What does all the heartless criticism and speculation surrounding the Mccanns actually achieve?
2007-06-22 07:23:43 UTC
They left their child while they went to eat in an environment they wrongly percieved to be safe.

The child was abducted.


How is coming on here or other places and throwing around these wild speculations and baseless accusations going to help delete those actions?

We cannot go back in time.

The Mccanns can't press a rewind button and undo their actions..

They are going through the biggest and most heart breaking ordeal that anyone could go through in life.

We cannot even come close to imagining it.

Their pain must be almost unbearable.

Can you not see how hurtful and spiteful and ultimately USELESS your rants about them are?
37 answers:
2007-06-22 16:02:56 UTC
It will achieve nothing except making several small minded people feel righteous.

I can't believe that anyone thinks that all the pathetic ranting will influence anything to do with the McCanns. Oh yes I really believe the obsessive drivel spouted by all the McCann bashers will make the police sit up and decide to prosecute the McCanns or cause Leicestershire Social Services to investigate. No doubt they'll be poring over Dave S's posts in particular to build the prosecution case. Not!

It's sickening though I'm heartened whenever I read a question like yours that reassures me that the whole of Yahoo! Answer hasn't gone mad after all.
2007-06-22 15:19:13 UTC
The critisicm is about people venting their frustration and thats fine. Some of the comments are constructive, some are correct. But i suspect even some ' anti mc canns' wince at a lot of the comments. They have become increasingly personal and have little to do with the missing child. The arguement of the parents having gone for dinner while the children slept, while of course it is a valid point, is raised repetivitly and so often used as an answer to every question. And it is used as an excuse to tear away at the parents every action and comment. The mind boggles as to why this happens to parents whose child could be dead of suffering a terrible fate.

What I dont get most of all is that the abductor is never mentioned, never blamed, never lambased, never critiscised..... what is that about?? Instead it is ensinuated that the McCanns would rather holiday than get Maddie back,. So they are the hate figures.... not the person who took the child. That i do not get......
2007-06-22 07:28:27 UTC
I think a lot of the anger isn't directed at the McCann's per se but more at the extreme media hype surrounding this event - the way it has been handled is quite frankly absurd.

Every tiny detail 'leaked' to the press is turned into a massive drama and splashed across tabloids as though this is going to change things.

This type of occurrence, sadly, happens all too often -why turn this example into a frenzy?

Perhaps some good will come of this - people will be educated and the same mistake will not happen again. The sad thing is that all this media attention makes it more likely that the child be killed rather than sold on or moved as she is so recognisable.
2007-06-22 09:07:12 UTC
You are correct to say you cannot undone that which has been done. However justice for Maddy and all future Maddies will not be done by saying `we feel your pain` now go home and put your feet up. they are well educated people, they should have known beeter. God, it isn`t rocket science. I am a bus enthusiast, i take photos of buses, however i don`t do it near schools and most certainly not when the schools are going in or out. Why? Because I know that parents would be upset to think someone is taking photos os their kids. It is simple common sense. Anyway back to the point in hand. So 6 months or a year down the line some other parent thinks ` lets nip out for a pint and a bite to eat tonight` `Babysitter?` `Nah, we don`t need one of them, the Mc Canns lost their kid and no one ever got charged`. That is why they need to be vilified, to act as a deterent to other irresponsible parents.
2007-06-22 07:39:28 UTC
We MUST explore every alternative when solving a crime. Often, the least expected person is the criminal.

We cannot blindly assume that what the McCanns re telling us is true. Good detective work considers ALL options, no matter how far-fetched they initially sound. They were the last people to see Madeline alive (assuming she's died) so they MUST be examined carefully.

Most of the other rants are about whether or not they should have left her alone. Well, in Europe it is totally normal to do what they did. Cultural differences account for the complaints there.
Chris S
2007-06-22 07:50:26 UTC
You are entirely missing the point. The parents MUST be prosecuted as this will send a clear message to other lazy, selfish parents that this is totally unacceptable behaviour. Maybe that will have some influence in saving a child from injury or death in future. We are obviously different in that I care more about children than parents who neglect their primary parental responsibility for the sake of a few drinks.

