Is people smuggling a national emergency?
Yahoo!7 Australia Answers Team
2013-07-24 17:02:27 UTC
Tony Abbott has declared a war on asylum seekers and is set to announce a new policy that will have a three-star general co-ordinating the government response to people smugglers. A well-reasoned approach or an over-the-top example of intolerance? Share your thoughts with us.
107 answers:
2013-07-24 17:46:36 UTC
Tony Abbott follows the Australia First Party on the right track, because Rudd is encouraging the illegals to set up in Papua New Guinea. It has become pretty obvious the Papuans won't put up with the Muslim illegals and civil unrest is on the cards. So the presumption is that the tribal machete threat will then force the illegals to make the short 4 km island hop across the Torres Strait into far North Queenland. They will bring their Papuan tuberculosis with them, and Papua has long been a hotspot for T.B.. Read more to this on:

Do-gooders and heart-bleeders of Australia have no compassion with their own people who are living homeless in the streets, a direct result of the failed immigration-policies of former Australian governments. Also assylum-seekers have to follow international law and they are required to escape to the nearest country where the UN has set up processing camps. But the ones with the money want to move straight into a developed country with high living-standards by bribing smugglers. Time you wake up and abandon this wretched pro-assylum-seeker stand.
2013-07-26 01:34:31 UTC
People smugglers must be stopped. They are the biggest problem right now.

Processing of refugees must be done on Australian land. Build farms in the outback where you do not have to put up fencing and let refugees learn to become self sufficient by growing crop such as vegetables or whatever. This cannot be very much more expensive that what is happening right now. Drill wells etc. Do not give refugees cash money. This is a bad incentive. Teach them to help themselves. It has been rumored that some refugees will go back to their country with cash money and then come back and try again later again. This is a bad situation and has become a political tool which is totally wrong. Why should refugees receive more benefits than any Australian?
2013-07-25 09:14:32 UTC
Absolutely not.

What is wrong with building a processing center in Indonesia, approving migration there and flying them safely to Australia.

No need for detention accommodation, food etc. They could then seek paying jobs which the vast majority have done in the past.

Fraser did this when he was Prime Minister and settled around 30,000 Chinese after Vietnam fell, in one year, and it didn't make page 6 of the Age.

Military can't stop the boats. Once a ship is at sea, the Captain first must abide by maritime laws of the ocean. Only in a war situation can he be ordered to do the contrary by Government Ministers. It has been stated by the opposition that this is not a war situation.

If Morrison comes the bounce with P.N.G., they may well say GET LOST and say, send your refugees to Nauru. If Abbott comes the bounce with Indonesia, 250,000,000 people might stop eating our beef and buying our products.
deb l
2013-07-24 23:39:49 UTC
This dangerous money making racket has to stop. I agree with Tony Abbott's stance on bringing in the military to help out. People smugglers are scum the only people that benefit from smuggling people who think with their wallets are the smuggler scumbags. Don't waste your money lining the pockets of some scumbag, Australia is not right for you especially if you come illegally. I am all for the people that are waiting in camps to be allowed to come here but not those without papers who have paid the scum to be put on a scumbag boat and brought here. GO AWAY and do the right thing.
2013-07-25 07:11:07 UTC
Yes its a clear security risk it is a national emergency. Most people coming on boats are from countries with Islamist connections( Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East) Given the strenuous attempts by Refugee Advocates and Lawyers to weaken our security by undermining ASIO and funding appeals against security rulings Australia is at risk. Perhaps it will take an incident like the Bali bombing before the pro-open door policy people get the message. The Tamils are an anti democratic group who lost a civil war against a democratically elected government.

Iranians could be taken back to the Gulf states put on boats and sent back to Iran. Better still the UNHCR should take all illegals into camps in Kenya, Jordan or Pakistan and a reciprocal number of processed refugees settled in Australia in an orderly fashion. This would sort out the real refugees from economic illegal migrants. If UNHCR refuse we should withdraw from the UN Convention.
2013-07-26 06:31:38 UTC
Australia is by no means the only country receiving people in crisis. This is a global situation and a major shift of displaced peoples. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a law of physics. So if Tony Abbott treats our neighbours with jack boot diplomacy what reaction is he going to bring down on Australia. As Australians we are deeply concerned about our country however it is naive not to see the big picture. Operation Sovereign Borders you have got to be kidding. This situation has been going on throughout history. To call it a national emergency is a misnomer. It is an ongoing situation that is complex, evolving and must be flexible to meet changing demands..
2013-07-25 06:59:35 UTC
It is not an "emergency" but this issue requires a strong and well thought policy as soon as possible. Unfortunately, our politicians are thinking more of how to win an extra vote at the expense and risking lives of the people who desperately trying to find a decent place to rise their children.

I am a migrant and legally came to work and live in Australia. I proudly gained citizenship and love this country as much as my own. I've got married here and had 2 children who are very proud of being Australians. However, I don't see why Australia have to put up with so many so call "asylum seekers".

A lot of them definitely are but I believe the majority just have enough money to pay the people smugglers and just decided to push in.

Years ago I had family members who have gone through the whole migration process to gain visa and work in Australia but failed because the trade they had was not in demand in Australia at the time. Honest and hard working people were turned down but now we let people who nobody knows who they really are (could just as well be criminals) in the country and grant them residency. WEIRD and very sad to see how Australia is being manipulated by certain communities and dictates how they want to live and express their way of living and religion. Ridiculous!!! If these communities are allowed to live and work in Australia they should accept the Australian customs and be part of it or LEAVE the country.

I can see how sick and tired Kevin Rudd is about the people smugglers and I agreed that it needed tougher measures but perhaps he did not think of the consequences of PNG then returning a lot of these people back to us with poor health and condition.
2013-07-25 03:17:15 UTC
People smuggling is a national emergency. The intolerance lies within the arrogance of some so called intellectuals who misuse the word compassion to coerce a silent majority in this country to feel guilty about expressing their concerns. What the majority knows must happen is the boats must stop, and so must the millions of dollars spent on applying temporary solutions. I'm not voting for Tony Abbott, but his border protection proposal is better thought out than Rudd's. That's my short answer.
2013-07-24 22:10:45 UTC
On Tony Abbott moving to the crazy right when your centre left opponent moves to the right it is not good politics and if he doesn't agree he should give Mitt Romney and the republicans a call. I am smiling know as Romneys lurch was so utterly insane, he was almost threatening to bomb Americas cold war number 1 muslim ally Turkey in the republican debates. Hehe. Although on this issue I don't think it will theaten Abbott in the slightest. Aussies are clear what they want here and wether you agree or not they should be congratulated as most Europeans bitterly lost there right to a say.

