Freedom of speech or remove completely?
Tartan Duck
2007-09-22 07:17:26 UTC
I am finding all these sick postings about the Mcanns incredibly distressing. Much as yyou might try to niot get involved these postings are everywhere. Should Yahoo completely ban ALL postings refering to the Mcanns? Or should freedom of speech prevail even though these postings are designed to offend?

All I know is I feel sick everytime I read one and replying to them is obviously how these people get their kicks.
28 answers:
2007-09-22 07:38:08 UTC
You're right every second question relates to the McCanns. But everyone is entitled to express their opinion whether you like it or not. However I do feel because of the large number of questions and the public interest in the case there should be a separate category for the McCann questions that way anyone who wants to avoid them can and the anyone who's interested in the case can easily find all questions and opinions in one swift go.
2016-05-21 03:20:24 UTC
It's very easy to have free speech we agree with; it's much harder to have free speech we dislike. But that is the point - if we have a system of free speech, then citizens must be free to say things that offend others. You have the right to free speech too - you can tell people why the offensive speech was in your opinion wrong. I support both of you being able to do this, because that's what happens in a free, secular society. If you want to live in a state where there is a state-sanctioned religion, you will find many; but don't look for that kind of system in the US, because that would be un-American.
2007-09-22 07:42:43 UTC
Freedom of speech has to prevail. There are some sick ones, some plain old bad taste and others who are just trying to whip up a frenzy of "pro" or "anti" protests and these are the people that thrive on the reactionary responses. However, there are also some perfectly valid points and questions that are aired via this forum and as long as it is done correctly, within community guidelines, that freedom should remain.

If the questions (posted within community guidelines) are distressing to you then I would suggest avoiding the "News & Events" section alltogether and not opening any question, in any section with "McCann" in the title. Bear in mind though, the same questions will be, in some form or other, on TV, in newspapers, discussed in bars, cafes, at bus stops etc etc. so this is only one forum and I doubt that avoiding them all is possible.
Ms Mat Urity
2007-09-22 10:45:20 UTC
Much as I hate some of the postings on here that are both disgusting and crude, these people are in the minority and after all this site is about news/current affairs and the McCann case certainly is. Sorry, but I don't agree postings on this should be banned. Even at any time if you are faint hearted this would not the site to be on. Always in the news there are so many things that will distress eg war, murders, famine, cruelty to name but a few.
2007-09-22 11:04:13 UTC
I didn't know WHAT you were talking about! I had to search for "Mcann" to get the proper context so those posts are NOT everywhere since Yours is the first that I've seen.

I don't want to go off on a rant here and I'll try Real hard not to slam you but people like YOU really "cheese" me Off!

It’s the "political correctness" Nazis of this world that Really need to shut "the duck" Up! These Nazis need to get it through their thick skulls that "being offensive" is NOT a crime and should Not be subject to censorship.

You may not like what I say, print or post but you have NO right to cry about it! If you don’t like what is being said or posted, then Don’t Listen to or Read the material!

I hate to tell All of you "PC Gestapo Agents" this but your hurt feelings and offended sensibilities don't add up to an ounce of dehydrated manure! The world doesn't revolve around you and Its time for you All to GET OVER IT!!!!
Bob J
2007-09-22 11:24:26 UTC
I'd rather preserve free speech than your weak stomach.

Click "Back" if it bothers you so. Click "Report It". Just quit trying to punish everyone for your sensitivities.

It's like people complaining about shows on TV. There's an off button or 1000 other channels to watch so please give it a rest.

Nobody forces you to read on. If you want to be offended, then carry on, but I've no sympathy for you.

Tasteless it may be but nothing said here is illegal, so quit the oppression.

I hate people that make it their ambition in life to try and find things to offend them just so they can complain about it.

It also smacks of a certain group of people wanting to shut out people discussing the uncomfortable possible outcomes (ie the McCanns did it)
2007-09-23 04:36:43 UTC
Jane C insulted me as a mother just because I love my daughters autistic nerdiness. I was very tempted to hide the answer from my daughter as I know it would have upset her. An idiot making some stupid comment is one thing, but someone being so insulting over a silly word is getting their priorities mixed up a bit. I feel this point is very relavent in this discussion.