FACT: They put their own selfish interests before the BASIC safety of their children. How can anyone defend that?! It is totally and utterly beyond me.

I DON'T CARE if they are upset by these comments, they need to come out and admit they were wrong to do what they did if they want any sympathy from me whatsoever. Disgraceful people.
2007-06-22 07:35:36 UTC
I agree with you that the heartless and spiteful criticism is unjust and your right abut the fact that they cannot take back their actions, the problem i have and i do not mean this callously but they have received so much media attention which is only right in the help to locate their missing child, but what about all of the other children that are abducted throughout the world every day where is their media coverage and why are people not trying as desperately to locate them i can see why other countries hate the brits when this is the case!!!
michelle l
2007-06-22 07:40:36 UTC
can you not see how hurt Madeleine is/was because of her useless parents?

i don't know whether you are a parent or not, im assuming not - for the record i am.

i have never left my daughter unattended while i dined out with friends at home abroad single parent or with my partner - and if i make mistakes i take responsibility. cos that my job as a parent, and a valuable lesson to teach your kids.

what most are struggling with is the fact they absolve themselves of any responsibility - it was not there fault but the 'abductor' is only half to blame. if the McCanns kept their children with them then would it off happened - most probably not.

the 'abductor' made a good choice in that apartment because if they hadn't been left alone before that night and the abductor hadn't been watching, how did that person know they where alone.

the thing is there are two many unanswered questions that are being avoided by the press and the McCanns are avoiding talking about that night as we do not know the full facts, only half truths. if they did talk truthfully, honestly and admit their responsibility in this then it would move on on here eventually. it is stuck in a rut because they only want us to know certain points - that they hope paints them in a positive light.

to be blunt - nothing about this fits which is why only blinkered feel sorry for them.
2007-06-22 07:39:07 UTC
I dont think we are trying to be spiteful, but are merely using this as a chance to vent our rage and anger about the whole situationa nd the all media hype around the parents, instead of focusing on that little girl.

Everyone i know sympathises but cant help thinking that this could easily have been avoided or prevented if they had just taken a minute to think `is it really safe to leave my 2 and 3 year old children alone`

There are lots of other things that could have happened to those children just by them leaving them alone, unfortunately one of the worst things imaginable happened.

Did they consider for 1 second what coudl happen. they might wake up from a nightmare and be distressed that their parents are not their, there could have been a fire, one of the could have slept walked out onto the road infront of traffic.
2007-06-22 08:21:29 UTC
One is beginning to wonder if you are in point of fact related to the McCanns.

Regardless it is extremely clear that you would see no problem in going to a strange country and leaving your children alone in an unlocked room while you go out for the night. There is no point in keeping saying it's a mistake, it was a deliberate and selfish act that was committed night after night. No one is saying that they are not feeling guilty about it. They are saying that Kate and Gerry are behaving in a very strange manner. People have the right to rant on here because they cannot tell Kate and Gerry what they think of them face to face. However the comments on committing violence against them is disgusting to say the least. But then there are disgusting comments from both sides of the argument.

I suggest that you have a big problem allowing others to voice their opinion. Do you feel you are unheard in your everyday life perhaps?

Chris S you have some good points here is another

The NSPCC's definition of neglect which is a definition of child abuse is;

Failure to provide a child's basic needs (eg food, warm clothing); leaving children alone or unsupervised; failure to give love or affection.

I'd like to see ablubobcat justify their actions now! but since he seems not to have a valid argument other than 'you're being nasty' I will be waiting on an answer till kingdom comes.
2007-06-24 05:18:19 UTC
Fact, they left their 3 children undre the age of 5 alone in a hotel room, while they dinner and had drinks 600 yards away. No overt signs of forced entry, in other words the fu*king window was unlocked!! They checked on them frequently, my as* they did, that is what they say, I don't believe that for one fu*king second. 50 minutes to call the police....WTF over!! People trapsing in and out of the room in that 50 minutes...WTF over. This BS about going to meet the pope and the "European Tour"...WTF over!! Meanwhile their little girl could be being raped and beaten or worse dead and buried!! While they profit from it!!! They should have their other children removed and locked up and shunned from society!! Scumbags!!
2007-06-22 09:06:52 UTC
Im sorry but this is a forum and the last time I looked it was a free world, so we are all entitled to an opinion. You have yours, let others have theirs too! Who are you to tell people what they can and cant say!!

