Why is Isreal Attacking Gaza?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why is Isreal Attacking Gaza?
46 answers:
2009-01-15 16:39:29 UTC
Because Hamas keeps launching rockets into Israel, (killing Israelites) So Israel attacks Gaza (Killing Gaza citizens as well as Hamas) In revenge Hamas attacks Israel again, As a result Israel attacks...

It just keeps repeating itself.

Hope i helped.
2009-01-15 16:37:30 UTC
Lets take a look at some facts and more importantly, some actual Hamas quotes about using human shields and genocide:

First, we know the terrorist group HAMAS broke the ceasefire within a week of signing it and continued to break it.

June 24, 2008

Three Qassam rockets fired from Gaza on Tuesday struck the Israeli border town of Sderot and its environs, causing no serious injuries but constituting the first serious breach of a five-day-old truce between Israel and Hamas

Over 1,800 rockets were fired from Gaza in the 4.5 months before the ceasefire.

We know terrorist supporters are now are all over the web with propaganda trying to score points by lying. We also know Hamas is a terrorist group and uses THEIR OWN WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS HUMAN SHIELDS. We know Hamas brainwashes children and has used them as suicide bombers against Isrealis. We know that the Paistinian people voted in Hamas. And we know Palistinians danced with joy and celebrated in the streets on 9-11, women and children included. It seems some of the 'human shields' are volunteers.

The moral principle is: the responsibility for all deaths in war lies with the aggressor who initiates force, not with those who defend themselves.

We also know, if we studied history, that the Jews did NOT steal the land. (Wikipedia has a fairly good write-up if anyone is interested.)

Consider this quote:

Excerpts from a speech by Hamas MP Fathi Hammad, broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV on February 29, 2008:

Fathi Hammad: [The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life." (THIS IS THE MOST MORALLY BANKRUPT STATEMENT I HAVE EVER HEARD!!)

Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV called upon children to form a human shield at the home of Abu al-Hatal of the a-Shouqaf quarter of Sajaiyeh in order to protect the building from an anticipated IDF airstrike.

Gazan women were used as human shields to allow besieged Hamas gunmen to flee from Israeli forces in Beit Hanun.

The IAF warned Muhammad Weil Baroud, responsible for firing Kassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahiya in advance of an air strike. Instead, hundreds of locals, mostly women and children, were recruited to Baroud's house. Israel suspended the air strike, lest these human shields be harmed. In response to the incident, Hamas crowed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition."


From the Hamas Charter:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

Enough said, I would think.
2009-01-15 16:41:13 UTC
here is the simplified reason.

In Gaza, the elected party Hamas (a party like republican or democrat) wishes to destroy Israel. and so, they proceeded to shoot rockets into Israel. Israel, realizing that that Hamas would not stop firing rockets at them unless they forced Hamas to stop, proceeded to enter Gaza, and stop them, through military force.

the reason some people are upset is because Israel didn't even try to do it peacefully, they just went in and did what they thought they had to do.

the reason the United States isn't stopping them, is because we agree, that they should go into Gaza and stop Hamas.

that is as straight forward as it could be. you would have to watch the media to decide whether you think they are being honest or not.
2009-01-15 16:40:08 UTC
Hamas has been shelling Israel with missiles for months. Hamas has been smuggling in weapons. Hamas want to destroy Israel. So, Israel finally responded.
2009-01-15 16:41:16 UTC
Israel and present day Palestine have a history of fighting each other. Since the times of Jacob and Esau. The surface issue is Palestine was launching rocket attacks against towns in southern Israel. Israel got fed up and retaliated. But there is a deeper issue which revolves around the land of the Gaza strip. Which according to the Bible is land that belongs to Israel.
2009-01-15 16:40:35 UTC
Gaza started it, firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel. Then Hamas fires rockets from next to a school, and Israel responds by blowing the crap out of the school. Hamas fires rockets from next to a UN compound, and Israel responds by bombing all around the UN compound.

Hamas is trying to make Israel look bad. What I see makes me think of a crowd of children, and an adult. From in the crowd of children, one or two will throw rocks at the adult. Then they blend in with the crowd. The adult comes over and smacks the kids in the area where the rocks came from, and they cry and say "it wasn't us! The kids that did it ran away!" But the adult has definitely been hurt, and the bad kids are still doing it.

