Why do the libs support Panetta terminating the counterterrorism program that they know nothing about?
Honest Rob
2009-07-12 10:32:40 UTC
Isn't this the prime example of why the term Kool-Aid drinker is used to describe them, or why they don't understand why they are called cult followers.

By far this is one of the funniest and most revealing thing about the Democrats that still support Obama.

I hope the youth is looking at this and realize these people don't think for themselves. We saw this during the Carter administration. The kids are the ones that are going to pay for these rubber stamp decisions, unread laws and bailouts passed, by simply cult followers that will not question a thing.

I would like to hear what the libs thought was wrong with the canceled counterterrorism program and why it wasn't working... in their own words.
Five answers:
2009-07-12 16:18:13 UTC
Should Committee Members Know?

"Loose Lips, DO Sink Ships"

The primary Japanese anti-sub weapon for most of WWII was the depth charge. During the first part of the war, the Japanese tended to set their depth charges too shallow, and U.S. subs not trapped in shallow waters were frequently able to take advantage of depth gradient temperatures in order to escape from many attacks.

Unfortunately, the deficiencies of Japanese depth-charge tactics were revealed in a June 1943 press conference held by U.S. CONGRESSMAN Andrew J. May, a member of the HOUSE MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE who had visited the Pacific theater and received many CONFIDENTIAL INTELLIGENCE and OPERATION BRIEFINGS. At the press conference, May revealed that American submarines had a high survivability because Japanese deth charges were fused to explode at too shallow a depth typically 100 feet (because Japanese forces believed U.S. subs did not normally exceed this depth). Various press associations sent this story over their wires, and many newspapers, including one in Honolulu, thoughtlessly published it. Soon enemy depth charges were rearmed to explode at a more effective depth of 250 feet. Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, commander of the U.S. submarine fleet in the Pacific, later estimated that May's revelation cost the navy as many as ten submarines and 800 crewman.

Chairman, Committee on Military Affairs (Seventy-sixth through Seventy-ninth Congresses); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1946 to the Eightieth Congress; CONVICTED on July 3, 1947, on charges of accepting BRIBES for his influence in the AWARD of munitions CONTRACTS during the Second World War; served nine months in prison during 1950

"Silent Victory" - Clay Blair. Vol.1 pg 397

"A serious breach of security may have helped the Japanese anti-submarine a Member of the House Military Affairs Committee.

"Senseless Secrets" - LtCol (ret) Michael Lee Lanning. Pg 82

"INTELLIGENCE FAILURE involved U.S. Congressman Andrew Jackson May, who as a member of the House Military Affairs Committee.......

Cheney’s involvement is further underscored by the the inspector general’s report released on Friday, which shows that the vice president’s office played a central rule in limiting awareness of the National Security Agency’s program of warrantless wiretapping to just a handful of officials. Even then-Attorney General John Ashcroft did not receive an accurate description of one program until two years after he had certified it as legal.

So, back to my question. Should Committee Members Know? We see what can happen when senstivie information is misused.

Recently and currently, we have Representatives, Senators, Govenors, Appointees, etc. who have all been compromised by: $90,000 in the freezer; federal corruption charges; indictment / resignation for involvement in prostitution ring; conspiracy in a campaign finance scheme; bathroom sting conviction; email page sex scandal; go to Congressional scandals:

Cheney was right to limit who knows and Hayden makes it clear people were informed. You have to maintain a balance and what we have now is all this is being used for political mileage to nowhere because of Obama's Veto threat!

All of this equals a "shooter" of "dumb" followed by a "kool-aid chaser" ! ! ! ! !
2009-07-12 19:49:55 UTC
According to the news report you included, Panetta, head of the CIA, terminated the program. There is no mention there, or anywhere else that I have read, of support for his action being given by anyone who doesn't know what the program is. Did you just make this up, or do you actually have a source?
2009-07-12 20:31:53 UTC
i'm not a lib, but i already know what is going to happen....just as with the clinton admin and jamie goerliks "wall of seperation" so the intel groups couldn't exchange info, lowering our guard again will result in an even bigger tragedy killing even more innocent americans...but what makes it all the more hideous will be the left saying the attack happened on a republicans watch just like they did with bush when everybody knows, if it wasn't for the policies of the clinton admin, it wouldn't have happened. at this point, we are doomed to repeat history once again for appeasement of the base instead of protecting the country that they swore to uphold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry S
2009-07-12 20:40:02 UTC
i do not think it has anything to do with the liberals regarding

cancellation of counterterrorism program. remember we went to war

in iraq on false information? i think the administration may be

acting again on information they beleive to be true, but is false.
2009-07-12 18:36:55 UTC
Well, when a country can't even go and fight where the bad guy is supposed to be, how can one expect the same country to know when/how to monitor that enemy????

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