Why Do You Support These Anti-Semitic Acts?
2010-04-03 04:19:15 UTC
Why Do You Support These Anti-Semitic Acts?

The Palestinians are real Semites and Israelis are NOT.

The most militaristic, aggressive and destructive nation the planet has ever known is overwhelmingly Christian.

The most vitriolic nation is Israel! Ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslims, murdering unarmed women and children, manipulation and deception, insulting Jesus (PBUH) and Mohammad (PBUH), defrauding friendly nations passport, trust and hospitality, ….. are in Israeli shopping list. Yet, how come people call Muslims as aggressive?

A Palestinian kid who is playing in his/her mums cradle, backyard, schoolyard, … is a terrorist.
People who are racing from all over the world to the holly land and terrorizing the Palestinians are victims!! What a blatant hypocrisy and double standard!?!
Ten answers:
2010-04-05 23:55:33 UTC
Israel's atrocities - here is a SHORT list of the top 100(not enough for all):

You are absolutely correct.Actually, Israel first denying what they have done, then admitting it - here is the SHORT list(only the top 100):

Israel's human violations and war crimes, the largest open air an invaded/occupied lands, ILLEGAL settlements for ONLY their people, being built, owners expelled from their properties, civilians murdered, a city is walled off from the indigenous owners - people being starved, homeless, without power, medicine, jobs, food - MURDERED for their organs(the murderers finally admitted it)- bet you thought I was talking about Hitler - the ones doing these things, are the ones Hitler also did to them - the people suffering these acts will number SIX MILLION in 1-2 years - GEE another Holocaust CAUSED by the people that went through one themselves.

EDIT: Thumbs down - here is a SHORT list(not enough room for the WHOLE list - just the top 100) of those violations- EVERY SINGLE ONE PROVEN:

The King David Massacre

The Massacre at Baldat al-Shaikh




The Semiramis Hotel Massacre

The Massacre at Dair Yasin








Salha Massacre

The Massacre at Qibya


Khan Yunis Massacre

The Massacre in Gaza City


Aitharoun Massacre

Kawnin Massacre

Hanin Massacre

Bint Jbeil Massacre

Abbasieh Massacre

Adloun Massacre

Saida Massacre

Fakhani Massacre

Beirut Massacre Sabra And Shatila Massacre

Jibsheet Massacre

Sohmor Massacre

Seer Al Garbiah

Maaraka Massacres

Zrariah Massacre

Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre

Jibaa Massacre

Yohmor Massacre

Tiri massacre

Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre

Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre


Siddiqine Massacre




Aramta Massacre


Deir Al-Zahrani Massacre

Nabatiyeh (school bus) Massacre

Mnsuriah Massacre

The Sohmor Second Massacre

Nabatyaih Massacre

Qana Massacre

Trqumia Massacre

Janta Massacre

24 Of June 1999 Massacres

Western Bekaa villages Massacre

Gaza "Cast lead operation" Massacre

• Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine

• Israel hold the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed...500+

• Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported...4 million +

• Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished...60 thousand +

• Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation...500+ times

• Israel is the country with the highest number of protective US Security council vetoes...100+ times

• Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country...50 thousand+

• Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country...250 thousand+

• Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country...50 thousand+

• Israel has injured more innocent civilians per capita than any other country...200 thousand+

• Israel has only two countries to defend its policies in the United Nations. These countries are America & Micronesia. The population for Micronesia as of June 2008 is only 108000

• Israel is the only country on Earth that denies the right of return of refugees

• Israel is the only country on Earth that still occupies a whole other country & parts of two other countries

• Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly, steals the water of its neighbours

• Israel is the only country on Earth that has legalized home demolishing as a method of collective punishment

• Israel is the only country on Earth that uproots trees as a method of collective punishment

• Israel is the only country on Earth that deliberately targets civilian infrastructure and justifies it

• Israel is the only country on Earth that legalized assassination

• Israel stands unique in using human shields in military operations

• Amongst all countries, Israel is the only one that has legalized torture

• Israel is the only country on Earth that builds illegal settlements in occupied lands

• Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly jails activists without trial

• According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints

• According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel holds the world record in the number of curfew its installed on the Palestinians

• Israel is the only country on Earth whose checkpoints deny women access to hospitals, they give birth alone and babies usually die

• Israel is exceptional in being the only country on Earth whose checkpoints denies patients access to hospitals, and they end up dying

• Israel is the only country on Earth whose checkpoints are where wedding parades come to an end

• Israel is the only country on Earth who checkpoints school children, denies them access to school, and puts an end to their classes

• Israel is one of two countries that, against International Law, use cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs. America is the other...what a surprise huh?

• Israel holds the world record in the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army

• Israel despite being a rich country, receives the highest financial aid, more than the sum aid to all sub-Saharan Africa!

• Israel claims its enemies want to wipe it off the map, but it has indeed wiped a whole country called Palestine off the map!