Oh and can I just ask.......... If you put your child in the hands of a babysitter / carer and they did what the McCanns did and left your child alone, who then got abducted / killed / injured, would you not be pretty angry too? Please look at it from other peoples views aswell! Its obviously made you feel better to get that off your chest, well let others do the same okay!
2007-06-22 07:59:29 UTC
Child care does not start when your daughter goes missing...thats the basic for the criticism...when one has duties towards the care of thier children and one child goes missing the question quite naturally is what happened...

This fact has escapd the parents and the media and the FF>> button was pressed by the team machine to start the challenge of campaigning....

I dont understand why they put "find madelaine" as the campaign quote rather its should have been.."Return Madelaine"

find madelaine sounds like she got lost going walkabouts and nobody knows where she also sounds like its our duty to find her.....but actually somebody already knows where MAdelaine is and what has happened...

think the campaign has spread too far and too quickly..
2007-06-22 09:19:40 UTC
Save your sympathy for those who really deserve it. No one is trying to be harsh on the McCanns. They are just incensed that the McCanns have never tried to be honest with the public that they are trying so hard to milk for money and compassion. People are upset that while keeping their palms open for donations to their 'Leave no stone unturned' campaign, they have not bothered to pick up even a pebble for fear they might get dirt under their well-manicured nails. People are miffed that though the McCanns are responsible for the disappearance they have not only NOT been brought to justice, they are living in the lap of luxury with a private jet at their beck and call and time enough to clock their jogs and plan kiting expeditions in Afghanistan. 'Suffering parents" indeed! I must admit they're doing their best to look agonized.

Personally I'll save my sympathy for when they come clean.
2007-06-22 07:35:53 UTC
What does it achieve to tell people that its OK to go out and leave three young kids alone??

A bit irresponsible isn't it?

I wish people would stop projecting their own emotions on to the Mccann's. Or is that because the Mccann's don't show any emotion, or remorse themselves? There is a vacuum, so some guys fill that with how they think they themselves would feel/react.

A child is missing, most probably dead because the parents preferred to go out with their pals, than make suitable childcare arrangements. Those parents have said all along that it is fine to go out and leave three toddlers home alone. And i should condone that? Not on your life pal.
Bobby L
2007-06-22 07:41:28 UTC
As for your two 'facts'.

You can't even tell me at what time either of the two parents last saw their child on 3 May.

Or which of their friends - none of whose names you know - checked on her last.

But you still want my money to pay for 'something' - I don't quite know what - but whatever it is, the police can do it better.

And we are all coming to see just how useless asking these people any questions at all about their behaviour is. They get annoyed and refuse to answer and call it cruel.

But they'll still take my credit card details, thanks.

It's turning into the most expensive drinks party in history.

and ... er, actually, I think you mean their daughter is "going through the biggest and most heart breaking ordeal that anyone could go through in life".

Don't you?
2007-06-22 07:40:55 UTC

Think that's maybe the wrong word to use here - To achieve is to reach a goal or accomplish something

FACT: The parents were totally selfish and negligent and the only thing now that will be achieved is to eventually find her little body

FACT: The parents were completely at fault by their own negligence and won't even admit it

FACT: I honestly don't think they are paying the price for their actions - I think Maddies paying that price!
lou b
2007-06-22 07:34:46 UTC
Can't you see that they are doing this to themselves friend? Blogs, fund-raising etc etc. One of the most insightful comments I've seen about all this was somebody who said 'What is the point of raising awareness of Madeleine's disappearance, when any sightings are ignored. By the McCanns'.

That woman deserves a medal. Wish I could remember her name. It's got a lot of numbers in it.

