REMEMBERING 9//11 terrorist attack. was you shocked when it happened. WHERE WAS YOU?
2016-09-11 09:50:56 UTC
REMEMBERING 9//11 terrorist attack. was you shocked when it happened. WHERE WAS YOU?
438 answers:
2016-12-02 20:53:51 UTC
I did 9/11
The Toshokan Kid
2016-09-14 17:41:24 UTC
It was shocking, but most of the world knew something of this nature was eventually coming. I think that's the part that might be hard for younger people to understand.

The fact is that the U.S. went to war in the Middle East in the early 1990s. There was no real reason for them to be there. It was fairly obvious that it was about oil.

Even giving the U.S. the benefit of the doubt, that they should have been there, the fact is that they killed many innocent people over the next few years. Babies were literally starving to death due to U.S. sanctions against that part of the world. It's already a hard part of the planet to live. There is so much desert there.

Basically a lot of people had their lives destroyed. They saw their family killed, their houses and businesses destroyed, and meanwhile the average American paid no attention.

There were several terrorist attempts leading up to 9/11, a couple on the WTC itself.

So, when I saw it happening live on CNN, while living in Japan, while most people were still in bed in the U.S.A., it was crazy. I was glued to the TV. On the other hand I knew something like that was coming.

The really shocking thing though is how the U.S. reacted. They did exactly what the terrorists wanted - a big reaction. And it was obviously totally misdirected. We know that the people that planned, carried out, and financed 9/11 were Saudi Arabians, yet Iraq was targeted.

This has only led to more people hating the U.S. in that area. So many innocent people have been killed and the ones left behind have lost so much. Again, meanwhile the typical American is just going about life as if it's not happening. I can only think that another attack is coming.
2016-09-11 22:57:03 UTC
I hate to say this but i deep down honestly feel that this whole 9/11 was carried out by Bush and company i think that whole administration carried it out. Mainly because those planes would have been shot down immediately before arriving anywhere near the towers. Also i saw a documentary about 7 years ago where a survivor stated that he heard huge explosions when he headed out the building he was only in the 15th or 20th floor so he made it out in the time, This means dynamites were likely already planted and if you see the destruction of those towers it's very hard to imagine a few planes doing that amount of damage considering the planes crashed at the top part of the tower and not the bottom.

Living in NYC i am sure many on here do not i will say on the day of 9/11 i was actually in manhattan in high school i was in the 10th grade now it wasn't no where near the world trade center because that area is way downtown however, we could still see the smoke all the way from where i was at the time. At first we thought it was just some freak accident by some pilot or something then we turned on the news and found out and it was just really heartbreaking. I am honest person and i am not going to hide away from the way i feel because i say what i think and what i feel i do not lie. I truly do think 9/11 was an inside job as do many other people but of coarse i have no definite proof though i would bet highly on it. I like to think that it wasn't a inside job but i just truly don't believe that and i stand with what i think is right.

May all of those poor people rest in peace truly a tragic and sad day.
2016-09-13 08:27:10 UTC
Living in NYC i am sure many on here do not i will say on the day of 9/11 i was actually in manhattan in high school i was in the 10th grade now it wasn't no where near the world trade center because that area is way downtown however, we could still see the smoke all the way from where i was at the time. At first we thought it was just some freak accident by some pilot or something then we turned on the news and found out and it was just really heartbreaking. I am honest person and i am not going to hide away from the way i feel because i say what i think and what i feel i do not lie. I truly do think 9/11 was an inside job as do many other people but of coarse i have no definite proof though i would bet highly on it. I like to think that it wasn't a inside job but i just truly don't believe that and i stand with what i think is right.
Ursus Particularies
2016-09-11 18:41:20 UTC
I was more shocked by all of the after-revelations 2001 to 2015.

One constant in life is that earth is a shocking place, which I first discovered in late November 1963.

Since then it has never stopped. I think one major reason is that there is a completely new crowd of deceivable people every 25 years and they have been so programmed in public education to expect otherwise and are relatively trusting and innocent and could not imagine themselves carrying on in like manner, so they do not expect at all how evil the ruling elites actually are.

More than half of history is completely left out in schools and mostly in colleges too.

People are wisening up.* I think it limited to the intelligent upper half, with heavier understanding as one moves upscale therein. But the bottom half is still in the dark about most everything. Without the internet we'd be in the same place as 1960, some awareness in 15%.

The reporting of 9/11 was largely prepared in advance, like everything else that day. So where I was is of little import -- I had access to TV and radio only and was not in NYC or the two other affected places.

With all that, and even though I picked up on two highly suspicious happenings, I was mostly deceived, I am ashamed to say.

I am lucky to be older which is likely how I was able slowly to correct my entire understanding of what happened, a distasteful process that was necessary several times before in my long life.


"The ignorant always wisen up" might be an overly optimistic view though.

You ought to see what Canadians who were at least 35 years old in 2001 now think. That means all Canadians now age 50 or more, a better intelligence selection for profiling.

They really got their cords pulled with all of the flight diversions and bent over backwards trying to help.

What do THEY think now...?

[looking over the other answers it appears most here are STILL in the dark]
2016-09-13 13:42:16 UTC
I remember it like it was yesterday. Weather-wise, in pretty much all of England it was a lovely, warm day. The kind of day where it's hot but a pleasant kind of heat. I was still in Secondary School and had been on something called 'Off-Site' which was basically bus trips for groups of children with failing attendance rates and/or behavioral problems. The tutor would plan her return route so that, following the end of the lesson, all along the way she could drop us off close to where we lived. I went home to find shots of either the first or second tower on television. I still have vivid memories of seeing the tower with dark grey/black smoke bellowing out of it. My mother said that something had happened in America, that it had been on the news all day and that the news reporter (Kirsty Young) husband was trapped inside and she [Kirsty Young] was worried.

As I continued to watch the news from then on I learned that it was in fact a terrorist attack. Details were still coming through even then and the overall 'picture' was still a mass of confusion. Terrorists hijacked a plane, how did they do that? They flew it into the World Trade Center, what is the World Trade Center, why would anybody do something so insane? Then came the news that it was officially being treated as a terrorist attack and an act of war against the United States of America.

I remember having a real fear and sense that this was the beginning of the end of the world.

Back then, particularly in the UK, most people weren't really acquainted with even the idea of Terrorism and especially not the global brand of terrorism that is sadly now commonplace. America was seen as untouchable, nobody knew why, nobody questioned why, it just was. In history class, particularly in the UK, we were taught predominantly about the middle ages and medieval times, with a vague washing over of WW1 and WW2 and the 'official version of events' of the Kennedy Assassination. In my school at least, we were never taught about the Cold War, Gulf War, modern military history. And so this created and further bolstered the image of an untouchable, all-perfect USA. Which is quite a terrifying thought, when you consider that a key argument against Nazism was the fact that it brainwashed students from a young age.

9/11 was and remains a terrible day in US history for the real and truly innocent civilians caught up in it, whether they were killed or are the families of victims or simply helped to wade through the wreckage and gather evidence and clean up the site for the eventual memorial. Politically, however, the US Government had it coming for a very long time. But that's the side of history that you have to discover for yourself, they don't teach you anything about that in school.
2016-09-11 23:23:30 UTC
I had just woke up in the UK. It was a lie-in as it was afternoon UK time. I flipped on the news casually with a foggy head to see footage of a smoking tower. By the time I realised what had happened the second one hit. I was also asleep when July 7 happened in London. Even as a Brit, September 11 hits home more so despite being over 10 years ago whereas July 7 happened less than 5miles from my home and more recently. I think whether it was rigged or not, it played into Bush's hands allowing them to invade the Middle East and the event has gotten more media exposure than both the terrorists and the Puppet Masters could have dreamed of.
2016-09-11 13:48:26 UTC
I happened to be working at a place where live feeds came into the UK. At first there was a sense that a terrible accident had occurred. Then there was the realisation that this was no accident but a co-ordinated attack in the heart of the USA.

Some of us are hardened to terrorist acts in our midst thanks to the actions of USA funded Irish terrorists in the 1970s. We were aware that this was a new experience for the USA and that the impact would be felt deeply .... and that was BEFORE the unthinkable happened and the World Trade Centre collapsed. Its particular design gave the terrorists a bigger result than they could possibly have imagined and caused more pain, panic and loss of life than the terrorists could ever have intended .... not that they cared how many they killed.

Of course it wasn't just the WTC they attacked but also the Pentagon, another symbolic blow against the USA.

Islamists struck a new low in human corruption that day. It was obvious the world could never be the same again. When we eventually turned away from the screens, we were all changed people and, for some people, their attitude towards Islam was changed for ever.

It should remind us all that NO religion has the right to impose its views on others and that ALL religious extremist act against the welfare of humanity and the exercise of personal freedom within an orderly society.
2016-09-11 20:44:27 UTC
I lived in northern Virginia at the time...close to the Pentagon. My dad had to go there for meetings sometimes with his job, but thankfully didn't on that particular day. But that day was definitely shocking and scary. I was nearly 10 at the time, which is kind of the age where you start to realize the world can be a bad place, but you're still so innocent. I had never heard of terrorists before that day. My parents pretty much had to be honest and explain what happened since I knew something was terribly wrong (they had kept us in suspense all day at school...we could tell the teachers were upset about something and a lot of kids got picked up early by their parents but we weren't told what was going on). I remember seeing everything on TV and just wondering why people would do something so horrible. Even from a very young age, I had always had this fear of being trapped in a burning building and having to jump, so I remember watching in horror and feeling so bad for those people.
2016-09-11 15:10:35 UTC
I was 5 years old. I remember I was in Kindergarten and all the teachers were crying, and everyone's parents came to take their kids home early, and we were happy about that. But we had no idea what was going on.

The loudspeaker played patriotic songs, while we all goofed off, pretending to be over dramatic. When I got home, my mom was crying and talking on the house-phone with her friend, and my dad was stuck in traffic going home.

As I flipped through the news channels, I imagined two guys who looked like the Red Baron from the pizza box were doing an air show and accidentally crashed into to some random buildings, but parachuted out in time. I didn't know that thousands of people died that day.

I didn't learn about 9/11 until 6th grade in 2007, when my teacher brought in a VHS tape about the French brothers who were trapped in the buildings.

Ever since then, I've been obsessed with learning about 9/11 and the WTC. Kinda like how people are interested in the JFK assassination.
2016-09-11 18:50:56 UTC
I was 7 when that happened, and as I was waking up I heard on TV that 2 planes crashed through the WTC. We were all shocked indeed cuz nearly 3,000 people died at that time of the attacks. Couldn't remember much after that. Oh and it was 5:46am Arizona time when 9/11 happened. I will never forget this horrific day even 15 years later today.
2016-09-13 03:14:13 UTC
I was in my junior year of high school, in my government course. Go figure. Another teacher ran into the room, demanding that we turn on the TV in our room. The first plane had already hit, obviously. We turned on the classroom TV a minute or so before the second plane hit.

Before the second plane hit, everyone was joking around like, "How can someone be stupid enough to fly a plane into a building so high?!"

But, when the second plane hit, everyone knew. It didn't require a TV pundit to tell us what was going on. The room went completely quiet. There were no more jokes to be told.

I was 15 years old. I remember watching the footage from the bottom of the WTC, and hearing the bodies hit the roofing. I remember watching the tiny little birdlike people jumping from the building from the far-away views. I remember people screaming, and crying, and being taken outside into the principal's office.

This was the moment I realized I wasn't safe. This was the moment I realized the US was not immortal.

The years that followed proved to me that the US was not a beacon for human rights. We were the (quite vengeful) judge and jury. As long as you shared the same skin color as our attackers, we were coming for you, whether or not your country had anything to do with the attacks.

It was heartbreaking. It IS heartbreaking. So many innocent people died, on both sides.
2016-09-15 13:24:26 UTC
I was born 5 days after 9/11
2016-09-11 11:45:20 UTC
The 9/11 terrorist attack happened when I was in school. I don/'t remember to much about it as I was pretty young at that time and in 1st grade. Now that I am grown up, I am totally shocked that it happened.
2016-09-11 11:58:12 UTC
Was at work driving around in Boston delivering packages. This was before smartphones existed and cell phones were expensive, so communicated through my radio with the dispatcher of my package delivery service.

He suddenly calls me at 11:00 and tells me to turn on the radio. I said what's up? I thought it was a client that had complained about me, so I turn it on, cant find anything right away, just some people talking seriously, so I call him again and say What's up? My radio doesnt get a signal (I lied).

He said Its something really shocking. I cant really tell you. Trust me, you will hear about it on the news. Just go home, you are done for the day.

