why do Jews think they have any right to Palestine?
2012-09-19 05:22:14 UTC
their only basis for thinking that is a fictional book (Bible or whatever they call it) they wrote themselves, even in that crap they weren't the orignial inhabitants they stole it off the Canaanites.
Seventeen answers:
2012-09-20 02:16:02 UTC
Palestinians (Jews & Christians & Muslims ) lived in harmony as Arabs until some of the European Jews tried to immigrate to Palestine at the end of the 18 Century. The Jews were minority in Palestine. The whole Arab country was at that time under the occupation of the Ottoman empire(Turkey) for the last 400 years. The Jews were trying to find a place to establish Israel in.

Places were offered, and places were discussed:…

The Jews tried to buy Palestine from the Ottoman's Sultan Abdul Hamid II who did not accept and in 1901 he sent a historical letter to Dr. Herzl informing him that he cannot sell any small piece of Palestine to the Jews (not even a hand’s size of land). One of the reasons that made Arabs rebel against the Ottoman Empire was the crimes against Arabs by the Ottoman's ruler Jamal Basha as al-Saffah, "the Blood Shedder" . Arabs repelled against the Ottomans occupation in what was called the Great Arab Revolution. Great Britain promised the Arabs to help them to re-establish their one Arab country again if they help them in fighting the Ottomans and the Arabs bravely did and the Ottomans were defeated. But, upon defeating the Ottomans the British and the French occupied the Arab land instead of the Ottomans and this was a backstab and a big surprise for the Arabs and a start point of a new era of Arabian struggle . Then, the occupiers / Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the Sykes–Picot Agreement in 1916.…

In which they secretly divided the Arab country into small states such as Syria, Lebanon, ...etc .

The occupier / Great Britain directly after that gave the Jews the Balfour Declaration in 1917.…

In which the occupier / Great Britain promised the Jews to establish Israel for them in Palestine.

The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II. Which was under the full control of the same countries that they divided the Arab big country into small states and /or supported the Jews against Arabs all the way no matter what. Arabs felt that what was happening was another backstab, unjust and a big conspiracy against them.

How would you feel if some strangers just showed up and wanted to kick you out of your home by force ? claiming that their ancestors were in this spot 3000-4000 years ago. Would you say “OK “ and just leave the home you and your ancestors have been living in for thousands of years? .

After WW2 and the Holocaust by the racist Hitler of Germany Jews immigrated in very large numbers to Palestine and used extreme force against the Palestinians who lived in Palestine for thousands of years. As a result Palestinians were expelled from their cities, farms and homes to the neighboring countries and elsewhere . Where millions of Palestinians are still living for over 60 years in the neighboring Arab states refugees camps in many cases in non humane conditions. So poor that they have nothing to eat or dress, no health, no education, no social security number, they are not allowed to buy a property or work, ........ etc. All that Palestinian’s suffering is because some strangers decided to invade Palestine.

Arab generations understand that Palestine was stolen from Arabs by:

1-Biased, unlawful and unjust UN conspiracy resolution/s.

2-By extreme force.


1-400 years of the Ottoman occupation to the Arab country( since 1512 ) where the ottoman empire was a military one ignored good education in times where many other powers where rising up though sciences and good education.

2- The European occupation of the Arab country and dividing it into small states. Where Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the Sykes–Picot Agreement in 1916.

3- Planting Israel in the middle of the Arabs so they will never be able to get re-unified again; and as a disastrous result part of the Arabs money have been wasted on silly armaments and armies. Also, as a result Zionism has been playing a bad role such as a Cancer inside the Arab body working 24/7 against Arabs issues.

4- Placing many ignorant puppet rulers (Dictators) to head the newly established small Arab states and as a result the resources and wealth of the Arabs were wasted in many different ways.

All the Above made the Arab world unstable place until now, 500 years of suffering and STILL going on...... Arabs are just good peaceful humans being backstabbed again and again and again; and stereotyped and portrayed wrongly.
2016-09-21 02:47:24 UTC
During the Ottoman Empire, which lasted till WWI, non-Muslims weren't complete residents. They have been referred to as dhimmi. Christians and Jews have been within the equal class so far as that is worried. They have been sporadically tolerated and mistreated relying at the hindrance and the days. During the Ottoman Empire, for four hundred years, there was once no position referred to as Palestine. This was once a form of unofficial identify for the area. The British gave the area the identify The British Mandate of Palestine whilst the League of Nations mandated them to rule the discipline on a provisional groundwork till it might be shaped into nationhood. It wasn't geared up sufficient to rule itself; it was once aware of Turkish rule. The British Mandate of Palestine incorporated what at the moment are referred to as Jordan and Israel, plus what at the moment are referred to as West Bank and Gaza.
2012-09-19 06:02:29 UTC
Probably for the same reasons that the USA exists, because you fought for the territory and won !

