. I've been asked to dump 5-55 gallon drums of used oil into the Chena River. Which I refused. We need to be one with the earth. We are suppose to be caretakers of this planet. Not exploiters. Is oil, money, more important than life?
2006-09-29 06:09:27 UTC
Today everyone is talking about the people getting sick and dying from tainted food. What they're not talking about is an America where the vast majority of our food come from corporations & factory farms. They don't talk about how diseased and sickly our meat is. Or that commercial hog farms produce more raw sewage than small towns (and hog farms don't need sewage treatment plants). Or that commercial beef has more residues (pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria) than should be allowed by law. And then they wonder why Americans are obese, have inexplicable diseases like chronic fatigue, and why our water & produce are posioned with things like E Coli. Feeding my family safe food is far more important than politics in a country halfway across the globe.

And to distract us from how weak & vulnerable our food supply is, the Fed government is trying to pass NAIS -- a mandatory animal microchipping tracking program. It'll put small farmers out of business while the KFC suppliers with 20 or 30 thousand birds thrive. It'll also require you report to the government if you want to take a horse out a trail ride?!?! Insanity.
2006-10-05 06:49:33 UTC
The falsification of Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden´s signature. In a True democracy no one can escape justice. Not even one of the Ministers of the resigning Swedish Government.

It´s stated in the Statute Book of Sweden when the borderline behavior goes this far and it´s a Minister behind the crime he/she/they are supposed to be brought before the Supreme Court of Sweden.

Do You by the way think that anyone else than a Minister can give an order like this and be obeyed?
Vince M
2006-09-28 14:29:08 UTC
It's not likely we can know the answer to this one, since it's unreported.

I will offer my suggestion as to the most UNDERreported story. It's the genocidal treatment of the refugee camps at Darfur. Thousands of deaths and countless rapes and mutilations in a blatent attempt to eliminate an entire ethnic population. The same thing happened in Rwanda and very little international attention was paid until westerners were allowed in AFTER the slaughter. So many of us, outside shook our heads and wailes about how we were not told. Why were we not told?

Now, again, in Darfur, the refugees are begging for international help, the government denying any help is needed while they actively participate in the massacre.

Is it because it takes place in Africa? Or is there another reason we choose to ignore their plight?
2006-09-29 06:31:38 UTC
this one was pretty good u always hear about the bad but never the good

Don't know whether you heard about this

but Denzel Washington and his family visited

the troops at Brook Army Medical Center, in

San Antonio,Texas (BAMC) the other day. This

is where soldiers who have been evacuated from

Germany come to be hospitalized in the United

States, especially burn victims. There are some

buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher

House is a Hotel where soldiers' families can stay,

for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying

in the Hospital. BAMC has qui! te a few of these houses

on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled

most of the time.

While Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC, they gave

him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He asked how

much one of them would cost to build. He took his check

book out and wrote a check for the full amount right there

on the spot. The soldiers overseas were amazed to hear

this story and want to get the word out to the American

public, because it warmed their hearts to hear it.
Fluffington Cuddlebutts
2006-09-28 16:23:16 UTC
my cat got locked out of the house and didn't run away! ITS AMAZING!


I got stuck for 6 hours sitting in up to 5 miles of cars on I-15 south bound a couple of days ago. A Semi driving in high winds was blown into a Tractor Trailer traveling in the 2nd lane. the trailer the Semi was carying whipped around the Cab. the driverwas killed between the trailer and the cab while the driver of the tractor trailer was only mildly injured.

