actually, this string of Ebola isn't exactly like the last string that came around some 10 years ago. You see, this string was created by a US scientist as a "potential" disease to wipe out a third of our population for the Illuminati's New World Order regime.
The virus string created was not suppose to be released, but it was. For the record, every country that has any kind of budget and world power plans has scientists working in labs to create the next virus, the next plague, the next toxic chemical for chemical warfare.
This string was created to do just what's it's doing. And you will notice that America has opened it's arms to Africa to take their sick and treat them. Yes, our country has the money and time to fly Africa villagers and citizens and whomever else is inflicted into America and treat them at our facilities. WE have set up 5 hospitals (conveniently scattered around the country) to provide support ...
So let me understand. OUr country, which tells us contantly to fend for ourselves and unwilling to help our own people in our own country. The US, which is in debt to the world. Yet, we have the money, time and resources to help Africa and to invite the disease back into US time and time again.
If we (as a country) want to help Africa .. great! But why ship them here??? Why not set up a large ship off the Africa coast as a floating hospital to service the sick? Because that contains the virus and doesn't allow it the chance to spread.
Our world leaders are sick. Our countries leaders are the sickest of them all. This is real. This is happening. This was created by man to control, reduce and elimininate man! You don't believe? I don't expect you to. You probably believe everything the local anchorman displays on your 6pm local news broadcast too.
you can easily google and get feeds on the start of this disease.