I'm waiting for those other kids to lay their hands on the bad kids, and kill them. And I think that's what Israel is trying to get Gaza to do with Hamas.
2009-01-15 16:40:13 UTC
Imagine we live next to each other.

I throw a rock into your backyard.

You might let it go as it was an isolated incident.

I do it again.

You might say something like "please don't throw rocks into my backyard"

I again throw another rock into your yard.

You might contact my parents who are responsible for me and ask them to stop me.

I continue to throw rocks.

You come over into my yard and take all of my rocks away from me.
2009-01-15 16:39:57 UTC
Hamas has been doing suicide bombings in Israel for so many years that Israel is retaliating.
2009-01-15 16:38:53 UTC
Gaza has been lobbing mortars into Israel for years. Israel is finally PI**ed. Case closed.
2009-01-15 16:37:38 UTC
because Gaza attacked Israel first and now she is defending herself, my teacher told us this.. and others but i was distracted ;] :D
2009-01-15 16:42:48 UTC
Hamas controls Gaza, they are the elected leaders of Gaza. Hamas are terrorists, who have been firing rockets into Israel cities for years. Their goal is to destroy Israel. Prior to that, they were using homicide bombers to blow up Israel's people in shopping centers and other public places. Israel restricted people from Gaza to enter Israel as a result, but Hamas kept firing rockets blindly into peoples houses. Israel finally got fed up and started bombarding Gaza and then moved in with ground troops into Gaza. Their goal is to get rid of the terrorist group hamas and therefore stop the rockets.

Hamas fires rockets from civilian areas inside Gaza, near hospitals and Schools. Hopefully the people of Gaza will get rid of hamas or hopefully Israel will do it for them.
2009-01-15 16:47:14 UTC
The Israel vs Palestine war has been going on for decades. It is over the simple matter of occupation. The Palestians want Israel out of their territory and The Israel are not going out but they are willing to compromise. The actual Palestinian people are not very okay with that but they endure it anyways. Hamas which is a guerrilla force wants to drive Israel out of that area. There was already a war in 2005 between Hizbollah and Israel but both sides came to a treaty until december 2008 when Hamas(once again it has nothing to do with the peaceful civilians who are living in gaza) shot 40 missiles into Israeli cities. So the Israeli government started bombing Gaza to take down Hamas. By doing that Hamas started firing more missiles and now Israel has moved in gaza and still bombing. The victims of this war are the civilians of gaza. The death toll in gaza is 1000 while Israel's is 14. Women and Children are dying. All because of Hamas and Israel.
2009-01-15 16:56:41 UTC
It's a very long story dating back half a century...

Basically though, right now Israel is attacking Gaza because freedom fighters (or terrorists, call them what you will) from Gaza launched rockets at civilian homes in Israel a few weeks ago. The reasons further than that gets a bit messy, but in simple terms, Israel is a state founded by massive numbers of Jews displaced during WWII, in what was called Palestine. Since then both sides have fought for control of the land, but Israel is a much more powerful state, owing to their control of the resources in the region and the backing of powerful nations such as the USA. They have subjugated the Palestinian people by putting up walls around their territories and not allowing free trade and travel between Palestine and other nations.
2016-05-28 13:40:51 UTC
how come you people here are so mean that you accept the killing of innocent palestinians babies and women and you consider people defending there country are terrorists so hamas are terrorists because they stood up to defend their country what will you all here feel if you see your children killed in front of you what will you feel when you see the ones you love dead what will you feel when you see your house destroyed didnt israel cut off the supplies on GAZA like food, water, gas, everything and people in hospitals that are on machines died babies also who stayed without food and water for 2 months so dont you think this is a crime against humanity dont you consider israel killing the paramedics and attacking the red cross and UN cars as a CRIME and terrorism PLEASE READ THE NEWS BEFORE ANSWERING WITH HATRED THE WAY MOST DO HERE you hate the arabs because you all think that they are terrorists then how come the palestinians cant hate israel for the crimes they are committing against humanity and not consider them terrorists and the palestinians should accept them and that hamas weapons should be taken dont you all know about the INTIFADA years back when the palestinians defended themselves by throwing stones at the soldiers and what did the soldiers reply by they did by bullets they killed a 2 month old baby they killed a 7 year old by with his far they shot them many times what did this 2 month old baby do did he fight them ok what about the 2 week old baby did to them always think that if this was your baby what will you do????
2009-01-15 16:53:36 UTC
Its a complicated issue, WW2 the British gave the jews land in Palestine, The land of Gaza was left for the Palestinians, 1964 Israel Occupies Gaza and takes more land, 2001 Israel pull out of gaza but con role the borders and oppresses the people, they put them in what i call an economic headlock, they control the land the sea and the air around gaza. not enought stuff humans need to live on get into the Gaza strip. People are poor they don't eat wel they live encaged by the Israeli Government, Its hard to leave, they havent good water. Hamas launches rockets into Israel. thousands of them. they kill 13 Israelis in 8 years, the Israeli army kill over as thousand in this time, they lock up thousands more. they Invaded Gaza 21 days ago and have lkilled 1100 people so far. a third of them children. They blame iran for the weapons the hamas have. Hamas was elected by the people in 2006 but israel rejected this government and called them terrorists. so did the states.

