2013-06-20 08:39:23 UTC
Even now in 2013 with Osama Bin Laden being dead every since the Boston Marathon Attacks I feel like that Saudi and the Al quadia gang ( sorry I know I spelled that wrong) are planning another big attack like 9/11 I know those two Russian men made the attacks happen but do you really honestly believe that they thought of that them self's? I don't I believe there were some type of International communication going on. If you think about it happen around the same time ( well same month) that Osama Bin Laden was shot dead and to me that was a warning sign. I honestly have a deep gut feeling that were going to go through 9/11 all over again . They did the attacks the same way 9/11 happened they let off the first bomb boom there it goes people think its some kind of accident but a few seconds to a minute later BOOM there goes another attack here it is world is at war again.
I'm sure some of you think I'm crazy for thinking this I'm sure I'm gone get some rude comments and Sarcastic ones as well but really think those two Russian dudes could not have thought about such an prestigious act alone they had to have had some outside professional help I don't care what they say.
What do you think about this? please be real.