it does not denigrate the troops per se, it recognizes that the poor people are forced to join army to earn living because the republicans do not allow a fair wage or good schools to poor. thus we use our less advantaged youths as cannon fodder while thr rich spoiled brats of the congress stay in ivy league colleges while the uneducated get killed.
if we went to a draft and did not exempt rich kids or college students, you would see an uprising like in the sixties. so it is better to give the incentive of a college education to poor so they will join and risk their lives to get it. if you give them any easier way to get a college education, they will not join the military. especially this is true of the national guard which is curiously bearing the full brunt of the war while the regular army spends its time occupying peaceful nations as their private security force provided by US taxpayers( like South Korea and Japan etc)
We should let the professional regular army fight the wars and let the national guard stay home and guard the nation in emergencies as it is intended. They have wrongly activated the NG to avoid the draft laws they dread as there would be political consequences. the republican administration hides behind the troops and if you criticize their use of the troops they call you unpatriotic and say you are attacking the troops. the troops have nothing to do with any of it. they just follow orders. it is the orders that are bad. the troops are just being used for the political agenda of cowardly republical fat cats, most of whom never were in the military like chen, and whose children ( like Bushs and Chenys) are so rich they do not have to consider the military as an option to get an education. ( Bush hid out in the NG when that was aa safe haven, not like now)
What senators have children in Iraq fighting the war in a combat zone? If they love this war so much. why not risk their own kids to protect USA from "terror". HA!
The issue is not how smart the troops are ot how smart Kerry is. the issue is the WAR and why we fight it and who pays the price? poor youth and american taxpayers. who benefits? Halliburton, defense contractors, military suppliers and oil companies. these are the facts.
what is worse, criticize troops or kill them. who does which?
BUSH KILLS THEM by sending them into harms way so he can get his party re-elected.