If the towers really did fall down because of fire, how come?
2008-08-28 15:53:15 UTC
They all fell at free fall speed, i.e. controlled demolition, and not as they would as one fall gave qway under the strain of supporting the floor above. I know there is a lot of gobbledy **** about this printed. but lets just answer this simple question.
21 answers:
2008-08-28 17:26:41 UTC
Stick to your guns, buddy, you're on the right track Close to a thousand scientists have come out and said it was impossible for the buildings to burn down. And what about the explosives blasts that could be plainly heard when they were being taken down.And no building ever made was designed with weak points to fall straight down. And how about the fire chief that made it with a crew of men to the fire and radioed back" get me two fire hoses up here, and we'll put this thing out" immediately afterward he could be heard saying- there's explosions on the floor under us! then the building started coming down- these radio transmissions are a matter of public record.Watch a controlled demolition of a building, and then watch the WTC's come down- there is not one iota of difference in the events. Plus what about the fact that not one skyscraper in history has ever burned down except the 3 WTC buildings, and on the same day? What a coincidence. And within hours of the buildings being destroyed, they say They know who did it already? Investigations of this nature take months, not minutes.And what of the fact that the pentagon cancelled every flight that its personel was booked on that particular day- kind of odd wasn't it. And why does not the news media ever have someone that believes it was a conspiracy appear on any of it's shows to make a comment? And what about the close to 300 field reports from the FBI agents that was totally ignored by the administration concerning the planes hitting the building before it ever happened? Our government has lied to us, and we need to know why!
2008-08-28 16:05:10 UTC
The explosion of the plane and the fire caused by the ensuing fuel ignition weakened the structure to the point it could not support the weight of the floors above. Once they collapsed then the floors immediately below collapsed and then another, etc. until the entire structure fell. It appeared to have a controlled demolition effect because everything fell straight down.

Think of the cumulative effect of the upper stories collapsing and picture how an avalanche begins: a minor disturbance near the top of a mountain can cause a huge rushing "river" of snow and ice at the bottom with devastating consequences.
2008-08-28 16:22:06 UTC
I agree with you that some very important questions remain unanswered but how else could the towers have fallen ? They cascaded down, floor by floor and because each floor was built in exactly the same way as the one above it, hardly surprising that each floor was compressed by the ones above it and the whole building concertined one by one in an identical way !- Don't forget that the damage to both buildings was caused high up, all above floors 70. Had the damage been done tmuch lower down, then probably the towers would have tipped sideways. Thank God they didn't. Instead of 3,000 dead we would have had monay more thansounds. There were many more thousand people on the streets nearby.
2008-08-28 16:13:06 UTC
I saw a show on Discovery this week that showed how the fire made the steel melt and each floor fell on top of each leading to the collapse of the tower. May question is this why did the steel melt this type of metal is so most to be heat treated (the process of hardening of metal by high heat) . This steel was not heat treated therefore the collapse of the floors. I know this because I was quality control heat treat inspectorl
29 characters to work with......
2008-08-28 17:02:03 UTC
"...the top half should have become top heavy and simply slide off the tower."

Sorry to shoot holes in that statement, but gravity pulls objects down, straight towards the center of the earth. The planes hit with incredible force spreading fuel around the structure. Watch the collapse, it happeneded accordian style with the top levels compressing the steel until it, in its weakened state, failed. What ensued was a domino effect with the air being forced out the weak points in the collapse, ie: the windows, resulting in the so-called lower level explosions.

"They all fell at free fall speed..."

Free fall speed on earth is 9.81 m/s^2. Use this figure and another simple equation d=1/2at^2 and you can calculate the acceleration rate of the towers collapse. I'm not bored enough to do this but, give it a try. You need the exact height of the structure, the exact duration of collapse and then simply solve for "a". If you don't get an acceleration of at 9.5 m/s^2 than it could in no , I repeat, no way have been free fall speed.

Even attaining a similar number only illustrates the acceleration, which by definition should be reasonably close to "free fall spped" once the collapse began in ernest since it was then being sped by gravity. Breaking it down into 10 chuncks would give you multiple data points which could graphed resulting in more accurate data in regards the buildings' collapse at any one given time.




The figures and equations I gave above are for acceleration and yes that is how to calulate collapse speed. Nothing has to be tweaked simply do what I suggested. The final speed will be far more than 9.81 m/s, since after 10 seconds of such an acceleration rate the speed of the object would be 98.1 m/s. Get it now?
2008-08-28 16:21:28 UTC
I wonder why people think there has to be a conspiracy. I was pretty amazed they stood as long as they did considering the incredible impact and destruction just from the plane bodies let alone the resulting fires. I have now seen at least 2 pretty impressive documentaries about the collapse of the towers and I am pretty convinced that no conspiracy would have been possible.

