Was Osama's death faked?
2011-05-01 23:10:55 UTC
It's possible if you think about it. I just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and 1984 by George Orwell, and this sounds a lot like events from both books. The government faked the death of a major public enemy to improve its own image upon its people. The US government didn't want to risk looking stupid to the rest of the world, and lose the faith of its people, so it faked Osama's death. Plus, the presidential election's coming up, and Obama himself said that the special task force was "acting under his direct orders," which I highly doubt. Couldn't he just be saying that to boost his image and increase his chances of winning? It also makes Bush and the Republicans look bad to ignorant people who would probably think that Obama did it all and Bush had nothing to do with it, and Obama did what Bush couldn't do, and Obama's better and Bush sucks, and blah-blah-blah.
24 answers:
2011-05-04 20:33:30 UTC
This whole story is a ruse... nothing being said is more than circumstantial.

1) They claimed he was armed and using a wife as a shield... then it was recap and changed to the woman that they believed was one of his wives ran in the way in a form that seemed as though that she was a shield. Think ppl. as a mother if youre in your crib and guns go off will you not run to cover your son and husband?

2) The dna being used to state that its Osama is not dna from him but instead accumulated dna from family members (no doubt the same family members that were allowed to leave the US on 9/11) that they used as a sample to match. NO ACTUAL DNA!!!

3) Sadam was a Muslim aswell yet they hung him in front of us all and had no problem disrespectting his body and did not show the same courtesy to hurry him to burial. Why the sudden change and respect for the "face of terrorism"

4) They claimed no country would take the body and they had no choice but to throw him over... how is that so when Pakistan your ally was right there?

5) Why the ship, why not a jet to cut time so that you could achieve more if it was so important to handle business quickly

6) If he was unarmed and you had the time and space to shoot him twice in the face and wound the so called shielding wife, why not wound them both obviously no one else in the house was going to oppose since it was filled with women and children

7) The town neighbours said they lived there for 6 years and even took time to consort with their neighbours and help them when needed. Their home was blocks away from an army base and they were just living there comfortably for 6 YEARS

8) If they were worried so much about time why rush an operation that was 7 months in the making

9) NO photos or film of any kind to be showed to the public for fear of retaliation or sending too much violence and disrespect to us the ppl.??? Is that not something that would be evident no matter how this is handled; why say its too violent now, after broadcasting a hanging.

10) How coincidental that your birth certificate is released, you have your party and clobber your future opponent on his grounds aka tv. and then broadcast that you killed Osama during an episode of his show? How weird :-\

11) Why was Bush's response so blahsey with no surprise in his face or deliverance as if it wasn't a surprise at all.

12) The change in our warning system a week before you so called put America in jeopardy because of the demise of Bin Laden

These are just some of the puzzle pieces that don't fit, the biggest ones that stand out on first glance. America don't be stupid we are being played
2011-05-04 00:26:52 UTC
I am not sure if i can say his death was FAKED, but everything revolving around this matter is just NOT right. 1) Obama's first words we're Osama was killed in a FireFight & Osama was shooting back. --> NOW they are saying Osama had NO weapon.... so if thats the case then U.S Nay Seals went in & killed 3 people for no reason? If Osama was **** & was unARMED, there goes the 1st problem. Any PRESIDENT with some sense would've captured Osama & interrogated him. He would have THEEEE most information about any IF any plans to attack or strike against U.S. Osama is the HORSE, there would be no hear say. All information would be from the horses mouth. Why kill the NUMBER 1 source of information?

2) They killed him, confirmed his dna, then buried him at sea all in a few hours..... -_- ..... thats speaks for itself.... "BULLSH!*" ...sorry for that.

Everything just doesn't add up. & BTW the pictures are fake. The GOVT said they wont release his pictures. Don't be naive. However when they first said we aren't releasing pictures my question was WHY not? They let us watch saddam be hung LIVE but wont show us pictures? .... If you still believe our govt is FOR US your a dummy. I'm sure he isn't dead. They probably do have him & they maybe are questioning him, or torturing him. They can;t even get his death story straight. Thats all the PROOF that he isnt dead.
Here In Purgatory
2011-05-02 08:58:02 UTC
Yo Liberty, I completely agree with you. How do we know that the government isn't lying to us like they have in so many other situations. This will definitely improve Obama's approval ratings. Also, I understand the US government buried him at sea to go along with muslim tradition of burial after death within 24 hours. Why wasn't an autopsy taken? For the most wanted man in the world one would think an austopsy would be taken.

The photos appearing on the internet are faked pics according to the CIA.