So I closed off, and headed home, and true enough, it was everywhere on the news.

I was fired the next week (unrelated) and after the market for package delivery became REALLY slow, I coudnt find work, the economy slowed.

That was my last real job ever.

I have a middle eastern appearance so those were some difficult years for us.
2016-09-14 05:08:13 UTC
I was 13 when this happened, I was sat with my grandma (in Manchester uk) when we turned on the telly and seen the horrible news that some terrorists had flown in to the twin towers I remember my grandma crying (she's a muslim) and praying for everyone who were still inside the twin towers! Fast forward a few years and I believe it was all planned! There's far too much evidence to suggest it was an inside job! Although I'm not from America my heart still aches for all the families who lost a loved one that day! 9/11 will ever remain etched in my life, that day will never be forgotten, because that day bush killed his own people, so many innocent people lost their life! I'll never forgot those desperate people jumping out of the twin tower.
Krystal Clare
2016-09-11 13:37:23 UTC
I was living in Australia at the time of the attacks.I was getting ready for work and I usually dont turn TV on in the morning but for some reason I decided to watch the morning news. I was half watching while getting ready and saw footage of a plane flying into a building. I thought it was a movie they were talking about and thought that it was very realistic and a well made film. As I watched I the truth dawned. I went to work in shock - as everyone else was when I arrived. I remember feeling that first week surreal and even at that early date felt many parts of it didnt add up. Like how the buildings fell like they were detonated and why did building no. 7 fall too? Still have real doubts.
2016-09-11 19:39:48 UTC
I was in China, listening to BBC World Service at bed time. I figured "well, we bomb everyone else; it's not too surprising someone would seek revenge and bomb us!" Then I shut off the radio and went to bed. Slept soundly, too.

I'd just returned from a visit to the US, and had been struck how lax the security was at JFK and at Ronald Reagan airports, certainly compared with Heathrow or Orly, let alone Tell Aviv. I guess over-confidence is it's own reward!

Were I a conspiracy-minded person, I'd look at the after effects (like a police state in the USA, more profits for the M-I Complex, etc.), I'd suspect Cheney had paid Bin Laden to do the attacks, to excuse imposing a police state. But I don't truly believe Cheney could plan that far ahead. And certainly not "W"!
2016-09-12 04:05:52 UTC
i was 1
2016-09-11 19:41:18 UTC
I will never forget it because I was in 7 grade and was called a terrorist because I was Muslim. I grew up with that shock value as a kid because I did not even know the meaning of that word at time. People are so cruel. People who did not have anything to do with it, suffered more. That's when I found out this was not a fantasy Disney world.
Double A plus B
2016-09-13 16:57:44 UTC
I was 20 years old when it happened. I was on the couch (probably taking a nap) when my mother turned on the television. I don't know if she got a call about what happened, but the moment she saw the screen on, she looked in shocked at what she saw. I turned my head to look at the screen and witnessed a burning building. I didn't realize at the time that one of the Twin Towers was hit by a terrorist-hijacked airplane, but I was sure that I was shocked at the mayhem as I was. We both stared in horror as the other plane hit the other tower. Some time later, the entire structure crumbled as if it was already made of dust. I can still recall in horror all the people that had to run to safety that was caught on video. What a horrible sight!

9/11 became a cautionary tale of how terrible men can do the worst things to others and how we became stronger as we rise above it. Kudos to you, America, kudos.
2016-09-12 17:38:39 UTC
I was about eight years old when this fake terrorists **** happened. I lived in Brooklyn at that time, and remember I was watching tv. At the split of a second, the tv turned into multiple colors, like a rainbow. Many innocent people died that day, and for what? Just to invade the middle east or some **** like that. I can't believe people still think this atrocity happened because a make believe mad man hated Americans. ****!! And no, George shitty bush wasn't the master mind behind this evil operation, he's just a puppet, like his cousin osama...I mean obama.
2016-09-12 02:00:33 UTC
Bush did 9/11
2016-09-13 08:41:46 UTC
I wasn't born yet. I was born a year and 3 months after 9/11. My dad was working only a few blocks away from the WTC. My dad told my mom who was at home to turn on the TV and watch the news, and my mom was shocked and concerned with what was going on as the second plane hit. Everyone was confused, my parents thought there was a gas leak or something exploded, but nope. My dad said he saw bodies jumping from the WTC in an attempt to not burn to death, phones lines were disconnecting, etc. Everyone from work was sent home, there was a lot of traffic, it was a scary day for everyone.
2016-09-11 10:57:47 UTC
I was 4
2016-09-12 03:13:31 UTC
It was carried out by the Republican government not the terrorists. No terrorist groups are so powerful and intelligent to reach a country like US without detecting.

Additionally, there were many 9/11 signs before the attacks like in Terminator movie
2016-09-11 22:53:14 UTC
I was in the public library near my home in the UK trying to use the internet for some course-work, but everything was down (A lot of servers fell over because of increased traffic but I didn't know that then.) There was a report on the radio of a plane flying into one of the twin towers, which the librarian told me about. At that time we thought it was some accident with a light aircraft. I went home since I couldn't use the internet and then saw the news of the second plane on the television. Then everyone knew it wasn't an accident and the coverage continued with the fires, and a lot of people trapped jumping from windows rather than burn, or maybe they were just totally panicked, and then the first tower collapsed and there was this awful sense that we were waiting for the other one.
2016-09-15 17:29:10 UTC
So, when I saw it happening live on CNN, while living in Japan, while most people were still in bed in the U.S.A., it was crazy. I was glued to the TV. On the other hand I knew something like that was coming.

The really shocking thing though is how the U.S. reacted. They did exactly what the terrorists wanted - a big reaction. And it was obviously totally misdirected. We know that the people that planned, carried out, and financed 9/11 were Saudi Arabians, yet Iraq was targeted.
2016-09-12 04:42:54 UTC
I was 14 when it happened, at home at the time, told my parents i didn't feel well so i could have the day off school. I was up in the attic room watching a video and when it finished i flicked on the TV and it was on every channel, i think it was about 5 minutes before the South tower was struck that i started watching.

It's hard to say what i think really happened. Certainly the way the towers fell is suspicious, that near perfect vertical drop, but at the same time they fell like no controlled demolition i've ever seen. Watch any video of a controlled demolition and they're all performed in the same way; explosives destroy the base and the building simply drops from bottom to top. That's not what happened to the Twin Towers; any video you watch you can see that the base of the buildings don't move, the top section gives way and seems to just obliterate the lower floors on its way down.

I know there are plenty of reports of explosions at the base of the tower but even if they were true, the buildings didn't collapse in a way that suggests a controlled explosion carried out at the base of the tower. If explosives were used then they must have been placed all the way up the tower then detonated one by one from top to bottom. There are some videos that support this, highlighting small puffs of escaping air about 15-20 stories below the top section of the tower, moving down as the tower collapses. Simply escaping air being pushed by the towers collapse? Or venting explosions aiding the fall of the top section?

What intrigues me most is the Pentagon security camera footage and complete lack of plane debris at the site. The security camera does NOT show a large jet liner, but more like a small missile.

It's all very strange, but i doubt the truth will ever really be known. Every year i watch videos of that day to remind myself of the lives lost and saved, i try to ignore what may be the horrific truth behind the instigation of those events and try to focus on people coming together and the amazing acts of heroism that were performed.
2016-09-12 05:13:31 UTC
I went outside around 7 in the morning and mowed my yard. I did it for about an hour, (had a push lawn mower at the time) and went back inside to take a shower and went back to back since I didn't have to go to work that day. While I had my television on, that's when the news reporting the planes crashing into the buildings happen.

It might sound strange, but on ever anniversary since 9/11, including yesterday, I mow my lawn to commemorate what I was doing that day before I found out the attacks happened.
2016-09-11 11:05:46 UTC
I was 5
2016-09-11 09:58:39 UTC
I was driving to work. I heard on the radio about a plane that flew into the Twin Tower. I figured it was a small plane, and just an accident. And later, they were talking about a second plane.

I was working at an insurance company in downtown Minneapolis. I would sometimes listen to the radio with headphones while in my office. I turned on the radio, and I was monitoring what was happening.

I remember telling my co-worker that the whole building fell down, and he couldn't believe it. I had a hard time believing it too. We did not have a TV available.

I'll admit, I didn't get much work done that day. I was totally distracted.

--- (A Yahoo! User)
2016-09-12 08:37:17 UTC
REMEMBERING 9//11 terrorist attack. Were you shocked when it happened. WHERE were YOU? Many people were in school learning to write using correct grammar. How about you?
2016-09-12 04:39:19 UTC
I was teaching 3rd grade in inner city Philadelphia. An aide came in and told me there was a terrorist attack and we were going home early. I thought she meant maybe a hostage situation across the street and even went to the window to check it out. I should have known better since I didn't hear the news helicopters overhead. I went to the floor office to make sure I understood what was going on and that's when I saw it on the TV. It still wasn't making any sense. I went back and told the kids who did look scared. I explained that they weren't coming here but we were going home to be with our families so we could watch what was happening on TV. I told them there might be a crowd when we leave because parents had to come and get them so I asked them if they would tell me that they were leaving if we were separated. The dismissal was quiet and orderly and they did come to tell me they were leaving. It was strange.

I tried calling my fiance all the way home, but I couldn't get through. I just wanted to hear his voice. When I pulled into the driveway, I put the car into park without putting my foot on the break--the second time ever. I knew then that I was pretty upset.
2016-09-12 06:01:48 UTC
2016-09-12 19:21:30 UTC
I came back from School in 9/11 2001, I thought straight away that it was an inside job, I have done ever since.

No way Muslim "Terrorists" did that, remember that Syria was in Bush's "Axis of evil", Assad has done nothing what the media have accused him of doing. Look at Iraq today and tell me it's a better place than it was under Saddam. I find it sickening this "Blame the Muslims for everything"'s a cowardly tactic.
2016-09-13 14:19:35 UTC
I was watching crossroads on TV enjoying end of semester holidays from Uni and the programme got interrupted with a picture of a building with a massive hole in it. I thought nothing of it at first. Then more info started coming in a plane went in. Ok. It's an accident I thought. It happens. Another plane went into 2 tower. What! Ok. Some fooker(s) did it on purpose. At the time I was 20. I was not a sympathetic or empathetic person at that time. When I watch the planes going in the towers on utube now I see it differently and feel sad. What evil levels humans can go to and how that one event changed the world forever. The events that happened after with war in Araq, bombing Afghanistan and the instability in the Middle East and subsequent birth of ISIS all have derived from that event. Osama went down in history and got what he wanted. People hating, fighting, killing and chaos.
2016-09-12 07:13:46 UTC
What is 9/11 terrorist attack?
Captain Smartass
2016-09-11 17:59:56 UTC
It was my birthday (I'd turned 11), and we'd finished school for the day (Year 6). My mum took me to her friends house to pick up some presents. At this time everything was normal. When we got home, I got changed from my school uniform and then went downstairs to put the TV on. I was expecting CBBC programmes but they were showing the footage of the attack, which I thought was a movie.

I then decided to try ITV for their kids' programmes. Again, I saw the weird movie, which confused me, because it was on 2 channels at the same time. You're probably going to think I'm a jerk for this, but I decided to stick Cartoon Network on rather than watch the 9/11 attacks...

Dr. D
2016-09-12 07:29:57 UTC
I was on the phone talking to a colleague in New York City. When I called him I did not know about the attack. He was watching it occur from his office window and describing it to me. At first we thought it was a terrible accident. Then the second plane struck. At that time we had no idea of what was going on so we hung up and started watching the news on TV.