this was just outside of Las Vegas, and there were NO TRAFFIC REPORTS on this at all!!
2006-10-01 13:39:56 UTC
The most important unreported story, in my opinion, is the interconnection of all the environmental problems facing our planet. Many people are aware of pollution, habitat destruction, toxic waste, endangered species, extinction, corporations fighting environmental regulations, global warming, etc., etc. However, despite numerous reports on individual environmental problems by various news organizations, none have tried to connect *all* the dots to demonstrate the true dangers facing our world.
Paley Pale
2006-09-28 21:44:21 UTC
The genocide occurring in Darfur. I'm not saying it is going completely unreported, but the attention to it is lackluster at best. With today's media and government focusing on so many non-essential subjects in the world, it's pretty mind-boggling to see tragedies like this on the back-burner.
2006-09-28 19:31:42 UTC
I think more reporting could be done on the positive aspects of what were accomplishing for the Iraqi people. Its pretty ridiculous that you can get your best unslanted insight into whats going on on the streets from places like YouTube. There seems to be a war between the press and this republican office, and its hurting our country by turning swayable people against the effort for another interest's gain... I think we need clearer reporting - all sides - news that isnt in someones pocket.
Fitchurg Girl
2006-09-28 17:22:15 UTC
Well if it hasn't been reported, then I can only tell you what the most important story in my own life is that has gone unreported.

Do you mean unreported in the newspapers, or on local and national networks?? Or does person to person count as reporting?

I bet everyone of us has been touched so deeply by events on our lives that individually, we have the greatest story.

Could be the birth of a child, the fact that you felt God touch you, a romantic life long commitment, surving despite a million odds against it, Good Lord, the list goes on forever!
2006-09-28 23:36:29 UTC
Today's most important unreported story is the crisis of AIDS in China. There are many people suffering and dying because of a lack of control of medication and lack of understanding of the problem.
2006-09-28 20:10:26 UTC
Jesus Christ is coming back. Seems like I'm mocking the question but I'm not. See the sign of decay all over, one has to realize that the book speaks the TRUTH. It's like in the time of the big flood, invitations were being extended but no one wanted them until it was to late to get in. The invitation is being extended but WE all are very busy with shallow matters. We can't see that the end is near. The signs are here. Just recognize them, see around you.
2006-09-28 03:56:39 UTC
Brazilian General Elections are on This Sunday and it seems

that media coverage is not giving emphasis to this event.

There have been so many scandals at the Presidential

level, who claims he never knew anything about them.

The world should be aware that Evo Morales was elected

in Bolivia, Hugo Chavez as President of Venezuela, and

Castro Brothers in Cuba should be enough to headline

Brazil‘s election and deter the re-election of "Lula" who

is in the same basket, otherwise Latin America will

continue growing as a menace to the rest of the world,

if not in power, certainly in ideological terms.
Oracle Jo
2006-09-28 12:50:50 UTC
The wars in Burma, the genocide in Sudan, and about 18 other African country's, the drugs trade in south America, the child prostitutes in Eastern Europa, the 15 million people in India who are HIV positive, the human cannibalism in the Pacific islands, the vast fields of cannabis that is grown in the Australian out-back, the thousands of displaced people every day in China to make way for economic 'progress' and the overwhelming corruption within the US government. To name just 1% of the world unreported story's.

But hey, at least we know **** loads about Iraq and Israel. At least we think we do....
2006-09-29 05:49:34 UTC
I'd say probably the reality of extraterrestrials and how it has affected our technology. there was a press conference (scrambled by the NSA of course) in 2001 trying to make it public about how we've had free energy for over 50 years by back engineering alien crafts and it's all locked up in compartmentalized black project programs. people like lockheed-martin, northrop, eg&g and other military contractors have secured it and can keep it away even from congress by establishing their own bylaws. there is a definite paper trail and more than enough proof - but north american communications departments are under direct report to people in control. as someone famous once said, "it's an easy way to ruin a career".

just search around disclosure project - you'll see what i mean. the videos are everywhere. you just gotta look.
2006-09-28 12:27:11 UTC
I just heard that Denzel Washington just visited VA hospital (for soldiers hurt in Iraq). The hospital had 11 buildings. After meeting with the troops (some of whom had limbs missing), Denzel wrote a check out right on the spot so that the hospital could add a new building. The news always reports when celebrities do something embarassing but never when they really do a real act of charity, out of the kindness of their hearts.
2006-09-28 09:38:38 UTC
The dumbing down of America. Our school systems have been turning out more and more people incapable of doing basic math and being completely ignorant of history and geography. They are not teaching our kids how to think either. I realize that too many parents depend on the system to raise their kids, and that's PART of the problem.

