Well, certainly, I don't think that it is coincidental that Chupacabra was only just recently (2006) seen in Russia for the first time (immediately before the official start of the Global Financial Crisis [GFC], 2007). I'm not sure what it means, but I've heard that experts have certainly been considering the increasing likelihood that Chupacabra has a political agenda. Could it be that the cryptozoological beast has created the global economic downturn as a way of instigating the implosion of capitalism? Could it be that he (she?) intends to use this collapse to bring on a new, communist world order, from the security of a new home in the former Soviet centre? Most of the Chupacabra authorities seem to think so. There are, as far as I am aware, some other theories, involving the Russian mafia and the treasonous magic of the animal being used to drive up the price of sturgeon caviar overseas, particularly in the face of the ban on the sale of black sturgeon caviar in Russia (yes, that's right - the ban started in 2007; it's not seeming like simple coincidence anymore, is it?).
Although the mafia link provides a somewhat titillating and romantic explanation, let alone a quite convenient one, it is my opinion that within the view of what we know about historical H1N1 outbreaks and the European and global politics at those times, the conceptualisation of Chupacabra as a impactful political deviant and major player in world events over the last century seems extremely fitting.
Although little known, this is not the first influenza epidemic caused by H1N1. As general consensus is that Chupacabra is the source of H1N1, we can track the beast's movement over the past century by identifying outbreaks - and inferring his motivations for being in those locations.
The first major outbreak of H1N1-strain influenza of which I know occurred in Spain at the end of the first world war, during the 1918-1919 period. Although that may initially seem fairly innocent (or at least as innocent as a viral outbreak can be; that is, without malevolent national or global political implications), but for those who know anything about the political climate in Spain post-war, a darker subtext can be read. It was post-war that the anarchistic Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) flourished (reaching a peak at somewhere around three quarters of a million associates in, you guessed it, 1919), and groups such as the Unión General de Trabajadores both moved from somewhat more centred politics towards a more pronouncedly left party with a clearer ideal of class struggle as a part of their aims, and also became more closely connected to bodies such as the CNT. It is possible, nay, likely (given the circumstantial evidence presented below) that Chupacabra was the motivator for the changes in these groups activities, ideals, and associations. However, it is likely that the CNT's anarcho-syndicalist policies and the left's general diorganisation that drove Chupacabra out before he could successfully merge the various socialist and extreme leftist groups into a single, unified body. The implication is, of course, that Chupacabra took the disease to Spain with him, and left with it, also; the pervasive seeds of South American communist ideals which he took with him, however, have remained prevalent, most clear in the current leadership of the country.
In any case, it was not long before Europe, once again, felt the presence of Chupacabra. In 1947, H1N1 caused an influenza epidemic in Russia. Experts believe that Chupacabra was at this time living in Moscow and advising Josef Stalin on the implementation of Soviet governments in the states (id est, the whole of Eastern Europe) of which they found themselves in control after the war ended in August 1945. Interestingly enough, despite his obviously positive working relationship with Stalin, (at least immediately after the war), Chupacabra is also the likely cause of Stalin's death in 1953. The official story was given that Stalin he died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage, although that has long been disputed. Some have suggested poison, specifically accusing then Interior Minister Lavrentiy Beria, citing some of Nikita Khrushchev's personal documents as evidence. Although these explanations for Stalin's death may seem adequate, I happen to have sighted an actual copy of Stalin's autopsy report. Cause of death? Hypovolaemia, or, for those unfamiliar with the term, massive loss of blood - as if it had been sucked straight out of his body. That is to say that Stalin died in the same way as so many South American goats. Clearly, here is another world event that can be linked to Chupacabra's dastardly deeds. Perhaps Stalin had outgrown his use to Chupacabra; the leader had begun to show his age, and it is possible that Chupacabra sought to force a revitalisation of global communism. Alternatively, maybe Chupacabra simply tired of watching those capitalist American cowboy films at each of Stalin's dinner parties. It is almost certain that we will never know. In any case, it is highly unlikely that Chupacabra intended for or supported Khrushchev’s eventual rise to the position of premier of the Soviet Union, as his relatively moderate politics would, one would think, not sit well with Chupacabra's assumed model of the new world order.