ZERO doubt that this divisive, sickening issue is the cause of the Labror Government, The Left and so many of the labor/lefts journalists over at fairfax. This whole issue was poisoned long ago the day Labor (include the left from know) decided to play it gutter to get back in Government by declaring any Australian be it politican or fish shop owner as a vile white supremicist racist if they hold a view that is anti-immigration or anti-asylum seeker.

Know I actually have no problem with Asylum seekers or immigration but under no circumstances would I divide the nation or call my neighbor a raicst for having an opinion on how he sees Australia or wants Australia to look in 20 years. When disagreeing I would have a beer with him and debate the issue. Look at the level of debate know the sneers, the name calling. It taught the public somthing when in a public debate if you want to win call your oponent a racist bigot. This is textbook Labor from the Tony Blair years where against and without any consultation Labor brought in 3 million people, unheard of in history outside an invasion. If the ancient Brit disgreed he was know a racist in his land to be shunned and ignored. Remember this left strategy brought in a bunch or truly racist Islam bigots who were sent into the commuinity to lecture the Brits on equality and respect for religion. it's not Australia (although Q & A gave it ago) but the left elements in labor would replicate EVERY element of it

Kevin Rudd is a Narciicist of the highest degree and I am not just saying that. He copied Howard in 07 and made concessions, which crumbled when he saw a populist chance to be remembered as a well heavens knows it was during his "Obama" popularity.

You must always remember much of the left base was brought up though the belief in the soviet union and that means without a doubt there are elements that despise western civilization, and its society.
2013-07-25 00:03:20 UTC
People smuggling is an emergency. Asylum seekers are seeking sanctuary. Set up diplomatic resources in other countries and try to control the problem by vetting applicants and controlling the flow. Surely we have staff who are acquainted with the issuing of visas which allow people to enter Australia legally. Now we need lots of staff to control the problem the legal way. As many migrants from Europe can tell you, the system worked well after the 2nd World War. Get it together, I am repelled by the quick fixes which are announced daily. Think! Politicians and Statesmen, THINK! ALL I CAN SEE IS TWO PARTIES VYING FOR THE PUBLIC VOTE.

No moral debates, no consistent plans, whipping up hatred in some areas, pacifying people in other areas. It all adds up to a pathetic, poll driven, inconsistent exercise
Anand P
2013-07-25 01:50:17 UTC
Yeah, it has kind of become a national emergency, created by Kevin Rudd. Howard's policy were working well and there was no need for this cheapo Rudd to change it. We do not want the Muslims to come over here. I am from a majority Hindu country and we had to put up with their nonsense. Where ever these muslims go they become pain in the neck. They breed like mosquitoes and drain on the economy too by being on Social benefits. Once they become majority they will impose sharia and the same things like middle east situation would follow.

Why do not these muslims go to Saudi Arabia or Iran if they are Sunni or Shia respectively?
2013-07-25 02:41:06 UTC
We need to declare war on the people smugglers themselves not the people fleeing persecution and the threat of death or torture or both. An agreement in the countries where the majority of asylum seekers originate to use the military against people smugglers is the most logical deterrent.
2013-07-25 00:10:19 UTC
Look closer at the people who are putting the boat people's lives at risk by overloading decrepit old fishing boats. Why aren't they being charged with reckless endangerment that is resulting in deaths? Little children drowning because someone wants the big bucks. Lock a few of the boat captains up for ten or twenty years and you'll see a change in the pattern. Indonesia doesn't want the people there, so they aren't going to stop them getting onto boats. There are international laws. Why aren't they being enforced?
2013-07-25 06:25:00 UTC
Yes it is a national emergency and some one should declare war on these predators at the very least instead of the great cover up we have had ask any person that has served out there! Our service men and women have had to put up with these people bringing in their butt boys and have had to turn a blind eye to the goings on of abuse only so we don't tarnish the asylum seekers image lol. Where they should have separated and charged them for child abuse and sent back from where they came instead we let them in to Australia, these predators should have been separated from these young boys they bring with them, and what because of some culture thing! Now only because one person has finally spoken out our defence minister has to go see what is happening on Manus Island yet they have known all along through reports from our navy they just don't want the public to know we are letting this go on or even letting these types into our country!
2013-07-25 06:07:11 UTC
You all must be kidding, Abbott is just grand standing. He will say anything to get into power and you all follow him like sheep. Turn back the boats, what a load of rubbish, tow them where, you can't just tow them to a Indonesian port, that would cause a international crisis. So you only could tow them to there sea border and when the navy turns and disappears over the horizon, they simply turn around and try again.

If this does not work they will sabotage their vessel which will cause more safety problems for all concerned.

Give the new PNG policy some time to work, asylum seekers are just people trying to get a better live for themselves and there family, it's not the end of the world people, get over it.
2013-07-25 05:02:27 UTC
Yes, most definitely it is an emergency. When - oh - WHEN will our governments realize that the majority of Australians are genuinely worried about the sheer numbers of people arriving in boats!! There is an overwhelming feeling in the community that our governments are just giving Australia away to people who do not fit into our way of life, and who don't belong here. Our governments are just betraying their own people. It has to stop - now - no - it should have stopped YEARS AGO. No I am NOT a racist at ALL (seriously), but I do want to see Australia protected more. Our forefathers who died to protect us in previous wars would turn over in their graves if they could see our governments just opening up ANY kind of immigration to these people. I agree we should let a VERY SMALL number of the people come, who go through the proper channels, are genuine in their needs, who have the proper paperwork and haven't destroyed it along the way(!) and who are prepared to adopt OUR way of living. Not someone who pays a smuggler to bring them here in boats that are not seaworthy, and we have to go rescue them at sea, house, feed and spend millions on them! Then, they repay our nation by rioting and burning the facilities provided for them. It's crazy! Could you see their home countries providing such aid to us if this was reversed? HA! There are plenty more worthy causes right here at home! Our governments have needed a tougher stance for a long time. John Howard had it right! (So did Pauline Hanson by the way!) Please! Listen to the warnings of other nations who now have huge problems with radical immigrants! Do we want that HERE? NO!!! There are too many of them here now! There have been many warnings given, let's be wise and not only listen to their advice, but act on it.
2013-07-25 16:23:18 UTC
Tony Abbott has declared war on those 'invading Australia', not asylum seekers! Don't cloud the issue with moral responsibility. Australia has a moral responsibility to Australians first; some Australians are muslim. NATIONAL SECURITY is a serious problem, especially when you admit that there is a war on terror going on. This is a war with an enemy committed to destroying you. This enemy has no nation state. Muslim terrorists have been found entering the US thru Mexico. Do you want the Draconian security measures being taken in the US? Be rational.

Asylum seekers are being hurt/killed by policy indecision, just as business is being hurt by indecisive economic policy decisions. Be firm and decisive in your policies.