The amount of work involved in demolition of large buildings would mean that the even the most basic security would have spotted the preparations that would have needed to start months in advance.

I am more easily convinced of the Kennedy assassination via the Magic Bullet than I am of a conspiracy to destroy the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

P.S. I hope Yahoo assassinate that ruddy spell checker pencil soon, I'll give it an Oops it won't forget in a hurry!
2008-08-28 16:07:44 UTC
The towers fell down because the fire was essentially so hot that it heated up the metal structure of the building to such an extent that the steel lost all its structural strength i.e. the metal warped and failed.

The entire structure of the twin towers is in the middle of the building (core), and once it lost its strength the floors it supported failed causing a catastrophic failure of the floor below and so on and so on.

The reason this happened in the first place was because there was insufficient fire protection on the beams and columns to protect against such a ferocious explosion of heat.

Basically the top 23 stories or thereabouts (i don't know exactly where the planes hit etc.) of the tower fell square on the stories below causing the whole building to fall in on itself.
2008-08-28 16:01:08 UTC
I think that umteen hundred degree jet fuel had alot to do with it. Remember when you learned as a child "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link". Once a 100+ story structure is basically becoming burning steal on the top 20-30 floors, although the lower 3/4's appears fine, they're under tremendous stress as the entire integrity of the building is compromised.
2016-05-26 04:29:09 UTC
Debris from towers 1 & 2 did hit tower 7. the building was so badly damaged that it was considered unsafe and was imploded for fear it would colapse on its own resulting in more lost lives.
2008-08-28 16:00:54 UTC
According to the people who want to debunk the 9/11 myths, the towers didn't fall at free fall speed. Personally, I don't know what to think because I'm not an expert.
2008-08-29 07:42:13 UTC
Honey there are lots of conspiracies that your government and ours are not telling. We all have our theories about this an other things too, but will we ever know in our lifetime?.......I doubt it.

One thing is for sure,most Governments look after themselves before they look after their people.

My personal opinion about 9/11 is that it was shocking, and could well have been staged to coincide with something they knew was being planned (due to intelligence sources.) The world changed that day, I'm sorry to say.
2008-08-28 15:59:36 UTC
Once the floor collapsed from the heat of the fire, the jarring added strain to the next floor. The girders, of course, transmitted the heat up and down through the metal, and the weakened structure just collapsed one floor at a time as the combination of heat and jarring took place. It wasn't at "free fall speed" - if you saw them live like I did, you'd have seen them more like dominoes, collapsing as an accordion.
2008-08-28 17:41:43 UTC
How dumb are you? Oh I know I'm a top flight american president and zionist so I am going to design the most elaborate plot EVER involving numerous building collapses wired with explosives weeks before (just so that we get the collapse right you see) and numerous civilian aircraft hijackings AND military radio controlled cargo planes strapped with explosive pods, and yes lets also have a missile strike on the pentgon just for good measure. WHEN all along I could have simply driven up the biggest truck bomb ever and parked it under the twin towers.

2008-08-28 17:09:47 UTC
its amazing how tower7 collapsed in the same way even though it had hardly been touched and had a 'small' fire. Its amazing how each floor collapsed at the same speed even though some weren't even touched. Even more amazing it only took 9seconds for them to collapse! but what is most amazing is they expect us to believe it!???
2008-08-29 04:33:47 UTC
They were blown up and buckled under the intense heat.

Osama Bin Laden organised it and admitted the fact, almost immediately. He danced on the graves of the innocent in celebration

GET OVER IT. It was an attack on America, A declaration of War. Not an inside job.
michael w
2008-08-28 16:03:31 UTC
To answer your question I will try to make it simple. Tall buildings that are demolished by explosives collapse from the base first. The twin towers collapsed from the top one floor collapsing onto the lower ones. When I say the top it started where the planes hit and went down like a pack of dominoes. When steel gets red hot it bends. Ask any blacksmith.
Truth is elusive
2008-08-28 16:00:12 UTC
Why do you think it wouldn't appear to be a free fall? The tremendous weight that would collapse lower floors would hit with such impact that the floor would collapse immediately. This would give the appearance of a free fall.
2008-08-30 15:38:06 UTC
They were controlled demolitions. I remember seeing camera footage from a helicopter and the shockwaves shook the helicopter.
2008-08-28 15:59:15 UTC
I believe the official line is that they were designed to collapse that way, in the event that it might occur, to ensure that neighbouring tower blocks wouldn't be damaged as well. Much like buildings in Earthquake zones are - let's face it New York isn't exactly short of skyscrapers is it?

Basic safety within the design.

2008-08-28 16:03:46 UTC
2008-08-28 15:58:31 UTC
they fell down! get over it! lots of people died so why go dragging it all back up, planes hit, they fell down, there is no conspiracy, dont you think people have had enough hurt?

don't rock the boat.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.