what do YOU think happened to Madeleine McCann?
2013-10-10 05:10:10 UTC
I have spent most of this morning researching this as it suddenly came to my interest. I have watched some of the 'The Truth Of The Lie' documentary but it is hard to find one that is good, clear English so I can't really understand it properly, I also found a short Youtube clip where some woman is talking to a man about the photo's of Madeline and pointing out that the mark in her right eye looks like it has been photo shopped and there are some pictures of Madeleine without the mark in her eye - while I do agree that some of the photo's that show the mark in Madeleine's eye do look fake, there is no way to prove it and the photo's where the mark is missing could just as well be the photo shopped ones. In the clip there is also a mention of another documentary called 'The Photo Game Diary' which involves a little girl, almost identical to Madeleine, called Maddy. I have not watched that documentary yet but the Youtube clip can be found here: and The Photo Games Diary can be found here: - I am just curious to here what you others think? Personally, I believe the story that Madeleine accidentally fell down the steps where the McCann family were staying and the McCann's have tried to cover it up, considering the scent dogs called to the scene scented death in the Villa and in the McCann's car.
32 answers:
corny, but still never was a cornflake girl
2013-10-10 05:41:39 UTC
I think the parents left three very young children alone in a hotel room to go out with friends. I think if a single mum on a council estate did that she would have social services on her back almost straight away. Ithink the parents know a lot more then they are saying and I think they are covering up something quite sinister.
2017-01-01 20:04:20 UTC
Madeleine Mccann Eyes
2016-11-13 12:35:08 UTC
Madeleine Mccann Youtube
2013-10-13 05:19:47 UTC
This case stinks to high heaven! As I have said before time again Theory has it she is under the driveway of Robert Murat some short distance from the apartment the McCann's were renting! Kate & Gerald McCann have said all along they will leave No stone unturned in trying to find their daughter!... bit odd then considering that a man named Stephen Birch after spending around £60,000 of his own money & using special radar equipment managed yo sneak into the yard of Robert Murat & uncover what he is absolutely convinced to be Madeline's body & yet the McCann's have just dismissed him & do NOT want this area dug up??? Despite the fact that experts have confirmed that there DOES appear to be the remains of a small human being or an animal underneath that area??? Why is the MSM not reporting on this..should it not be major headline news??

Below is a YouTube video of Kate McCann on This Morning, toward the end of the clip, Watch her face & what she has to say when the name Stephen Birch is mentioned!!…

2014-07-06 10:53:26 UTC
I'm 13 and could be completely wrong but I think they were given something strong to help them sleep (since Gerry is a surgeon?) and Madeleine overdosed on it and died. They knew they would lose everything; their jobs, good names, their two other children etc if the truth came out so they covered it up with the ''abduction'' story.
2014-03-01 08:37:25 UTC
In my opinion i think that she woke up and went to search for her parents and feel down the stairs and was unconcionous after the mother went to check on her kids and found madeline on the floor unconcionous so she covered up her body paid people to dump her and paid her friends to make a fake story saying she was abducted. Also i think its very strange they didnt want stephen birch to dig up where they thought madeline died and how they always keep changing stories. If you ask me even if it is true or not they shouldnt of left madeline and the two babies on their own. And Katie Mccan did say that she got kidnapped then if she did why didnt the kidnapper take the two babies then? I think they keep making stupid stories up when they know what really happened. Poor Madeline!
2013-10-21 13:10:05 UTC
What ever happened to the child, it is the parent's responsibility. The morning of the day Maddy went missing, she asked her mother where were you when we cried for you last night. The mother, ignoring this and went for the booze again. This is her fault. There is also a lot of proof that they murdered her and no proof that some abducted her except for the sighting made by the Smith's.
2013-10-24 07:59:26 UTC
If I were the investigators I would bug their car when they go to servicing, possibly their house too using every available opportunity. Then trick them by phoning them saying "we have new witnesses we got some info not looking good on yout and we need your explanations, come the the station tomorrow", this will fire up thing between them and useful info will popup to the surface, then the bugs will be useful...
2013-10-10 10:35:42 UTC
I think no parent is stupid enough to leave their children alone in a foreign country for an evening meal knowing that their children might wake up.

I think the mccans must have overdosed their children to keep them asleep so they could enjoy themselves. The youngest ones are lucky to be alive. Unfortunately the sleeping medicine didn't suit Madline and may have killed her. Poor thing :'(

I don't believe the kidnapping story at all for 2 reasons.

1 the Mccanns are rich and must have been in an expensive hotel with CCTV. Why was no kidnapper found???

2. Why would a kidnapper have have chosen to kidnap one child and leave the other 2 alone?
2013-10-10 10:34:25 UTC
Two very irresponsible parents whom shouldn't be allowed to have children, left three little children alone and unprotected in a hotel room in a strange country. I think the parents know what happened to her, even sitting alone in a hotel room it's very unlikely if the doors were locked that someone would break in to that specific room on that specific day at that specific time and only abduct one of the three children.