Yes, Australia has a moral obligation, first to Australians, muslims as well as non-muslims. Any moral obligation to asylum seekers is best served by being decisive in the creation of policy and firm in the execution of such policy.
2013-07-25 13:41:34 UTC
Another ridiculous attempt to to gain publicity and continue his "fear" campaign.It is about time the press started to let people know that there are other matters in Australia to worry about that we need to concentrate on.

Now we have every fringe lawyer, activist and so called whistle blowers screaming because a sensible policy to not take any more boat people and send them to New produced.

Why not show some examples of other refugee problems in the Middle East and Africa and we might see that our situation is minor.

On a more cynical note did they come up with the 3 stars because they turned back three boats in the past?
2013-07-24 17:54:39 UTC
It is a National Emergency for us if as a whole we have a conscience and we should. Children who have no control over what is happening to them are loosing their lives in this still festering sad state of affairs. The PNG solution has had no impact as we have now seen with more drownings, we have to save the helpless souls and I see no way other than to stop the boats from coming by turning them around and sending them back. No more profits for people smugglers and no more children not having an opportunity to live a healthy life because they have drowned at sea while individuals play political points scoring and vote grabbing games. TURN THE BOATS BACK!
2013-07-25 19:25:16 UTC
Yes it is.

Tony Abbot's latest plan is ridiculous. Why has it taken 6 long years for him to come up with this 'policy? As far as I am concerned it's a 3 star plan to replace a 2 star and it will not work. Turning back the boats is easily said than done. The minute you turn the boats around, the next they will be back in the high seas. What we need is cooperation from all countries; Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Afganistan, Iran etc. No one country can solve this alone. PNG is the first solution and now let's wait for the future conference called by Indonesia.
Judy M
2013-07-25 04:23:44 UTC
People smuggling IS a National emergency because the billions of dollars that are being spent on these ILLEGAL, economic (not political) asylum seekers, is money that people, like my husband and myself who have both worked for 45 years, have paid in taxes so that the hospitals, schools, pensioners, state infrastructures etc etc can be given the money that these organisations and citizens need so desperately to operate successfully or to live with dignity!!

I RESENT one cent of my taxes being spent on these people, who only want to come here because of the social services that they know they will receive. They are very well schooled, by the people that they pay money to, as to what they will receive when they reach Australian shores.

I RESENT the fact that my husband and I have had to wait nearly four months now, to have our age pension application processed because Centrelink is too busy dealing with these illegals to spend the time dealing with Australians and our needs! I still can't get an answer from Centrelink as to when OUR application will be processed!

I RESENT the fact that the so called 'do-gooders' and also the sensational seeking media, in this country, continually use emotional blackmail by constantly referring to the ILLEGAL children and women on these boats. I think the less advantaged AUSTRALIAN children and women would be extremely grateful if they received the amount of publicity and help that these ILLEGALS are receiving!

I RESENT the fact that our small but well trained Navy, and all other personnel involved, spend so much of their time and resources sailing around the ocean pulling these ILLEGALS out of the water or transferring them from non-seaworthy boats! I know, first hand, that these activities frustrate, anger and depress these wonderful Australian service men and women as they disagree, so vehemently, with these ILLEGALS being given the priority over deserving refugees who are doing the right thing by going through the proper channels!

I RESENT the fact that these people bring with them a way of life, attitudes and behaviours that is so foreign and abhorent to a normal Australian!

I RESENT the fact that they bring with them a set of beliefs called Islam, that is referred to as a religion! How can these sets of beliefs be called a religion when all it does is preach hatred and destruction of all non-Islamic peoples?

I RESENT the fact that ALL politicians on both sides of the political spectrum give lip-service to wanting to stop these ILLEGAL boat people, but yet very little, if anything, has been done. Time will tell if the PNG solution will be successful!

I RESENT the fact that many of you reading this will call me a racist-I am definitely not a racist but rather consider myself as a REALIST!
2013-07-25 03:33:56 UTC
This is bigger than the first lots of boat people who came to Australia these where the white invasion that started the whole first settlement of our country. Since this started there has been quite a few invasions. I must agree with many of the writers that this isn't only the needy that is coming as they need to pay years of their wages just for one to come. Since this is the case these aren't real asylum seekers they are people who are leaving their birth country to get better since their original doesn't have social security or the health benefits that we do. Since they are traveling by boat they really need to either sink the boats and send them back to Indonesia where they set off from or turn the boats around and escorted out of Australian Waters watched and returned around if they re enter our Waters, if they sink their boats they get a free boat ride back escorted by the Royal Australian Navy. No brought to Christmas Island and then given their Christmas presents from the Australia clause Immigration department. These people are criminals coming to our shores expecting all the best from us and getting it better than that they give to their own
2013-07-24 19:49:57 UTC
It's only sensible.

Look how many millions of dollars of damage happened when the detained people burned down the facility.

Australia should take just a fraction of that money and use it to settle genuine refugees elsewhere.

Then it should accept an annual quota of refugees successfully appealed to the countries that neighbour their own respective conflict zones.

It is only common sense that if people travel half way round the world to appeal for refugee status, then they are not genuine refugees.

Unless Indonesia specifically was trying to kill them, then why did they cross the sea to get here from there? Why didn't the just stay on the main land Asia/Africa/Europe super continent? If you just want to live, then why cross water?

Intolerance you say?

Politically correct hogwash!

Lots of people try to legally enter Australia and get turned away.

So how is it intolerant to turn someone away for illegally entering Australia?

Those people could easily seek asylum elsewhere and then apply for Australian immigration like an honest person.

But instead, people try to pretend that Australia "discriminates" against refuges.

Utter nonsense.
2013-07-25 23:12:44 UTC
Let's see how many shipments of illegal drugs enter this country, undetected, in a single day, then compare it to the number of asylum seekers who reach here in a week. That might put the debate into some sort of perspective, when it comes to declaring a national emergency.

"Demand for illegal performance-enhancing drugs is rocketing in Australia, with seizures of illegally imported steroids and human growth hormones more than trebling in the past three years.

The Customs and Border Protection Service annual report revealed 8721 seizures of performance and image-enhancing drugs in 2011-12, up from 2696 in 2009-10."

If there have been 8721 seizures in 2011-12, up 30% from 2009-10, it is good to see they are being intercepted. But how many shipments are NOT being detected? We don't know.