I think there was a general sense of shock and we couldn't understand why anyone would do that. We couldn't imagine the hatred that caused this. It was a time when nothing made sense.
2016-09-13 06:57:34 UTC
I was in HS when the attacks emerged. I was 14 years old and that time the life that I had was scarred forever. Bodies, Destruction and madness was traumatic; just imagine at 14 years old watching something that you thought it's a movie but it REAL. 15 years later I have a successful career but at the same time everything that we saw and endure on 9/11/2001 will never go away nor break our spirit. United we stand divided we fall.
2016-09-12 19:02:15 UTC
I was having a day off sick from school (I was 9, and living in the UK). My Mum had me tucked up on the sofa and we were watching Crossroads when it was interrupted by this broadcast. My Mum told me I would never forget this day, because at the time I didn't really understand - it was almost like a scene from a movie. The actual atrocity of it didn't hit me. My Mum explained what the Twin Towers were and how iconic they were. I moved to NYC in 2014. I also remember this event being the first time I ever heard about terrorism.
2016-09-11 17:49:26 UTC
I was off work that day, and had just taken my girlfriend (now wife) to work. I was listening to Mancow in the morning on the radio, and just as I pulled into my parking spot, Mancow said something like "okay, if you can get to a TV, turn off the radio and put on the TV, because it seems like a plane has just crashed into the WTC. This is not a joke, folks, try to get to a TV..." etc. I remember thinking, wow, that's in bad taste, I wonder what THIS gag is going to be, went inside, and was glued to the TV for hours. My wife and I didn't have cable at the time, so all I could watch was local channels. That night, after she'd gotten home from work, some guy going door to door to try to sell people on Comcast came by, and I decided that was the day to get cable.
2016-09-13 11:27:40 UTC
9/11 gave many people the wrong idea about Islam, in fact Islam is the religion of peace and in Islam who ever heart another human being does not considered Muslim... So how could that be? Some are trying to give people the wrong ideas about Islam, when in fact Islam is against all those terrorists attacks!
2016-09-11 19:54:05 UTC
I was 6 years old and in the first grade. I remember we were watching a childrens show (pretty sure it was "Reading Rainbow") and eating pretzels and apple juice. I remember being shocked, but couldn't really process it like an older person could. It's amazing how much we can remember when things like that happen!
2016-09-12 01:47:40 UTC
No I wasnt shocked, mainly because I was a newborn.

But its heartbreaking after a few years when I learnt about what happened on 9/11.
2016-09-11 11:04:11 UTC
I was at school in the cafeteria when we heard the news. I was only in the 6th grade. We were in the middle of eating our lunch when our teacher arrived early to tell us that a "Plane crash" had happened in Manhattan and if your parents commuted to that location to go to the main office to make a phone call to family to ensure they were okay. We lived in Eastern Pennsylvania. Many parents in the area commuted up to Manhattan for work.

When she said plane crash though, we all thought it was a tragic accident. We had no idea that more than one plane was involved, or that the World Trade Centers were hit, or that was it was a terrorist attack. Turns out the teachers were trying to hide the information from us, being only 6th graders, so they told us very little information. Classes resumed as normal for the remainder of the day. It wasn't until I made it back home that I realized the severity of what happened.

I came home and sat on the chair to watch Spongebob. My sister came in afterward and said "What are you doing? Turn on the news! This is really important!" And then she told me what was going on. Such a sad and tragic day.
Hardest Worker
2016-09-11 13:51:40 UTC
I was 16, my sophomore year of high school. It was Spirit Week aka Football week. So, I was wearing my high school sweat shirt, I still have it. I remember getting out of P.E. and The Social Science class some of them going home over what has happened. Then I went to my math class, I did like 10 or 15 minutes of homework. But the next hour, we watched the events unfolded, the cell phone networks and internet crashes for the first time. So many people were trying to check on their families and friends. Then I had lunch, some students went home early, by the time I went to science, it was biology, they were instructed not to show any more or panic students by showing it. I and 4 others, were having panic attacks over what has been going on. For like 3 days, I just watched it on the news. Till finally, my grandma whom lived with us. Made me stop watching and came with a couple emergency plans for us and my mom, so I and my sibling would stop worrying so much. We still adhere them.
2016-09-14 23:06:58 UTC
Well I was like 8 so I was at school when it happened, and then I saw it on the news when I got home from school.

I live in Australia, so thankfully none of my friends or family was there. I remember that my parents and all the adults were shocked and angry and sad for everyone who had died and their families. I didn't really fully understand the magnitude of what had happened at that time
2016-09-16 07:24:55 UTC
I remember getting of work that day and everybody was at the gas stations and grocery stores lined up in a hording panic. The days that followed seemed pretty overblown as to the size and scope of the attack. I remember thinking 3000 people does anyone remember London during the Nazi Bliz... 5000 a day and their people would not back down!

I also thought Bush would be assassinated before he finished his term. People were pretty scared
2016-09-11 11:48:13 UTC
I was 17 and I was at school. The second period was approaching its ending, when suddenly, the assistant principal spoke via the P.A. and he asked all teachers to turn the TV's on...

By the way, that Tuesday morning started off just like many other mornings did; however, starting at about 8:50 AM, everything was different...

(No, there is no need for anyone to correct me by saying that the first plane crashed at 8:46 AM because I stated the time when I first heard of what was going on...)
2016-09-13 05:28:06 UTC
I was 8 Years old, in primary school around 2:30pm. ( I live in Northern Ireland)

Remember by teacher Mrs Napeir being called out of the room for a moment to speak to the prinicpal Mr O'fee.

She came back in with a strange look on her face, she then had to break the news to us all. i didnt quite understand the severity of it until i got home and put the tv on to see it with my own eyes. i felt sick to the stomach, it was like hearing about those stories from my own country regarding the troubles only on a much bigger scale!

Now to this day, having visited New York myself i still cant get over the huge impact it had on the world.

when i visited in June this year with my now fiancee (got engaged on staten island ferry) who lived in new york before and after the attacks, i felt an overwhelming sense of familliarity with the place, and i miss it terribly now.

The ominous feeling being at the Ground Zero Memorial pools, hundreds of people there, but silent, looking at all of the names of those that perished, still has a strong affect on everyone as it did 15 years ago, it didnt matter what colour everyone was, it was just being together sharing that moment that was the important thing.
Smokies Hiker
2016-09-14 14:54:02 UTC
I was at work listening to the radio when the news broke about a "small" plane hitting one of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center near the top floors. Minutes later they said a commercial airliner had struck the Twin Tower. Everyone was in shock, especially when minutes later, a second plane had struck the other tower. I knew then that our country would be changed forever by these terrorists.
2016-09-11 15:57:42 UTC
I was 2 years old and I don't remember it but my family was in Japan on the Air Force base when it happened and my Dad was mowing the lawn while I was inside with one of his friends and then a news broadcast came on the TV with the first building was struck. But like I said I don't remember the event because I was 2 but it is a tragic event and pray for all the lives lost that day.
2016-09-11 12:46:53 UTC
I was 3 months out of college, and working my first career job. I was in the kitchen of my bachelor apartment brewing coffee and eating a bowl of Cheerios while getting ready for work. I was watching Good Morning America and it was on commercial break. The last commercial on break was a McDonalds commercial. Immediately after that commercial ended they went into breaking news at WTC. At first I thought it was an accident, but then the second plane hit. I never made it into work that day, and they dismissed early anyway. Just pure shock and awe that day. It felt like a bad dream.
2016-09-11 11:13:19 UTC
On September 10th I quit my job in the WTC. I slept in on the 11th because I as I didn't start my new job until the next week. I would find out later that everyone I was working with just a day ago all died as the offices of the company were in the upper part of the building. I was kind of a mental mess for a few weeks thinking that if I would have stayed one more day I would not be here right now.
2016-09-14 06:39:37 UTC
Well i am not used to that but ...this is almost impossible.the autoatack version.

Because hitting the tower means to colaps the plane suicide..or only a joke or comedy about hitler if not real..a man threw himself over the window.

So i heard this was the type of kamikaze.

It s not possible to hit by plane a building snd survive with just one wing..definetly bush s afministration wpuld mean hitlerized..and i don t jump at conclusions ..except the pilot victime not knowing for what who is acting..if a conspiracy took place....the arabs are very underculturalized so undeveliped psihic./.vulnerable of harming need to reestablish your state in this country is damaged by usa..and anyway usa has endured a large transformation is no lo ger able to continue the Age of oligarhy..which is dating back in time since independant war..considering done by arabs i wasn t extremly shocked..but i admit it was a surprise because i had no idea ab policy
2016-09-11 13:43:33 UTC
I was at college and the teacher let us leave early and then went to a friend's home. I remember listening to the news saying the White House was safe because it was to low to the ground and it would be like finding a needle in a haystack then a short time later they said the Pentagon got hit which made me think what the ****. I told my friend who was pissed off ready to go a recruiter we should wait for all the evidence before joining because it may have been an inside job to justify war with Iraq so Bush Jr could finish where his dad failed at taking Saddam out of power.
2016-09-14 08:10:26 UTC
I remember hearing about it on my way to work (California time). Yes it was shocking and because I worked with Veterans of WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam, it was the only thing anyone spoke about all day long. The big screen TV s were hauled out to play and replay the video of the attack again and again. Most of my veterans knew it would mean that young people, both men and women would be going to war and most were dismayed because they knew the horror that war would bring.

I will never forget that day.
Linda R
2016-09-11 13:38:46 UTC
At the time, I was just sitting down to eat my breakfast before going to work....I always turn the TV on for 'noise' while I eat. As I ate, I saw a plane flying into a building and thought I select the wrong TV station and it was just a wasn't - it was REAL. I thought, dang we're at war with someone because they just attacked us.

I called my boss and asked if we were still working or not....he said 'yes' and knew nothing of the attack.

After that day and every time I had to show apartments to foreigners.....I stayed at the door and let them go in by themselves to look around.
2016-09-11 12:47:20 UTC
I was 13 and I lived in Brooklyn, New York City. I walked into class assuming it was another Tuesday morning. But when my teacher told us a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers I was in shock. Planes aren't allowed to fly over Manhattan because of the skyscrapers. I assumed it was some sort of accident at first but when we were told yet another had crashed into the second tower, my anxiety started kicking in. Some of my loved ones worked there. My uncle and my dad's best friend. Thank God they came out safe but it's such a terrible event in US history, And I will never forget.
2016-09-13 07:40:15 UTC
Where WAS we? And YA picks this as a top question.

I was on Long Island, about 40 miles away. My husband was working in the city, right across from the Emprie State Building. No one knew if they'd hit that next. He couldn't get home for a while because they closed all the tunnels and bridges and the trains weren't running.
2016-09-11 11:14:08 UTC
I was 3.
2016-09-13 04:54:17 UTC
From the critically acclaimed author of Anything But Typical comes a touching look at the days leading up to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and how that day impacted the lives of four middle schoolers.

Ask anyone: September 11, 2001, was serene and lovely, a perfect day—until a plane struck the World Trade Center.

But right now it is a few days earlier, and four kids in different parts of the country are going about their lives. Sergio, who lives in Brooklyn, is struggling to come to terms with the absentee father he hates and the grandmother he loves. Will’s father is gone, too, killed in a car accident that has left the family reeling. Naheed has never before felt uncomfortable about being Muslim, but at her new school she’s getting funny looks because of the head scarf she wears. Aimee is starting a new school in a new city and missing her mom, who has to fly to New York on business.

These four don’t know one another, but their lives are about to intersect in ways they never could have imagined. Award-winning author Nora Raleigh Baskin weaves together their stories into an unforgettable novel about that seemingly perfect September day—the day our world changed forever.
2016-09-11 15:12:03 UTC
I was 11 just returned home from school (Greece) and my father was watching the news as always...couple of minutes and braking news with live feed of the burning tower...Its the first time In my life I was shocked from something I saw in TV I stayed there and I can't really explain the battle inside my head confusion sadness questions...I remember it like yesterday.
2016-09-11 17:16:12 UTC
I was 7 years old. I lived in california so there was a 3 hour time difference. I was sleeping, but I found out about it when I woke up. I honestly don't remember much. I had no idea what was going on.
2016-11-12 15:21:24 UTC
was at work driving around in boston delivering packages... this was before smartphones existed and cell phones were expensive, so communicated through my radio with the dispatcher of my package delivery service...

he suddenly calls me at 11:00 and tells me to turn on the radio... i said what's up? i thought it was a client that had complained about me, so i turn it on, cant find anything right away, just some people talking seriously, so i call him again and say what's up? my radio doesnt get a signal (i lied)...

he said its something really shocking... i cant really tell you... trust me, you shall hear about it on the news... just go home, you are done for the day...

so i closed off, and headed home, and true enough, it was everywhere on the news...

i was fired the next week (unrelated) and after the market for package delivery became really slow, i coudnt find work, the economy slowed...

that was my last real job ever...

i have a middle eastern appearance so those were some difficult years for us...
2016-09-13 12:31:34 UTC
It's in the past. Move on. When you think about it people die at a higher rate around the world. You're just feeling it more because it's happening to people in YOUR country. At the age of 7 I found out that I'm not the center of the universe and obviously, the US isn't as well. Grow the hell up already unless you want to feed off the hate to create more hate. What's even worse is the target of hate is misdirected, talk about ironic.
2016-09-15 09:55:39 UTC
I was 13 years old when it happened. I live in the Midwest. I was in reading class when I found out about terrorist attacks. I was confused at first what happened. I had volleyball practice after school. Instead of practicing we talked about it and I understood what happened.
2016-09-11 11:01:47 UTC
I was 9 miles away in my New York apartment. I was eating. I can't say I was shocked bc I was only 6 months old, and I have no recollection of that tragic day, I was much too young. never forget the lives lost.
2016-09-12 14:25:06 UTC
I was four years old when the 9/11 happened. September 11, 2001

My mom and I we were cleaning our house after we had a huge mess.

