Jon Gaunt is a loud-mouthed, feckless, tasteless fool who panders to the ill-informed and uneducated - you are misjudging an awful lot of right minded people when you say "the majority of the general public"... Sun readership is, what, 5%, maybe 8% of the population - and I don't think its bought for its political analysis... generally for the Sport and TV sections.
@Teddy - I didnt say stupid, I said ill-informed and uneducated. Like this, for example.. he's taking soundbites, out of context, and relaying them with his own editorial... jumping to conclusions on behalf of the reader... where am I wrong?
Lol... one of the homepage "Today's Top Stories" is "Blunt Girl Beds 4 SAS Heroes" - with all that's going on in the world and this is one of the 4 top stories? Of the 4 stories, one is news, one is about Big Brother (which isnt even on yet?!), one is football and the other is the one I've just mentioned... as I said, Sport and TV.
If you want people to take you seriously, get serious! You actually read this ****?
@Spencer... sorry mate, you can't use the same bullshit tactics of putting words in my mouth and jumping to conclusions, that Gaunt does, on me... what I said was Jon Gaunt panders to the ill-informed and uneducated... how that means I read the Guardian is beyond me... the Sun is a low rent newspaper used to push propaganda, if you want to buy it and read that is your call... but do not insult the rest of the nation by inferring it or any one of their writers speaks for the nation - they don't. It's not snobbery, its just reasonability. And if you want to argue, give me something reasonable to argue with... not hearsay, gossip and agenda'ed opinion. Where am I wrong?
I don't read the Guardian.