How many of the asylum seekers are genuine asylum seekers and how many are illegal immigrants? There is a difference.
2013-07-25 00:10:46 UTC
Tony Abbott is pretending it is a national emergency for political reasons. I am sick and tired of the negative and hypocritical vitriol spewing out from his and particularly Joe Hockey's mouths on almost a daily basis. All they do is whinge and complain without offering plausible alternatives. It is quite obvious that the asylum seekers will sink their own boats rather than allowing them to be turned around. Then we will be forced to rescue them and process them in PNG anyway. 'Stop the Boats' is nothing more than a meaningless slogan to appeal to the ignorant who believe the solution is actually as simple as this. Kevin Rudd's new policy is the way to go! Show these people that if they choose to come to Australia this way they will achieve nothing more than living their lives out in PNG without any hope of ever being accepted into Australia. If I was in that position, I would rather stay put in Indonesia rather than venture any further. At least that is a stable country with a rapidly growing economy, a majority Muslim (85%) population and 7633 uninhabited islands. Perhaps we should look into providing some foreign aid to Indonesia to make some of these islands habitable. In the meantime, stay with the PNG solution (which is what Tony Abbott plans to do anyway). No need to "Stop the Boats", Tony. Just "Stop the Crap!"
2013-07-25 07:00:50 UTC
Yes, it is an emergency and not over the top. Rudd and Gillard are to blame for the position we are in with asylum seekers and something has to be done. Labor is going round in circles like it does with everything, with no results. We need an election so we can be rid of the imposter's that have all but ruined our country.
2013-07-25 01:45:24 UTC
Are you kidding? OF COURSE IT IS. And it has been made so because PM Kevin Rudd destroyed PM John Howard's solution which had reduced illegal immigrants/asylum seekers to a trickle. Mr Rudd caused a flood, of them. Then PM Julia Gillard continued Rudd's policies.

Moreover, anyone who thinks that the DROWNINGS OF MORE THAN 1100 people during the Rudd-Gillard policy is not a national emergency has NO MORAL SENSE!
2013-07-24 20:21:52 UTC
Its about time, our Navy are a defence force, not a welcoming committee. Given a free hand, the RAN will stop the boats and break the asylum seekers and people smugglers business model as it is called. As an Ex navy CPO, I can imagine the moral and feelings of the crews having to pander to these paracites. Enough is enough.
2013-07-25 03:29:42 UTC
Migration from one country to another has been happening forever and will continue to happen whenever ethic violence and war mongering dictators and overcrowding rein. Those three issues seem to go hand in hand to create a desperate situation for the majority of peace loving people.

Unfortunately with population growth out of control, mainly due to religious fanatics and ethic violence out of control, mainly due to religious fanatics (see a theme here?) we really only have one choice at the end of the day which is to protect our way of life by only allowing those into the country who we want in to the country. Australia is a beautiful country. I have travelled to a number of other countries and most of them are **** holes in comparison and none are better than Australia.

The common theme (apart from Japan) was they are dirty and polluted and corrupt and desperate.

Most of the people from these less than perfect countries are actually quite nice and when put into a comparitively clean and not corrupt country like Australia they behave a lot better. BUT the religious fanatics like the Taliban will never fit into Australia's secular society.

We don't want enclaves of foreingers, if they all integrated and became decent but secular people without all the historical ethic tensions then I would feel more comfortable with some immigrants coming here. However the boat people que jumpers are often not decent people. The riots, the rapes and the violence demonstrate their unsuitability to come to Australia. These people need to be deported immeadiately without spending anymore time and money on them, never to return.

We need to be in control of who we let into our country. Let in good people who can contribute to our society. The rest must be turned away. Allow ONLY those people in who can contribute to our society, not threaten it with harm. Sorry, but if a country and its people have made their own bed then it must lay in it. Not our problem.
Michael and Zita
2013-07-24 23:08:14 UTC
The ideal situation would be to get the so called refugees that pay to get to Australia by boat, back to there departure point is in Indonesia.

As they would be very angry with the people smugglers and want there money back, and discourage others from paying money to get a boat here, if the people smugglers went into hiding to avoid paying the money back then it would also make it hard for them to get new customers.

Its would be a win win situation, and true refugees stuck in camps back closer to war torn countries who deserve to be accepted to take refuge in Australia, could be.
Local Web Solutions
2013-07-25 02:49:27 UTC
i have no problem with immigration, but we have to be able to control our borders and choose who comes here. With the large number of people arriving here in boats (nearly 300 today) it is clearly getting to the point of becoming a national emergency. Rudd opened the door to this fiasco and the current government has been powerless to stop it regardless of who they blame for their failures. Sending people to New Guinea just gets them to a place where they can ultimately travel through Torres Straight and get here anyway. We should be sending Indonesian boats and crew back to Indonesia where they came, from because they are carrying illegal immigrants who ruin the chances for people who do the right thing and come through legal channels from coming here.
2013-07-26 02:55:43 UTC
This is a good policy by the Liberals. Something desperately needs to be done. Australians have the right to protect our borders. We have the right to put ourselves first as we need to look after our own people first. We cannot afford to support the whole world. Put the onus back on the originating Muslim countries that do not look after their own people. Send them back. These illegal immigrants need to learn to respect our country and it's people. I've had enough of not being able to speak up for what is right. Muslims cannot assimilate with Christians - it will never work. They can't get along with each other let alone anyone else and they will destroy our way of life if we let them!
2013-07-25 08:12:24 UTC
YES - The number of alleged refugees is increasing with every day. There are hundreds of millions wanting to leave their own country to avoid conflict - but they bring the conflict with them as well as their customs and religions. Australian culture and customs will be decimated as were the customs and culture of the Native Australians. Fine to accept refugees, but only from UN Sanctioned refugee camps. Should be an agreement with the UN run camps to return all boat arrivals there and take an appropriate number of those who have waited patiently to be resettled. They would make the better citizens in the long term because they have the tolerance and patience to become good Australian citizens.
yes he ought to be punished...
2013-07-25 00:49:38 UTC
By adopting a proper undercover network of intelligence both, nationally and overseas, aimed to intercept any imminent organized shipment of "Financial Wealthy so called Refugees" who are prepared to gamble their lives by dealing with such gangsters smugglers.

I believe the real genuine refugees in any part of the world, where injustice, violence and horrors are allowed to happen, are the shy, silent and intimidated minority groups who remain isolated in the background because of fear of violence by the wealthier, physically stronger and more arrogant elements that have infiltrated their camps for the purpose, for whatever reasons, to buy their way to Countries like Australia.
2013-07-25 15:49:25 UTC
I would like to see the boats turned around, even if that means that the boats they come on are scuttled and we take them back on our own sea worthy vessels. The cost of doing that would surely be less than having to pay for every illegal immigrant aboard the boat they came on.

That would surely be a clear message to anyone thinking of leaving their own country illegally and wanting to settle here. I think the people smugglers' business would quickly peter out.
2013-07-24 19:42:52 UTC
What i can see, is not legitimate asylum seekers, but: an Invasion of this land by Islamist Organizations,and helped by the respective governments from which the asylum claimants are from. due to the facts that: so many young children onboard on unsafe boats. they couldn't (Pay) the passage to the smugglers, if not send and paid the passage, by the Invaders Governments, they have a loophole to use and must be stopped by any means possible, Australia has lost the Sovranity of this land if we continue to be passive on this matter. I'm appealing to the Australian Government and Opposition to open they Eyes and protect the Land and People of this Great Nation of Ours.
2013-07-27 00:30:59 UTC
Wow....look at all the people acting like sheep.