Look on aljazeera news for an in dept view of what is happening plus you will get good debates. if you dont have the station you can watch online. there the only english speaking network in gaza
2009-01-15 16:50:05 UTC
Like Harry Truman said: the only thing new is the history you don't know. To get a basic understanding of the present problem, you have to go back two thousand years. The precise area is ground zero regarding the establishment of most of our modern religions. Basically, as I understand it, both the Palestinians and the Israelis claim that this present physical location belongs to each one of them, exclusively. This is by virtue of historical and religious beliefs long held by both. Both were separated from that native area, by force, early on and have sought to re-occupy it ever since.

The US and others helped establish Israel in the mid-1900's by force. This dislocated many Palestinians. They didn't like it a bit. The Israelis have been industrious. The Palestinians have not. Israel has defended it's territory ever since with, gratefully, great success. The Palestinians, being undereducated, poor, ill-informed, in Gaza, are currently controlled by terrorists, that call themselves "Hamas". They like to lob their ineffective missles at Israel and allow their people to be smashed. This is all done in the name of patriotism, of course.
James E Lewis AKA choteau
2009-01-15 16:51:51 UTC
Let me ask it as a series of questions.

If someone attacked you from hiding for 8 years would you retaliate?

Hamas has been firing missiles from civilian areas in Gaza for the last 8 years.

If someone kept agreeing not to attack and as soon as no-one was watching started attacking again would you fight back?

Hamas has broken every ceasefire for the last 8 years. Israel has not broken one and only fired back after Hamas fired first.

If someone was spreading hateful lies about you would you respond?

Hamas has used smear tactics everytime they break the ceasefire to try to blame Israel.

If someone kept hitting you from behind women and children would you respond by attacking them or the women and children?

Hamas always fires from civilian areas and often keeps women and children with them as the fire their rockets and mortars. Israel has held off from from attacking but finally had to fight back.

Hamas acts like a cowardly school yard bully who attacks from behind other kids then when the victim fights back goes screaming to the school monitors that the victim hit them.
2009-01-15 17:00:57 UTC
This is a dispute that has been going on for years.

After World War II, the UN split up land in the Gaza Strip for the Palestinians and Israelis to share. However, this left many Palestinians without homes, and they've been trying to reclaim their land.

So war has been continuing between these groups for many decades.
2009-01-15 16:53:16 UTC

and for ***** sake, despite what other idiots my say:

1) Israel is not doing it just for kicks

2) Israel is not innocent

3) How can this fight have been going on for thousands of years??? ISRAEL WAS ONLY CREATED AFTER WW2!

4) Hamas is not innocent either, but they are a bloody lot more so than Israel

5) This has been planned for months, so it cannot be a retaliation because of something Hamas did recently. Remember the release of 200 Palestinians from Israeli jails a couple of months ago?? Could they PERHAPS have been aiming for some good publicity??
2009-01-15 16:39:30 UTC
Hamas and the Palestinians hate the Jewish Israelis. The Jews and the UN along with the US created israel where palestine once was so, the Palestinians are angry. Now the Palestinians, who only live in Gaza are uprising in there, and so Israel has become fed up and started to attack back
2009-01-15 16:41:50 UTC
israel is attacking hamas in gaza. hamas is a terrorist organization that fires rockets at israel. they also declare they want the destruction of the jewish state. israel is bombing hamas to try to take out the rocket launch sites as well as tunnels that hamas uses to smuggle in weapons and fighters.
2009-01-15 16:37:50 UTC
because Gaza wants to wipe israel out of existence also there was a cease fire, during which Gaza continues to launch rockets and smuggle equipment for attacking israel through under ground tunnels to Egypt.

but there is a lot more to it, and this is just the very recent things.
2009-01-15 16:38:59 UTC
The Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what the white colonists did to the native Americans--> stealing all of the land, and killing the people who truly own the land.

