Why are suicide bombers so stupid.?
2007-03-07 09:03:10 UTC
They believe all the tosh that they are told by the so called religious teachers . But who is still left alive and living a lie ? These teachers remind me of the old type generals that were willing to use gullable young people as cannon fodder , but made sure they stayed alive and out of danger.
25 answers:
2007-03-07 20:14:43 UTC
You are right, the "religious teachers" (Muslim clerics) usually do not become suicide bombers themselves. However, it is not just the Muslim clerics who incite the youth to become a martyr for Islam but even the parents. You can view videos online especially with Palestinian parents indoctrinating their children to become a martyr (shahid). It is a great honor according to Islam.

Army Brigadier General John Custer, who is the is head of intelligence at central command, responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan remarked on 60 minutes about recruitment on the internet, "You start off with a site that looks like current news in Iraq. With a single click, you're at a active jihad attack site. The real meat of the jihad Web site, Jihad Internet. Beheadings, bombings, and blood. You can see humvees blown up. You can see American bodies drug through the street. You can see small arms attacks. Anything you might want in an attack video. Next link will take you to a motivational site, where mortar operatives, suicide bombers, are pictured in heaven. You can you see their farewell speeches. Another click and you're at a site where you can download scripted talking points that validate you have religious justification for mass murder," he explains. The number of Internet sites has exploded since 9/11. It's estimated there are 5,000 today. Custer says anyone watching them could actually believe the U.S. is on the run."

Do terrorists "abuse" Islam or does Islam abuse terrorists? I wonder what Ludwig Witgenstein would say?

There are many people who would like to believe that Islam is a peaceful religion and that it is only a handful of extremist terrorists who kill non-Muslims, but is this true? Are these terrorists "muhariboon" (killing NOT according to the rules of Islam) or "mufsidoon" (evildoers)? I think not. Those who kill shouting "Allahu akbar" are killing in the name of Allah, for the sake of Allah, according to the rules of engagement of the Qur'an.

Many articles debate that the verb "jihad" means struggle and not "holy war". However the Quran also use the verb "qitl" قتلو meaning kill which is sometimes translated as fight.. The main incentive for a Muslim to become a suicide bomber is the Qur'an itself.

9:29 Fight (qatiloo قاتلوا ) against the people of the book _ those of them who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day...

33:61 Cursed are they! Wherever found, they will be captured and killed in a carnage (waquttiloo taqteelan وقتلوا تقتيلا ).

8:39 Fight (waqatiloohum وقاتلوهم ) against them until ..... faith becomes the domain of Allah exclusively.

similar to:

2:193 Fight (waqatiloohum وقاتلوهم) them till corruption and repression cease, and until faith in Allah (and justice) prevails!

4:76 Those who believe, do fight for the sake of Allah ... (yuqatiloona fee sabeeli Allahi يقاتلون في سبيل الله )

4:84 So, fight for the sake of Allah (faqatil fee sabeeli Allahi فقاتل في سبيل الله ). You are accountable for none but yourself. But urge the believers (to fight). It might just be that (by your hand) Allah will curb (and curtail) the might of the disbelievers...

9:111 Allah has certainly purchased from the believers their life and their wealth in return for paradise. They fight for the sake of Allah (yuqatiloona fee sabeeli Allahi يقاتلون في سبيل الله ) ; they slay and are slain. (fayaqtuloona wayuqtaloona فيقتلون ويقتلون )

61:4 Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His path (yuqatiloona fee sabeelihi يقاتلون في سبيله )

Not only is fighting and killing non-Muslims advocated by the Qur'an but it is done for the sake of Allah.

9:123 Fight ( qatiloo قاتلوا ) the unbelievers who are close and dear to you. Let them find in you a (firmness and) harshness (of resolve)....

9:12 And if they ... malign (and defame) your faith, then fight (faqatiloo فقاتلوا ) the leaders of disbelief

The Qur'an even promises victory even when the unbelievers (non-Muslims) outnumber them 10 to 1.

8:65 Oh prophet! Urge the believers to fight (alqitali القتال). If, among you there are twenty patient and steadfast men, they would triumph over two hundred. A hundred of you would overcome a thousand unbelievers, since they are a people who do not understand.

So, I would say, warfare/killing for the sake of Allah is an expected product of Islam. As long as Islam exists, so will killing.