So then on the TV news, they told us what happened. I pray to the people who lost their families and friends.
2016-09-13 16:31:10 UTC
I live in the uk, I had just turned 10 a few days before hand, I was in primary 5. I remember my mum and little brother picking me up from school, they had been out with my gran and my mum telling me there had been an accident in america, when we came home and flicked the news on and it showed the second world trade centre falling. I will never ever forget that day. Rip to all who died
2016-09-11 12:04:06 UTC
I wasn't born yet. But I was shocked when I first learned about it. I did tons of research and it made me very sad and I started to question the world a lot, but that's a conversation for a later date. RIP to all those who suffered that horrible day.
Ronald 7
2016-09-11 12:42:46 UTC
I live in Ireland.

I had come home from Night Shift, everything was fine with the World and I was in a blissful sleep.

I rose later and turned on the TV, I could see the South Tower on fire.

As I was watching I could see the second plane approaching.

It then hit, and it was like so surreal.

My heart sank along with the Towers that evening.

I find it very hard to trust a Moslem.
2016-09-11 21:30:33 UTC
The most shocking thing for me about 9/11 are all the idiotic conspiracy theories - including such as it was an inside job carried out by the or that it was a demolition job following an explosion inside the building.

Yet we can all see first one plane and then another flying headlong into the Twin Towers.

and remember - "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
2016-09-11 11:44:43 UTC
I was in second grade. I was 8 at the time. I will never forget that day, I think everyone who is old enough to remember at all can tell you where they were. Teachers kept pulling my second grade teacher out of the room to talk to her. Several hours passed and many of my classmates began to leave. I thought it was odd that by noon well over half the class had left. Finally my mom came to get me around 12:30 and that's when I found out and saw it on the news. I will never forget that day.
2016-09-13 09:11:09 UTC
Doing research in the Library of Congress. A librarin I knew whispered to news to me almost as soon as the second tower was hit, but her attitude was of its being an happening in a faraway northern city "of which" in Chamberlain s notorious quote bout Czechoslovakia, "we know little." But then the Pentagon was hit and it immediately became a real, local, problem, and the whole city went into panic mode. I took that last Metro back to my hotel, then took lunch at a restaurant in Arlington, just one stop from the Pentagon. The young pulchritudinous waitress found me a seat where I could watch the reruns of the attack on TV, with a comment whose perspicacity in one so young did amaze me: "Well, we ve been doing things like that to other folk so long that I suppose we had it coming," and we went on to discuss the US Navy s downing of the Iranian civil air liner. .
2016-09-11 19:29:39 UTC
I was at the stable, looking after my horses. The owner of the stable said her adult daughter was upset and was coming to the stables-a plane had flown into a building in New York. I thought she meant a personal plane that accidentally hit a building.

It was some time later that I realized what it really was.

I did not know until today that the fighter jets sent up to bring Flight 93 down had no Sidewinders. The only way they could have brought it down was to fly their own planes into the tail section.
2016-09-13 23:39:36 UTC
I was about 3 years old, and I was in Connecticut, only a few counties over from NYC. I remember that I was watching sesame street, and my mom says that me and my twin brother called her in, saying that the TV wasn't working (the antenna for the channel had been on the WTC, coincidentally). She then walked back into the family room, where she had been watching the news, and saw that a plane had crashed into the tower.
2016-09-11 17:22:41 UTC
I was 17yrs old, just starting college.. Some guy in my class was like, "did you watch the news this morning"? Me: "Nope"... An airplane crashed into the world trade center in new york!! Me: *shocked/confused/face kinda going a bit numb* "what??? are you serious????"...

You could tell the guy was absolutely serious too.. They had put tv's in the hallways afterwards and several students were gathered watching the news on there..

The next day i was walking to school and at one intersection there were flashing yellow lights. My friend was like, 'thats wierd; flashing yellow lights. I wonder if that has anything to do with the plane crash" We live in Canada... Me: "laugh"
2016-09-13 00:24:49 UTC
I was in first grade and it was a very sad day in school. I remember not Really knowing what was going on and our school was on lockdown and the teachers turned on the news and it was kind of just a silence because the teachers knew what was going in and it was just awkward. We couldn't leave classrooms and i remember all doors being locked. I live in Ohio and we have GE (general electric) and I remember our state declaring a shut down emergency because they thought we were going to get attacked next. Very sad day. :(
2016-09-11 12:51:13 UTC
I wasn’t born yet...but it was a very depressing day. Some people were lucky while others were not.

In elementary school, that was when I started learning about what happened in 9/11.
2016-09-11 12:43:47 UTC
B.A.M.B.I.(Back at my Base Instellation) I was still an Airmen in rank back then. If I had stripes or not, who knows? Many years ago. Many years since I retired. Not really. Just another day for me. Were glued to the TV, but life was still the same. People already were freaking out. Just not my thing.

My base is Cannon AFB, NM. Yes, I know where it's at, but do you know what I know. Do you know that what I know is on a need to know matter? So,,,
2016-09-16 02:02:04 UTC
I was nine years old getting ready for school. It was 6 something in the the morning. Im in California. I remember not really comprehending what was going on on the news. I just saw repeated videos of the twin towers falling down. My mom hugged me a lot because I had just flew home from Ohio by myself 3 days prior to that happening. When I got to school my teach explained to us what was going on...
2016-09-13 12:25:17 UTC
I was in an auto repair shop, waiting for my car to be repaired.

The shop had a TV there so that their customers could watch it.

I was watching my car repair, not the TV when I heard someone scream.

When I looked up at the TV, the first plane had just hit the building and I saw

the second one do the same.

I almost immediately got sick to my stomach and almost cried, because I could

see the damage that was done and knew that many in those building had or would die!
2016-09-12 03:36:42 UTC
I was beginning my senior year of high school. I was in 3rd period gym class and it was only our first day of class (we had a 5-day schedule) and we were sitting on the bleachers outside waiting for our teacher to come give us the schpiel on the locker room, etc., when he came out and told us something terrible had happened and we needed to go inside. We had to stay in our 3rd period classes until further notice and found out because the gym teachers were watching the news in their office. I live about 30 minutes from NYC and throughout the day all the kids with parents working in the WTC, FDNY, NYPD, etc. were called down to guidance and would come out hysterically crying and shaken up. It was 2001 so not everyone had a cell phone, those who did lent it to others to check on family members. What a terrible day.
2016-09-11 15:19:52 UTC
I was 3 years old and it was my birthday. I am born on 9/11
k w
2016-09-15 08:16:30 UTC
of course I was shocked, I was home because I worked 2nd shift, just got up and put on the news and was glued to the wasn't til days later when I seen the video of bldg 7 go straight down ,just like a demolition did I know it was pre-planned, and of course the cover story just acted as if it actually fell due to fire.....people are in denial, because to think otherwise would be too much for them to handle, just like in the movie...."YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" !!! and he sure was right about many of the American people. I wasn't there, never witnessed it first hand, but that was a FALSE FLAG attack, and if you believe otherwise, you are just in denial cuz you likely can't handle the truth....perhaps are too innocent.......and probably never read [ operation northwoods ] and just are in a different reality of fluff......
2016-09-14 03:49:17 UTC
I was at home in a Los Angeles district when this false flag event occurred. It was clear--from the start--that something very screwy was going on. And, this was certainly corroborated by the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld PNAC based attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq. Essentially, EVIL INCARNATE!!! (Had nothing to do with young Islamists with a few hours of flight training, and box-cutters!!!)
2016-09-13 02:18:00 UTC
I was then an employed public servant.

My immediate supervisor reported that

our National Capital had been attacked.

I continued with my assigned duties.

No additional instruction changed that.

I believe this was a correct response

and one that the public expected from

my time with their dime. I've retired,

thank you, and a National Flag outside

my residence can answer this as well.
Skoda John
2016-09-12 00:23:52 UTC
At work in the UK sitting 3 desks from a colleague who was talking on the phone to a person on the top floor of the first tower hit at the World Trade Centre.

We had CNN and the New York Web cams up very quickly.
2016-09-14 07:27:36 UTC
I was in sixth grade when the attacks happened. I remember being at school when we got the news and the school sent us all home early. When I came home my mom was watching TV and crying. She told me to come watch, I said no. She said it was going to be apart of out countries history, but I didn't really get it at the time. So I went upstairs and watched cartoons.
2016-09-11 15:47:43 UTC
I remember that Arab and Muslim families pulled their children out of government public schools because of the threats they took from some right wing americans. Plus they feared that they would be bullied and called "terrorists". May god never allow this tragic event to happen again
sci enthusiast
2016-09-11 13:54:59 UTC
I was 18, a freshman in college, from the east coast, but attending a west coast school. I was in my third week of being away from my family, who were all living on the east coast.

I was also on pacific time. This part of the world was still asleep while this happened. I was awoken by a very loud banging on my dorm door. It wasn't yet 6am. I was asleep on the top bunk and wondering why my roommate wasn't getting up to answer this crazy knocking. Someone - a voice of a new friend - was calling my name to wake up, NYC was being bombed. I honestly thought I heard wrong. I finally got up to open the door. I remember I was really annoyed about it. I thought she must be drunk. I also had my first calc exam later that day, which she knew I was worried about.

I opened the door and my annoyance immediately was replaced by concern. My friend quickly barged in. She was yelling, almost hysterical, acting like she'd already had a million cups of coffee. She was telling me to turn on the TV. This was when I realized why she'd knocked on MY door. On our floor my roommate was the only one that had brought a TV. I was also the only one from the east coast.

My friend explained her parents had called her just moments before and said we were being attacked and it was on TV. She said it was the WTC and I am embarrassed to say that I immediately relaxed upon her saying that. To east coasters, terrorism became a thing in the 90s. Bomb threats were a regular occurrence through middle school and high school. I also remembered the 1993 WTC bombing and had been to the WTC myself since that bombing. I remember thinking these terrorists must be idiots to attack the same target. I still really didn't grasp why my friend thought this was reason to wake me up before 6am on the day of a calc exam.

By this point, though, my roommate was also up and she was fully alert, turning on the TV. Her parents were in the military.

And then we began to watch the Today Show. They were talking about unconfirmed reports a plane hit the WTC. It looked insane. It just looked insane. I had been to these buildings. I knew what they meant to NYC. I knew how freaking massive they were. I had been inside one and remembered how I felt like I didn't belong there, with all these fancy clothed people rushing to elevator banks, looking important.

In my dorm, the three of us were standing up, watching it unfold before our eyes. At one point we argued about whether some pilot had a heart attack or a seizure and flew into the building... It was still dark outside for us, but by then 5 other people had funneled in to the room too because they'd heard all the knocking. It truthfully feels o me now like an hour had passed, but it hadn't even been 10 minutes.

Then, we all watched in my tiny dorm room as the second tower exploded in real time. I will never, ever, ever forget that moment. None of us were arguing anymore. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. There were some people that just screamed. There was crying. There were many "oh my gods" and "what is happening" and "why are they doing this". Fear. I remember fear.

I remember a friend and I just started hugging each other so tightly after this. We hugged like our lives depended on it and we'd known each other for less than a week. As we hugged each other, she whispered in my ear something I will also never forget, "They will blame us for this...they are going to blame us for this..." She sounded so, so terrified and looked as scared as all the people looked in New York. You see, her parents had escaped Iran during the revolution. She was a first generation muslim American. That is what she meant.

The phone lines were overwhelmed. No one could make any calls. I couldn't get through to my family. Cell phones were not a thing then. All the family I had were scattered between the cities of NYC and Philly and we really didn't know what else was in store for us at this point. My mind seriously kept flashing to scenes from Independence Day where the aliens destroyed even the smaller cities. Would these people attack cities like that too? My city? Philly? We simply didn't know. These first few hours of uncertainty were the worst. For a while, we simply didn't know if we even had a country or a government any more. Were we being invaded? Were there more attacks coming? Did they have nukes? Where was the president? All of these questions were very real for a few hours this day.

We had a curfew on campus that night. Class wasn't canceled though. Everyone failed the calc exam and that was the least shocking thing about 9/11.
2016-09-11 19:47:29 UTC
I was in bed. I believe I first saw the first hit and the second come later.