But that does not mean that the Palestinian people who lost, are just gonna sit down and accept what happened, and they don't have to.

Israel exists, fact ! and Jews have lived on the same land for as long as any other group, another fact !

The ONLY way they can move forward in peace is for BOTH sides to learn to share, until they do so this conflict will NEVER be resolved.

Throughout history these people lived in harmony with each other, it was ALWAYS invading foreigners who forced one side or another into exile.

So they should learn from history together, to recreate the harmony of the past !

Perhaps then, the conflicts between Jews, Muslims and Christians might also begin to be resolved.
2012-09-19 08:17:38 UTC
Your are so wrong my friend, wake up....

Palestine is the name the Romans imposed on the Jewish Kingdoms of Judah and Judea with the express purpose of infuriating the Jews in reprisal for the Jewish Revolt led by Simon Bar Kokhba in 132–136 CE.

Roman Emperor Hadrian was determined to wipe out the identity of Judah-Judea, therefore, the emperor took the name “Palaestina” (in Latin) and imposed it on all the land of the Jewish Kingdoms. The Romans killed many Jews, sold many more in slavery, but the vast majority were forced out of their land and forcibly scattered around Europe in what is known as the Second Great Diaspora. The Jews did NOT abandon their land, they were forcibly exiled by the Romans.

The Arabs, most of Jordanian roots, living in the surrounding areas invaded the land, those Arabs are the Palestinians.

There has never been such thing as a Palestinian Arab independent nation. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine ‘’governed’’ by Palestinians. Palestinians are descendants of the Arabs that used to live in the surrounded areas of the Jewish Kingdoms of Judah and Judea before the Jewish Revolt.

By WWII, the Holy Land was under British rule. In 1948, the British and the United Nations gave both the Palestinians and the Jews the opportunity to divide the land into two states, one state for the Palestinians and one state for the Jews. The Jews agreed, ....the Palestinians *refused* the idea because they wanted and still want the land to be handed to them as a whole.

The Jews, instead of naming the land back as the Judah and Judea, renamed it as Israel.

Palestinians were not, are not, and have never been the rightful owners of the land. Palestinians are fighting because they want the land to be handed to them, and to make the matter even worse, Palestinians are having the audacity of claiming the Jewish Holy City of Jerusalem as their capital because there is the Dome of the Rock which they, knowingly and deliberately, built on the exact same ground where the Jewish Temple has stood twice.

Palestinians are the invaders, not the Jews.
Shawn Robin
2012-09-19 11:36:47 UTC
Are you genuinely clueless or just pretending to be stupid in order to troll Yahoo?

The Jews have lived there for thousands of years.

So long, in fact, that they were occupied by the Roman Empire:

"Judea province was the stage of three wars known as the Jewish-Roman wars. These are the Great Jewish Revolt (66–70 CE), the Kitos War (115–117 CE), and Bar Kokhba's revolt (132–135 CE). After the last of these, the Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of the province to Syria Palaestina and Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina in an attempt to erase the historical ties of the Jewish people to the region."

Link -

Also this: The fact the so-called 'Palestinians' are a phony nationality.

In 1948, Jordan invaded and occupied what the modern world calls Palestine.

In 1967, Jordan got kicked out and lost control of it.

Ever since, Jordan's been using a phony nationality - the Palestinians - to get it back:

"We are the Government of Palestine, the army of Palestine and the refugees of Palestine."

-Jordanian Prime Minister Hazza' al-Majali

"Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is only one land, with one history and one and the same fate."

-Prince Hassan of Jordan

"The Palestinians and Jordanians do not belong to different nationalities. They hold the same Jordanian passports, and have the same Jordanian culture."

-Jordanian Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Sharif

That's confirmed by the so-called "Palestinians" own leadership:

"The Palestinian people does not exist. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.

However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

-Zahir Muhsein, Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee

"Jordanians and Palestinians are considered by the PLO as one people."

