Do you think that Barack Obama will apologise for America's genocides ?
2009-01-25 13:23:16 UTC
The United States of America was responsible for two of the worst Genocides in history, one of which almost wiped a complete race of people from the planet. Yes no American president has ever acknowledged that fact let alone apologised. Will Barack Obama break the mould and for the first time not only acknowledge but apologise for America's genocide of the Black African Slaves, and the genocide of the North American Indian both estimated at 25,000,000 killed each ?
Nineteen answers:
2009-01-25 13:30:15 UTC
heather g
2009-01-29 09:21:27 UTC
I'm Anglo Saxon. Should I demand an apology from the people of Rome for enslaving and slaughtering my people?

BTW, if you read your history books, you'll realise that

A) Every single race, religion and culture has been enslaved, slaughtered etc etc at some point in history, and;

B) Millions of black Africans were actually imprisoned and SOLD to the slavers BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE.
AtS- Abraxas
2009-01-25 13:56:57 UTC
Speaking as a British citizen, I don't think it is any of our business what President Obama does, or does not, apologise for.

Likewise, I don't believe I need an apology made on my behalf for anything that may have happened so many decades ago. What next- demand the Germans apologise every five minutes for the 2nd World War, or Japan for Pearl Harbour? Give it a break and let it lie.
2009-01-25 13:42:40 UTC
The Americans never engaged in a systematic murder against the African slaves. They enslaved the Africans, but didn't set out to wipe out the African ethnic group. Thus no genocide took place.

And if America has to apologize to the native Americans for genocide, (which it didn't since expansionism and Manifest Destiny are NOT the same as genocide.) so does nearly every Western European country. Including Britain, for their barbaric attacks against the tribes when colonizing and setting up New England. You are in dire need of an education, 17pdr. I strongly suggest you look into getting one.
2009-01-26 10:26:39 UTC
for everyone who thinks america's genocidal policies against native people is over, try checking out what it continues to do to us. don't be fooled by a few casinos that only a few tribes have (and that the states they are located in make millions off of every year). check out the residential school policies. the dumping of highly toxic waste on native rezervations and the severe health issues it causes and blood quantum policies and the continued theft of land in both usa and canada TODAY.

the war against indigenous people in north america never ended..they just stopped reporting on it.
2009-01-25 13:36:02 UTC
Probably not, and I don't think he should. These things happened a very long time ago when opinions and actions were very different to what we are used to. I don't see the point of apologising for things which happened long before any of us were alive, and to whom would the president apologise anyway?
2009-01-25 16:21:34 UTC
Barack Obama is going to be a great president however he has no need to apologise for the past for he and many have learned from it.
2009-01-26 00:21:57 UTC
No i don't think he will, and besides he is mixed race, so where does his loyalty lie, with black or white peoples.

and for the idiot who said that black slaves didn't die, weren't wiped out, should have a history lesson, they died on ships over, on plantations and murdered over time by their overlords, some people don't even know their own history.
2009-01-25 14:34:07 UTC
No one better than him to apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, especially taking into consideration that Harry S. Truman was a Democrat.
Amber B
2009-01-25 13:40:45 UTC
Australia recently apologized to the Aboriginals for their attempted genocide. I have no idea if Obama will or not, but it would be nice to see.

DarkAl - Genocide is the systematic extermination of a race or people. It doesn't need to be entirely successful to be called genocide. What Hitler did was called genocide, but he wasn't successful.

I'm glad you agree what Hitler did was genocide. While it may have been a larger scale, Israel has certainly been more successful than he was. Over 11,000 Palestinians killed and 90% of Palestinian land is a pretty damned successful attempt at genocide in my books. And I don't really think 65% civilians killed is "collateral damage".
2009-01-25 13:32:54 UTC
I think President Obama wants to focus on the problems we have right now.
2009-01-25 13:34:51 UTC
If anything, it's British people who should apologize for the so-called "genocide" of the native American indians. As for slavery - Guess what? It started in Europe, once again - Find another scapegoat. You're going to also demand the Egyptians to apologize to the Israelies for enslaving them 4000+ years ago?

Seriously - I'm getting sick and tired of ignorant people who yell "Genocide!!!!" at everything. 56% civilian casualty in Afghanistan isn't genocide. Killing 1300 people in Gaza, out of which, at least 60% were militants is not a genocide. Hell, it's not even a war. It hardly accounts as a battle.

Open a history book and a dictionary, search up genocide and then read examples in history, educate yourself damn it.

Edit: Amber - Exactly, what Hitler did was genocide. What happened in Kosovo is genocide. Darfur could be labeled that way as well. Some collateral damage in a military operation targeting Hamas members who are fighting in civilian areas is not a genocide or a holocaust as people like yourself would like to believe. Not Israel, nor USA, have ever engaged in systematic killing of a certain population or had desires to do so. People like yourself who lack knowledge don't realize that it would take one plane and one bomb for Israel to wipe out 80% of Gaza. America could wipe out Iraq and Afghanistan with some more bombs, but definitely within a couple of weeks. Give it a break, will ya? If Israel or the U.S. wanted to commit a genocide - Trust me, you'd see a damn genocide.
2009-01-25 13:27:12 UTC
probably the indians...

african american slaves...not a genocide, we kept them alive- yes to work, but still alive.

Check you dictionary for the CORRECT definition of genocide.
SS4 Elby
2009-01-25 13:28:34 UTC
No he shouldent apologize he didnt do it and no one alive today did it (the indians) With slavery it was years ago black people are just as equal as us hello Black President now to top it off. Get over it all its in the past lets go forward.
2009-01-25 13:29:43 UTC
I doubt it. Issues of the day, better things to do, that sort of rot.

Of course Britain has never engaged in that sort of activity during its empire building......
2009-01-25 13:40:25 UTC
I think the American people as a whole should apologise....
2009-01-25 13:27:38 UTC
Ouch, hope so.

And also, the 600,000 Iraqi civilians killed, and those from Afghanistan, and the Palestinian help?
2009-01-25 13:33:03 UTC
He should.

Also apologize of supporting Israel.
2009-01-25 13:33:03 UTC

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