Why America wants to kill Julian Assange & allows soldiers to escape who kill innocent people,urinated on dead?
2012-08-12 05:18:31 UTC
Can you tell me why Manning is booked for a life imprisonment while those American soldiers who killed innocent Afghan people and urinated on their dead bodies are allowed to escape? What punishment is given to that soldier who killed small children, women and men in Afghanistan while they were asleep in their homes? And what ground do they have to charge Julian Assange?
Julian Assange is not an American Citizen. Also what Americans call a crime is not done on US soil. What right America has got to punish him? The documents were not obtained unlawfully. It was an American who dropped them in Julian's mail box. And since when publishing a truth become a crime? Did he make any changes to those documents before publishing them? I think no. He didn't make any changes in them. Therefore it is not a crime. And when he is not an Amercan Citizen it is not an act of treason or betrayal . Since Julian is an Australian US Govt. can ask Australian Govt. to investigate in to the matter and punish him if he is gound guilty. Also they can take this matter to UNO and lodge an official complain.
Seven answers:
2012-08-12 08:54:13 UTC
I think he is a hero for exposing the crimes of the military both American and British. He is being extraditd on false charges to Sweden, another stooge of America, so the U.S. can get him and try him for espionage and torture him. Thats why his mother appealed to the Ecuadoran consul but I am afraid the U.S. is more powerful than his mother.

Several European newspapers also published Wikileaks cables. You are right. The U.S. is the world's military dictator and does not want to jeopardize itself by having the truth known especially to Americans. He published information that is not quite classified and no one has suffered for it except the Pentagon but not because of any breach of national security.

The Aussies wont lift a finger to protect Assange, as his mother said in an interview on RT. The Aussies are stooges of America also. It is shameful that the Aussie government does nothing to help one of their citizens. You can bet if an American were in this predicament, they would move heaven and earth to make sure a precious American is not harmed.

U.S. has the death penalty. Look how Manning is being held in solitary for 2 years with no trial. That should be illegal. The U.S. military should not be exempt from laws of decency and intenational humane treatment. The U.S. does not belong in the U.N.

TRICK: Did you not see the video of Amerians blowing up Arab journalists in Afghanistan, or read about the killings for sport by U.S. troops? Remmeber the massacre by U.S. in Haditha, Iraq? The U.S. has been pillaging and plundering money from Iraq and allowing defense contractors to profiteer in both places, while we pay for this barbaric operation. You should read the Iraq or Afghan Diaries.
2016-10-17 08:15:46 UTC
He did not hack any American archives they were given to him, hacking is a criminal offense no longer purely contained in the U. S. yet in maximum civilised united states. i do no longer imagine that the U. S. needs him useless , his mom is in contact that they'd search for the lack of existence penalty ought to he be extradited to the U. S.. in my opinion, i will not see that occurring and that i'm powerful that Julian Assange isn't an fool he might want to have accepted that to submit those papers can make the yank indignant, he has performed with fireplace and if he his no longer careful now he will truly get burn
2012-08-12 06:03:44 UTC
It is VERY important that the American people are shielded from the truth. If Americans knew what we do over there or why we are there some might actually get off the couch and complain. No, Americans would not get up off the couch. Mr Assange will be murdered by MOSSAD before to long and a trial will never take place.
2012-08-12 20:03:11 UTC
*sigh* as I answered you before, first off the U.S. does not want Assange dead (note while there are some people that might, that is not the country or even the government as a whole)... heck they have not even filed charges on him or issued an extradition warrent and it has been several years now.

And you really need to check your information sources:

Let's see, marines who urinated on the dead taliban members - being court martialed for violating the rules of warfare/geneva conventions, can get life. (Even though per one of the articles of the geneva conventions, they cannot be tried in international courts over this due to the other side violating the conventions first. Per the Uniformed Code of Military Justice they still get prosecuted by the U.S. military though.)

Kill teams that killed innocents - 11 court martials so far. (wide range of sentences)

The guy who went on the rampage killing all the innocent in the one village - being court martial. (could face life/death penalty.)

Manning is charged with "aiding the enemy in a time of war"... (plus other charges.) he gave information including informants names who had aided the U.N. forces. (several dozen of them have been found dead since.)

Assange "could" be charged with accessory charges to everything Manning is (as they have shown he was in communication with him PRIOR to Manning gathering all the documents unread for wikileaks) but it would more likely be under espionage, or misuse of classified documents laws. (handing over unread documents is NOT whistleblowing)

If you help someone in another country steal something/commit a crime... that country CAN issue a warrent for your arrest for being an accessory, even if you never set foot in the country itself. That is part of international law. And the country where the actual crime was committed/committed against issues the extradition warrent to prosecute the person in their country... you do not get to choose which country prosecutes you, that is not how law works.

And I am sorry the documents were obtained illegally. While Manning had access per his clearance to the system itself, he did not have authorization to be in the diplomatic cables section which alone was a crime. Copying the files and taking them out of the systems was another crime per the laws. Giving them to someone who does not have clearance another crime (especially a foreign national in a time of war/conflict.)... how exactly was this not unlawful/illegal? Assange was in direct contact with Manning prior to Manning downloading all the cables. (And Manning had not been in those systems prior. This has already come out during Mannings first pretrial motion.) They were not just "dropped in Assanges mail box", per what is out there now it appears Assange may have advised Manning what to grab unread.

And given the sheer volume of the stolen files, it would be hard to tell if something was altered... mind you the apache footage in "collateral murder" (which was a tragedy, but the reporters in question were walking with a group of insurgents armed with rpgs at the time of the attack in a battle area. They had been interviewing the insurgents and had no identifying clothing/insignia) was editted by Wikileaks... a large chunk from the middle was removed.

And again, the only people trying to prosecute him at this point is Sweden for sexual molestation/rape/harrassment against two women who worked/volunteered for Wikileaks in Sweden. And the head of Wikileaks Sweden has even said both to the police and in the U.K. Gaurdian that both women are very very credible... And per the police reports on this, he was in contact with both women and Assange prior to the charges being taken to the police... the women just wanted Assange to get an HIV test and he has been fleeing from it for how long now?
2012-08-12 05:47:29 UTC
Assange did expose some American soldiers that were unintentionally helping the Taliban when they killed the non-combatants. I'm hoping that the higher ranking officers will deal with them in the right way. Assange also exposed some information that would curtail peace talks, which was stupid for anyone to do something that would get in the way of peace..
2012-08-12 05:40:09 UTC
sounds like eagle fell out of the nest into a pile of poop.
2012-08-12 05:27:39 UTC
Innocent Dead?


Oh muslim terrorist dead !

So,what's your point again ?

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