Jon Stossel recently did an episode of 20/20 about this, and America is FALLING way behind. There are plenty of examples of schools doing it right, charter schools mostly, but there are too many politicos in place who are adamant that we are on the right path, and any deviation from that path will lead us to ruin. Sorry, we are on the path of ruin right now, and if we do nothing now, it is only a matter of time.

School choice is a basice right they have in many areas of the world in schools that are using barely a 1/4 of the American average per student and they are kicking our butts in EVERY measureable catagory. They are even beating our so called bright kids.

Our brightest honors kids cannot compete with average Danish kids RIGHT NOW. It is only going to get worse.

2014-10-13 05:28:01 UTC
is where soldiers who have been evacuated from

Germany come to be hospitalized in the United

States, especially burn victims. There are some

buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher

House is a Hotel where soldiers' families can stay,

for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying

in the Hospital. BAMC has qui! te a few of these houses
2014-10-09 15:12:03 UTC
buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher

House is a Hotel where soldiers' families can stay,

for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying

in the Hospital. BAMC has qui! te a few of these houses

on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled

most of the time.

While Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC, they gave

him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He asked how

much one of them would cost to build. He took his check
2014-10-08 13:33:09 UTC
nda and very little international attention was paid until westerners were allowed in AFTER the slaughter. So many of us, outside shook our heads and wailes about how we were not told. Why were we not told?

Now, again, in Darfur, the refugees are begging for international help, the government denying any help is needed while they actively participate in the massacre.

Is it because it takes place in Africa? Or is there another reason we choose to ignore
2006-09-28 14:42:09 UTC
Today -- 28 September -- it is the devastation in the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Milenyo. Luzon completey w/o power. Substantial flooding. Main roads blocked around Manila. CBD shut down. Markets, freight, arilines, shut down. Trees powerlines cell towers buildings all chewed up. People dead, more people trapped by rising floods. Mudslides. They'll be cleaning up for weeks.

And not one bloody peep on the US news.
2006-09-28 07:30:39 UTC
I think it's all the sex trade that goes on in the world, especially all the children forced into it in and the perverts who swarm to these areas for their cheap thrills, and how sick and obsessed society and people have become with their perverted sexual fantasies which have lead our children into such a state of confusion.

Even in our "civilized" western society, so much perversion and obsession exists, perhaps even originates from.

Where has morality gone? Why does the world lack compassion and decency? Why are people abused, tortured and murdered? Why is there such insanity in the world?

All these factors, make up "the world's most unreported story"'s actually an illness of the mind, that nobody can possibly address, because people no longer believe in God, have made themselves and their desires out to be their God, and as such have no consciences anymore. It takes a conscience to bind humanity together. It's like a cancer that just continually spreads. And the victims are children as always because they are the most helpless.

I thought it was interesting that in Spain, they refused to hire models for a show who didn't have the healthy body mass index a normal healthy woman should have, since they felt that image was contributing to anorexia and bulemia in young girls. BRAVO!! Someone has to step up and just make a change and stop victimizing women and young girls.

It takes courage to fight these evils, and courage is lacking big time in this world. Once someone steps up, someone else will do the same.

Whatever is wrong, just fix it, report it, and before long, others will join and follow and we might just take back whatever morality and decency is left in the world.