If there was blood on the floor maybe she went outside, fell down the steps and died or was taken away by someone who found her? I don't know, but only the parents are to blame for this disgusting incident! So many people can't have children and parents like that are just twisted and shouldn't be allowed to keep their other children!
2013-11-05 15:07:48 UTC
The answer cannot be given in one sentence. Look at the video The Truth of the Lie on Youtube, look at the and make up your own mind.
2013-10-10 08:44:37 UTC
From the very start I've always believed in my gut that the girl died as a result of her parents being absent having a meal while they left their kids alone in the hotel room. I think the girl died as a result of a mishap, or something like choking by accident, because these things can happen to young kids that have no supervision. Then the parents felt so ashamed and guilty and so feared possible prosecution for neglect that they concocted a kidnap story and then kept lying and lying about it, and got themselves so trapped in their lies that they had to keep going - maybe they now even believe their own lies.

They could have even got others involved on holiday by paying them off to get rid of the girl's body and to make it look like kidnap or murder. The police say they have a new suspect, but anyone they find could have been hooked into it by the parents anyway. I think ultimately after searching the phone records and examining it all properly it'll eventually prove the parent's lie.
jennifer p
2013-10-10 10:25:52 UTC
I think her parents gave her something to make her sleep - left thinking she was asleep - she got up to look out of the window (the sofa was in the middle of the room) and fell breaking her neck - and that's why the mccanns moved the sofa and the dogs detected a dead body had been there.

And rather than own upto leaving 3 toddlers alone came up with this.

also the finger prints on the window (1.5m high - difficult to do with a sleeping child) that the "kidnapper" came in through was proven to be kates
Back to the drawing board
2013-10-10 09:37:26 UTC
There are only two ways of looking at this, either Madeleine McCanns parents took some part in her disappearance, or they didn't, I'm still not convinced we have sufficient evidence either way, so I would rather not speculate for the time being till more facts emerge, if any.
2013-10-28 01:08:57 UTC
The parents could of done something to her and then told the police, to get all the fame. I don't know? I watched that crime watch thing. Watch it.
2017-03-05 07:05:58 UTC
2013-10-10 05:25:16 UTC
She was kidnapped and only people with conspiracy theories would think her parents would harm their own child and then tell the world about it.

You say she fell down the stairs - do you have proof of that for instance where you there. If not then you are just making it up.
2013-10-10 07:25:05 UTC
I think she died in the apartment.

The abduction story is incredible.

No evidence whatsoever that anyone but the family were inside that apartment.

In such cases the parents should surely be suspects.

Particularly in the case of children left a,one uncared fir while their parents went out drinking night after night.

Then as soon as the parents broke the abduction story the scooted off to Rome and New York to take advantage if their newfound celebrity status.

Did they assist the police? No.

Would they answer the questions that any parent if a missing child would answer? No.

They ran back to the UK and involved Gordon brown in their protection from scrutiny.
2013-10-11 13:39:21 UTC
She wandered off. Children do.
2014-03-19 21:08:30 UTC
Maddie is an anagram of 'I am dead' ;) ha, but seriously, she's not dead, she's in my basement doing crack with Amy Winehouse
2013-10-10 08:42:50 UTC
I think Madeleine is dead.

And the McCann's should be taken in for questioning.
2013-10-10 10:40:22 UTC
She was kidnapped by a pervert who I suspect had spotted an opportunity when her parents had left the children in the bedroom..
2013-10-10 05:58:04 UTC
Cadaver dogs cannot lie unlike humans. The McCanns know exactly what happened to their 'abducted' daughter.
2013-10-10 05:56:52 UTC
I've never cared to speculate what actually happened to Madeleine after she disappeared that night. If anyone knows, they're not telling and speculation only leads to rumour and libel.

NB the scent dogs are not infallible and were called in way too late to be of any real use anyway.

EDIT - my previous answers to McCann related questions have frequently been reported - I wonder how long this one will last and why it's so important to whoever to quash dissenting views?
2013-10-10 05:48:41 UTC
She was left alone at night. Woke up frightened and alone. Door was not locked so she went for a toddle to find her parents. Was snatched by an opportunist. Whether for good or ill - I know not.
David GH UK
2013-10-10 06:29:25 UTC
I guess that's about 3.000 times that original question has been asked. ? We simply have no idea.Wish we had. At least the British Police are on the case now. They are supposed to be about to issue a new E Fit of a suspected person. Most people who give an opinion are convinced the parents did it. But surely if they had you would have expected them to keep quiet about it. Them constantly bringing up the case is not the actions of guilty people ?

EDIT I am unhappy with the class element. "if they had been working class parents,they would have been locked,etc etc" Why the class hatred. I am a former steel worker,yet I don't feel jealousy ?
2014-07-02 11:17:04 UTC
2013-10-10 08:19:05 UTC
2013-10-10 07:42:22 UTC
I think she died in the apartment.
2013-10-10 05:16:04 UTC
I think it was a kidnapping in Portugal. The local police effed up in the beginning, it might be too late to find out where she is know, but if she is alive, someone not involved knows something about who is raising her or worse.
robert x
2013-10-10 16:57:25 UTC
kidnapped and sold ..
Guru Hank
2013-10-10 07:36:32 UTC
She was abducted. raped and murdered by some Portuguese pervert, who then buried her in a hole.


Ah. The 'Maddie' crowd at it again. Lets just see:

April Jones? abducted raped and murdered by a pervert, buried in a hole.

Lesley Ann Downey? abducted raped and murdered by two perverts, buried in a hole.

Keith Bennett? abducted raped and murdered by two perverts, buried in a hole.

Carol "Caz" Ann Cooper? abducted raped and murdered by two perverts, buried in a hole.

Lucy Katherine Partington? abducted raped and murdered by two perverts, buried in a hole.

Do we begin to observe a pattern here?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.