Why do you think the left are losing so badly in the UK?
2015-06-01 15:05:16 UTC
They've had utterly slavish media support from the BBC and most of the media for years, yet still most Brits vote Conservative at elections.

The only Labour government for years was Tony Blair's and he only won by dragging Labour from it's left wing roots and into the centre.

Miliband tried moving it back this time and they lost badly, is it really the SNP or is it showing that the British people just aren't interested in the left's masochism and self hatred? and that they hold left wing politics in utter contempt.
22 answers:
Verulam 1
2015-06-02 03:09:16 UTC
"The only Labour government for years was Tony Blair's and he only won by dragging Labour from it's left wing roots and into the centre. "

Indeed and this just shows what a very clever man Blair is - if nothing else. I'm convinced had there been an opening in politics for him with the Tory Party, he'd not have been remotely interested in forming 'New Labour'. As it happened, there wasn't, so he did the alternative. Moving Labour to just the left of center, leaving the Tories with no option but to move further right.

Labour is losing because of their TRACK RECORD. Thank heavens people do have longer memories than I feared, so for the moment, have been prepared to let the Tories finish what they started in repairing the mess left by the Blair/Brown years. One can but hope!!!
2015-06-01 15:24:36 UTC
The left s not losing in the UK. We have a so-called Tory government that s fully supportive of free healthcare for all paid for out of general taxation (a large portion of which is taken from rich people), note this free healthcare includes abortion on demand. We have a welfare system that pays poor people s rent (poor by our standards, not third world poor), we have free schools, free universities (there is some payback of fees if students earn good money later), free libraries, allotments available from the council for paltry rents. It s fantastic that the right thinks it s winning. American conservatives look at you lot and shudder at the socialism.

Most British people don t vote Tory. You re right that Labour failed in Scotland only not nearly as badly as the other unionist parties. Fun fact - Milliband increased Labour s vote share. Don t believe the Tory press hype, as told to us by their friends at the BBC, and don t be surprised when Cameron leads us into federal Europe (which is also what the communists want).
2015-06-01 16:24:56 UTC
The electoral system - when a Tory Government is formed on the basis of a 37% share of the vote - when the SNP gets 95% of the Scottish seats based on 50% of the Scottish vote then you have a perfect storm of three bad things:

1) Out-flanked to the left in Scotland by a SNP that's the love of the younger voter..

2) A collapse of the Lib/Dem party that allowed many Tories in England to reclaim lost seats

3) Enough prosperity in the Tory areas to keep them happy and to diminish the threat from UKIP.

Look Labour is the only alternative to Tory Government - so when the electorate gets tired of Tories, the election will swing back to the left. It didn'tt help to have a bad leader in the Election - viewed as negatively as he was - who stabbed his own brother in the back to get his job either.
2015-06-02 00:29:43 UTC
They offer an outdated doctrine of class hate and working class togetherness. while screaming class hate they swamped the country with immigrants who ethnically cleansed huge areas of many cities as the White working class were forced out to avoid racism, lawlessness and days rimi action. Labour courted the ethnic vote and bought and paid for it with pro immigrant laws, positive discrimination and discrimination and contempt for the uppity white BRITISH who had become too aspirational. Labour is a spent force but unfortunately it destroyed this wonderful country to grab and cling to power from the late nineties until 2010. It is incomprehensible the damage they did in just a decade and a half. The rhetoric and priorities during the election made it clear that they would be every bit as bad if they ever get back into office.
2015-06-02 06:57:59 UTC
Wow, you're ignorant aren't you.

"They've had utterly slavish media support from the BBC and most of the media for years, yet still most Brits vote Conservative at elections. "- the head of the BBC politics is a CARD CARRYING CONSERVATIVES; as is JEREMY PAXMAN. You haven't a shred of evidence, and in the leader debate, shown on the BBC Miliband came off substantially worse. The BBC actually was pro-conservative. it regulalry repeated th elies about the economy and never once asked david cameron why he lied in the previous election or asked him why in 2005 the labour spending plans where deemed to be PERFECTLY OK BY HIM?!

You totally ignore the uncritical RIGHT WING PRESS,, that allowed Cameron to use the death of his son to gather sympathy for them ! this whilst he actually attacks disabled people via the bedroom tax and ATOS.

