Their economic policy doesn't add up.
They want to raise the threshold that people dont pay tax to £11,500 and remove the 40 and 50% tax bracket and remove employers NI contributions, they want to reduce tax that business pays
They plan to increase the state pension to £10,000 and increase spending on defence by another 1% of GDP, and double the number of prison places.
So in short they want to reduce the tax that individuals pay, reduce the amount that business pays and spend more on pensions, defence and police and justice.
So where is the money going to come from or more importantly what is going to get cut (or privatised) in order to balance the books? The amount we spend in foreign aid and EU contributions will not cover anywhere this amount.
They need to get the calculator back out.
Secondly they make no secret (unlike the tory party) that this so called business regulation isn't for the benefit of the majority (employees) it is about reducing maternity and paternity leave, parental leave, the amount of time a company has to sack an employee without the right to redress etc....Why would I vote for a party that is going to give me less employment rights?
Thirdly - They want businesses to self regulate on things like catering and health and safety, business has already been shown that whilst the overwhelming business can be trusted to self regulate a minority cant and they cause death, injury and illness - do I want to vote for a party that is going to put me in risk of hospitalisation?
For me - UKIP is an extreme version of the conservative values I detest