In 1976, the H1N1 strain caused a minor outbreak in Fort Dix; the implication that Chupacabra was stealing military secrets for the Soviets does not probably need to be laboured over in detail, as it is fairly self-explanatory and the outbreak was relatively contained.
The next appearance of the strain was in Russia, presumably after Chupacabra delivered said secrets, in the period 1977-1978. Chupacabra did come to work with Khrushchev, apparently. What do we know about politics at that time? Well, this was the period of the Somali-Ethiopian Ogaden War. Whilst most laypeople with a loose grasp of Cold War history suggest that the USSR trained and equipped Somali soldiers for the conflict, the general consensus amongst expert historians specialising in both the Cold War and Chupacabra is that Chupacabra, on behalf of the USSR, provided the training (with the USSR providing the equipment). It is perhaps not a simple fluke that large deposits of uranium ore were found a decade earlier in the Ogaden region. It is my personal feeling - and, in fact, the feeling of many authorities in the Chupacabra field - that this was Chupacabra's true interest in the region, and that he only came to work with Khrushchev to try and acquire these radioactive reserves for use against capitalist democracies.
Obviously, it was not long until the USSR was in decline, eventually falling in 1991. Some say that a despondent Chupacabra returned to his home in South America, and whilst this certainly fits in with the various sightings in the early nineties through North and Central America, I think that it is much more likely that he was moving towards Asia immediately after the Soviet collapse, where he would eventually assist and guide Kim Jong-Il when he assumed power in 1993. This new relationship with the Korean leader was to be reflected in the Russian stance towards North Korea in the 1990s; after having had a dramatic (if fairly superficial) political shift (and so, naturally, now turning its back on Chupacabra) the "New Russia" trade relationship with North Korea detereorated. In any case, if I am correct, Chupacabra probably stayed in Korea to provide aid towards the North Korean nuclear programmes and to teach Kim Jong-Il to kidnap film directors.
My thought is that Chupacabra moved to China in the late 1990s, possibly to advise before and after the reclamation of Hong Kong by the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1999. Although I cannot support this with much evidence, I draw this conclusion because it seems like the logical progression for this monster in political exile, and, prior to the worldwide outbreak of H1N1 in 2009, most Chinese people seemed to be walking around with those silly masks covering their nose and mouth. With a government as secretive as the PRC, it is unlikely that we will know for some time whether or not a health warning (in the guise of an influenza warning) was issued as a response to Chupacabra's arrival and stay in the Chinese political halls.
As a final note, just to clear up one small issue on the transmission of the H1N1 virus by Chupacabra, I should point out that, despite the literal translation of his (her?) name (id est, "suck goat"), has been known to feed not just on goats, but also on turkeys and also pigs. Again, this is no coincidence, but another clear piece of evidence of Chupacabra's involvement in H1N1 outbreaks (as turkeys/birds and pigs neatly account for "Avian" and "Swine Flu", respectively). It is probably through feeding on domesticated animals and passing on the H1N1 virus that Chupacabra is extending his vile influence, as opposed to simply through the evils of global communism.
The correspondences with communist politics and H1N1 cannot be ignored, just as the increasing evidence for Chupacabra's relationship to the H1N1 strain cannot.
In short, yes, I do think that we do need to be concerned about the relationship between Chupacabra and the GFC, and also with his (her?) relationship with H1N1 outbreaks. Most importantly, world governments need to start seeing the H1N1 pandemic and the GFC as what they are - simply further attacks on liberal capitalist democracy by the treacherous communists, or, perhaps more bluntly, one single, supernatural and spiny communist.
This may be our only chance.