4:92-93 It is not (conceivable) for a believer to kill (yaqtula يقتل) another believer _ unless it was (unintended, accidental or) by mistake... Hellfire is the punishment for anyone who kills (yaqtul يقتل ) a believer intentionally and willfully. He shall stay there forever. He incurs the wrath and the curse of Allah. For such a one, He has prepared the severest (most awful) torment.

Any other time that killing is mentioned in the Qur'an it is specifying the circumstances in which a person may be killed.

17:33 And do not kill anyone. Allah has prohibited it, except when it is rightful and befitting

5:32 ... “If someone kills a human being _ unless as a penalty for murder, or unless it is to prevent the spread of corruption in the world _ it is as if he has killed the entire humanity.
Dr Watson (UK)
2007-03-07 09:09:19 UTC
I certainly agree with your remark about the teachers who send the young off as canon fodder but make sure they themselves remain safe. The guy on the news recently who is trying to stop a court order to have him sent back to Jordan preaches martyrdom and virgins but looks fat and cosy and very much intends to stay alive. Unfortunately, he would no doubt be able to explain this anomaly to a young would-be suicide bomber.
2007-03-07 10:07:48 UTC
It all started in Iran,when they were being heavily defeated by Iraq

when one very brave civilian blew up an Iraqi tank which wascreating mayhem by strapping himself with explosives and detonating underneath it. Because of this genuine act of heroism, tthe Iranians built a beautiful memorial shrine to this man and it became a haven of peace, and is still a top tourist attraction in Teheran.

The heroism and martyrdom gained by this man has spread around the Islamic world. So today no hopers and failures in the Islamic world are brainwashed by extremely evil people into believing that they too are destined to go to a glorious higher heaven if they too blow themselves up by commiting an atrocity against what the Quran calls "infidels", which means innocent people trying to get to work by train, or something similar.

These total failures in this world, usually have an extremely low IQ, and have nothing else to live for, so they act out their fantasy in the belief they will indeed go to a higher heaven and a very happy afterlife as a reward for their actions, and really do believe that is the will of their God.
2007-03-07 16:07:43 UTC
Unfortunately you are misinformed.

Israeli Psychologists have researched this topic thoroughly.

They have a lot of experience in Israel.

Their findings were that suicide bombers tend NOT to have a lower IQ that the population generally. ( if you remember also those on the 9/11 suicide missions were of above average intelligence by a large margin).

Paradoxically, unlike that which most of us westerners would like to believe, a promise of an afterlife in Paradise is not the suicide bombers motivation (merely part compensation) .

The overal driving force for Palestinian suicide bombers for example, is a sense of injustice and a need to protect/fight for the immediate family or group of people whith whom the bomber identifies (against people of an enemy oppressive regime which continues to threaten the bombers own ethnic group).

The fact that they are prepared to sacrifice their own lives is therefore considered an act of altruism and , Israeli scientists suggest that all populations have a percentage of people carrying an "altruistic gene" it is this genetic link plus an environment of great violent injustice which is guaranteed to cause a number of people to sacrifice their own lives (and others) in a violent act.

I must agree with you that those preachers who would use religion as an excuse for war are like generals but there is a precedent, if you go back enough centuries in the time of Da Vinci you will find a Pope as a violent military leader in defence of Catholicism.

When WW2 turned to a losing one for Japan it's pilots flew suicide missions in defence of the homeland.

Also in WW2 many SOE operatives flew virtual suicide missions from Britain into france.

There are are many examples of soldiers posthumously decorated for valour in wartime who willingly sacrificed their own lives for their ideals.

Without the generals , without war and/or oppression there would be no need for suicide bombers. And potential suicide bombers would not realise their potential as there would be no motivation, no "excuse".
2007-03-07 21:51:49 UTC
Yes but at the end of the day the suicide bombers decide that their cause is worth dying for.

