Should The NHS Be Scrapped?
2011-01-03 14:03:20 UTC
I'm fed up paying for folk who eat, drink and smoke too much. Get drunk on a saturday night and get injured or injure others. Drive negligently causing crashes injuring others. Those who live too long. Surely fi you get care then you should pay for it yourself? Lets scrap the NHS and leave that unhealthy lot to fend for themselves.
Twenty answers:
Lady Isis
2011-01-03 16:42:18 UTC
As someone who works for the NHS I think the Government is doing a good job in scrapping it. We have lost 5 nurses on our ward, from a 30 bedded unit it has gone down to 20 all in the space of 2 months. They are changing nurse working hours which means we will be working sometimes 7 to 10 day stretches with staggered days off in between. Staff morale has never been so low. As someone pointed out it is the managers that still benefit. Its far to top heavy. In my area they are short on nurses and dont advertise for staff yet there are always jobs posted for secretaries. Dont you worry your poor wee head over it, the Government will soon have you paying for it and I hope you can afford it.
2011-01-04 03:25:51 UTC
If you, Hobbledehoy, is going to write to David Cameron to encourage him to shut down the NHS let me assure you, you speak for no one other than yourself.

You alone do not pay for the NHS services, we all do, including the people who eat, drink and smoke too much, get drunk on a Saturday night etc, etc. As for the drivers who injure others and themselves, unless something has changed, the NHS is able to recover some of the cost from the drivers insurance.

The NHS is ours, it doesn’t belong to the Government or a political party, it’s ours. It is the primary reason we pay our taxes. If we haven’t got our health the rest is nothing.

Hobbledehoy you give the impression that you are someone who has been born and raised in this country and has experience the all encompassing benefits of the health service without realising what would happen should it not be there.

I would therefore suggest that you go and experience life in a country that does not have a national health service. There are a fair number of countries, how about one in West Africa? Its nice and sunny there, a bit wet at times but you wouldn’t have to travel too far and you could spend 6 months or so there, then come and tell us your experiences. You could tell us about how much money you have saved, that’s if you are still alive and well. You could enlighten us about the peripheral benefits of not having a national health service, like clean water, sanitation, inoculations, decent housing, sufficient trained nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, opticians and so on. But then I am sure you must have thought about all of this before putting pen to paper, so to speak.
2011-01-04 05:50:50 UTC
Go easy now as you are on a sticky wicket. You have just listed most of the stuff your idols Cameron and Clegg have done or still do. They aren't going to like that at all. You are supposed to tell us that we shouldn't work and pay taxes that go into the NHS but that go into their bank accounts instead. See. You missed their point entirely. If they can get the NHS privatised then they and their party's ;members will make a lot more money from the share dividends, etc which they can then subsidise with our taxes thus making them more money. That way we pay twice for our health care. That proved to be a money earner for the Tories last time they were in power with the public transport system they privatised. Now they want to do it to our health care system.

It would be better for you if you just paid a certain amount of money into their personal bank accounts on a weekly or monthly basis. That way you wouldn't have to be proved wrong by so many on here. Attacking something we already pay for.

You do know that if you don't like the NHS you can opt out of using any of its services don't you?

Kind of like all the other stuff the Tories privatised and we still pay for with our taxes in the subsidies the Tory governments give them.
2011-01-04 15:09:21 UTC
No. But I agree the NHS needs a massive overhaul. Money spent on sex change operations, foreigners who come to the UK to use the free maternity wards and then return home etc. is just wrong (I would charge drunks on a Fri/Sat night a fee too).

But if you find yourself with a serious illness (the type that American health insurance companies don't like paying for) you will suddenly find how lucky you are to have the NHS. I think you would change your opinion if you knew how much a comprehensive insurance policy costs in the US.
2011-01-03 22:22:58 UTC
Wow, aren't you perfect. No, the NHS should not be scrapped but eligibility cards should be issued and produced before any treatment/consultation is allowed. Too many foreigners are using the service and are not entitled to. Also, a points system should be introduced for drink related treatment so that the first 2 incidents are covered but thereafter one has to pay in full. The NHS was set up to save lives thus sex change surgery, many cosmetic procedures, IVF, etc etc should not be covered in full.

