Does anyone really believe that Oscar Pistorius murdered Reeva Steenkamp intentionally?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Does anyone really believe that Oscar Pistorius murdered Reeva Steenkamp intentionally?
36 answers:
2013-02-21 02:02:58 UTC
The KEY thing still stands, he shot the door 4 times, and didn't kill her on the first shot, which means unless she's the 1 person ever to die silently, he KNEW.

He's a killer no matter how you spin it, because even if it was a burglar, there was no self-defense, he was 'hunting'.
2013-02-21 01:59:53 UTC
Either he shot her intentionally or the man is a complete and utter idiot. I was trained to use weapons in the Armed Forces, you don't shoot at anything or anybody unless you have a clear target, so shooting blindly through a locked door when someone else is in the house is sheer idiocy. I have no sympathy for the man at all.
Helen S
2013-02-21 01:46:42 UTC
According to the defence yesterday Pistorius didn't put his legs on, he walked on his stumps AND they got the Policeman to admit that there weren't any drugs, steroids etc there at all.

The bat was apparently used to smash open the bathroom door and i suppose if there was enough blood in there it could have been marked.

Playing devil's advocate and keeping an ear and eye on this - we weren't there. The neighbours who supposedly overheard a very long argument live 300 yards away and were also telling a different tale to the media than that which the Policeman had stated in court.

EDIT 11.15AM

Looks as though something isn't right in this case. The defence have asked for the Detective in charge to be removed from the case as he too is facing attempted murder charged!!!
2013-02-21 01:16:58 UTC
This is all starting to look a bit OJ Simpson to me, bet the cops get sent down and Oscar Pistorius, gets off
2013-02-21 02:10:07 UTC
I have two beliefs: Either he:

1) Did it intentionally

2) Was just an idiot with a head full of rocks.

Because who shoots at a bathroom door 4 times without knowing whether it was his girlfriend or not in there? Not any normal decent person with half a brain, that's for certain.
2013-02-21 01:06:09 UTC
The biggest issue with trying to "believe" or "assume" is we were not there. I have never met the bloke, I have never investigated a killing so I do not know. I remain neutral. I hope the investigation is fair and balanced.
2013-02-21 08:29:01 UTC
I believe he is innocent. Obviously we all know that he did indeed kill his girlfriend, but I don't believe it was murder. I believe his story that he accidentally killed her because he thought she was an intruder. Yes, it is tragic and devestating that a beautiful life and a beautiful girl was killed. But you can't just assume that he murdered her in cold blood..just because.

He deserves a chance. He is an upstanding man and athlete. I have followed him on all his online accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. He has been nothing but positive, encouraging, kind, compassionate, strong, and showed great perseverance and motivation to accomplish the things he has in his condition. He and Reeva had a good, loving relationship. There was no motive for him to murder her.

As has been said, they live in a very dangerous place where home intruders and violence is a daily occurence. And as an athlete, he is trained to respond quickly. If he truly felt genuine fear that someone was breaking into his home and could harm he and/or his girlfriend, why wouldn't he act as quickly as possible to stop them before he was hurt?

Yes, there are things that don't make sense, things that none of us will ever know who wasn't there that night. But you can not throw out someone's entire character because you think you know that he murdered his wife. Oscar has given no reason for anyone to think he had an intended motive to kill Reeva. He wasn't on drugs or drunk, he is not mentally unstable. And yes, we can all ask, why would you not check to make sure your family was safe before you just acted, but who knows? None of us were there. We don't know what he felt in that moment. An utter terror that someone was breaking into his home, so he acted instinctively on adrenaline and then realized after that it was a tragic mistake?

I am just praying that the truth will be told. Even though someone is dead, a man doesn't deserve to sit in jail for the rest of his life for an accident...tragic as it was. What if you accidentally backed your car out of the driveway and hit your child or another member of your family and killed them? And then were accused that it was intentional and premeditated murder and you should sit in jail forever to pay for something that was a terrible and tragic accident?

It's just so easy to sit on the outside and jump to conclusions and form our own opinions. Okay, I'm, sorry for the novel!
2013-02-21 01:10:41 UTC
Who beat who with the blood covered cricket bat? No one used that through a closed door.
2013-02-21 03:37:05 UTC
Yes i do think he did it,he claims that he called out to the 'intruder' to get out and called out to Reeva to call the police,now at this point Reeva was according to him in the bathroom and not too far away.