I am passionate about freedom of speech.
2007-09-22 09:13:18 UTC
People misunderstand their rights under the Free Speech banner...and if these people had any knowledge of the law they would realise they were in breach of the law.....

However.... I just don't let myself get stressed over their continual vitriolic post hate and abuse once is do it continuously is just so pathetic I realise these posts are not by it's easy to ignore them....

The biggest shame is that there are some sensible people who's stance against the McCanns has some credibility but their posts are lost among the McCann witch-hunt

More and more I believe the McCanns are not capable of harming their daughter...but I have no problem with people that share a different it's best to ignore the abuse if you can and just answer the questions by the truly reasonable people here, whichever side of the fence they are on.
2007-09-22 07:30:27 UTC
You don't have to read things that distress you, do you? The news is filled with unpleasantness. That story should be no less or more than the people who continue to comment on it.

Why not channel your energy toward avoiding this story. And yes, freedom of speech, in print, is more important than your discomfort. Can you imagine not being able to read things because someone else decided that it was offensive? Oh, yes we have that to an extent already.
2007-09-22 07:30:26 UTC
i sick of it all as well and i have,nt answered one thing on the mcanns apart from this one.

but you can,t ban freedom of speech.

or any postings on the mcanns

what will be the next topic banned after that which some people dislike.

if you do you might as well stop yahoo Q & A all together.

my view is if you don,t like the question don,t answer it
Agent Zero®
2007-09-22 07:43:57 UTC
if you dont like the qs dont read or answer them im sick ov it because the whole point is to find madeline and that seems to have taken 2nd fiddle to the mcccans themselves an event of this nature will always bring people to the table with their own opinion and beliefs and nobody has the right to block them from expressing their views. at the end of the day the mccans have bought this on themselves so you will have to tolerate peoples reactions to what has happened but just because your sick of it doesnt mean it has to be stopped or y/a to ban it nobody is forcing you to read them.
Beau Brummell
2007-09-22 10:52:50 UTC
Freedom of speech does not include the right to make slanderous remarks or incitement to hatred.

Some posters on both sides of the fence are guilty of this.

This case is ongoing so it wouldn't be logical to ban it from News. I just wish people would calm down a bit and stop quarrelling about it. Whatever one's views on the McCanns there is no cause for some of the cheap abuse that has been posted.
2007-09-22 07:53:13 UTC
Hello Jane,

I agree totally with your comment about the hateful way some of the postings are trying and convicting the McCanns' over the disappearance of their daughter with no proof or evidence.

It sickens me also that this is happening, No one here on Yahoo or any other site actually knows what happened, where Madeleine is, or if she is actually dead.

I have replied to some of the posts expressing my disapproval of some of the comments and answers.

The McCanns' may or may not have had something to do with her disappearance, but as I have said in reply to other posts, the normal practice is that every one is presumed innocent of a crime until proven guilty.

Whatever evidence those investigating Madeleine's disappearance has will eventually be made public and all we can do is wait and see.

The hateful way some Yahoo Answers subscribers are treating the McCanns' is shameful. Both to Yahoo Answers and to those making the posts.

If the McCanns' are ever tried and convicted in the disappearance of their daughter, I will be among the first to give my opinion, but as it stands all we know is what we are being told by the media and we all know how notorious the media are for twisting facts. All they are really interested in is selling their newspapers and getting the highest possible ratings.

The media are the biggest culprits for starting and continuing this 'witch hunt'.

I, like nearly everyone else have my thoughts and theories on what happened to Madeleine, but that is all they are, and no one here knows.

As far as freedom of speech is concerned. I do consider everyone has the right to say what they think and that right should remain.

However we should all act responsibly about anything we say or print and be held accountable for it. This includes the media as well as everyone else.