I was about to set off on a geographical move from CA to CO. I saw the 9/11 events as a transparent attempt to stop me in my tracks. I made the move despite the national emergency. Of course I also heard about it on the radio.
2016-09-13 11:43:43 UTC
Was only 1
2016-09-13 16:30:43 UTC
I was only 2 years old so I don't remember much, but I remember being in my apartment and dad just left to work and suddenly my mom started panicking and crying and my dad came home right away, and I remember seeing the buildings on TV but that's it.
Amazing Grace
2016-09-13 06:50:04 UTC
I was at work.

An odd silence came over the building. No one about.

I went down the hall and round the corner to another office and there was a TV on and I saw the plane hit the second tower.

I knew the towers would collapse.

I saw both towers collapse on live TV.

I knew that the USA that I grew up in and loved was mortally wounded.
2016-09-11 13:56:44 UTC
I was in 3rd grade I believe when it happened. We came in to school and the teacher put that on TV (CNN I believe), we sat there not really understanding (we were kids, how could we?), then word came down that all schools in town were closing immediately and parents were to come pick their children up or make arrangements for pickup, I dont think we were at school more than an hour.....
2016-09-12 22:40:07 UTC
I live in Slovenia and I had been at work in my office. I remember first news about something terrible going on in New York comming in at about 2 pm. At first there were reports of a smaller plane crashing into the tower of the WTC. As the situation developed further, more news started to come in and I remember we were all stunned watching the evening news as the Apocallipse unveiled itself before our eyes. I remember thinking, that could have happened to me in my office, I could have been like those poor people hoplessly vawing their shirts in the 82 nd floor as no one could come to their rescue. That was trully cruel and horrific event...
Weasel McWeasel
2016-09-11 11:55:56 UTC
I was , (and still am) a New Yorker, living in a small, remote town in Italy. On Sept. 11, 2001.......I was putting my infant son down for his regular 2:30pm naptime.

Having a minute of peace........I made myself a cup of tea.....and flipped on CNN to see what was new with the rest of the world.

They were *JUST* breaking in with the news of the first tower.....which, needless to say, caught my full attention since I use to work in the complex, and my sister *still* worked there .

So, I was watching events unfold . *LIVE* as they were happening , from half a world away. I actually saw, LIVE, as it happened, the second plane swoop in, and smash into the tower. I couldn't believe my eyes.

The guy on tv was talking to the camera with his *back* to the Towers in the background, and *didn't* see it. He hears the explosion, and turns around, and then starts babbling about "secondary gas explosions"-

I was actually, literally shaking the tv yelling............NO you damn FOOL!!!! It was a HUGE airliner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rewind the TAPE!!!!!!!!!!!! Play it again!!!!!!!!

He kept babbling for like 10, maybe 15 minutes.....until some wise chimp finally had the same idea, and replayed the tape..........and there is was........big as life...........the second plane.

I frantically tried calling my sister, but already all lines were jammed or dead. I couldn't get I called my Brother in New Hampshire to ask if he had heard from her.

He didn't have the tv on, and wasn't even aware of what was happening.

I screamed "TURN O N THE DAMN TV!!!!!!!!!!!"

and I remember he asked........"what channel?"

ALL O F THEM you damn fool.!!!!!! Any one of them!!!!!!!!!!!

and together, we watched events unfold......over the phone.

When the first tower fell...........Oh. My. God.

he just dropped the phone........and the line went dead.

Somewhere in all that, was our sister.

Luckily.....although she went thru sheer hell that day........she was one of the lucky ones who survived.

My friend, Fire Lt. Glenn Perry.....was not so lucky, and perished.

American tv made a decision to stop showing all the Jumper footage after the first day. The news stations in Italy, and Europe had no qualms, and played that footage for MONTHS. To this day, I don't think Americans are even aware of just how many people actually jumped, or fell trying to save themselves.

To those who don't live in New York, or never visited the Towers.....I don't think they can truly grasp the scope and size of the disaster. The total square acreage of the area totally obliterated in the heart of New York City. Those two huge Mammoth buildings.....just GONE, in a matter of seconds.

Maybe it means nothing to other people in the rest of the country or the world.............but New Yorkers..........will NEVER forget. NEVER .
2016-09-17 13:03:23 UTC
To be scientifically honest, I was an unfertilised egg in my mum's uterus. I was born 23 months after 9/11.
Hey Goodlookin'
2016-09-11 12:06:59 UTC
Honestly, I was 8 and didn't understand what was going on. I showed up to school and there was a large assembly outside where the principle delivered the news to students and parents. I believe some parents were crying.
2016-09-14 15:07:04 UTC
I was flipping through the cable channels and saw that there was a new channel and started watching what I thought was a movie. Then while the reporter was talking, a plane hit the building that was behind him. It took a few minutes before I realized it was live and not a movie. I started to cry and called my sister who was at work in down town Pittsburgh. She worked on the 23ed floor. She told her coworkers and asked to keep her up to date on what was happening. When the plane went down in Shankville, she called to let me know they were evacuating town and she was going home.
2016-09-11 12:42:14 UTC
REMEMBERING 9//11 terrorist attack. was you shocked when it happened. WHERE WAS YOU?

Seriously , what's with the ebonic > where was you > and you really have to ask if people were shocked > GOOD PEOPLE were !
The Global Geezer
2016-09-14 14:41:22 UTC
For sure I was shocked. I had never seen anything like it on that scale before, and the whole thing had a kind of surreal quality about it. I was in the work van coming home from my job and first heard about it on the radio. Came in and my Dad was watching it in the news.
2016-09-12 17:57:02 UTC
I was 11 years old when it happened. It was morning time and I wanted to watch some cartoons. When I turned the TV on, all I saw on the TV, on every channel was two burning towers (as I am Australian, both towers had fallen by the time I had heard of it)
2016-09-12 17:22:42 UTC
I'm a commercial pilot and was on the Denver to MCO leg of the OMA to MCO (orlando international) run. We were vectored in for immediate landing at OKC (Will Rogers World Airport) We weren't told why but the flight attendants had been talking to passengers who did.My husband drove to come get me but people couldn't do enough for stranded travelers. It was horrific but it brought out the best in us.
2016-09-11 12:50:41 UTC
I was twelve years old at the time. I had bronchitis and was staying at my grandparents house while my parents were at work and my brother was at school. I was sleeping so much because of the medicine. My grandmother came into the room I was sleeping in and woke me up. She said "Amy, wake up. You need to see what is happening in New York." I was really confused and annoyed because I wanted to sleep, but when she said that World Trade Center had fallen, I got up out of bed to see what she meant. I ended up sitting in bed watching the news for hours when I was awake enough and able to understand that something really awful was happening.
2016-09-11 11:48:08 UTC
In 2003 I was 7 years old living in Albania... I didn't experience anything I guess we read the news and the dollar became weak, but I was too young to understand what had happened
2016-09-11 12:59:42 UTC
Sadly I wasn't even alive when this happened but my dad told me that he was walking into a store and saw on the TV that a plane had crashed into the twin towers. (I live in England not America) So yep. If I was alive and there while it happened I would be terrified. My thoughts r with those who passed away tho :(
2016-09-12 01:01:26 UTC
I was 1...
2016-09-13 13:34:32 UTC
I wasn't born when that happened. I'm officially 13 turning 14 in December. So, yeah.
2016-09-11 12:52:40 UTC
for many remembering 9/11 we be from how they see us (those who remember) remembering it. There will be many that were too young, or not ever born yet, so their only memory will be in how they see us remembering it. As with any needless waste of life we need remember what it taught us more than what was done to us. And the thing it taught us is we need each other. Remember.
2016-09-14 20:30:59 UTC
When 9/11 occurred, My mom was celebrating her birthday on that day. 9/11 was when my mom was born and no one showed up to her party because everyone was too busy looking at the news. :(
2016-09-11 14:16:38 UTC
My reaction was more like somebody finally punched us in the gut. I'm not like many Americans that are blindly naïve on what we have done in the region either. I knew at some time a punch was going to come back at us as you can only stick your nose in everybody business so long.
2016-09-11 11:21:09 UTC
I was asleep in bed. I wasn't shocked, but I did wake up to it as my radio alarm clock turned on the reports when it's usually top 40 radio. Didn't want to leave the home that day.
2016-09-14 13:54:46 UTC
got up around 10-1030,chugged warmed over coffee,sat drinking it on porch stairs,out town had a recent air & water show,heard a loowwww flying

f-16,flying towards downtown chicago,girl next door, came out to her porch

too, carrying a one year old,on the cell,hollering frantically with her mom.

MOM WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON????? THERE'S A,, ' the f16 pilot made another low pass over the block & apt bldgs, THERE'S ANOTHER JET JUST FLEW OVER US,,'

the girl was frightened as hell, I turned on the news,the locals were all carrying BREAKING NEWS CNN banner headline,'an airplane has crashed,, the tower is burning, ten minutes later,cameras catch video

of another plane heading at low altitude towards number 2,,,,,,

people were seen jumping and falling from 90 & 80 floors up.into one of the twin towers in New York city,,,,'

my daily gig was fundraising for VFW Ilinois,the office brought in more money in less time than any time in its' history.

ah **** i dont wanna type this again

into one of the twin towers in New York city,,,,'
2016-09-12 16:26:00 UTC
I was less about 1 year and 3 ish months old. I am one of the last high school classes who was alive. The new freshmen, class of 2020 are the first class of people who weren't alive in the occurrence of 911
2016-09-11 21:58:24 UTC
I was only 8 when it happened. I do remember being at school and my mom and dad coming to pick me up but after that I don't really remember much.
Raymond L.
2016-09-12 15:12:56 UTC

I was 22 years old and for some reason had slept in late that day,

I get out of bed and my dad says what had happened, I couldn't quite compute If in my head until I saw it on tv the plane crashing into the building.

NUTS!!!! is all I can say, NUTS
2016-09-11 13:29:28 UTC
I was in Asia. I was busy with work. Had shut down the world. A friend told me in a terrified tone. But I ignored.

Few years later I caught up with all that I had missed. I was sad.

A decade later visited the memorial site and wept.
Hoekom Jy My Haat
2016-09-13 13:03:52 UTC
The Liberals love to say you "have to be taught to hate". Well, on 9/11 Islam taught me how to hate. Then again on 7/7, in Madrid, in Bombay, in Beslan and they keep teaching me that lesson over and over and over. Know Islam, No Peace. No Islam, Know Peace.
2016-09-17 12:07:10 UTC
Not particularly. I was at work in Switzerland. After work I met my daughter in a bar. She went to order drinks and came back saying, 'Someone has blown up the tallest building in the world, in the USA.' I said, 'That must have been one hell of a bomb. The tallest building in the world is the Petronas Tower in Malaysia.'
2016-09-11 14:51:07 UTC
I was a sperm cell but when I was born and learned about it i often made jokes saying bush did 9/11 but today the jokes end
2016-09-12 19:41:45 UTC
2016-09-11 11:48:20 UTC
Shocked? No, I was installing an exterior electrical light fixture for a ladies room when the foreman drove up and told me the news.