And just exactly are "those who live too long"? Would this be you when you reach the age of 80 and are still in full control of your faculties? You have a very narrow minded and short sighted view of society.
2011-01-04 00:16:31 UTC
No lets just get rid of all the NHS managers who swan around like they are aristocracy , get paid a fortune to bully workers and have 4x4's and cruises when they are lazy and stupid idiots

keep the nurses cleaners the lady who answrs the phone and surgeons

The NHS is top heavy it should be more functionable

I am proud that we have the NHS and would fight to keep it and those who work hard to maintain good standards
2011-01-03 23:22:58 UTC
The NHS is one of the best things we have in our country. if you don't like it go live in america where it is all privatised. what about people who can't afford treatment and desperately need it? and why shouldn't people get drunk on a saturday? those that injure others are in a minority and those that think the nhs should be scrapped are too.
2011-01-03 22:41:50 UTC
lol those ppl are only a tiny fraction of what taxpayers are paying for!

the rest is like children with broke bones or for care for pregnant mothers in labour! and the people that are messed up are being helped by the NHS so instead of feeling annoyed, feel glad and happy with yourself for helping others when they need it! you never know when you might be in a situation like that!
2011-01-04 11:36:29 UTC
I take-it your taking the plss and are not serious, but if you are just be grateful for one thing, when your sectioned your treatment on the NHS will be Free.

Now have a good day and try not to worry about things that are way over your head.
2011-01-03 22:10:04 UTC
Good idea

We will save a fortune on the maternity care of millions of immigrants who have paid nothing into the NHS

And so much will be saved on the care of mentally and physically disabled people often the result of cousins marrying and producing damaged kids

And it will be much easier to get a doctors appointment if people have to pay ....the surgerybwon't be clogged up with mums wanting prescription for cough medicine she could get from boots ....
2011-01-03 22:58:47 UTC
Look Maggie Thatcher , if the NHS saved your or your family's life , you would shut your mouth and stop winding fellow Yahooists up.
2011-01-03 22:07:05 UTC
The NHS is free for immigrants and benefit scroungers. I tire of the massive amount of my pay every month going into keeping this bloated failure going. I'm not having a go at the NHS staff - I know there are many EXCELLENT staff that work for the NHS but there has to be another way. The welfare state must end. The lazy are getting a free ride in this country.

The only issue is how it would be transitioned.
2011-01-03 22:06:51 UTC
I don't think it should be scrapped, but I definitely think there needs to be some major improvements and changes. Especially some of the things you've listed.
2011-01-03 22:15:10 UTC
Yeah lets euthanise anyone over 60 for daring to be a burden, lets make those kids that play football at weekends thus endangering their limbs pay for private health blah blah blah. Lets all wrap ourselves in cotton wool and bleach and we wont ever need health care.

I'm quite happy for my taxes to pay for trolls to recieve psychiatric care however.
2011-01-03 22:25:06 UTC
here's a spade for you to dig your own grave? pay for it on your way out. what about trident, the illegal wars, the royal family etc etc

who sells them the **** food, the gut rot alcohol, the cigarettes, the medication?

who pays for the war on cannabis? the people on cannabis are winning the war!
2011-01-03 22:10:59 UTC
If you saw a drunk person who was about to die, would you leave them to die or would you pay £50 to save their life? Our money helps to save lives, even if it is they're own fault they still deserve to live, the only people that don't deserve to live are murderers.
2011-01-04 03:57:30 UTC
2011-01-03 22:06:49 UTC
you have a point but just think how much car insurance would be if you had to pay hospital bills too
2011-01-03 22:22:12 UTC
so could you look into my eyes and turn off my oxygen!?!
2011-01-04 09:36:41 UTC

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