Just keep voting on that thumbs down people...I wouldn't expect any less from sick and warped mind. Go snort some coke or see if theres a big cliff you can jump off of.
Joseph C
2006-09-28 19:21:07 UTC
This from an AP story about the Pope's meeting with Muslim leaders: "While he clearly was distressed that his words caused dismay and anger in the Muslim world, he has also used the flap as an occasion to renew the Vatican's insistence that the Muslim world respect Christianity.”
2006-09-28 13:53:58 UTC
The disintegration of the basic infrastructure of the American economy and society, and increasing political/moral polarization of the American people. Our telecom systems are breaking down, internet is under attack, we are overdependent on energy sources that are at risk, our banking and consumer financial systems are deteriorating, our educational system is a mess and our children's literacy and skill levels are dropping, and the condition of our health and disability care system is just too dismal to even contemplate. Our government is almost entirely dysfunctional, and our president (who LOST a popular election) is increasing his power base in a way that is unacceptable to the majority of the people.

The Romans never knew their empire was falling when it was in process of collapse, we could only tell it had happened and see the pattern of warning signs and contributing factors by looking back in history long after the fact. Ditto with the British and Spanish empires' falls from colonial power. I believe future generations will see these years as the fall of America, and I fear that in the process we are headed for civil war.
2006-09-28 10:30:30 UTC
that our special needs children have a right to a "free & appropriate" education. thats not good enough - they should get the best education that can be found. we should not have to fight tooth & nail about what is best for our children. if a P E teacher quits - they are quickly replaced-- why arent specialty teachers such as occupational therapist & physical therapist & speech & etc.some parents dont really care, some find alternative places for these children - instead of fighting the system. education needs a huge face lift -- the whole thing not just this part - but this is the part every one seems to forget about.
2006-09-28 18:30:04 UTC
The most under-reported story is how Russia is shipping uranium to Iran. Considering that Iran is facing possible UN sanctions, and Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it seems *very* improper.
Stephanie S
2006-09-28 08:01:00 UTC
I think the crappy state of the US education system gets unnoticed. Yes, Oprah and Bill Gates did a big expose on the issue, but really it needs to be a bigger issue, because the kids that are not learning today, will one day be useless adults on welfare... or just ignorant and vulnerable to radical ideas.... like what is happening all over the country where religious radicals are keeping their children and homeschooling them and brainwashing them. I don't necessarily blame them for keeping their kids home from public schools... some kids go through the public school system without even learning how to read! How is that possible?

Teachers do not get paid enough, and somehow education just never gets prioritised the way it should. The future of the nation depends on it, but no one seems to be able to look so far ahead.
Ken W
2006-09-28 14:40:22 UTC
I believe that in every corner of the world there are things happening that we will never hear about, but the things we are not hearing about are the good things going on. Violence, crime, destruction and death are what people seem to want to know, not how many are saved from starvation or how much good is being done.
2006-09-30 17:13:49 UTC
That Pakistan is home for terrorism all over the world and USA won't anything about it.
2006-09-30 12:37:37 UTC
When i read this question, the first thing that came to mind is Darfur. Darfur, i have no clue where it is in Africa, a war is being fought. 100,000s of people have died
2006-09-28 18:32:09 UTC
My husband got a digital B/P machine from the VA and it doesn't work right. You have to keep taking the batteries out and re inserting them every time to make it work. So we mentioned it to the receptionist at the VA, and she said my husband might have to see the nurse in case he was doing it wrong! (How many ways are there?!)
Fortune Favors the Brave
2006-09-28 14:53:53 UTC
The fact that U.S. troops are doing a lot of good in the Middle East. Everywhere you look you hear anti-American, anti-Bush sentiment. It would be nice to have a media that wasn't so liberally biased at least once in awhile.
2006-09-28 18:26:08 UTC
The most important story that goes unreported to this day Is the fact that the 911 attack of the WTC buildings as well as the Pentagon were carried out by members of the U.S. Government.

The following is evidence that I have been able to gather from the internet supporting this claim: Presented here for your scrutiny.

The official government story is that 911 was orchestrated by Al Queda, which is lead by Osama bin Laden. The proof our government provided was a video with Osama confessing to the crime. The problem with the video is that the person in the video does not look like Osama bin Laden: see picture.

There are many other factors that do not fit the official story. They include, secondary explosions that were seen, heard, reported, and recorded by firefighters, in and around the WTC buildings.

Here is a video clip showing a trail of explosions just before the destruction wave.