In the case of the McCanns', should it be found that they were in no way responsible for their daughters disappearance, they may well have excellent cases for many, many libel actions against many, many organizations and individuals, including those who are posting malicious and hateful comments here and elsewhere on the Internet. This could include Yahoo themselves for permitting these posts to remain on public display.

This I believe is tantamount to breaking the rules they have put in place themselves.

Sorry for the lengthy reply but I feel very strongly about peoples rights.

Mossy Jan
2007-09-22 07:24:20 UTC
do you also feel scared to answer some of the genuine questions in case you get abused for not giving a bad and vicious, sarcastic answer. I know i do. If its about freedom of speech i feel that i truly don't have it on here.

And all these postings are based on assumption, tabloid press, unnamed sources, close friends statements etc..........where is the official absolute truth they have to base all these postings on

i do read them however just so as to see the incredulity of it all and would like to point out im neither for or against.
2007-09-22 08:50:43 UTC
I hat to tell ya, there is no freedom of speech on here, if your white. All you have to do is make a comment about blacks or mexicans and off your question goes. Yet Spicy latins has been putting down whites and gays for as long as she has been on here, no action against her. it's only "fair" to talk bad about the white race, it's all they do on here without being removed.
2007-09-22 13:52:55 UTC
its only people saying what they think and this is a free country with all that has been leaked to the papers people are going to form their own opinions it is better then whispering behind people back and i don't think its for kicks everyone wants to know the truth
dan m
2007-09-22 10:31:19 UTC
freedom means freedom people who are offended need to grow up there are times you might want to run your mouth to . and to say freedom of speech is abused let me say this that's the kind of talk we expect from dictatorship countries lets censor everything . this is America lets keep this country free or lets go socialist or commie but lets not play games with our freedom
2007-09-22 07:38:38 UTC
Freedom of speech is abused. We are free to say what we feel but, when what we say is false, humiliating, racist, sexist, slanderous or antagonistic, then we must suffer the consequences. We are not free to do the things I just described, and not be held accountable. This is where a lot of people screw up & try to hide behind their so called "freedom of speech." You are free to speak alright, but not free from the consequences of being wrong. And that's the way it should be.
2007-09-22 07:30:11 UTC
I totally agree with you. Some of the Q/A are bizarre, offensive and outlandish as well as vile, ignorant and sickening.

There are two things you can do however. Report them or ignore them. The decision is yours.

Please bear in mind when you make that decision that children as young as 13 are allowed on Y/A. So use that decision wisely.
2007-09-22 14:47:02 UTC
Poseidon says it all for me, agree totally. there are only 2 or 3 really offencive posters on the mccann debate, I'm sure you've worked out who the illiterate imbeciles are, either ignore them or report them.
2007-09-22 07:24:49 UTC
You cannot ban freedom of speech, if you find them so distressing why look or answer any or post anything about the McCanns.
2007-09-22 07:27:38 UTC
the answer is don't read them, yes there are some sick people out there with sick views, but there is also people who are interested in this news.

we have freedom of speech, let us use it without been insulting to others
2007-09-22 07:23:13 UTC
I personally have had enough of the Mcann postings.

I can't see why people are so wound up about something when all the facts are not yet in the public domain.
2007-09-22 12:24:39 UTC
i know what you mean , its very upsetting. and when people say dont read the questions, well that's easier said than done. you just do it because you cant believe it can sink any lower ! then it does. its like trying not to look when your dog has vomited. you dont want to do it but you do. but who is to decide what can or cant be posted here?
2007-09-22 07:56:40 UTC
report them you have a button

personally i feel those that fawn over them and make excuses for them leaving their children alone and declare they are 100 % innocent odd too , why would anybody give two people who went out drinking and leave their children alone a standing ovation ?

just ignore the sick ones or report them
2007-09-22 07:32:59 UTC
There are hundreds of other topics to choose from.Do not be a masochist by reading them if they distress you so much
2007-09-22 18:59:33 UTC
just skip over them , i do, if they stop getting answers, they will soon get bored.
2007-09-22 08:59:16 UTC
Dont look then

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.