If he had been calling to her or the 'intruder' she would have responded in some way and he would have heard she was in the bathroom meaning he would never have fired 4 bullets through the door.

They do now believe that he had his legs on when he shot her because of the direction of the bullets so that was apparently false.

I agree that the manner of the investigator and media is awful,you can't have balanced justice in a circus like this and that is what it is.
2013-02-21 02:37:14 UTC
He shot to kill whoever was behind the door, but he thought it was an intruder. So if there is a charge in South Africa for shooting to kill an intruder before they have shown signs of meaning you harm then I'd expect he'd be guilty of that. But that may be offset by the tragic loss he's suffered
2013-02-21 01:26:49 UTC
If his account is true, and it does sound horribly plausible, then it was a terrible mistake. Poor guy will probably end up in prison either way and from what I've read about SA's prison, he'll have a hard time (esp as they won't let him keep his prosthetic legs).
2015-08-04 10:40:32 UTC

Does anyone really believe that Oscar Pistorius murdered Reeva Steenkamp intentionally?

I just can’t believe he could do it...simply because what he says is very plausible.

The second day of the Oscar Pistorius murder case bail hearing saw the prosecution's previously "rock solid" investigation picked apart by the...
2014-06-26 01:52:44 UTC
He used the cricket bat to beat down the door. There was loads of blood in the toilet so it is not surprising that it had blood on it. There is no suggestion that Reeva received wounds prior to the shooting.

She was wearing nike shorts and the tshirt she was seen entering the building. People are saying that this is day wear" but if I were a model I would want to put on my jeans before going out in the middle of the night. If she had time to pick up her phones in preparation for leaving, why didn't she pick up her jeans.

Pistorius was scene trying to revive the half dead Reeva. Is this something that one would do with someone one had just murdered? I think that I would be inclined to distance myself from the corpse. It would take great ruthlessness to pull off that act.

The ballistics suggest that he was posthetic legless when he shot, I hear. It seems unlikely to me that I would shoot someone in that state.

One can fire a revolver pretty quickly up to 6 rounds a second ??

Or eve quicker if you are the world record holder.

and they would make a lot of noise, so the fact that he fired off four rounds without hearing her scream seems plausible to me, especially if the first round hit her head.

The sort of person to get a lot of guns especially in a high crime society, (as he had on order) believes in their usefulness, and fears attack. I could well imagine that he simply assumed that here it is, the situation that I have all this time been preparing for, being faced with an intruder in my home.

"If he had been calling to her or the 'intruder' she would have responded in some way" Hmm. If you are in the bathroom and your boyfriend calls out "intruder in the house!" you might well just wait in the bathroom. Did he specifically call out "Who is in the bathroom?"

Checking my mail is some thing that I occasionally do do in the middle of the night so it is not so strange to me that Reeva should have her phones in the bathroom.
2014-03-06 10:08:55 UTC
The fact is he shot someone. Period.

Mistake or not some is dead because although he lives in a gated community with the best security and only a single (minor) incident in the last seven years thought that someone behind a locked door was a danger to him.

Setting aside the fact that I think he is a sociopath with a god complex (pumped up by idiots like yourselves supporting someone you've never met) and very possibly a psychopath is beside the point.

His girlfriend is DEAD. HE shot her.

If he doesn't go to prison then the idiots of the world have won. OJ Simpson - what a disgrace. If the same happens here then shame on humanity for letting evil walk free amongst us.
2013-02-21 01:27:54 UTC
I think most people remain open minded, I keep hearing conflicting reports.

However one thing I would need to know as a juror, did the cricket bat have blood on it, because if it did, I would need to be given a damned good reason as to why?

Also the fact that the toilet door was locked makes me suspicious, perhaps it is the women I have known, but getting them to even close the toilet door, let alone lock it has been a bug bear with me.