-Farouk Kaddoumi, Head of the PLO Political Department

It's no coincidence that current Palestinian leaders all happen to be Jordanian citizens:

Current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is a Jordanian citizen.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei is also a Jordanian citizen.

Former Fatah leader Muhammad Dahlan is a Jordanian citizen.

Hamas leader Khaled Meshal is yet another Jordanian citizen.

So are other "Palestinian" officials.

So run along and quit talking nonsense when all this stuff is common knowledge.
Ern T
2012-09-19 05:47:44 UTC
The Jews have been encouraged, particularly by British Christian Zionists from the times of the Puritans, those that settled America included. Prime Minister Balfour, like many of the ruling classes, was one of them and he and his cohorts were backed financially by Lord Rothschild. European Jews were aided to settle in Palestine in the 1920s when it was a British protectorate then really took off after WW2. They've never had the right anymore than any colonist but they have had the support of countries with the most influence and power.
2012-09-19 06:24:48 UTC
They dont they stole the land from the palestinians, with the help of Jewish international banker (Rothschild) they completed this. The goal for the Jews from the time of the Eyptian pharoahs was to reclaim the land of Knaan( Israel/ Palestine ) for the jews, and after ww2 Jewish Zionist Extremeist slaughterd the palestinans and drove them from their homes and they did this with the support of wealthy bankers like the Rothschilds, who also run Amercia throu the federal reserve and Mr.Rothschild and Israel are responsible for 9/11.. I always wonder why USA invaded Afghan instead of Israel or Saudi who were the real culprits behind it.. U wonder y the devils face arose from the clouds? 9/11 was a sacrafice to the devil. Have u ever wonderd how the whole ******* buildings blew up ? the planes crashed into the middle how did the bottom blow up. ? Did u know that all amercian presidents are related ? look it up prove me wrong, 34 of usa presidents are genetic desendents of Charlemagne the 8th century king of the Franks, The rest are closely related and desendents of Richard the Lionheart and king Edward the 3rd, LOOK IT UP PROVE ME WRONG
2012-09-20 09:16:23 UTC
This gets so old. Does no one study history anymore?

What gives Jews, the first monotheistic people, the right to live on a piece of ground the size of Rhode Island? Just a few thousand years of living there. Just hundreds of generations of documented family histories. That's all.

Research the Ottoman-Turkish Empire. Notice who they displaced from their ancestral homelands.
2012-09-19 07:38:44 UTC
the palestines of today never had a country of their own to lose. even the arab world refused to let them have a country of their own. the king of jordan threw them all out because of their stupidity. the only country in world that helped them get a country was Israel. and what have they done since then, attack israel with rockets everyday for yrs hitting their daycares and school. real nice people you are backing! hope they move next to you.
2012-09-19 06:16:30 UTC
Basing their claim to Palestine is 2,000 years out of date, anyway.

The land Moses led the Israelites to after fleeing Egypt is long. long gone.

In the New Testament of the bible it clearly states;

The nation of israel broke an ancient covenant with their god.

Rejecting him, when they rejected his son, Jesus. Sent to earth in human form to spread the word of god.

The Israelites wanted a warrior to release them from Roman occupation & slavery.

But what they got was a man of peace, who preached to the masses love thy neighbour, tolerance, forgiveness & love.

Not what those ancient jews wanted at all, so the elder pharisees handed him over to the romans, who obliged by killing him.

So land given to them by god?

Don't think so!

Unless there's another god someone forgot to mention.
2012-09-19 05:28:49 UTC
Prior to the end of WW2 Palestinians both Arab & Jew lived together in harmony and had done for years ,it was only when the refugees from Europe took over that has caused friction for decades.The blame must be placed on America's shoulders.
Andrew S Calm before the storm
2012-09-19 07:04:01 UTC
"Jerusalem" is mentioned more than 800 times in the several thousand year old Bible and not even once in the Koran.
2012-09-19 06:47:04 UTC
the human race is approaching its own extinction, after that, who owns what bit of land is an irrelevance.
2012-09-19 10:32:15 UTC
My Irish ancestors are the TRUE owners, and we are Prodestant Methodists !

Get your facts straight !
pants on backwards
2012-09-19 06:16:16 UTC
Judging by this remarkably uninformed "question"....I suggest you spend the next five or ten years studying the subject because you are way out of your depth here!
2012-09-19 06:06:39 UTC
Jews think they have a right to Palestine because God gave it to them. OK
2012-09-19 05:43:13 UTC
education is a valuable tool. try it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.