The Reserve Bank has put us in a tight bind instead of managing the economy properly. It has raised the interest rates twelve times in order to slow what it claims to be an over heated economy. Prices were very largely forced up by John Howard's' tax cuts and increased oil/peterol prices although most voters didn't realise this and kept voting for him and the interest increases kept coming.
The interest rate rises slowed the building of new houses. Hence we have a shortage of new houses and flats and land lords are charging high rents. These will not go down until we get more housing which will not be in the short term.
The interest rate reductions will need to be significant - at least one or two percent or 100 or 200 basis points, before they start to have a real effect of the economy. The world economy is slowing with England in recession and some major European countries, Germany and France heading that way. Some more interest rate cuts should be on the way.
The people who will suffer from interest rate cuts are self - funded retirees and pensioners who depend either wholly or in part on interest income for their living. This will make it more difficult for them. They will either have to ask the government for more pension or seek other sources of investment income as many of them can't return to work. Some may have to use up their reserves and go on the pension.
The interest rate cut is also good for farmers who have debt. Their repayments will not be so great. It will be good for home owners who have to make repayments. It will be good for small to medium business owners carrying debt as they also will not have to make such large repayments.
However, if the economy slows too much, farmers and small businesses will have to put off employees. This will mean that the employees will not be able to pay their mortgages. Also some of these small businesses and farms have already and will continue to fold. This in turn will put people out of work. This is an arguement for further interest rate cuts. It helps to encourage investment in the economy to restart business and get people back to work so that they can start paying their mortgages where they have managed to hang onto their houses. This is why it is a good idea to pay off your house as quickly as possible. You do not leave yourself at the mercy of economic change.
Hope this helps to clear the air on interest rate changes. REserve bank manipulation of interest rates is Monetary policy. Government spending is Fiscal policy. Wage setting by what used to be the concilliation and arbitration court is wages policy. These three sets of policy are what govern our economy.