I can find no evidence in an online search of your allegations of fraud. Kindly support such allegations with some evidence. Otherwise, this would appear to be entirely malicious. You seem to be the only person on the internet who is making these allegations. Either produce some evidence (an internet link, ideally) or delete your question. Otherwise, it is likely to be reported as a violation of the TOS.
EDIT: Thank you for providing a reference - it's a good idea to do that when you're making such allegations, because after all, why should anyone just believe anything that someone writes here. As I have now been able to find the report, I can at least understand why you are making such allegations. However, although it clearly is not OK, it does seem that this could be pure incompetence rather than deliberate fraud - there hasn't been a full investigation yet, and sometimes, when there are volunteers running things, the niceties aren't adhered to as well as they might be. In at least one of the instances, it seems they simply hadn't filed their accounts - which is scarcely evidence of fraud! Of course it must be properly investigated, as is now happening.
The RBLS is a charitable organisation supporting the services, not something that anyone would have fought in.
And why you would imagine I have anything to do with it merely because I asked for some evidence before accepting such serious allegations, I can't imagine. I have never had anything to do with the armed services and nor has any member of my immediate family since the Second World War. And I don't live in Scotland. You do seem somewhat paranoid if this newspaper report sends you into such a spin of distress and accusation, and a simple request for information makes you imagine I'm complicit!
For anyone who wants it, the newspaper article that started the shouting and blustering is here: http://www.theherald.co.uk/search/display.var.2466764.0.probe_into_cash_irregularities_at_british_legion_branches.php