Pretty romantic, huh? The light fixture is still working, btw.
Steven C
2016-09-11 10:19:06 UTC
I heard about the first plane on my car radio as I drove home from college. It was around 2pm in Scotland. By the time i walked from my car to my house and put the tv on the second tower was hit. Totally shocked.
2016-09-14 01:30:20 UTC
I was at school and my grandma came to pick me up I was like 8-9 so I honestly was happy cause I got to go home and play my game cube
2016-09-12 04:10:48 UTC
I was 13 and was sitting in the barbers getting my haircut, when the guy from the shop next door came running through and told us. We then turned on the radio. Me and my friends sat in the local park until late that night looking out for low flying planes thinking that they'd hit the UK next. God bless USA. Brothers across the Pond.
2016-09-11 22:56:54 UTC
I was 24 and was asleep at my house in Minnesota. I got a call from my girlfriend telling me that a plane hit the world trade center. I watched everything as it happened on fox news.
2016-09-14 10:11:57 UTC
Got up and went fishing but just before we walked out we saw one plane hit the tower and I thought and sais right then it was home grown terrorism but when we got home it was not the end and we found out more. It was a sad day but we got our fish. We hear more every day but one thing for sure it has changed our world forever in America.
2016-09-13 09:30:24 UTC
I used to work in tower number 1 on the 30th floor but something unusual happened that morning. I woke up early as usual to get to work but after i woke up i felt as if i had high fever and lot of weakness so i told my mom who was preparing Tiffin for me that i m not going to work and then went back to sleep, but i woke up 1/2 hour later to find myself fit as fiddle so i started for work but in the meantime i was late so i missed my usual bus and that saved me because i was on the way when the first plane hit the tower
Polar Bear
2016-09-14 08:52:52 UTC
When I was watching it on TV and saw the second plane hit the other tower I thought that something wasn't right. I had just retired in July so that was why I was home.
2016-09-11 13:13:46 UTC
In bed sleeping, heard a huge roar in the air like the planet was screaming in pain as i woke up out of dead sleep in my sophomore year in high school. Then it got quiet and something felt wrong in the air and made me feel depressed. I shrugged it off and went to high school to get morning breakfast(chocolate double thick fudge chips chocolate muffin and chocolate milk), then after we had emergency roll call to go to our homeroom classes with our case carriers. I didn't hear the news tell my case carrier said something. Then i knew that feeling was that.
2016-09-13 07:03:05 UTC
I was 6 years old and living on Long Island so I was sorta close to it when it happend but don't remember much
2016-09-11 11:56:20 UTC
I was in the hospital, having trouble breathing on Day 10 of my time on planet Earth. Do I remember it? No. Will it always be a part of my life. Defintely.
2016-09-11 12:27:46 UTC
I was living in a Living Facility in Chester County, PA. I saw the whole tragedy on one of the Broadcasting News Sources.
2016-09-12 04:58:20 UTC
I was only about 10 months old, so I do not remember. My dad at the time took a job around Pennsylvania, he said everything had went on lock down.
2016-09-11 11:53:49 UTC
I was 17 right in NYC, I was at Central Park having picnic with my girlfriend when we heard they first explosion, we were lucky we made it but it was INSANE. Unfortunately there were stil nearly 3000 people who didn't make it. **** TERRORIST and BUSH. One day we'll rule out all of you nasty cowards! God bless America!
2016-09-11 17:38:15 UTC
2016-09-15 16:01:49 UTC
I was not alive but my mom was and even now I'm shocked that something like that happened. I believe bush did it but that's my opinion.
2016-09-13 18:18:49 UTC
I was 3 when it happened so I wasn't really impacted since I can't remember it happening
2016-09-12 19:00:09 UTC
I was in school I dont remember because i was only in kindergarten But my mom told me that she saw the news and got scared Because she always tought things like this will never happen in america but it happend So she rushed to get me out from school and parents where already rushing to get there kids out because we didnt know what to expect this was in texas fyi
2016-09-11 12:14:43 UTC
I was home with a massive migraine that day, no TV, no radio, no nothing but lying in bed with the room dark and really quiet music on a CD to help me relax, so I didn't find out about it until my husband came home from work. He started telling me about it and when he said that both of the Twin Towers had collapsed, I got angry and told him it was a sh***y joke. He just looked at me and said it wasn't a joke.

My mom lives with us, and she'd gone to Arizona on the 10th, so her bedroom was empty. I got into her bed and watched coverage pretty much non-stop for the first 24 hours after I found out about it. I was both sad and furious because I am Arab American and I had no doubt right from the start that it had been done by Muslim terrorists. It's awful when you love two different cultures, and a small, rotten element in one attacks the other one. For that matter, it's awful when that same, small, rotten element attacks others of their own, as Daesh is doing right now to their fellow Arabs and Muslims.

I was shocked, yes, and I'll tell you what the most horrible thing was for me in all of it. It was bad enough that I had to watch the film over and over again of the planes crashing. It was awful watching the bodies of jumpers coming down. Watching the buildings collapse still makes me cry. But for me, the absolute worst part of those first few days was watching the film from all the hospitals in New York City. Everyone had called all their off-duty staff in so they'd be ready for the injured, and they kept showing these shots of hospitals, with all the extra staff people milling around outside the ERs waiting for the injured to roll up in ambulances, and they never did. If every hospital in New York City had been overwhelmed with injured people, and it had been a mess, it would have been easier for me to watch than all of those nurses and doctors standing around looking at each other with fear and worry on their faces. When you have so many casualties that hospitals are madhouses, it at least means that someone has survived. Watching and waiting and finally realizing there weren't massive numbers of injured people being taken to hospitals made me feel physically ill, because it only means one thing--the majority of people died at the scene.

Later, a lot of people said to me, "You were right--we were vulnerable to attack." I had known for years, and especially because I'd lived in foreign countries, including Egypt, that our widespread freedoms in the US made us especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks. You learn that when you've been in countries where there are men standing around with AK-47s cradled in their arms when you're just going about your day. They are really a frightening sight for Westerners who are not accustomed to the heavily armed being visible in large numbers in case something bad should suddenly happen, but there's also a weird kind of comfort in it. After the WTC was attacked in 1993, I told people it would happen again, but that I didn't know where or when, just that it would. People told me I was a scaremonger with a negative attitude and no faith in humanity or anything else. Later, people wanted to know how I'd known it could happen in the US, and apologized for having doubted me.

Watching my country lose its innocence was the bitterest pill I've ever had to swallow, and that kind of thing is absolutely the worst kind of prediction to see come true--there's nothing in it but heaviness and a leaden feeling in your heart and endless waves of sadness for everyone.
2016-09-11 12:12:49 UTC
I was at school; at the time I was in 5th grade. They sent us all home early without saying why. I remember one of the teachers looking very upset like she had just been crying. As soon as I got home, my mom had the news on and explained everything to me.
Scarborough Fair
2016-09-11 13:13:58 UTC
I was teaching a 9th grade English grammar class. I was shocked. When the first plane hit, we got a memo to turn on our televisions. The students were watching when the 2nd plane hit.
Big Spider on Your Pillow
2016-09-11 20:53:21 UTC
I had a nightmare just before my alarm went off about being on a building ledge and people trying to push me off it. When my alarm radio went off I could not believe what I was hearing so I turned on the TV. Horror. I felt sick to my stomach after seeing it.
2016-09-12 14:24:06 UTC
I was in the back of a taxi in London and the driver said 'did you hear what happened?' I was totally shocked
2016-09-11 19:27:49 UTC
At home 15:30 GMT, London.

Just got home from work and could not believe what I was seeing. Awesome and horrifying at the same time.
2016-09-14 13:42:05 UTC
I was working - colleagues saw the attacks on the internet - there was some shock at size of attack
2016-09-11 12:52:12 UTC
I was home and very shocked I saw it on tv when the plane hit tower 2
Harley Lady
2016-09-15 11:30:01 UTC
I was at work, and several of us gathered around radio trying to listen to details of the attack. Our boss came out of his office and made us get back to work. I left at lunchtime, so I could go home and watch the news. It was scary not knowing if more was to come!
2016-09-11 20:55:58 UTC
i was a very young child so i didnt know what was going on and i was in school in 1st grade. I do remember my teacher turning on the tv then acting like it was no big deal as of it meant nothing to us
2016-09-13 07:33:15 UTC
no I wasnt

I was watching it

(what "victims"?

for decades before (and after) the US has supported and aided terrorists, and carried some itself

But its just like other bullies- it cries "foul" when others fight back using tactics they dont like

(for YEARS the US bombed vietnam using napalm and didnt give a damn

NOW napalm has been banned

NOW the US is using thermobaric weapons

Bet they will cry "foul" when somebody uses one on them

The one thing the US MUST grasp is

Their enemies are not stupid.

NOBODY is gonna fight it the way they think they will lose

and THAT means they aint gonna fight the way the US wants, THEY are gonna fight the way THEY want

AND they will fight it when and where they want
2016-09-15 21:24:14 UTC
Not really because I was in 5th grade at the time and didn't really understand it was a big deal until everybody else made it a big deal. Reading more about it now, I know it was a big deal.
2016-09-11 13:54:44 UTC
I was stacking cards and making a building, when I heard a plane crashed into a building, I simulated with my hand a plane crashing into my stack of cards. I didn't think it was a big deal, until I saw the news. Then I went back to build a second building with cards.
2016-09-11 11:54:40 UTC
I was six months old, my mom and dad were heading to New York to visit the Word Trade Center until they heard the news on the radio. They quickly turned around to go home.
2016-09-14 19:47:51 UTC
Where was I during 9/11? In my father's ballsack. Swimming around with other sperm.
Jaimee Grubbs
2016-09-13 19:03:40 UTC
i was not shocked after about 15 seconds... because then i remembered the big jet airliner low altitude drills going on in Marion, Illinois in August of 2001. it was crazy and weird...
2016-09-15 06:23:42 UTC
I wasn't shocked that it was possible because down through the years there have been

people who tested our airport security and were able to STILL BOARD planes.
2016-09-12 22:14:50 UTC
I just remember I was at home playing because there were no classes that day and they began to talk about it all went to watch the news.
2016-09-11 10:45:52 UTC
I was in 2nd grade and left school early, I was so young and confused I had no idea why the school was flooded with parents picking up their kids. Until my mom told me that something bad had happened.
2016-09-13 09:29:25 UTC
Well I was in elementary school when it happened but I was still shocked at what was going on.
2016-09-13 00:37:51 UTC
Aha, wasn't born lmao ._. Tbvh I'm glad I wasn't, I don't think I'd be able to deal with the pain those people must have gone through
2016-09-13 15:36:01 UTC
I was in primary school I think I was 9 (living in Australia) and coming home and the tv was on and everybody in the lounge room... Terrible terrible day
2016-09-12 01:37:43 UTC
I was 7 years old and I was in the carpark of a supermarket in my car and we heard it on the radio. I was with my mum and younger brother. Then we went home and saw clips of the towers falling. I'm from the uk.
2016-09-11 11:41:41 UTC
I was having romance with my girlfriend in the bedroom , and we heard the radio talking about the incident and we suddenly stopped in panic because the building isn't that far away from us, and I was scared because my friend brother works there, but luckily he was having a holiday that day so he didn't come, and I actually called him straight away. rest in peace to everyone who died there
2016-09-11 12:02:28 UTC
It was traumatic.

When I first heard about a plane hitting a building I thought it was a joke. Then turned on the news and saw the chaos.
2016-09-11 13:16:51 UTC
OMG I don't remember why but I was at home with my dad instead of at school. I was sitting on the couch and my dad was watching tv and the news came on. It was crazy we were just like whoa.
2016-09-11 16:27:16 UTC
I was in a daycare. I still remember that 15 years later.
Rony Parkar
2016-09-15 01:34:48 UTC
I was sitting in front of tv and saw this news shocking
David Smith
2016-09-11 10:51:33 UTC
In class
2016-09-14 18:01:15 UTC
Of course everybody was shocked. I was asleep in bed in Florida at home. My dad woke me up and told me. Then I saw it on tv.
2016-09-11 16:43:39 UTC
I was shocked, but it wasn't until years later when a bunch of friends and relatives started dying that death of a person really shook me.

Dylan H
2016-09-11 19:33:37 UTC
I was shocked by everything being in little kids school an all
2016-09-11 13:36:33 UTC
It was the same day I was back at work since my first child was born, so she was the only thing I could think about. My husband called me and asked if I had seen the news and I replied "I don't care about the news! I just care about my baby!"
2016-09-12 12:52:43 UTC
I was at the local animal hospital having one of my cats euthanized. I had no clue what had happened until I got to the office about 45 minutes after it had happened.
2016-09-11 10:36:39 UTC
I was in the third grade. My mom had just picked me up from school for a doctor's appointment and she explained to me what happened.
2016-09-11 13:18:19 UTC
happened to call a friend on the phone and they asked if I knew about the attack? I said, no...and asked what they were talking about. The answer was " We are at war, we have been attacked..turn on the TV.."
2016-09-14 08:33:40 UTC
Was I "shocked" of course! That being said I got a CLEAR intuitive message that "the enemy was within the U.S" and not actually from the outside, Look up False Flags
2016-09-11 16:34:58 UTC
7 years old, school was let out. I remembering watching the clips of the video on the tiny TV in my house. It was impossible to comprehend what was happening.
2016-09-13 13:30:46 UTC
No I wasn't shocked because it was a planned inside job and they gave it away in.cartoons way before, we all knew he would happen.
2016-09-11 11:52:04 UTC
I was 1 year old so I don't remember it but rest in peace to Every one who didn't make it and god bless every one that helped
2016-09-15 10:46:02 UTC
Well... since I only found out about it about a year or two ago, no, I was not shocked. Also, I was probably somewhere in my mother, about to get fertilized.
2016-09-11 13:15:14 UTC
I was a month and 5 days old
2016-09-11 16:08:47 UTC
Well I was born sept 12 2001 do I was still in the womb.
2016-09-11 11:21:28 UTC
I was 5. My mom took my twin sister and I out of kindergarten. ( 2 of the flights left our hometown Boston,MA) All I remember was her crying in the car and when we asked what was wrong she said "We're under attack."
2016-09-13 05:36:59 UTC
I was at my house because I was 3
2016-09-14 22:17:55 UTC
Yes I was shocked at this news. Then I was in my home.
2016-09-11 16:22:41 UTC
I was only about 1 when it happened. I was at my baby sitter's and my parents picked me up. we lived in Chicago at the time so of course we were scared the Sears tower (Willis tower) was gonna get hit.
2016-09-12 17:31:52 UTC
I was totally shocked, because live in New York, and I was only a few blocks away....
2016-09-11 09:53:09 UTC
i was counting how many bombs i could drop on iraq before it was equal to the more than two million tons of ordnance dropped on Laos during 580,000 bombing missions—equal to a planeload of bombs every 8 minutes, 24-hours a day, for 9 years
2016-09-13 12:15:56 UTC
I was on the viewing deck of south twin tower. That 's in New York
2016-09-11 13:09:08 UTC
I was at elementary school I didn't even realize how big of a deal it was until I got older
2016-09-11 10:48:38 UTC
A friends uncle was slated to be on the Pennsylvania flight.. but forgot something from the office and transferred to a later flight.. wow!
2016-09-11 15:54:23 UTC
I was 15 freshman year in high school, was in my history class and saw and heard about it on tv while sitting in class a complete shocker.
2016-09-13 12:57:24 UTC
I was in my homeland in iraq. I was celebrating with my parents bur I did not realize why. I come to america and people hates me then. I now know why. I go back to my homeland because america has too much hate. They are racist and ful of hate to manys muslims.
2016-09-14 13:21:19 UTC
My sister was in the plane