It really sucks that Israel is allowed to get away with killing innocent people and uprooting people from their homes.

America has always been biased toward Israel, because the jews have more money.
2009-01-15 16:38:54 UTC
In 'retaliation' from Hamas firing rockets into Israel and because Israel are a terrorist state.


Oppressed for 60 long years

1.5 million people are crammed into a 139 sq mile piece of land.

Deprived of Food, medical care, sanitation and other resources

Fenched up with barbwire like dogs similar to the conditions Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto were placed in 1943 by the Polish occupiers.

The Hamas reacted by the firing rockets (the only right they have) looking for a way out.

Israel were looking for the fight back from Hamas so that Israel are made out to be the victims.

Since the rockets started firing 7 years ago - 5200 Gazan's have been killed and 19 Israelis killed.
2009-01-15 16:38:23 UTC
because they got there own country when the hollicost ended or something and they have diffrent belifs that the muslum that live around them and they dont get along well so they have alot of wars

my social studies teacher told me that

but i know for a fact that the last part is true
2009-01-15 16:48:04 UTC
Israel is afraid. People who are at their losing ends, afraid, remorse, nervous, anxious always act in a panicky and senseless manner. Their desperate.
2009-01-15 16:46:46 UTC
To get rid of Hamas, they have been firing rockets into Israel so Israel is retaliating.
Amber B
2009-01-15 16:40:44 UTC
Jon Stewart will answer this best for you.
2009-01-15 16:39:13 UTC
Israel is doing what the American govt. wants, their in on it together. Just like how Georgia attacked Osettia and blamed it on Russia. The American Govt. keep's trying to start a war so the guys that control the puppets in the white house can own some more land and hopefully the entire world.
Cean Green
2009-01-15 16:38:10 UTC
Holy war
2009-01-15 16:47:06 UTC
This sums it up clear and concisely.
2009-01-15 16:37:55 UTC
you need to go back 40 years...

go to wikipedia...
2009-01-15 16:39:08 UTC
okay, i'm confused.... i thought that it was that "god" promised them both the land in the middle
2009-01-15 16:37:19 UTC
Hamas is hiding in Gaza and Israel won't stop until they are gone from the Earth. In other words dead.
2009-01-15 16:37:55 UTC
They have been killing eachother for thousands of years..they dont even know why theyre fighting anymore..
2009-01-15 16:37:41 UTC
Cause their idiots They have no reason to be fighting There should be peace everywhere
2009-01-15 16:37:59 UTC
because the Isreali people got sick of jacking off all day so yea......i have a feelin some jew will report me hahahahha
jenny S
2009-01-15 16:37:18 UTC
2009-01-15 16:36:56 UTC
in a nutshell - Israel is a fascist state that attempts to steal Gaza land by starving, oppressing, and murdering Palestinians who they view as sub-humans
2009-01-15 16:36:50 UTC
they want to wipe out the population... to make room for jewish settlers.

Israel steals Palestinian land over 70 years in just 1 picture picture:

Israeli soldiers kill 70 civilians after rounding them up into 1 building (no I am not making this up, read it yourself):

to Emma: your teacher lied to you or doesnt know what he is talking about. it is a known fact that Israel broke the truce first by killing some Hamas members and putting up a blockade.
2009-01-15 16:37:15 UTC
fightin over the holy land cuz they made everyone ho wasnt jewish leave so onlyjewish poeple could live there.
2009-01-15 16:36:40 UTC
Because terrorists Hamas are throwing bombs at them from there
2009-01-15 16:36:29 UTC
Why is Gaza attacking Israel?
2009-01-15 16:37:36 UTC
they're bored, so why not kill each other.
2009-01-15 16:37:08 UTC
because there stupid like that.
2009-01-15 16:37:03 UTC
they arent

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