If terrorists did attack Edinburgh during the festival and killed a lot of innocent people?
2008-01-30 16:45:34 UTC
would that trigger reprisals and set muslims against Scots. A race war in Scotland. Last year after the attacks at Glasgow airport there were some reprisals a mosque was firebombed in Bathgate and in Glasgow a muslim teenager was attacked and beaten up. The festival is the busiest time of the year for Edinburgh when performers come to Edinburgh from all over the world and people gather in the high street would be rich pickings for a terrorist to kill loads of innocent men, women and children watching the street performers.
22 answers:
2008-01-30 18:20:52 UTC
There might be a few narrow minded paranoid Scots out there who would retaliate but I think it would only be a few. Scots are pretty tolerant, and to be honest, we still don't have that many Muslims in Scotland to see them as a threat although I can see that changing in the next few years.

Scots are one of the most hospitable nations and it would be a shame for that hospitality to be taken advantage of. Few nations or religions find us offensive, let's hope that includes those of the Muslim faith.
2016-05-23 07:14:23 UTC
It is. Any wanton destruction civilian life is terrorism. The U.S. "sanctions" against Iraq caused half a million lives,for the most part infants and children. Of course that is terorism. It used to be called "state terorism" as opposed to NGO terrorism or guerilla warfare as it was formerly known. As the mass media comes increasingly under jewish ownership the term,even the concept of state terrorism has vanished. But that doesn't mean people can't think for themselves. I'm an American and I know perfectly well what's going on. And I do what I can,including public screening of documentaries on the Palestinians and leafletting. Plus,my work here on R&S which reaches a lot of people. I'm only an individual and these efforts may seem paltry but I have no more personal power than any non-office-holder.
2008-01-31 02:22:26 UTC
We Scots are much better than that,

I am sure that the terrorists would love for their to be a backlash against the Muslim community here in Scotland. It is not going to happen, When these two decided to try and murder countless people at Glasgow airport there was no backlash, the opposite in fact.

We are not going to attack innocent people just because of their religion and colour of skin, we will leave that kind of action to Al-Queda
Jimmy Dune Dean
2008-01-30 17:15:55 UTC
Terrorists attack edinburgh festival do you mean the tourists and southern toffs whom descend on Ediburgh each year making the city off limits to locals

No to be serous any big city or major gathering is potentel target for those whom want to destroy our democratcy and our free way of living ,we live in a dangerous world all we can do is stay vigilant and brave and sensible

I think there would be a backlash against scotish muslims (you call them muslim but a lot of muslims living in scotland are as scotish as your average Rangers or Celtic fan) lets be in no doubt scotland has a racisim problem extreme islamic terorists are one excuse that scum use for fire bombing mosques or beating some wee lad up the atackers hide behind the notion that it is a reaction against terrorisim yet it is just an excuse

Even in many years before 9:11 scotish asains were beaten there businesses and private residents frequently atacked

I dont think it would set Scotish Muslims against non muslims there might be the odd situation but the end of the day think does the average Muslim blue coler worker or the average Muslim shop kepper in Edinburgh or Glasgow wont to see carnige in scotland I bet the answer would be no the problem with the muslims lies with a few crazy extremists who are in minorty the problem with white scotland is more ingrained racist languge is used casually and scotish asains are still treated in realty like second class citizens a large number of white scotish would atack scotish asains even if this stuff never happened there looking for any excuse it's up to the SNP to educate ignorance to dismantle in equalty in scotland and to crush elements of extremisim through tough but fair securty mesures If scotland wishes to become indipendent it will need to win the hearts of all its citiznes both white and brown

sectrensim and racisim has for long kept scotland the sick man of the uk bigotry and pig headed ignorance will only stop us moving towards a sucesfull independence
Ms Mat Urity
2008-01-30 16:52:43 UTC
Yes, heard this on the news tonight. I dread to think of the reprisals with the Muslim community. Us Scots are renowned for not sitting down to things. Sad thing is there are many very decent, good Mulims in Scotland. If any of you are on here I would beg you to speak to those in authority and try to stop such happenings, not just in Scotland but all over our world.
2008-01-30 17:13:40 UTC
The IRA did this in Birmingham with the pub bombings and the backlash from the Brummies was so great the IRA never tried it again I just hope that the terrorists don't try it in Edinburgh as I am sure the Scots will do the same
2008-01-30 16:59:05 UTC
With respects I really think you should get yourself off to bed as I am soon. We all have our demons in the small hours of the night but I fail to see the point of your question except to make everyone feel a bit more negative and fearful. The foiled attack on Glasgow airport was a one-off, so let's now pray that we can all live peacefully together as human beings regardless of our religious and cultural differences.
2008-01-30 16:56:03 UTC
You were made aware of any attacks against muslims after the airport incident because it sells. I remember some of these incidents weren't even race related and 1 attack in Glasgow is pretty good!! Bombing the festival would only improve relations! I'm joking, you should put your mind to something else though.
2008-01-30 16:49:17 UTC
I think that would be a very very bad move on behalf of Muslims in Scotland to be honest.

The Scottish would go mental and I really think that would cause lots of backlash.

Has someone been scaremongering or are you speaking hypothetically?
2008-01-30 16:49:52 UTC
No because not many Scottish people endure the Edinburgh festival they all go on holiday then me included
2008-01-30 16:54:05 UTC
Well I'm a bit more intelligent than to blame an entire religion for one extremist groups views and actions. So I for one won't be involved in any sort of 'race war'.

I've been to the Festival a few times and never had any problems, it won't stop me from going this year if I want to.
2008-01-30 16:50:06 UTC
2008-01-30 16:53:02 UTC
to right there would be reprisals. if they don't want none, then don't come to our country with that extreme-ist crap!getting a bit fed up with having to sit and take it, because i am british and all that.
2008-02-06 17:36:40 UTC
Aye definetley, we're fightin people so i'm sure most of us would unite to destroy the evil cult that is islam.
2008-01-31 17:17:35 UTC
Och, they have a secret weapon... pelt the terrorists with PORK HAGGIS
2008-01-30 17:01:51 UTC
they may get past the security and ante terrorist police,then they got the tartan army to deal with,,,, would you risk it?
2008-01-30 16:56:35 UTC
I see the politics of fear is working on you. Get a grip.
2008-01-30 16:54:50 UTC
You need to stay off that strong cheese at this time of night!
2008-01-30 16:56:25 UTC
probably. i shudder to think what could happen!
Misty Blue
2008-01-30 16:50:50 UTC
How will they know the difference?
James Mack
2008-01-31 01:57:00 UTC
Why ask this question???
2008-01-30 16:49:19 UTC
sounds like you want it to happen.....jeez

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