Of course people smuggling isnt a national emergency. Its Abbott fear mongering at its best.....and everyone falls for it so nicely......

What about the millions who come to Australia by plane and overstay their visas? Theyre illegal immigrants.....what policies have they come up with to stop them?

While we're on the subject, please someone who is claiming that boat people are by definition terrorists, show me ONE SINGLE incidence of terrorism committed on Australian soil by a boat cant, because there hasnt been any, because you lot are all as guilty of pointless and needless fear mongering as the Rabbit is........what you are doing is judging and finding guilty those who so far, beyond protesting imprisonment, have done absolutely nothing wrong. Easier to get on a leaky boat than go through normal channels? REALLY?? Prove it! You all go for a long sea voyage on a leaky boat..............then tell me that its easy.

Australia is a secular nation with freedom of religion. Stop judging people by their religious choices, stop being sheep and start using your bloody brains.
2013-07-25 01:07:52 UTC
It's only a national emergency to the small minded people like Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd who prey on the fears of Australians. They are a disgrace to this country.
2013-07-26 04:05:37 UTC
Sorry i have not heard Mr Abbott declare war on anyone and not on asylum seekers. yes he said that the military would co-ordinating with the government to stop boat people. who else would be best to to oversee the operation. Rudd use them to do the work. and most of the time, they are not happy with the way they are used.

there is a strait they must come through. and they could be turned back there, if people really wanted to stop them.

intolerance what intolerance? i think it shows intolerance to every Australian by them to come here, the way they do. There are other people who want too and need to come because of persecution, but respect our Governments method of entrance.

Rudd could stop them tonight if he want too. but he can't say that he was wrong for changing what Mr Howard put in place.

yes I am sick of this whole game that is being played out while people die !!!!!

and the media do not help with any of this as well.

Just give us the vote and stop playing school boy games, this country NEEDS SOME STABILITY.
2013-07-26 01:05:26 UTC
No exit papers from Indonesia ? Take people to Christmas Island, make sure they are okay, then after negotiating with the Indonesian authorities, arrange to fly them back to their point of departure, with appropriate compensation to the Indonesian authorities for the inconvenience caused to them. People could then, no recriminations, go through the proper processes of applying for the right exit papers from Indonesia, and go through the process of applying for entry to Australia as refugees.

Why do refugees com to Indonesia ? Partly, because they perceive that they can then come to Australia. Turn that tap off by flying everybody back, and the flow to Indonesia stops too.

Oh, and increase the annual intake to 30,000.
2013-07-25 04:18:43 UTC
Im all for helping people who have lost their home to get it back and whilst they wait for their country to get back to normal so they can return yes they can stay here and take their children with them if they have any in Australia. However its not really about the legitimate ones.. its the illegal ones who have the ability to spend $30,000 dollars U.S. which in their country is the equivalent of over $500,000 in Australia being able to buy 3 houses... in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Jordan, Sri lanka etc.. these are not poor people.. Poor people in these countries find it hard to get dinner on the table and have one job for one working person with 4 dependents.... These people coming in boats are Smart and reasonably well educated knowing many of Australia's laws of Immigration and having been educated in what to do once they get to Australia so they can rort the system. The are by anyone's just Greedy people who want more.
2013-07-27 00:13:26 UTC
Abbott is in panic mode he is a lolife pom and should be held in custody for crimes against Pauline Hanson, once convicted of his crime he should be sent back to the uk and never allowed to is freedom again, he is the worst pretend leader the LNP has ever had, he did nothing for health in Australia when he was the minister for health and now all he can do is whine and claim to do better then what we are (apart from the scamming companies) doing better then most countries in the western world, compare it to the USA and we are a long way in front. you only have to listen to these people living there who are doing it tough.
2013-07-25 03:13:23 UTC
Australia has ample room and facilities to cope with the small number of asylum seekers who arrive by boat. These are a very small proportion of the total number of immigrants who arrive in Australia. Keeping them in detention centres unnecessarily has created a ridiculously expensive and inhuman situation. We should admit that this is not a national emergency but a run-of the-mill administrative problem - only to be expected by every signatory to the UN Convention on Refugees. The behaviour of our politicians in this matter throughout the last decade has been despicable. They have allowed it to be escalated and magnified beyond recognition in a bid to find electoral advantages. It has become worse and even sillier than the Reds under the Bed hysteria , not to mention the Yellow Peril
2013-07-24 20:54:44 UTC
Yes it is a National Emergency, with the volume of these so called asylum seekers invading, yes that's right invading, Australia, we a christian and democratic society, are being forced to change what we believe and practice to suit the hordes of these others coming in. We cancel what is normal for us ( Christmas pageants, nativity plays etc)in order to not offend them, hang on those cancellations and bans offend me and many others, wheres our rights? we spend millions/ billions on these people processing and making them comfortable in our democratic society, knowing full well at some point they will at this rate out number the christian society and force us to change to being a society governed purely by some religious group that will not allow us the same freedoms we have given to them.. if we keep letting them in, they need to know.. This is Australia, we don't want to become where they came from, you came here for a better life so don't mess it up for us who live here now, they must adapt to our society not us adapt to theirs.. so stop the boats til we get the hordes of invaders we already have sorted out, and maybe send some back where they came from.. and if no paper or identification maybe they need to remain in detention till they can actually get proof of who they are and where they came from, then send them back, making sure the next lot coming by boat, no papers no proof, no come, you spend a long time locked up and then sent back.we don't want or need those ones at all, and we need to make them understand, come through the legal channels and no problems, come by boat to invade us, like you are, military action will be taken
Patrick Pang
2013-07-25 15:54:01 UTC
It is. It is costing taxpayers billions of dollars. What federal government doesn't say, is our overly generous refugee policy which should be scrapped. When there's no honey in the house, no thieves will come. Australia should protect our borders and respect those who are waiting in line all over the world. Gate crashing is out.
2013-07-24 21:39:31 UTC
It most certainly is, with thousands of illegal immigrants now admitted by the government to be mostly economic refugees having to be allowed into our communities without being properly processed, a red flag alert situation for police, and many believed to be Afghanistan military deserters amongst them, we should be very worried.

