If anything, it's British people who should apologize for the so-called "genocide" of the native American indians. As for slavery - Guess what? It started in Europe, once again - Find another scapegoat. You're going to also demand the Egyptians to apologize to the Israelies for enslaving them 4000+ years ago?
Seriously - I'm getting sick and tired of ignorant people who yell "Genocide!!!!" at everything. 56% civilian casualty in Afghanistan isn't genocide. Killing 1300 people in Gaza, out of which, at least 60% were militants is not a genocide. Hell, it's not even a war. It hardly accounts as a battle.
Open a history book and a dictionary, search up genocide and then read examples in history, educate yourself damn it.
Edit: Amber - Exactly, what Hitler did was genocide. What happened in Kosovo is genocide. Darfur could be labeled that way as well. Some collateral damage in a military operation targeting Hamas members who are fighting in civilian areas is not a genocide or a holocaust as people like yourself would like to believe. Not Israel, nor USA, have ever engaged in systematic killing of a certain population or had desires to do so. People like yourself who lack knowledge don't realize that it would take one plane and one bomb for Israel to wipe out 80% of Gaza. America could wipe out Iraq and Afghanistan with some more bombs, but definitely within a couple of weeks. Give it a break, will ya? If Israel or the U.S. wanted to commit a genocide - Trust me, you'd see a damn genocide.