What's your opinion on the refugee crisis in Europe?
2016-06-14 05:27:44 UTC
I'm doing some research on the refugee crisis in Europe, and would like to hear any opinions that people have. These can include thoughts about how the influx of people is affecting the continent, and also opinions on how the effects of such a change can be made positive - any solutions people have thought about would be most appreciated!
Fourteen answers:
Freethinking Liberal
2016-06-14 07:08:02 UTC
I can only speak from my perspective as a UK subject.

Islam is in a mess. Many of the Muslim countries have civil wars or strife. People leaving their home countries just shows what a vast problem there is.

I once was an immigrant. In the 1950's my family with me emigrated to Australia. The locals were as welcoming as some of your answer-ers. I was bullied, our car headlights were smashed; graphited etc. We were called parasites, we were blamed for every crime going etc... and we were invited to emigrated to Australia.

How much more to be forced from your home; to flee from war and persecution; to be fleeced of your money; to risk death (thousands have died)... all this and to arrive in a country that pores more hate on you from the start. So strange - so strange.

So why do they come:

Well it certainly is not the 'benefits'. Those who are after them will go to Sweden, Germany or Denmark.

It certainly is not the weather.

Is it for the work? Is it because the UK has a reputation for justice and fairness? Is is because we speak the language of the internet?

I do not know... Has anyone asked them?

So what effects and problems?

1/ Their culture is so very different... so very alien. This leads to misunderstandings which can lead to clashes.

2/ as part of that culture is their religion. This is a distinct problem as it has very different morals. This is already causes massive problems as theirs is very primitive beliefs. The concept of blaming women for man's sexuality has been challenged in the UK. In Islam it is still considered the woman's fault if she is raped. (Mind you some Neanderthals of the UK who think the same)

There is also the problem of Sharia Law. Great Britain is (somewhat) a democracy. Having parallel or separate laws cannot be tolerated.

Also the problem of terrorism. Most, by a vast number, are not terrorists. However, where there is turmoil, opinions and behaviour polarize. This trows up extremism. We have already seen this.

Now, the idea of a refugee compared to an immigrant is that refugees usually go home when the war / political situation clears up. However, when reading about the the Middle East, I see no resolution.

What can we do? I wish I knew!
2016-06-16 00:22:11 UTC
Refugees don kill their host nations they are just islamic terrorists
2016-06-14 15:42:44 UTC
It is the inevitable and entirely predictable result of US led NATO policy in the Middle East and Africa. It is desirable in that it has succeeded in removing a serious rival to the US dollar, as the only international currency. The result will be social disharmony on a massive scale. Multi multiculturalism is a fine idea, as long as it is a two way street.
Mr. P
2016-06-14 14:09:23 UTC
Once they enter a safe country from their country IF it is at war, then they are no longer refugees. After that then the next country they visit they are no longer refugees and should go through the legal channels to EMIGRATE to the next country.

There are no Refugees in France - or Germany as they have all been through safe countries.

True refugees should be sent back once their country is no longer at war - however long that is. Any immigrants should adopt the culture and language of the host country. They are not bringing their country with them. This also applies to Brits on holiday. What is the point of going to Spain on holiday if everyone speaks English, eats and the drinks the same as it is in the UK? Oh, but we do obey their laws - not expect our laws to apply in a foreign land.
2016-06-14 12:32:19 UTC
Macedonian border-keepers:
2016-06-14 09:55:22 UTC
My opinion is that if you have to flee from war and terror, you go to the next safe country and you stay there. You don't travel through 5 or 6 safe countries and risk your life and that of your children, just to get to a place that is culturally the exact opposite to your home country. So why would you do that, if you have no intentions to adapt to this new culture? The answer is "social benefits". These people were standing at the Hungarian border last September and shouted they want to go to Germany. They were not satisfied that they were already out of danger, they wanted more. And Merkel was stupid enough to open the floodgates and let in over one million without controls, without valid papers, without knowing who they are and what they want here at all. Now we have seen there were also terrorists among them. Also many economic migrants, criminals, misogynists, rapists. Our crime rate goes up, women and children are being sexually molested regularly (New Years Eve was just the tip of the iceberg), there even was a case of an attempted stoning of two transsexuals. Stone age behavior in the middle of Europe in 2016. Our politicians work really hard on the destruction of our home continent by playing the "humanitarian"-card and abandoning all common sense. Good night, Europe!
2016-06-14 09:28:42 UTC
They are not refugees but parasite burglars attempting to steal the resources of legal citizens.
2016-06-14 07:58:31 UTC
Every crisis is a manufactured hoax and this one is no different.

Pause at 2:39, why does the skin have a waxed appearance and why is the hair dry? Oh yeah, this is a dummy.

This crisis is most likely designed to make westerners hate muslims even more, in preparation for the staged world war between the west and Islam..
2016-06-14 05:55:52 UTC
90% of them are parasites,and should be deported to whence they came.
2016-06-14 05:33:28 UTC
my opinion is that they should be made to go back to where they came from because this continent is full up and already has way too many immigrants living here
2016-06-14 12:14:55 UTC
Islam is invading Europe,Our Governments dare not resist.

OIL rules.
2016-06-14 08:00:35 UTC
Eco migrant crisis. It stinks!
2016-06-14 07:02:57 UTC
It's an engineered-problem, to scare, and manipulate European citizens. Literally every aspect of this is orchestrated by the EU, from reducing the Med-Border Agency(in 2002 they had 15,000 officers, when the 'crisis' started they had 500 left), to starting wars in Africa(Mali, CAR), and the Middle-East(the EU, and US supported helping the 'rebels' in Syria, or ISIS as they're now known), the goal is to force Sovereign-Nations to give up their security-agencies and replace it with 1 Central EU-Agency.

Plus, Turkey would never qualify to join the EU, but with their Germany-deal, they will be in the EU before 2020, same goes for all the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi's.
2016-06-14 05:40:50 UTC
We are not allowed to express our opinion, we must accept these people are fleeing wars/persecution which is our fault, they are here to work, they are good for the economy and bring diversity into our lives.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.