And the blame for this lies squarely with Kevin Rudd who abandoned the working well Pacific Solution deterrents that had been negotiated with regional nations including Indonesia before the Howard government presented the bill to parliament. Rudd did not bother to tell Indonesia he was abandoning the deterrents.
2013-07-24 18:36:53 UTC
As a CONSTITUTIONALIST I have for some time stated that this can be compared with an unarmed invasion. it makes not one of iota difference if people are using weapons or not as what they are doing is coming in masses and by this overtake our sovereignty. As I have also stated for years to both political parties, as far back as John Howard, that those claiming to care about the human rights of refugees should support to place all refugees in UN led refugee camps. Then the proverbial widow with 5 children, who has been there for say 6 years, will finally get an opportunity to be considered for settlement. Such a widow and 5 children will now be pushed back time and time again, so to say by "que jumpers" who use money to get ahead of them. If we take the longest residing refugees from a refugee camp then they may more then likely have mastered English over the years and learned about Australia, so we get a better kind of refugees settling in Australia. Let us not ignore that over 1,000 people drowned in their quest to come to Australia and yet those human rights proclaimers seem to ignore this. Obviously many of those human rights claimers are lawyers and in positions to earn an income of the misery of others. If we are going to accept refugees then let us be fair dinkum and take those who have been the longest waiting to be accepted, and in the process put out of business people smugglers, and also it will save Australian taxpayers a lot of money in the process.
2013-07-25 07:48:20 UTC
I want to share my thoughts about the comments I have read. This is REALLY SCARY. So many people writing racist and anti-Muslim rhetoric. No one taking into account the human rights of refugees. If someone from another country read all this stuff and thought that this is what all Australians think I would be ashamed to call myself Australian.
2013-07-25 01:47:44 UTC
people are fed up with all these boat people coming into our country its gone beyond a joke but what makes it worse is the fact they aren't even australian citizens and they get centre link payments its unfair and unjust for the australian people. we don't want them here they take our jobs and our centre link money not to mention our public housing when we get told to go live in a car or on the streets for 4 plus years because the boat people have taken all empty houses. australia has a lot of aussies living on the streets how about we get them into homes and into jobs first before anymore come here or we will end up in a 3rd world country and as an aussie i say hell no we have had more than enough. our country,our way of life not theirs as they expect us to do i refuse to bow to their religions to me our anthem should be WALTZING MATILDA now that's true to the aussie way of life.
2013-07-27 00:53:14 UTC
The only national emergency here is the lack of compassion shown by both parties.

It is a disgrace, and we here, in the richest and most fortunate country on earth, should hang our heads in shame.
2013-07-24 23:22:58 UTC
This is of great concern. We dont have the money for failing infrastructure and our essential services, yet the masters of misdirection, namely our pollies, are BORROWING every cent to see to the welfare of every immigrant. Did our representatives ask us for our approval to go into debt? No they did not. Our rage at the parole board is because our jails are full. Doctors and Nurses rage at lack of funding is because our hospitals are full. Hello Politicians one and all, 3/4 of your terms, you direct to international and the UN, the last pitiful year for the people you needed to vote you in. We are full, and in need of serious attention and billions of dollars here on home soil. Big greedy business is flourishing nicely, they dont need you help, we the people do. It is seriously time for fresh patriot parties in this country, because both Labor and Liberal have sold us out with all the UN treaties. Millions for a seat on the UN Security Council....What security....Where...why not deal with who is the cause for all these people to look for a better or safer country. This is crippling many nations who have had enough.
2013-07-24 19:17:26 UTC
How is Abbott going to turn back the boats if they refuse to turn back? is he going to get the Australian Navy to threaten them with the warships guns, or is he going to have them open fire and fire shots over the bows of the vessels to force them to turn around?

what if Indonesia refuses to accept these vessels if they are turned around, is Abbott going to create and start a conflict, a war with Indonesia.?

Another thing that does not ring true with Abbott and show that he might have some credibility is that if elected he intends to use much of Kevin Rudd's PNG Solution after ridiculing it since Rudd first announced it. After bagging Rudd's PNG Solution he is now endorsing it and plans to use it in his own policies should he get elected. Why some of the Australian people cannot see Abbott as the fake and liar that he is beyond me.

From The Newcastle Herald this morning this story: "coalition to add most of PNG solution to boats policy.", written by Mark Kenny , July 25,2013 @ 6.05am

"A Coalition government would use much of Kevin Rudd's PNG solution as part of a suite of disincentive measures including turning back boats at sea to end the people-smuggling trade in Australia."
2013-07-26 06:28:37 UTC
If Abbott took bi-partisan approach the boats would quickly stop.

But as he said after the last election, he would do almost anything to be PM.

Abbott puts himself before Australia time after time. He is a pathetic ego-maniac.

malcolm b
2013-07-25 19:32:07 UTC
No it is not.Plenty of room in this country,the place is bloody empty and need more.

The legal immigrant number coming here is way down because of taxes and cost of living,also many are leaving the country because it is to expensive to live here.

2013-07-26 01:51:50 UTC
Something has to be done to stop this illegal wholesale invasion of Australia by Muslims.

They are NOT asylum seekers, they are illegal immigrants. They laugh at us for allowing our incompetent Labor government to let them in and even pay them. In the meantime, they have caused millions of dollars worth of damage, they bring their failed standards with them, they have no respect for us and they will never integrate.

Hopefully those sent to New Guinea will try to jump across the Torres Strait and the crocodiles will get them.
George W
2013-07-24 19:41:46 UTC
Declare State of War on all unauthorised vessels approaching Christmas Island. Fit our submarines with arrow shaped wedges and quietly sink all such vessels. Such action cannot be detected by satellite surveillance. Later, official condolences can be offered.

Very clean, and very simple. After 30 or so craft disappear the boats will stop coming.

If questions are asked, all the missing craft struck submerged shipping containers. There are thousands of these floating around, waiting for a wooden craft to strike them. No more problem!
2013-07-26 16:08:58 UTC
Not a National Emergency, that is exageration, but it is a major problem for you though
Geoff Herbert
2013-07-27 09:21:23 UTC
Inappropriate use of the military in a management role.

Inappropriate application of military rank.

Lack of political system in such appointment.

Lack of persuasive policy statement how it would function or succeed.

Lack of discussion of ministerial coordination in lieu of military.

Constitutional danger in passing governmental role to military.

Slight tendency to unwelcome military rule.
2013-07-24 23:14:58 UTC
Not a racist opinion before all the bleeding hearts squeal out.

We have a right to protect our borders I agree with Tony how much aid do we send os and how much has Labor cost us already.

Well traveled and have many friends of other nations but this is our country and if we do not have control we are going to end up like UK.
2013-07-26 18:11:28 UTC
It's a well-reasoned approach. Why should we give so much time and money to these foreign people trying to illegally enter our country. There's billions of people living in dire straits in the world including Australia, WHAT ABOUT THEM!?! Why focus only on these foreign people acting illegally. At least the people suffering in other 3rd world countries aren't trying to rort us financially and be a strain on our economy.
2014-09-23 20:38:38 UTC

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2013-07-25 01:15:39 UTC
No. Bush fires, floods, typhoons, droughts are emergencies. People trying and risking their lives to escape from tyrannical regimens are not to be bundled in the same bag as "emergencies".