She knows who she is, anyway.

# She's cpl4realuk. Brilliant observation.
2007-06-22 07:37:12 UTC
all it achieves is to demonstrate that the majority of right minded people do not think it is OK to leave three children under the age of four unattended whilst you go out and enjoy yourself

when my three children, were children, they were given a proper level of supervision. they are now all in their twenty's

no one abducted them, because no one had the opportunity.

as for their pain being unbearable, self inflicted wound caused in the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure.

save your sympathy for the soul of the little girl, and just hope it was quickly over for her
2007-06-22 08:07:46 UTC
In answer to your question, it has achieved nothing , neither will it other than to meet some very disturbing need in SOME of the people who post some extremely venomous comments about the McCanns.

Maybe in their arrogance they actually think it will serve some purpose, or get them a spot on the radio, i know one thing for sure-it will not help find the missing/abducted child.
2007-06-22 07:29:15 UTC
the problem is they dont believe they did anything wrong and thats what most people object to. they are asking for sympathy for an abduction that they made easy. i do sympathise with maddie. she must be suffering more than her parents, but as the fact you have just written states, THEY LEFT THEIR CHILDREN TO EAT. they shunned the babysitters available. no they dont deserve what happened and if just one parent realises that its not acceptable to leave your children alone then the lesson will of been learnt. they may be hurtful comments but the truth does hurt.
Saucy B
2007-06-22 09:31:53 UTC
I dont think its heartless to point out time and again they abandoned their children. If they were in the US they would have been prosecuted already
2007-06-22 07:33:19 UTC
Just as they believe the public should not be allowed to forget about the plight of Madeleine, then also many people believe the public should not be allowed to forget who was responsible for her plight in the first place. Quid pro, and also quo.
Milking maid
2007-06-22 07:49:49 UTC
There is too much bile, hatred and spitting fury for me.

I only glance at the news and events section now which is such a shame, because it used to have some decent and enlightening discussions and debates, now it's, did he do/not do this ? what if that ? Oh ! no, they have all this money spit, spit...etc., etc.,

What I would like to know is - have any single one of them volunteered to go to Portugal to help in the search - come on have any of you ??.

I doubt it, it's safer to be anonymous isn't it !!.

I feel for the family, but hold absolutely no opinion whatsoever - strange but true.
2007-06-22 09:40:18 UTC
if they had done everthing possible to protect these children, then how this child go missing
2007-06-22 07:32:58 UTC
Sorry, I've been in Malta for the past three months. Did I miss something?
ytuty t
2007-06-22 07:27:12 UTC
why does this subject keep popping up? im sick of hearing about it! even the news has stopped talking about them!
2007-06-22 07:31:34 UTC
About as useless as this one. What has your rant achieved?
2007-06-22 08:02:34 UTC
The culprits who spew out their heartless critisism and speculation belong in the dark ages.
2007-06-22 07:33:04 UTC
People are like that nasty and horrible, if all the hate went into finding the little one, it would be worth while, so what if the parents did things, but hey haven't we all.... I hope they find her. People are like pack dogs filled with hate and revenge, but some people actually do care.
2007-06-22 07:36:47 UTC
i agree with dave s
2007-06-22 07:33:23 UTC
It dosen't aceive anything. AND I agree!!
I'm Sparticus
2007-06-22 07:26:53 UTC
There is alot of hate and spite about. It appears to be fashionable. God help all of us!
miss.a.right(first name always)
2007-06-22 08:04:41 UTC
im sure it gives some of the people on here an ego boost but that is probably about it
2007-06-22 07:33:09 UTC
the anti mc canns are as dispicable and no better morally than the people who snatched Maddie,they will reap their rewards one day as what comes round goes round,if they hadnt campaigned likethey have then peolple in Malta wouldnt be so aware of a missing child ,and if it hadnt been Maddie they snatched then it would have been another and those parents might not have been as strong as the Mc Canns
2007-06-22 07:32:59 UTC
They achieve nothing except to make some small minded egoists feel fleetingly superior.
Rik D
2007-06-22 07:32:00 UTC

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