I know you demand a one party system, but you've got 5 years to run the country into the ground, I hope you feel the same when your parent dies whilst waiting for an ambulance !!
2015-06-01 15:16:39 UTC
Lol it shows that most of live in the real world and don't like the politics of envy or 6th form policies; the left are now trying to say they are the party of aspiration but that has always been the Tories role, the idea being that if you work hard you can make a better life for yourself, social mobility stalled under Labour, if you top up wages with in work benefits people are not motivated to change their job or look for better and employers don't have to pay a decent wage to keep people so you end up with a low wage economy, they haven't figured that out yet!
Guru Hank
2015-06-02 03:23:14 UTC
The Labour party represent nobody but their own elite, something that a section of their supporters recognise and wish to change. The rest of the 'left' have always consisted of a highly fractured set of 'tiny trot' parties arguing about how many angels can dance on a dialectical pinhead.
Salty dog
2015-06-01 21:06:42 UTC
"masochism and self hatred" ?

It has nothing to do with conservatism. It's the non democratic British voting system that's at fault, the system first past the post is constructed in such way as to keep other parties out of everyday politics. If we had the democratic system proportional-representation as used by other countries. then the conservatives wouldn't be in powers now.

So your assumption "the left are losing so badly" is not correct, they are the victims of an out-of-date voting system.
Barbara Doll to you
2015-06-03 00:32:31 UTC
The left does not manage peoples hopes and aspirations well. It dwells too much on benefits rather than how to get yourself in a place where you do not need benefits.

Sometimes you would actually think they are trying to get people on benefits, because on benefits you are more likely to be a Labour voter. Just like house ownership. The Tories try to make you are home owner because you are more likely to be a Tory voter.

I'm support neither.
robert x
2015-06-01 15:37:27 UTC
Labour used to be the party of the working man, it lost that appeal when Blair and Brown moved the party from the left to the center so they could cosy up to the money men of the city of london. New labour was born which left the socialist up a creek without a paddle. .Now labour are stuck in the middle ground and working people no longer trust them to be their voice.
2015-06-01 16:28:40 UTC
Their attitude is part of the problem. They attempt to guilt people into supporting their cause. Anyone who slightly disagrees with their views is just a nasty horrible person who might as well chuck their granny off the White Cliffs of Dover. But rational people know this isn't true. I want the left to stop telling me who to vote for. I want them to stop telling me what my interests are. They need to get their heads out their collective arseholes. What's more disturbing is some of them really think the solution is to go further left. Dogmatic.
2015-06-01 15:26:57 UTC
It is clear that The Labour Party, which represented the needs of the huge numbers of organised labour in the past, has lost its way now that that power block is no longer with us. As politicians they still aspire to representing working people but that group are fewer than they need to form a government.
Helen S
2015-06-01 20:30:54 UTC
I think more people have stopped watching Jeremy Kyle and reading the Mirror - that has left them free to look at real life issues once again and discover that unless they start using their brain cells and regarding freedom and democracy are our rights then they will lose them.
2015-06-04 15:01:07 UTC
Left wing politicians are happiest in opposition. The Labour Party is built on discontent, strikes and blank cheque economics.
2015-06-01 19:30:33 UTC
All these years people have understood that their country rose to be the world power it was and is, by dragging itself up by its own bootstrings and hard work. These are values that are so embedded in the psyche that it actually paints the hearts and souls of the land.
2015-06-01 15:32:07 UTC
Too many people in their ivory towers I suppose they think they're OK so sod everyone else.

The tories have been in more times than Labour historically.
2015-06-01 16:24:16 UTC
The English mentality and the power of the City.
2015-06-01 15:19:49 UTC
Listen to Pat Condell
2015-06-01 15:41:24 UTC
Every Tom,Dick,n Ali,has been conned into buying their Council House,so they think they're tories.

The "Screw You Jack",population has been nurtured and grown.
2015-06-01 23:35:13 UTC
Because everyone no matter how low aspires to be higher with hard work. Conservatives offer that hope,Labour only wants to keep you down.
2015-06-01 18:46:45 UTC
One of the main reasons it is losing everywhere is because it is infected by the parastical political corrective multiculturism
Joseph the Second
2015-06-01 20:33:42 UTC
-Because to an Aging Population; it's the "Devil You KNOW, over the Devil you DON'T- More times- than Not. ;)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.