Other widely used, confusing (and especially fear-inflicting) terms are "border protection". Australian navy and customs personnel are trained, equipped, motivated, and routinely spot minuscule and crumbling fishing boats reaching our coasts. Of course, they would spot, face, defy and fight threatening, colossal warships.

This is what border protection is about.
Adrian C
2013-07-26 06:36:14 UTC
typical abbot reasoning doesn't he know that a 2 star admiral from the navy is already in charge perhaps he has a retired buddy who needs a pension boost to take over
2013-07-28 06:33:07 UTC
Australia's treatment of refugees is despicable. I can't help but wonder if the general public would have a different attitude if those refugees were white.

The white-Australia policy is not dead.
2013-07-26 00:37:40 UTC
We do need to stop the boats at the border.

The Mexicans smuggle people to the US and when caught sent back to Mexico.

We should do the same!
carmel k
2013-07-25 04:15:36 UTC
I welcome asylum seekers to Australia. All our ancestors came here "seeking asylum" some as convicts, many years ago. Tony Abbot does not care about the lives of people coming here. He cares about infusing fear in the Australian people, falsely and then saying he will protect us. That is exactly what Hitler did and look what he got up to. Tony Abbot is trying to get votes - nothing else by using fear tactics. By appealing to the unintelligent and the uninformed, those who do not care for their neighbours(brothers, sisters and those in need anywhere) and the racists of Aus tralia, he thinks he can get to govern this country. 50,000 poeple overstay their tourist visas every year in Australia and it does not raise a mention. Take registered UNHCR people from Indonesia and then they won't need to get on a boat. It's people coming here not BOATS.
2013-07-24 20:09:06 UTC
I feel that refugees should be allow to come to our country if they are escaping war torn homelands, its our human right and moral right to help them and their families...


people who are coming by boat should be stopped. They are risking their lives and their childrens lives by getting on a tiny unstable order to save these peoples lives it should be classed as a emergency.

People have been waiting for years to come over to Australia on refugee status but they continue to wait as the people who come on boats take their place in the country.... not really fair.
2013-07-25 04:28:58 UTC
Have seen the escalation in numbers of people paying to get here and of the MILLIONS of people who would love to live in Australia so unless we open our borders totally to the MILLIONS who want to come we must control our borders
2013-07-25 01:30:35 UTC
He has to stop the boats the taxpayer of Australia can not afford the cost of illegal immigration

send them to places at our cost is not the way to protect us from going further in debt.

we need to look after our own first our homeless our unemployed and our pensioners who paid taxes most of their lives

And after reading all the answers we all agree to legal immigration and it is time to turn the boats around
2013-07-25 19:03:50 UTC
A portion of these "Asylum Seekers" are actually economic migrants who don't want to go through the system to gain legal entry into Australia. Or they know that they do not qualify for entry into Australia via the normal channels, or they just simply don't want to wait until we allow them entry.

Anyone that can afford to fly half way around the world & then pay a "People smuggler" another $5000 or more on top of that for a ride on an un-seaworthy boat is NOT a refugee. A refugee seeks help from the first available source they can find, just like the Syrians in camps Jordan & Turkey, or the Sudanese in camps in Uganda & Kenya.

If you & your family were in trouble & needed desperate assistance you'd go to the first available place to get help regardless of where that help came from or who was offering it. You would not jump on a Jumbo fly half way around the world, then take a 400 mile boat trip endangering your own life & those of your families just to get help. They are coming here & claiming asylum here because this is their chosen country, the country they WANT to migrate to.

They are coming by boat, & not by airlines because you need identification to board an aircraft at an airport. They used some sort of identification to board the plane that they flew on to get to Indonesia, but when they arrive here by boat only a few have any form of photographic identification ie: passport. Also if you arrive at Mascot or Tullamarine on a 747 with your passport in hand the authorities there will easily know your country of origin.

America is no longer seen as the lucky country or promised land by some people from less prosperous countries. Australia with a strong currency, high wages, social security system, low unemployment & socialise medical care is now the lucky country, the promised land.

All sovereign countries on this planet, including Australia, have the right to allow entry or refuse entry to any person for any reason.

Australia is under no obligation to grant these asylum seekers residency here in Australia.

We are obligated to assist these asylum seekers to find a safe place to live where they can live in peace & where they will not be persecuted, But that doesn't mean that they MUST live here in Australia.

If we can find them another safe country to live in, we have meet our obligation under international law. If they could live in Cuba without being persecuted & Cuba was willing to take them, then we have the right to send them to Cuba or any other country that meets the requirements for resettlement. We do not have to resettle them here.

I have heard many people say that these asylum seekers should be made to live in rural areas of Australia.

Well, I'd doubt that many of the asylum seekers would want to live in rural Australia, I have to wait about 4 weeks to be able to see a doctor, it's an hours drive to my nearest dentist. The nearest hospital although only 30 mins away but that's basically a big first aid station as most injured patients are transferred to the regional base hospital 2 hrs away.

The award rate for a farm worker is less than $20/hr & work is mostly seasonal (one of the reasons that back-packers are employed to do the work). . Petrol costs $1.60+/litre here.

I'll admit that not all rural communities are like mine, most are smaller & have less services than we do here. I do not live in outback Australia, I'm on the east coast, our main street is also Hwy 1, Princess Hwy / Bruce Hwy.

Using the military to protect a countries borders is not an over- the -top reaction, isn't that exactly what we have the armed forces for, to protect our country. Our courts are not imposing tough enough sentences on those caught people smuggling. The boat crews know that they'll be caught. But they are getting paid so well that even if they spend 5 yrs in an Australian gaol it's worth it. The sentences handed down to the boat crews needs to be 15-20 yrs , mandatory & the sentences need to be televised on Indonesian TV, even if it's in the form of a commercial so everyone can see the risks.

Who ever wins the next election, Liberal or Labour, they need to change things to make the journey in unseaworthy boats undesirable.

But while people: are willing to part with thousands of dollars to gain entry into Australia, earn good money for being crew-members & we allow the organisers to go unpunished the boats will continue to come, & some boats will fail to get here & people will die.
2013-07-25 03:33:22 UTC
No it is not a national emergency. We need to find a more humane and compassionate response to all the genuine refugees and asylum seekers in the world today.
2013-07-25 00:09:13 UTC
Most of you Tory dupes didn't even bother to read the question before you spouted your vile racist garbage about the asylum seekers themselves and NOT the ppl smugglers. That's what the question actually referred to.

Further proof that most of the Abbott lovers who responded are indeed racist!!
2013-07-25 15:03:07 UTC
Nick's Answer below say"s it all..To add to what he has written what has happened to those who have been waiting for years in overseas camps trying to come legal means?.

