Should Anders Behring Breivik be executed for what he did?
2011-07-26 10:38:00 UTC
Just want to know your opinion on it. Also do You think it should be slow and painful and quick and humane?
Thirteen answers:
2011-07-26 11:52:53 UTC
To make punishment effective or to prevent massacre like this one, Yes.
2011-07-27 04:26:04 UTC
No, because capitral punishment is not used there and should not be here. But that is a matter of policy. Anders is a particular case.

I will remind you that the Norwegians for all their civility are desecendants of Vikings and so there can be little doubt they of all people know the meaning of Maxwell's Silver Hammer. They know this which is maybe why they don't do it.

But for us Yanks, why we kill people all the time, not only prisoners but foreigners in their various invaded countries. We are known for it. So we of course would like to get our hands on him--and I think rightly we should. But there is a certain pleasure in sitting back and letting a foreign system take care of it, unless those who are so ignorant as to think no one else can do anything right.
2011-07-26 18:23:25 UTC
According to an item on Fox News, 21 years in jail is the maximum penalty which can by law be imposed for ANY crime in Norway. Seems they are VERY liberal in their attitude towards crime and punishment - with the emphasis on rehab.

However, on completion of the minimum term the convict can be re-tried for appropriateness for release - and the term extended by 5 years. Apparently this same process can be repeated time and again.

Much would depend on whether defence counsel claim Breivik is insane, suffering delusions of grandeur in his bid "to save Norway and Europe".

But he seems to be have been quite rational in all his planning and execution of these mass murders so 'insanity' is hardly likely to wash.

Personally, I'd have him serve 5 years in jail - to think about his crime - followed by a fixed date of execution (by firing squad).
2011-07-27 01:31:09 UTC
no. he should just have to live with what he's done, instead (behind bars, of course).

he is not as insane as he sounds, sadly (if he was, it would be easier to understand). he has been planning this event for nine years. he is terrifyingly intelligent, cold and calculating. his lawyer says that he knows exactly what he's done, and feels no guilt for it. there has been many interviews with his neighbours and old classmates in norwegian media and they all say the same thing: he have always been this cold. he has never had a girlfriend, and have always been an outsider. when he was little, he found great pleasure in killing insects, hurting animals etc. none of them claims that he's mentally ill. they say that he just owns no feelings of others. a man this cold doesn't deserve to die, he deserves to live the rest of his life with the hell-ish mind he obviously possess, which is clearly a hell of his own making. that should be punishment enough.
2011-07-26 17:50:59 UTC
No. I don't think that would have any real deterrent effect, and revenge is not a justification for killing a human being. He should be caged for the rest of his life. That is the best way to demonstrate that murder is wrong.
The First Dragon
2011-07-26 17:43:22 UTC
I don't know, because I'm not sure whether he is "insane," i.e. he didn't know that what he did was wrong.

If sane, I would support the death penalty; but Norway doesn't have that option.

Slow and painful doesn't appeal to me. Just so he's gone.

Maybe they'll do the Hannibal Lector cage for him.
Jim Bob
2011-07-27 16:51:01 UTC
" The Bible tells us that we are now all good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Whether we want to face up to it or not, we are all living in a war zone as a result of the curse of Adam and Eve that is still in full operation on this earth. Anyone of us at anytime can come under human or demonic attack. The daily news will prove that to you without any shadow of a doubt. Each Christian must now make their own personal decision on all of this. You can either choose to learn how to rise up in the power of your Lord and Saviour and learn how to become a true warrior in the Lord, or you can continue to keepyour head in the sand and oppressor after oppressor keep beating you down. The choice is yours. " -Christian terrorist of Oslo, Norway (Manifesto, p. 1390).

" By propagating and defending Christendom we simply mean that we want to halt the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist attacks and systematic deconstruction on our Christian cultures and the Church itself and to reverse the de-Christianisation of Europe." (Manifesto, p.1352)

" Although the PCCTS, Knights Templar is a pan-European indigenous rights movement we give all Europeans, regardless of skin colour, the opportunity to become a Justiciar Knight as long as the individual is either a Christian, Christian agnostic or a Christian atheist. " (Manifesto, p. 820)

" Q: Are you a religious man, and should science take priority over the teachings of the Bible?

A: My parents, being rather secular wanted to give me the choice in regards to religion. At the age of 15 I chose to be baptised and confirmed in the Norwegian State Church. I consider myself to be 100% Christian." (Manifesto, p. 1403)
2011-07-26 18:49:26 UTC
I believe life in prison in solitary confinement will be far more appropriate.

He should spend the rest of his life alone, unable to talk to anyone, unable to spread his fanatical ideas.
2011-07-26 17:45:12 UTC
Well he should In deed however I don't know If norway allows It they did but now they don't life In prison most likely.
2011-07-26 18:53:46 UTC
no , just incarcerated for eternity in a cold medieval dungeon isolated from the world somewhere in the mountains or a hot desert , feed him just bread and water.
2011-07-26 17:45:22 UTC
If he is mentally ill, no. But is a very dangerous fundamentalist. The society is threatened.
2011-07-26 17:39:47 UTC
2011-07-26 17:43:32 UTC
No, the death penalty goes against my Christian faith.

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