What ever happened to Osama holding out in the borders mountains of afghanistan/pakistan? The guy was only 40 miles from the Pakistani borders, if what they say is true.
2011-05-02 14:17:13 UTC
you are true in saying that there's a possibility that his death was fake..


the possibility is reallyyyy smalllllll..... I myself even doubted that it has been faked... publishing such a big news like this, even by the president himself, is way too risky... the news won't only affect american people, but all the people throughout the world... when the future of many people and economy of many countries are tied to the news, convincing public that the news was true when it actually wasn't, can be regarded as an act of criminal... leaders in many countries have even made a speech in response to Osama's death, you can imagine what would their reactions be when they find out later that the news is actually fake... KABOOM!! no one would ever trust the US ever again.

furthermore the government HAS NEVER published any picture showing that Osama has died... so all the pictures floating all over the net were actually fake. Don't believe them guys.

if any government could always simply lied to the public and be sure that no one would find out... bush would have already done it way long ago.

sooooo in conclusion, the possibility that the news is fake is always there, because seeing is believing right? but as I said before, the risky tied to such a big lie is way more significant than the benefit that will gain by lying to the public... so it is super highly unlikely that Obama will fake the death... regarding your question about, "who can find out that the news is true or not?" I am sure someone can... if wikileaks can leak even the most confidential FBI's files, then it just a matter of time that someone will bring the true news up to the surface.

Have a good day.
2011-05-02 16:13:11 UTC
Don't believe what the mainstream media says, as they are paid to lie. Osama Bin Laden died on Dec. 13, 2001 due to kidney failure. This has been confirmed by numerous reliable sources over the years. Benazir Bhutto, Pervez Musharraf, and Bin Laden's family are just a few people that have confirmed the death of Osama Bin Laden. This is a staged event fabricated by the American government in an attempt to incite the American people into supporting continued occupation of the Middle East due to fear of Al Qaeda "retaliation," even though the organization is deteriorating. This drama may be potent enough to help President Obama become re-elected.

Now that Osama has been declared dead by American mainstream media, Americans should demand complete withdrawal from the Mid. East.
Justin A
2011-05-04 23:00:13 UTC
I am starting to really wonder that myself. However we will not know until a few months before the election. If Osama Bin Ladin is still alive he would likely at that time. Release a video with himself and a current newspaper (or for insult to injury one with the headline "Osama Dead") At that point Obama's campaign will come crumbling down.

However when you look at that logic you also realize that Obama would be aware of this as well. If Osama is alive its ONLY a matter of time before he is found out. So from that logic alone I conclude that Osama Bin Ladin is likely dead. Obama had nothing to do with it though. He knows nothing of military strategy and combat. If anything he was vaguely aware, than jumped for joy when it was a success.

There are only 2 logical conclusions. Either Osama is dead or he is under the protection of United States Govornment. Really couldn't tell you which.
2011-05-04 21:46:13 UTC
There's a pretty easy way to prove that his death was NOT a fake. If the USA faked Osama's death to close a chapter in Afghanistan and bring closure to 9/11, then Osama himself would only have to release a video proving he is alive and that the US government is lying through their teeth. It would be all over the world in an instant and would be the best propaganda that the US could ever give to him. Gone would be any semblance of trust in the government. The US government is nowhere near dumb enough to try faking Osama's death...

P.S. the reason they don't show the photos is because as soon as he is seen dead, it's easier for terrorists to try to make him a martyr. They don't want those photos eventually ending up as some kind of propaganda tool.
2011-05-03 23:06:52 UTC
I have gone through all the various comments and replies posted by different people and i must appreciate the knowledge and ability of these readers to see behind the scenes. I would also request all to see the case in totality.......i.e Wider Picture.

1. Is Afghanistan a really Lucrative place for US to spend billions of taxpayers dollars just hunting a handful of terrorists?? Definitely NO. they could have got those few dozen most wanted men killed by covert operations, No need to spend billions there. There is no apparent wealth hidden in Afghanistan.

2. Why then US spending Billions and taking bodybags?? Because by design they ultimately want to take the war to inside Pakistan, neutralize its nuclear capability, and then get china as their next target.

3. Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction that Bush claimed in Iraq?? They were never found. Does US have any justification for attacking Iraq?? What if someone else attacked US on such a lousy plea? How would American people feel? It was all designed to exploit oil resources.

4. Could a person of the status of Osama Bin Laden with his extreme ego, be alive for a decade and still keeping absolutely quiet? He was long ago dead, but if his death was confirmed earlier, US would lose moral ground for continued existance in Afghanistan and expoliting his name.

5. Why a considerable muslim population of the world is against USA? why not against Canada, France or Germany for example. Have American people ever looked into this question?
2011-05-02 07:19:29 UTC
The US needed to resolve the Osama situation before the 10 year anniversary of 9-11. Think about it, how bad would it be for morale, and the soldiers overseas etc if after 10 years we still haven't "found" him? What timing. And I agree with everything you said above. Also - those books were great - Brave New World and Animal Farm should be next.
2011-05-04 14:26:26 UTC
Osama Bin Laden (the original one) has been dead since at least 2004 due to Kidney failure.