My mom was in New York

I was only 2 Months old and I was in Conneticut!
2016-09-16 05:39:23 UTC
I was in school. I was sent home. Then I saw the smoke and stuff from the roof of my house. I don't live far from my school. I don't know what my thoughts were.
2016-09-12 08:25:09 UTC
I was banging out this chick when I heard the first plane crashed, then took a break to watch TV, then startied banging her again and I remember being so upset when the second plane crashed that I went completely flaccid.
2016-09-11 13:20:35 UTC
I was just a little kid in my living room. I had no idea what had happened until a few years later
2016-09-13 11:31:02 UTC
2016-09-14 08:17:17 UTC
in all honesty it was a pretty good day cuz school got let out early and want home and played pokemon, i beat my rival and caught an onix. 8/10 day for me personally
2016-09-11 12:08:59 UTC
I was a baby but I remember my dad telling me I was playing with my toys in the living room and he was watching it on the news
2016-09-13 13:28:14 UTC
You see I was almost on one of those airplanes I felt relived for some days but the guilt of knowing the people who died got to me..just the thought of my fellow man dieing just gets to me so I say we should celebrate by saying allahu akbar
2016-09-11 10:31:15 UTC
I was probably at home, I was four months when this happened so I don't remember :(
2016-09-12 14:46:24 UTC
I was 1 years old. I don't remember.
2016-09-13 18:13:25 UTC
I was in 1st grade, I just remember seeing my teacher cry. I continued to color, didn't think much of it, or didn't even know what really going on.
2016-09-11 13:35:21 UTC
I was 4. I was either in kindergarten or at daycare. My mom worked at Kmart, she said she was working where the TV's were and that they were playing the news on them.
2016-09-12 23:09:53 UTC
I have never been so shocked in my life. I was at home, getting ready for work.
2016-09-15 07:09:07 UTC
SHOCKED??? of course, who wouldn't be... BUT SINCE THEN WE SEE MUCH MORE OF THE CORRUPTION WITHIN OUR GOVT than we did before... TRULY IT WAS A WAKE UP CALL TO THOSE OF US WHO TRUSTED OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS TO look out for us and keep and honor their oath... we need to build a very large prison for the guilty... pray for our nation.
2016-09-12 17:02:02 UTC
I can't say as if shock is the right term. Deep concern yes.
2016-09-12 13:07:43 UTC
Well never existed at that time but when I learned about it I was so upset and I felt like the government planned this
2016-09-11 10:40:54 UTC
I was 3 weeks old and i was in a crib waking up when it happened
2016-09-13 07:03:44 UTC
I was in school in England. Shocking. May the victims and the heroes never be forgotten
Tad Dubious
2016-09-12 07:16:29 UTC
Yes, Yolanda, I was shocked. I was in St. Louis, Mo. I will never forget.
2016-09-11 11:24:50 UTC
I was in the living room, getting ready for school, when I saw that, I was 5 at that time, going to the elementary school.
2016-09-11 12:38:21 UTC
I did not keep the paper about the day the world trade center was bombed. But i still have the news paper from my drive way that says "Osama Bin Laden is Dead" I kept that one, its still in the plastic bag that it was in when i picked it up off my driveway.
2016-09-11 19:16:35 UTC
I was to young to care. I live in Washington state so it's not like it was really nearby.
2016-09-11 17:14:17 UTC
I'm 15 now so that means I was in my moms womb
2016-09-13 23:09:21 UTC
I was 4 months away from being in my mother's belly.
2016-09-14 12:26:57 UTC
I was shocked at the masterpiece that is Advance Wars. I was in my bedroom under the sheets with my GBA SP.
2016-09-13 10:41:06 UTC
There's nothing that is done by Muslims, shocks me.
2016-09-16 12:45:13 UTC
I was around 4 months old. My dad told me he was at work and saw it happen live on TV.
2016-09-11 20:58:15 UTC
I wax 1 year old in preparation school
2016-09-14 01:51:28 UTC
It is were. Were you shocked. Where were you. Not was. I just can't.
2016-09-12 07:19:44 UTC
I wasn't as shocked as the people of Japan were when Japan was bombed.
2016-09-12 17:43:02 UTC
2016-09-11 11:10:40 UTC
Sitting in my living room, it was a huge shock to me.
2016-09-12 04:17:22 UTC
I was not yet born until 5 days later. XD
2016-09-13 05:55:07 UTC
I was shocked & I was confused.I would say they need to nuke the Middle East & then I would say this Gov.knew what was coming.They had tried before,& they tried again & succeed
2016-09-14 06:58:50 UTC
I thought actually aliens had attacked Earth.
2016-09-11 11:04:01 UTC
I was very young bout 10 so didn't understand really
2016-09-11 23:00:32 UTC
At college. Seriously. You should go there and maybe take an English class or two.
2016-09-14 05:40:49 UTC
I was in elementary school in my English class, I was so terrified but school was closed early and all students were sent home
2016-09-11 18:57:35 UTC
When it happened knew it was going to happen because the govt planned it out ahead of time
2016-09-13 09:12:31 UTC
I was at home and saw this at the news. It was terrible. Sometimes when Im closing my eyes I see how the towers breaking down
2016-09-11 20:08:31 UTC
Shocked does not describe how I felt. I was so mad I wanted to e-enlist and go fight whomever. I was at home.
2016-09-12 12:51:40 UTC
I was 8 years old when it happened. Wasn't aware of the significance of the event.
2016-09-11 12:03:12 UTC
I was in my mother's stomach. She told me she felt sad because I was about to be born in a world full of war.. It made me cry :(
2016-09-12 11:28:09 UTC
Was at work, co worker said in the tv in the breakroom said a airplane hit a building in New York City, that's all we know and didn't think much else of it. Then another one hit then the Pentagon thought we were being invaded. I didn't know wtf was going on. They sent us all home
Black Feminist
2016-09-11 11:27:24 UTC
I watched it and was pleased. I thought, 'now the thought police can have a field day reporting whom they like'.
2016-09-12 03:05:35 UTC
I am British, at that time I was at work (mid-afternoon our time) in southern England. A colleague announced "They have hit the twin towers". My reaction was "What are the twin towers?" - but I soon found out.
2016-09-15 06:47:07 UTC
4th grade. Didn't know what was going on but we were on lockdown. I remember smelling smoke.
2016-09-14 19:33:04 UTC
I Was inside my mother, about to be born in 2 hours.
2016-09-11 22:38:58 UTC
Americans make such a big deal out of everything.
2016-09-11 09:54:43 UTC
I watched it happen on TV, but was too young to understand what was going on. I was in NY, at the hospital with my mom.
2016-09-13 12:31:24 UTC
I was in grade school when it happens sad day for America
2016-09-14 05:05:57 UTC
I was 2 years old xD
2016-09-11 11:55:12 UTC
I was like 3 months old lol
2016-09-12 03:53:27 UTC
2016-09-11 23:33:23 UTC
Andre Pettersson
2016-09-11 23:57:57 UTC
At work.
2016-09-11 13:43:16 UTC
At home on my day off, having my first cup of coffee when the first plane hit the towers.
2016-09-13 16:05:42 UTC
I was only 2 years old :(
2016-09-11 11:13:32 UTC
I was only 3 when this happens... i have some blurry memories
2016-09-17 15:49:51 UTC
Where WAS you during English class????
2016-09-15 09:40:41 UTC
REMEMBERING: White terrorism around the world.

Never Forget.
2016-09-15 04:16:13 UTC
I was sitting in a class room in 1st grade.
2016-09-12 18:35:13 UTC
I'm sorry my friend but it's "Where WERE you, not where WAS you". You're lack of mastery of English automatically invalidates your question. "NO YAHOO ANSWERS FOR YOU! COME BACK IN ONE YEAR!"
2016-09-13 18:56:24 UTC
i was in school and i was 7 almost 8, i saw drawings on the wall and i asked the teacher and she told me what it means, so when i arrived home i saw it on TV
2016-09-14 09:40:39 UTC
I was to young to understand as I was three, but I was on holiday in Spain at the time.
2016-09-13 11:25:41 UTC
i was in middle school, school went into a panic and parents picked me up early. i live in queens but alot of family and friends were affected
2016-09-13 12:13:34 UTC
2016-09-11 09:54:20 UTC
I was shopping at a walmart store in orlando florida. the store was stunned. everybody seeing on television in electronics and heard a voice. it was scary
Mrs Awesomness
2016-09-11 10:43:15 UTC
I didn't exist yet, I guess scientifically half of my DNA was in my dad and the other half in my mom.
Winki green
2016-09-11 21:52:40 UTC
Yes yes.i was very far.

I came to know after it came in the tv news ..such a far
2016-09-13 13:05:22 UTC
I was in my crib and I think I was getting babysat by my grandma while my parents were off working.
2016-09-11 11:05:01 UTC
I was barely 4 weeks old.
2016-09-11 11:37:54 UTC
I was somehow shocked and i was in a mall
2016-09-14 14:53:12 UTC
I was coming in from shopping , it was on the news , I knew someone who perished in it , don't ask anymore
2016-09-12 02:25:51 UTC
I don't remember that time I kid in Asia
2016-09-13 13:05:24 UTC
My late wife was trapped in NYC and I was home frantically trying to contact her.
2016-09-11 11:33:44 UTC
I was in high school. I was shocked, yes.
2016-09-13 11:45:24 UTC
Hanging my laundry when my youngest son called me to tell me about it. He enlisted in the Army, my other son was already in the Air Force. My youngest did 3 year tours in Iraq, he was wounded. He survived 4 IED explosions & he now suffers from Traumatic Brain Injuries & PTSD. Most of the times he can`t sleep. My other son`s wife did a 1 year tour & was injured while giving medical assistance to an enemy soldier there. Their marriage broke up, she is struggling but she`s much better now. I thank God for bringing them back & healing them. The daughter of 2 of our friends, who happened to be 1 of my students, was coming home on leave after being in Fallujah 6 months, the helicopter she was in was shot down by the enemy. One of her friends, another former student of mine was assigned "clean up" duty of that helicopter. At the time she did not know that she was picking up what was left of her friend`s body among the remains of other soldiers there.

God heals & time moves on, but I will never, ever forget what the Arab Moslems have done to those in the Twin Towers & to our soldiers in Afghanistan & Iraq. I will also never, ever forget the politicians whose actions & or lack of action brought this calamity & loss of so many, especially our soldiers, so young & full of life & laughter. What they have done for us & our nation cannot ever be compensated or paid for.

Yet at what these filthy politicians are doing to them still, the senseless imposition of "Rules Of Engagement" which have cost the lives of many of our young soldiers, but they will answer when they stand in front of God`s Throne on Judgment day. I pray that God will make their evil actions known to Americans & the world.

I have seen & heard of staff members of the Veteran`s Hospitals renounce their posts because they can`t see how our government is treating our Veterans there, the ruthlessness & lack of morals of Administration officials & staff who bargain for position & money through corruption.