Molten, beyond red hot, "steel" was video recorded coming out of the South Tower just before it collapsed. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to turn steel to liquid.

A chemical analysis of the solidified molten iron yeilded an explosive, called Thermate. Also, see picture of WTC beam possibly cut using a demolition cutting charge (Thermate) or perhaps cut by an Iron Workers torch during rescue operations. Click on pic. to enlarge.

These factors point to a controled demolition of the buildings and thus an inside job. We also have a video recording, where owner Larry Silverstein, admits to demolishing WTC7.

There is also a problem with the Pentagon attack. Listen to this retired general, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole."

The New Conservatives (Neo-Cons). With the help of other friends, that were already in place, planned the invasion of Iraq. This plan included the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq: Like another Pearl Harbor. Read it from their own PENAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.
carrie love
2006-09-28 09:09:43 UTC
The story of every child who is or hurt or dies at the hands of the very people who they trust to protect them. There is nothing worse than a child suffering in this manner. They have no way of protecting themselves or seeking help. They are innocent and trusting and deserve to be loved and protected. It sickens me everytime I think of the unknown suffering these tiny hearts go thru.
Special Ed
2006-09-28 11:13:17 UTC
I would like to know what is really going on in Iraq. Not the censored version that gets relayed backed to us through Centcom.
2006-09-28 16:18:51 UTC
Ontario, Canada. Huge Biker raids.. Have one living down the street, was woke up at 6:00 am, by SWAT team this morning. You never know who your neighbors are.
2006-09-28 14:57:07 UTC
Follow up reports.
2006-09-28 04:34:22 UTC
The genocide in the West Bank & Gaza, the dictatorship in Burma, the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and some we may never know.
2006-09-28 17:44:14 UTC
the condition of philippine workers hired by the cruise ship companies and used as "modern slaves" as they are underpaid and treated as human-goods.
2006-09-28 14:59:29 UTC
The genocide in Darfur.
2006-09-28 14:28:46 UTC
The Untold Successes of the US War on Terror, both in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Both of these nations are progressing each day, more and more terrorists are being wiped out or captured. Instead, the media focusses on stories that undermine the war effort.
2006-09-29 01:25:11 UTC
Why I can never find any matching socks! This is an important issue and needs addressing by todays media
Chris L
2006-09-28 09:41:23 UTC
That President Bush is running the U.S. based on his RELIGIOUS beliefs!!! What happened to the seperation of church and state?!?! He's using a fictional character based on a fictional book to influence the way he runs the country. What if the next President runs the country based on his beliefs of Santa Clause, Bigfoot, the tooth fairy, or scientology? The country would impeach him.
2006-09-28 13:02:55 UTC
The story of America's Homeless! Need I say more?
2006-09-29 07:36:10 UTC
This question was already a featured question by Arianna Huffington, FYI.

I can answer it in one word: Darfur.
2006-09-29 05:54:31 UTC
If it is unreported, how would it be known to anyone? Besided today is just getting started.
2006-09-28 14:44:04 UTC
That even though the majority of Iraqi's in a poll want our men and women attacked we are still there today and Congress is only worried about being re-elected. It is as puzzling as why we keep millions of dollars going to countries that only want to hurt Americans.
2006-09-28 17:58:44 UTC
The truth about our food source and how most of it is carcinogenic, the truth about fluoride in water, it is not calcium fluoride etc... etc...
2006-09-28 03:31:07 UTC
The stories of all human beings tortured and imprisoned by their own gouvernments, and the story of those that are sent back to those regimes although they applied for asylum.
2006-09-28 16:30:36 UTC
By definition, if it is unreported how do we know. Rather silly question!
2006-09-28 16:23:00 UTC
Hey I agree completely!
ỉη ץ٥ڵ
2006-10-01 21:38:45 UTC
the power of love will save all
2006-09-28 19:52:43 UTC


The fall of the family


as we knew it.
2006-09-28 15:20:38 UTC
Humanity is in their cross hairs and no human even knows.
2006-09-28 13:25:02 UTC
If it was unreported, we'd never know for sure that it was the most important.
2006-09-29 05:07:59 UTC
Im up and ready to tackle another day
2006-09-28 20:05:50 UTC
the lonliness of society is the leading cause of all of our ills.
2006-09-28 13:50:04 UTC
The dangerously poor quality of our drinking water, and that we have ALLOWED it to get that way, in favor of making BOTTLED water a multi-billion dollar industry, instead of fixing the problem.