Any person coming to these shores to settle who wants to change our life style & laws who wants to protest in the streets who won"t respect what Australians stand for should be deported for good. ....
2013-07-25 00:49:58 UTC
just one question here,how are they going to stop the asylum seekers from sinking the boats as soon as they see the australian navy
2013-07-24 17:47:26 UTC
No it's not. The number of boat-borne asylum seekers is still low compared to air-borne, and compared to other countries. The LNP policy is just part of the race to the bottom... who can be the most xenophobic and lacking in compassion.

Umm Nick, it is not illegal to seek asylum.
2013-07-25 17:37:03 UTC
No! Not our problem. It is the responsibility of the country that has neglected them in the first place. Send all boat refugees back to their original place of birth.

Let the three star wealthy Australian politicians, who seem to accept them as refugees, pay for them out of their own pockets.
2013-07-25 01:06:01 UTC
Navy to tow back the boats is the only solution Indonesea go to hell I dont care what you think about our solution its not your bloody business so sod off
Gold Coast Sun
2013-07-24 23:26:18 UTC
2013-07-25 14:15:13 UTC
You poor silly Pollies!

Does anyone remember Pauline Hanson who was well ahead of her time and warned that something should be done before it got out of hand.

Surprise, Surprise it is way past that.
2013-07-24 23:13:01 UTC
The people smugglers are breaking the law of Australia, that is not being respectful for a start, turn them back, we have our own to worry about.
2013-07-24 22:37:11 UTC
Yes, it is a national emergency. If Kevin Rudd hadn't dismantled what was working back in 2008, we wouldn't have this problem now.
Natalie j Dafter
2013-07-25 01:04:25 UTC

Cookie Dough
2013-07-28 05:54:34 UTC
Kevin Rudd is hot
2013-07-24 21:49:19 UTC
It sure is, we are being taken for mugs, this is a straight out muslin invasion, just look at mess its caused in Holland ,Germany and England, the day will come when we will all be sorry that we let these scumbags in we will pay with our lives ..Do tell why don't they go and live in muslin country as over 80% of these illegal boat people are muslin?????May the Christian God save as PM RUDD THE DUD WILL "destroy us"??
2013-07-25 03:00:08 UTC
if i were a rapist, bank robber, terrorist who wanted to escape and start afresh, what would i do?

go to australia of course, no paperwork required. even the impediments rudd is big noting now

stand a good chance of falling down. the "boys from brazil would have loved gillard and him".
2013-07-24 21:37:16 UTC
Yes it is. We now have people coming to this country at will. Julia Gillard should hang her head in shame as she is the one that allowed it to balloon out after Rudd opened the flood gates. In time we will know how many terrorists have arrived here when they attempt to run this country with their own religious laws and start bombing and killing.
2013-07-24 17:24:21 UTC
Probably a national emergency to the people being smuggled.
2013-07-28 01:26:49 UTC
I reckon Abbot should not put his self up for government because he makes **** decisions.

John .
2013-07-26 01:41:31 UTC
the same way to stop terrorist going in to any country,becouse if wee let inter our country the way they do coming in at this time to may opinion they are they deserve what coming to them.and i full agree whit tony abbot.
2013-07-24 19:08:22 UTC
Its about time we took a harder approach. Maybe if only the people who are allowed to be here were, our enemployment would be lower ,we wouldn't have the housing shortage or government overspending or overloaded hospitals . Hello.
2013-07-24 20:55:25 UTC
No way, it is a politicla issue that both sides of the politic try to sort out before election
2013-07-25 00:22:35 UTC
It is about time,they are illegal migrants,taking away the place of an legal migrant
2013-07-26 01:18:25 UTC
I think a "LOT" of people here in AUSTRALIA have forgotten that Mr Shiny Sheen RUDD Tricked us in believing he was the one to save AUSTRALIA just like OBAMA's U.S.A did at the time. We all voted RUDD in & Loved him---BUT--- HE Tricked us, all the money Howard saved for Australia RUDD spent in a few days, "HELLO" RUDD gave INDIA $460Million +++ for their Floods, just to mention just that ONE, Then he said Sorry to OUR Black people, Thats OK I love them "Im White" Then he said Come YE come ALL & OPENED the Gates to every one & his DOG, he was so in Love with HIMSELF with "POWER" He ramped & raved, cursed & bullied & he got his ARS Kicked OUT, then the 10 Pound Pom took over & RUDD spent the next 3 years Kicking her ARS when she was'nt looking, RUDD was Given back to US--------&-------- now we LOVE him----BUT----NOT ME. He's a FRAUD only in it for the "POWER" not OUR COUNTRY.
2013-07-26 02:00:51 UTC
no, anyone who comes from places ravaged by by war and the likes wants a safe and peaceful place to live and die.
2013-07-24 18:51:59 UTC
Tony Abbott has been out played by K Rudd .T A is trying anything. I have been listening 2 Tony Abbott 4 longtime,to the point that I thank the person who did come up with the mute button
Barbara G
2013-07-24 17:36:15 UTC
By manning our boarders and turning them back or onto somewhere else
2013-07-25 03:28:09 UTC
Yes I do believe our way of life is under one should be allowed on our shores without proof of identity.
Brian Banks
2013-07-25 02:10:23 UTC
YES BOAT people ARE SCUM not wanted in Australia
2013-07-24 22:43:38 UTC
Yes, certainly stop these illegal immigrants.

One problem: we do not have 3 three-start generals. Please at least get this detail right OR don't bother asking stupid questions.
2013-07-25 19:11:53 UTC
yes..iranians,afgans..most of them terrorists coming and going to settle here, and australia will have the same fate of france and uk...once it is stopped, or for stopping, tony can only do it..
2013-07-25 22:56:38 UTC
not our emergency
Ray Armitage
2013-07-24 21:50:21 UTC
I think rudd has it covered with new guinea solution give it some time they will stop coming
2013-07-24 21:16:07 UTC
about time someone did something real that will make a difference. sending them to an island after they arrive is a waste of time and inhumane
2013-07-24 19:16:03 UTC
Tony Abbott is the ONLY one with the answers to this national emergency. Rudd's will bankrupt Australia(costing billions of Australia's hardworking taxpayers monies) and we still get sent back from PNG the scum and dregs e.g. terrorists, convicted criminals and those with STD's and other diseases eg. T.B.etc. ANOTHER FAILED LABOR POLICY!!
2013-07-25 23:27:30 UTC
YES......... We have gone on with tooo long. They should be stopped.
2013-07-24 18:16:04 UTC
that bleeding heart club have there brains in there backsides these are MUSLIMS they dont belong here in a christiamn country they want SHIREA law in Australia they cost us BILLIONS of dollars in taxes and they get more help than any Assie and those who are here will cause cival unrest soon jobs are hard to find already send them back we dont need them or want them
2013-07-24 18:56:44 UTC
Tony Abbott is loathesomely seeking to gain government through preying on fear. There is no emergency.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.