My current partner still calls out 'I'm in the toilet' even though it was seven years ago I got her to close the door while she was sat there?
2013-02-21 01:51:17 UTC
I know it dosen't make sense not checking if she was still in bed and firing all those shots but it's actually the kind of stupid thing I would do myself-especially if I'd just woken up and was groggy,and we don't know if he'd been drinking earlier...people do do illogical things,his friends say he was a reckless person and that he'd crashed his speedboat and accidentally shot his friend in the foot auntie lives in SA and she says the police there are useless and corrupt-I just heard the lead detective on the case is being investigated for 7 attempted murders himself-wtf??!
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2013-02-21 05:10:42 UTC
This case is in chaos at the moment....they have just found that the leading detective has 7 cases of murder against him what chance has Pistorius got of a fair trial with the likes of him..
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garry b
2013-02-21 01:11:19 UTC
who knows ? my opinion changes daily right now.

one thing is sure though, he DID shoot her, even if it was a tragic mistake as he says, then he is a complete moron that has ruined so many lives, not least his own. and thats the best case scinario,

hopefully the truth will come out , despite the prosecutions cack handedness.

the cop incharge does seem to have it in for him, whether it is justified or not i dont know.

but why did the authourities put this guy in charge knowing he had these charges hanging over him?
Christine H
2013-02-21 01:06:21 UTC
My internal jury flip flops back and forth on this one, so I will leave it to the courts to bring out all the evidence.

I don't think innocent or guilty he can have an entirely fair trial now that the media circus has got going.
2013-02-21 01:05:46 UTC
Hi Faith

one thing you should note which does throw some doubt is he had time to put on his leg extensions before getting up to go and shot blindly at some person in his flat.

that is what makes some of us thing there is more to this than he is telling us all.
2013-02-21 01:23:55 UTC
well yes I do. I think his story sounds unlikely.

Did he not call out to ask who was in the bathroom? Why would his girlfriend not have answered?

Is it just a coincidence that a row had been heard at the time of the shooting?

Why did Pistorious phone his friends first and leave it to neighbours to call emergency service?

Key questions that would put it beyond any doubt -

What is the role of the cricket bat? Was she struck with the bat?

Is there any sign of a struggle outside of the bathroom?
2013-02-21 03:23:05 UTC
He is known for having a very violent temper, lots of people witnessed him at the Olympics shaking with rage.
2013-02-21 03:22:39 UTC
This case highlights the rapidity in which couples now get into intimate relationships. They had only been involved for weeks and she sleeps at his house. Common I know but he then feels that he owns her.
2013-02-21 06:19:04 UTC
Weren't there multiple shots?

Surely his wife would have started screaming after the first shot, so he would have known she was in there?

His story has more holes than that bathroom door...
2013-02-21 03:12:20 UTC
yeah you now cos you've listened to all the details 1st hand in the courtroom rather than just a quick 4 minute sum up on the news

i bet you was there and saw it all 1st hand and filmed it on your i-phone to put on yo utube

Criminal Mind
2013-02-21 01:57:39 UTC
Why would an intruder go the second floor and go to the loo! Just NOT plausible.

I could understand it if he shot her downstairs like she was just coming in or something.
robert x
2013-02-21 03:46:56 UTC
why else would he shoot 4 times through a door? guilty has charged m lord!
2013-02-21 01:28:12 UTC
The cricket bat will be his downfall and so it should be,,,,,if this was a slightly less public trial bribery and corruption might have won the day but with the media circus in town the truth will come out and Pistorious wont have a leg to stand on literally.
2013-02-21 02:40:45 UTC
I think he killed Reeva in a fit of explosive anger.

Deliberately & intentionally?

Maybe not but dead she is.
Simply Monstrous
2013-02-21 01:33:02 UTC
He shot at a bus in 2011 carrying 11 passengers. He is now also being charged with attempted murder. This guy is a menace. He murdered her with intent. The steroids they are finding and his past history will incriminate him more.
2013-02-21 01:34:21 UTC
we all know what happened...they heard screaming and banging hours before the`s obvious he was banging on the bathroom door screaming `How much longer you going to be in there?`..and for the hundredth time she said. `I told you I`ll only be a minute`...and that`s when he snapped ..definitely a case of justifiable homicide.
2013-02-21 03:39:40 UTC
2013-02-21 03:25:50 UTC
maybe it is crime of passion

he admits of shooting what more is required
2013-02-21 01:17:09 UTC
Hello Faith, if he did it was a 'crime of passion' and not a premeditated murder.

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