Did you know that bottled water far outsells soda??!!
2006-09-28 02:46:12 UTC
The story behind every terrorist attack , behind every actions that hurt another human being , the truth about what drives another man to hurt his brother and sister .
viren k
2006-09-29 02:31:07 UTC
what did bushy, karzai fashionista and mushy liar discuss ?
2006-09-28 16:27:26 UTC
Sudan modern slave trade.
2006-09-28 15:02:34 UTC
That mankind lives to fight another day and not make peace.
2006-09-28 13:53:10 UTC
what is the true motivation behind hate? that is the unreported story.
2006-09-28 12:35:44 UTC
( A:\BMW World - BMW Hydrogen Cars.htm )

That BMW has cars that runs on hydrogen fuel.
2006-10-04 08:09:10 UTC
I don't know, it's not been reported yet
2006-09-29 09:42:10 UTC
That we are being brainwashed by our government.
2006-10-01 11:22:57 UTC
That change is in the air...


Judge Smails
2006-09-28 12:24:35 UTC
Terrell Owen's suicide attempt.

I've been looking for information everywhere!
2006-09-28 10:55:57 UTC
Bush TWICE had Bin Laden cornered, and refused to act.

2 CIA officials tell us Washington –twice– declined to send the reinforcements they asked for when bin Laden was cornered in Afghanistan in 2001. By the time of the 2nd request by the CIA for troops, the special ops force could hear Osama on radio asking his followers for forgiveness for leading them to their imminent capture. It was that close.

From Gary Bernsten, who led the CIA's paramilitary unit chasing bin Laden after he fled from Kabul (Christiane Amanpour interviewed him on CNN) –

AMANPOUR: ... the CIA was sure it knew where he was, thanks in large part to a radio taken off a dead al Qaeda fighter.

BERNTSEN: We listened to bin Laden for several days using that radio, listened to his communications among him and his men. We listened to him apologize to them for having led them –

– "into this trap and having led them into a location where they would be having airstrikes called on them just relentlessly."

. . . .

BERNTSEN: In the first two or three days of December, I would write a message back to Washington, recommending the insertion of U.S. forces on the ground. I was looking for 600 to 800 Rangers, roughly a battalion. They never came.

Bernsten's urgent message followed a direct briefing on troop needs and a request, in-person to President Bush in November by Henry "Hank" Crumpton, who was then CIA officer in D.C. heading the Afghanistan effort. (Now Crompton is in charge of counterterrorism at the State Department.) Crompton had learned of a CIA troop request that was never forwarded by the Pentagon to the White House.
2006-09-28 03:05:48 UTC
I haven`t received my purchase from ebay .. i paid for it 2 weeks ago !!
2006-09-29 09:18:45 UTC
we probably will never know that
Sherry K
2006-09-28 15:57:07 UTC
If we KNEW that, it wouldn't be UNREPORTED - now would it?
2006-09-28 09:16:43 UTC
How the welfare system is being abused by many people.
2006-09-28 04:15:00 UTC
Tony Blair STILL hasn't resigned. Poo.
2006-09-28 06:38:49 UTC
That this day is like every other day that passed, we have for another time didn't learn the truth.

One God, one religion, one Law, one language, one currency. As we are on one globe.
Lost. at. Sea.
2006-09-28 21:53:15 UTC
Elvis is alive!
2006-09-28 02:43:33 UTC
We will NEVER know!
2006-09-28 14:25:55 UTC
i don't know...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.