I respect that degree of courage and determination even when I disagree with the cause.
2007-03-07 09:29:35 UTC
I think their Mom and Dad tought them to be stupit,so they could make a little money from them for blowing themselfs up!They don't let them have friends unless there friends are going to blow themselfs up too!And than they tell them it's going to be fun to be dead,and they should feel bad about them having to stay and live a good life,oh! I mean a bad life without them to feed anymore,and won't even have to worry about getting a pimple or having to go to the bathroom.They didn't tell them that they

're going stright to hell for harming Gods children!and that hellfire is HOT!WOW! those poor dumb kids.
2007-03-07 09:10:50 UTC
The trouble is that so many of them may not be stupid but are gullible from religious indoctrination over many many years. They believe that they being told the truth. Ha ha, as you say, why don't these so called leaders seek martyrdom, coz they are crazy power seeking cowards.
2007-03-10 04:33:48 UTC
I think they are indocrtinated, it's a bit like a cult, the organisations they belong to. I think those who urge people to do this should give a demonstration of how it's done. As we say, put your money where your mouth is.
2014-10-23 05:11:05 UTC
why are suicide bombers so stupid? instead of blowing up a handful of people why don't they go to africa and get ebola then go places and cough or sneeze on people so they get ebola and ebola keeps adding up in us cause if one person has it then the people they're around gets it and it keeps on spreading.
2007-03-07 09:07:05 UTC

you know the bottom line is: its not a matter of simply being brainwashed to do such a thing, its depression, just like rascists and fascists do what they do, so they have a belief, and different lifstyle to us, i personally believe, its due to the lack of beatiful women in there countries
2007-03-07 09:22:20 UTC
They're not stupid for having a system of beliefs...

They are mostly lost and isolated people with misguided and easily manipulated minds who are used by much more devious people, who have a very different agenda of their own...

They are made to feel a part of a larger group and coersed into hatred... they obey out of a need to belong and out of fear... truly believing that what they do, they do for God... and a better world.

Which of course, they don't... since we know that God does not want murder on his hands... and wants only for us all to love one another... and forgive past pains.

They've been cleverly schooled to hate anyone who differes from their own perspective... and to believe, that what they do will make them live forever in God's grace, because of centuries of hatred, by the few, handed down.

Lonely people, misfits in their towns, in their communities, have always been prime targets of the zealots... and their pain and isolation is easily made use of.

There is hatred handed down from the time of the birthing of their separate nations... from the time when new pathways branched away from the ancient prophets, which most religions once recognised... to create vast religious divides and many other belief systems.

Sadly, this hatred is passed down to them in much propaganda and is received with total obedience when their personal need to find themselves, and their places, in this disturbed world, makes most vulnerable... and makes them an easy target to be used... and expendable.

We all experience these lost periods in our youth... not knowing where we fit in... most of us don't get caught up by the zealots, most of us come out on the other side, wiser, older, safer... and find our own way to belief, or not.

We should be sorry for them... and try our best to help them to escape and grow and not be used this way.
2007-03-07 09:23:13 UTC
this subject really winds me up too.

they are killing innocent people and also leaving their family behind to pick up the pieces.

they have been so brainwashed

they are so stupid

and they will be punished in the next life
2007-03-07 10:07:52 UTC
They are brainwashed by men of evil for their own evil agendas.Those who think they are inspired by God should search their souls and be very sure that it is God and not Satan who motivates them.
2007-03-07 09:06:05 UTC
Religion is a powerful tool that is often abused.
2007-03-07 09:39:55 UTC
because Brainwashing is still alive and well in 2007!!!!
2007-03-07 09:13:52 UTC
They believe its good whats so good about killing Innocent people
2007-03-07 09:06:09 UTC
because when you go down so low and somebody picks you up, everything they do and say become like stars.
2007-03-07 10:54:03 UTC
Isn't it the same as anyone giving their lives for their country, are they all stupid too.
2007-03-07 09:11:07 UTC
well i am with you if they are going to kill Innocent ppl , but if they going to use bombs to defend them selves then i am with them.

i think that u r right when it comes to teachers and how they teach them to fight while they don't do the same.
2007-03-07 09:09:14 UTC
they believe that what they are doing is right (stupid innnit) according to their religion
2007-03-07 09:57:20 UTC
just wanted to chime in....JJ is a complete fool.
2007-03-07 10:26:00 UTC
its not that they are stupid just brain washed
2007-03-07 18:40:11 UTC
you be surprised what some guy's do to get a virgin.
Fox Hunter
2007-03-07 09:14:24 UTC
Silly muslims ..... cant do anything right....
2007-03-07 09:11:03 UTC
it is called being brainwashed....

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