A press member should be at Veterans hospitals investigating the most disgusting means of corruption employed by many who work in these hospitals, the lucrative contract sell-outs, bribes & favors in exchange of money; a den of low class thieves who should not be there at all.
2016-09-11 19:05:33 UTC
I was asleep, my wife came in the bedroom and woke me up and told me to turn on tv
2016-09-14 00:35:07 UTC
I was getting born, it's my birthday now
2016-09-12 10:09:20 UTC
At home
2016-09-12 13:16:56 UTC
my very beloved Americans

we are not remembering because we are never ever forget those great people who have lost their lives who have families&stories&hopes dreams...we never forget them7we remeber everyone in his or her name but i would like to add somthing that we should also remember all innocent people who have lost their most precious lives all over world because of terrorist attacks or racist actions like hatred or discrimination or even those who are opressed &they are losing all chances of hope&living as the living dead beacuse they are minorities or because some of backwards ideas....we should defend those people&never forget them &even they are silent&unable to speak because it is written in the Holy testment you are silent& the Sprit of truth defend you we should defend terrorism...that has taken lot of innocent lives all over the world for ordinary pople who had the right to pursuit its happiness in life&hope in future.
2016-09-14 09:18:12 UTC
Yes! I was in The 5th Grade & currently was at School at the moment.
2016-09-13 00:39:51 UTC
I was shocked by your bad grammar.
2016-09-14 12:26:35 UTC
I was a baby and my mum had just got me to sleep when she saw it on the TV
2016-09-11 12:30:34 UTC
In my mom's belly
Charly Dat
2016-09-11 12:03:16 UTC
I was turning 7 when that happaned.
2016-09-14 21:47:50 UTC
I wasn't born
2016-09-16 18:21:27 UTC
I was in jail, and they locked the entire jail dowm, I was like what the hell, they ain't going to blow up kern county jail
2016-09-11 11:13:13 UTC
I was in school. They evacuated us. My dad was a first responder, responding to the first tower being hit when the second one hit.
2016-09-11 23:41:45 UTC
In my mother's womb
2016-09-14 11:22:46 UTC
in class, economics 101
2016-09-11 14:21:08 UTC
I was on duty as an LAPD SWAT officer, busy shooting illegal immigrants who were shooting the police with their illegal AK47s which they smuggled into strict gun control LA.
2016-09-11 09:52:21 UTC
I was in high school. 12th grade. it was scary. principal came on intercom and said something was going on. did not feel good. but suspected it was fake
2016-09-12 20:18:35 UTC
Of course I was shocked. Where was I? not in New yore.
2016-09-11 15:59:02 UTC
In school in Ireland.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-09-12 13:39:35 UTC
Was doing some research in school library...was tragic.
2016-09-11 11:33:25 UTC
I was 3. had no idea what was going on.
2016-09-14 18:14:20 UTC
I was being born in Reno, Nevada.
2016-09-13 05:48:01 UTC
Elementary school
2016-09-11 12:07:18 UTC
Yes I was at school
2016-09-12 11:06:26 UTC
I was watching the Arabs cheer on the ABC network in New Jersey
2016-09-13 01:04:50 UTC
I was being born
2016-09-14 20:33:31 UTC
Doodling in class.
2016-09-13 23:27:23 UTC
I was shocked. I was in school
2016-09-12 10:58:57 UTC
ve a middle eastern appearance so those were some difficult years for us
2016-09-16 01:14:08 UTC
I was at school learning grammar and proper English. "Were you shocked" is correct "Was you shocked" is F*cking lazy as hell
2016-09-11 15:03:40 UTC
I was throwing eggs at a mosque
2016-09-11 11:38:58 UTC
Driving to Work..
2016-09-11 10:36:02 UTC
i was home waching tv when it was happened, time gose really fast been 15 years
2016-09-13 03:09:30 UTC
Very shocked.....thought it was a stunt....I was in London watching the news....saw it all....felt so sorry for you all.
2016-09-14 22:08:46 UTC
yes it was shocking news for me.
2016-09-11 12:20:18 UTC
In my high school art class. I was terrified
2016-09-12 03:31:03 UTC
I think on the victims of Iraq and Afghanistan.
2016-09-11 20:25:29 UTC
In a diaper
2016-09-12 23:26:20 UTC
I was dying my hair and watching the news; contemplating the uncaring power of gravity.
2016-09-13 18:51:14 UTC
i was a small child, I don't really remember it
2016-09-15 16:03:03 UTC
I wuz in me mums womb xD
2016-09-11 09:53:20 UTC
wow, It was so fake n high school. I suspected the government was behind it
2016-09-11 16:23:03 UTC
I was I'm my mom's stomach
2016-09-14 19:08:36 UTC
I wasn't even born
2016-09-11 12:56:37 UTC
I was -2 years old...
2016-09-12 16:50:46 UTC
I can't take this question seriously, the grammar is so horrible
2016-09-11 14:54:31 UTC
I wasn't alive.
2016-09-12 03:20:44 UTC
No. I am not looking at the rate they are expanding their network of terrorism
2016-09-12 18:16:18 UTC
i wasnt alive in the attacks but it makes me cry to think about it
2016-09-11 19:29:32 UTC
staying at home,and watch TV about it
2016-09-12 05:13:50 UTC
I remember it all. i was in the World Trade Center at the time...
2016-09-17 12:18:19 UTC
I was on the school yard talking to some of the students.
2016-09-14 20:11:11 UTC
yes i was shocked and i was at my home ..watching news
2016-09-11 09:54:48 UTC
I was shocked.

I was in work!
2016-09-11 14:42:53 UTC
I were shocked. I were at home.
2016-09-12 07:36:40 UTC
being born
2016-09-14 12:50:06 UTC
I was in my dads balls I wasn't born yet
2016-09-12 18:38:15 UTC
In my mothers stomach
2016-09-12 19:28:39 UTC
I was watching the news on CNN and thinking, why did the Republicans do this?
2016-09-14 09:33:26 UTC
I was at school then went home.
2016-09-11 09:53:54 UTC
Covered in asbestos. Larry Silverstein will burn in hell.
2016-09-11 22:33:20 UTC
I think I was in 6th or 7th grade.
2016-09-13 06:36:20 UTC
I was a baby in my home country.
J. C.
2016-09-13 02:53:49 UTC
I was fooled like everyone else - until I looked into it more.
2016-09-11 18:27:09 UTC
At home, sucking on my milk bottle.
2016-09-11 21:11:42 UTC
shocked, i was in london at that time
2016-09-14 16:46:10 UTC
2016-09-11 17:15:20 UTC
i was 2 yrs old
Stephanie McMahon Fan
2016-09-13 09:00:19 UTC
I was a month old
2016-09-12 08:12:24 UTC
In English class. *Where were you?
2016-09-14 08:03:27 UTC
2016-09-12 06:24:24 UTC
WERE you. Where WERE you. FFS, peasant.

I was looking at it. I saw the second plane hit, live.
2016-09-12 01:36:01 UTC
I was in a were place, rather than a was place.
2016-09-13 07:46:30 UTC
i loved it, exspecialy when people jumped out of the windows that was the best part from the whole thing
2016-09-14 19:06:54 UTC
I was at home with my parents
2016-09-14 09:28:02 UTC
I was in school
2016-09-11 19:21:37 UTC
I was in first grade
2016-09-11 15:54:51 UTC
i was watching it on live cnn broadcast i watched as the second plane hit the second tower, horrible.
2016-09-14 12:43:59 UTC
2016-09-11 12:39:40 UTC
Didn't even exist
2016-09-11 11:29:54 UTC
yes i was shocked, i was at home
2016-09-12 21:17:33 UTC
woz 16, where were u when the syria attacks started woz u sittin down ?
2016-09-12 00:10:09 UTC
yes but I was young
2016-09-11 11:09:48 UTC
I was in school
2016-09-11 16:32:10 UTC
Was you shocked? lol
2016-09-11 22:06:09 UTC
I was at home
2016-09-11 14:41:16 UTC
I was in 1 grade and they said everyone please stand for a moment of silence
2016-09-13 11:02:43 UTC
Where was I? I was banging my bosses wife! Hahaha
Alpha Male
2016-09-11 21:38:00 UTC
I still think it was an inside job.
2016-09-11 22:14:43 UTC
I be shock then.
2016-09-12 21:36:41 UTC
you should have been in school but it appears you never made it there
2016-09-11 11:56:27 UTC
not born
2016-09-11 12:01:40 UTC
I have no idea because I was a kid
2016-09-12 18:50:14 UTC
I was lynching in my back yard.
2016-09-12 15:42:20 UTC
yowsa boss dat I was
2016-09-11 16:50:47 UTC
They were trying to tell you, dumb assss, that it is where "WERE" you, not was. Did you finish high school?
2016-09-11 11:47:24 UTC
I was in Britian
2016-09-13 17:28:23 UTC
in high school
2016-09-11 12:49:56 UTC
I was in my moms stomach
2016-09-13 14:53:34 UTC
I was wanking. It was a particularly pleasing one.
2016-09-13 11:35:36 UTC

NOT cutting English Grammar class.
2016-09-12 04:53:22 UTC
in my mum's stomach
luis l
2016-09-13 23:02:35 UTC
2016-09-13 05:53:46 UTC
I was at my home
2016-09-12 07:18:42 UTC
comments here show that there are Americans and they are smart;
2016-09-14 15:41:42 UTC
I was at school.
2016-09-12 03:54:41 UTC
Signing at the jobcentre.
2016-09-11 16:33:33 UTC
I was an infant
2016-09-11 11:21:01 UTC
i pooped a lil
2016-09-11 17:06:26 UTC
at home watching the news
2016-09-11 21:49:24 UTC
just outside the country
2016-09-13 17:19:36 UTC
2016-09-11 10:34:29 UTC
at home watching the news
2016-09-11 19:30:53 UTC
Diana M
2016-09-11 19:20:28 UTC
Maybe if you knew english ..
2016-09-14 05:08:53 UTC
only if you are a dumb, you know it is going to happen.
2016-09-11 21:49:54 UTC
2016-09-11 12:45:39 UTC
I was going to work in OKC, and the oldies station interrupted with "OMG, I can't believe>>>>>>>>>>
2016-09-12 19:30:08 UTC
i was a little sperm inside my dads' dick
2016-09-11 10:32:06 UTC
In my high chair in the kitchen...
Nikki Salazar
2016-09-11 12:05:43 UTC
I was at home.
Christopher F
2016-09-18 06:22:27 UTC
Yes, I were.
2016-09-11 15:43:31 UTC
The answer you are looking for is WERE
2016-09-11 21:55:01 UTC
How old are you?
2016-09-11 13:26:57 UTC
2nd grade!
2016-09-13 06:22:30 UTC
no varanasi india
2016-09-12 11:12:32 UTC
in my mothers whom
2016-09-13 06:33:59 UTC
inside a certain ballsack
2016-09-11 10:47:01 UTC
I was like oh damn
2016-09-12 05:05:32 UTC
gone over this already.
2016-09-11 19:25:13 UTC
I was in my mother. She was pregnat with me.
2016-09-15 12:02:29 UTC
It was our weakness
2016-09-11 11:19:26 UTC
I was so little
2016-09-15 11:49:14 UTC
i was at home
2016-09-11 20:20:38 UTC
just at home.
2016-09-13 07:23:39 UTC
Use proper English: 1st person "I" = was; 2nd person "you" = were; 3rd person "he she, it" = was.
2016-09-12 12:18:19 UTC
2016-09-11 16:20:53 UTC
i was carrying on with my job lol
2016-09-11 11:16:26 UTC
I was in the womb
2016-09-12 01:04:29 UTC
Roberto Ruiz
2016-09-11 15:36:10 UTC
How dafuq do people cry on 911 I'm mean its bad but like damn chill
2016-09-14 05:01:56 UTC
Where was you? Where WERE you.
2016-09-14 06:47:55 UTC
2016-09-12 21:16:02 UTC
I was crawling...
2016-09-11 15:02:33 UTC
I was dead
2016-09-11 20:16:41 UTC
2016-09-12 08:27:17 UTC
It s Where were you?,Where were you?, Jesus!!
That One Guy
2016-09-15 18:04:55 UTC
*Where WERE you... Not "was you".

2016-09-11 14:31:03 UTC
i was a kid
2016-09-12 06:16:16 UTC
i was a kid
2016-09-12 11:10:16 UTC
I was in the womb...
2016-09-12 10:03:22 UTC
I be.
2016-09-11 20:51:49 UTC
not there!! where were you?
robert king
2016-09-12 15:57:27 UTC
Could the questioner please use grammatical English
2016-09-13 09:17:36 UTC
was u lol
2016-09-12 11:41:43 UTC
2016-09-14 13:10:52 UTC
*were *were
2016-09-14 18:48:48 UTC
2016-09-14 07:57:21 UTC
2016-09-12 18:24:54 UTC
2016-09-11 15:06:17 UTC
2016-09-14 13:48:10 UTC
2016-09-13 08:03:37 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.