I believe he is innocent. Obviously we all know that he did indeed kill his girlfriend, but I don't believe it was murder. I believe his story that he accidentally killed her because he thought she was an intruder. Yes, it is tragic and devestating that a beautiful life and a beautiful girl was killed. But you can't just assume that he murdered her in cold blood..just because.
He deserves a chance. He is an upstanding man and athlete. I have followed him on all his online accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. He has been nothing but positive, encouraging, kind, compassionate, strong, and showed great perseverance and motivation to accomplish the things he has in his condition. He and Reeva had a good, loving relationship. There was no motive for him to murder her.
As has been said, they live in a very dangerous place where home intruders and violence is a daily occurence. And as an athlete, he is trained to respond quickly. If he truly felt genuine fear that someone was breaking into his home and could harm he and/or his girlfriend, why wouldn't he act as quickly as possible to stop them before he was hurt?
Yes, there are things that don't make sense, things that none of us will ever know who wasn't there that night. But you can not throw out someone's entire character because you think you know that he murdered his wife. Oscar has given no reason for anyone to think he had an intended motive to kill Reeva. He wasn't on drugs or drunk, he is not mentally unstable. And yes, we can all ask, why would you not check to make sure your family was safe before you just acted, but who knows? None of us were there. We don't know what he felt in that moment. An utter terror that someone was breaking into his home, so he acted instinctively on adrenaline and then realized after that it was a tragic mistake?
I am just praying that the truth will be told. Even though someone is dead, a man doesn't deserve to sit in jail for the rest of his life for an accident...tragic as it was. What if you accidentally backed your car out of the driveway and hit your child or another member of your family and killed them? And then were accused that it was intentional and premeditated murder and you should sit in jail forever to pay for something that was a terrible and tragic accident?
It's just so easy to sit on the outside and jump to conclusions and form our own opinions. Okay, I'm done...wow, sorry for the novel!