He was buried somewhere in Pakistan. He was intentionally kept alive to keep the war going in both Pakistan and Afghanistan . Now they needed him to be killed (after almost 7 years) to kick start the 2012 elections and poor UBL (the fake one) was dumped in the sea in the name of burial with none of the images to be released of his body or face. That house in Pakistan did not look like UBL's

house and the whole story looked fake just from the beginning.

I mean .... do you think any jack *** American would believe this !!

Why do you have to lie so much to jump start the election process.

Barrack Obama would have won the election even without creating this fake story. But this story might come to haunt him in the 2012 elections and he might loose instead for faking this story.

Do not under estimate the common sense of ordinary citizens.. Mr. President !!

You are becoming just like your predecessor Pres. Bush.
Trixx Sabbie
2011-05-03 13:37:08 UTC
Funny how the photos on line all show him with dark hair as he appeared around 2001 but vidoes released by osama in the past show that he had almost gone completely gray..

Faked... Absolutely. If they really had him they would parade his head around on a stick, not quickly and quietly dispose of him in some manner that does away with any definite proof. Sooner or later this is going to come out and we are going to look like bigger fools than we do already.
2011-05-03 03:19:02 UTC
Osama wasn't dead . Yesterday , I saw a website that shows a picture of Osama that have been edited , and it looks like Osama's death body .
2011-05-02 18:24:52 UTC
There is no known 'death photo' of Osama at the moment- all photos purporting to show him have been proved fakes.
2011-05-02 21:08:37 UTC
i think they did fake it, according to me those rumors that we had before that osama is no moree died because of dieseases and stuff are true and now when US confirmed it they just faked his death inorder to prove the world that they did get out something from this mission. Now US have answer to american citizen's quesiton What did US get out of Iraq? Answer Osama, which they faked in my views.
2011-05-02 05:34:55 UTC
When I read the article this morning the first thing I thought was :could it be a fake?

In saying what I am about to say first I must be clear, I hope that the story is true. I hope Bin Laden is dead.

I truly feel that Obama is gearing up for the election. He has had 2 major "victories" over the past 2 months. First the birth certificate thing. Then, I got him and Bush couldn't "Bin Laden is dead".

Obama is not good for this country. He is attacking anyone that opposes him, look at what he did to Trump.
2011-05-03 07:34:00 UTC
It seems very suspicious to me. There had been many news reports saying Osama's been killed over years, like here:


and here:

But none of them turned out to be true. So why dump his body so quickly if it could verify it beyond doubt? Hiding something? Plus there's so much spin surrounding this story already. Like statements that the "intel" leading to his location came from the torture of one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, thereby vindicating the use of torture of prisoners and Obama's refusal to close down Guantanamo like he promised. Then they're also saying Osama used his wife as a "human shield", just in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Christ. That's textbook smear propaganda material.

Added to Obama's sagging popularity, economic downturn and likelihood of been a one term president. It does not make a very credible case. Until we get actual proof, I'd say its best to wait and see.
Nic C
2011-05-03 02:32:34 UTC
I don't think they would be stupid enough to announce Osama's death if he wasn't dead as it leaves them open to the possibility of him popping up again and completely humiliating the American government.

They buried him in accordance to Muslim practices which was why he was not cremated; the sea part was to stop the burial site being a propaganda tool.
2011-05-02 10:42:34 UTC

The only picture floating around the internet is faked. Photoshoped

I wont believe hes dead till I see a video or some real pictures. But of course they already got rid of the body.

And why are we giving him an honorable burial paid for by us the taxpayers? Why not just fly him over new york and LA hanging from a helicopter for all to see. Then just toss him in the closest dump. let the scavengers take care of his body.

This could have been easily faked by our government, The government that has lied to us many times before. Why believe them now????.
2011-05-03 08:33:08 UTC
His death wasn't faked There are pictures released of his death.
2011-05-02 11:19:00 UTC
It's a campaign strategy. Obama figures this is the only possible way he can be reelected.
2011-05-06 13:34:35 UTC
All your deather claims are pretty weak now that Al Queda itself is admitting that Osama was killed in the raid, just as stated by the WH. So, yes, you ARE crazy.
2011-05-07 04:05:58 UTC
He could of been killed years ago either way he was shot in the face so no one could ID him in a photo and body dumped at sea...and they will provide a DNA analysis from god knows where to prove it was him

they had an opportunity to bring in the most wanted man in history and question him, torture him...whatever...but they shoot him in the face and dump his body and expect everyone to believe it was him
2011-05-01 23:13:22 UTC
So sir, there are photographs of his dead body streaming over the internet. Obama confirmed it and the US has his body. al Queda dicovered it.
2011-05-02 17:19:49 UTC

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