2013-04-07 10:24:10 UTC
as the media stated that U.S is delays missile test to avoid any more tension from North Korea and in my part 3 of this question I got the response that I got a clear understanding of this article - here is the link
I think that I finally understand the article in related to this topic
if the U.S delays any missile test which the message was deliver from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Does these mean that the delays is only going to take place in California because of it supply of it Minuteman III intercontinental missile or these delays take affect in the U.S in general?
The U.S. decision will delay a test of the Minuteman III intercontinental missile, which had been scheduled for next week out of Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
if so, with the delays does it mean that U.S in general or California don't want to defense themselves or just wait when it's come time to use the Minuteman III intercontinental missile.
in short, is these is a short delays or will hold until next month like it stated on fax news articles -
here is the link to that article
to avoid any more worse. again, will these delayed happen only in California or the entire U.S in general.
here is the statement
The official said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel decided to put off the long-planned Minuteman 3 test until sometime next month because of concerns the launch could be misinterpreted and exacerbate the Korean crisis. Hagel made the decision Friday, the official said.
thank and please response with common-sense because I live in California and again I don't to focus too much or worry about these.