• Israel is the county that has introduced nuclear weapons into the Middle East. But the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty

• After East Germany, Israel is the only country that is building a segregation wall

• Second to South Africa, Israel is the only country to establish an apartheid regime

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first iron gates on roads

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first cities turned into jails with gates and opening hours

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first apartheid walls

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first electrified segregation fences

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first ‘eyes specific’ rubber bullets

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first abortion efficient, infant killing tear gas

• Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first humiliation guaranteed human cages

• Israel is the only country on Earth that has a political party that publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of native citizens (Palestinians)

• Israel is the only country on Earth that still has racist laws that discriminate against native citizens (Palestinians)

• Israel is the only country on Earth known to have a memorial dedicated to a terrorist where his followers gather and dance

• Israel is the only country on Earth that imprisons kids for political reasons

• Israel is the only country on Earth where you get a one month community service for intentionally, smashing the head of a child! How much more proof do people need to see that Israel is a terrorist nation?????!!!!!!!!!!

• Israel is the only country on Earth that does not hold its soldiers accountable for shooting peace activists in cold blood

• No other country on Earth has towns and cities allocated exclusively for one ethnic group

• The only country on Earth, where people live in homes stolen from living refugees is, Israel

• The only place on Earth where people cultivate fields stolen from living refugees is, Israel

• Israel has the highest number of towns built upon ethnically cleansed villages, whose former residents are living refugees

• Israel ranks amongst the top countries in lack of security

Haven't you guessed by now-Israel has NO INTENTION of peace until she kills all the Palestinians and steals their land and even their organs(NO, not the Swedish article(was right on the nose)- the ARREST,TRIED, CONVICTED(including JEWISH witnesses), and JAILED Rabbi Levy Rosenbaum and his Rabbinical organ theft ring AND ISRAEL'S OWN RECENT ADMISSION :

the murderous Jewish terrorist group Likud(oops Irgun BEFORE being elected), one of many- the Stern Gang, Levi, Lehi, Haganah, and many others OFFICIALLY labeled as such by the British-You want REAL terrorists- makes the Nazis look like pansies-type Irgun in your Google browser. No one associates Jews with being terrorists- the Irgun were worse than ANY Arab terrorist group- Irgun used grenades and car bombs to kill Arabs, foreign dignitaries, EVEN Jews opposing their methods, they sniped innocent unarmed Arabs in the back, dropped Arab men women, children, and, babies off building roof tops, bull dozed houses using tanks with Arab families being buried alive,doused Arabs in kerosene and burned them alive, stomped on pregnant and nonpregnant women's bellys or had as many men stand on them until they were killed,cut out babies from their mother's wombs and bellies, poisoned water sources,gang- raped Arab women and young girls 13 and under, then shooting them as they screamed in terror, in non vital areas, finally, a fatal bullet to the head where the infamous IDF term"Confirming the kill" arouse.THEY WERE SO BRUTAL AND MURDEROUS, ANOTHER SUCH GROUP,HAGANAH,
michael w
2010-04-03 04:43:13 UTC
I think its 6 parts one and 4 parts the other, take your pick but I certainly agree with you about most of the Israelis. Never before has a religious group ever been give a country to live in. I wonder how Americans would feel if say Texas was given to the Jews to live or the Brits had to give up say Devon and Cornwall for the same reason ? Would we sit back while they stole Somerset as well or Americans do nothing if they also stole New Mexico ? I can understand just how the Palestinians feel its just a pity that the pro Israelis can't.
2016-04-12 01:45:14 UTC
"The most militaristic, aggressive and destructive nation the planet has ever known is overwhelmingly Christian. " ok at the risk of sounding petty where exactly is the nation of CHRISTIAN, i've been in 57 countries and territories, never saw christian on a map. Is isreal really the most caustic nation, having visited it twice, i didn't witness much in the way of caustic critisims. Maybe they dont let that happen around tourists. Except i wasn't exactly the run of the mill tourist. PBUH - not sure what that is care to enlighten me ? the saddest thing i think of when i see something like your post, i wonder what Abraham thinks of all this? His offspring all insisting their's is the truth. some zealots from each faction willing to kill or worse over disagreements of faith. i'm 44 and i still use ," what would my dad say about what i am doing" as a benchmark to guide myself. as far as attrocities go, regrettfully our species is prone to some preying on others weather it be outright violence or pervision of something good. no race or country is exempt. 2 funny things about humans each culture has a portion that deems any act necessary for the protection of its parent body acceptable, despite objections from within its own body all of us regardless of race creed color or anything else come into the world, knowing how to laugh and everywhere and at all times its the same sound until the babe begins to learn what it is taught hope i didn't offend thats not my purpose... i hope and pray that its no ones
2010-04-06 22:35:56 UTC
Considering that the Palestinians are semites and Israel is oppressing the Palestinians, that makes Israel the most anti-semitic state in the world.
Lal Guru
2010-04-03 05:48:39 UTC
The Palestinians are real Semites and Israelis are NOT

I support Palestinians and condemn Israeli regression, manipulation an deception. Therefore, I do not support "these Anti-Semitic Acts".
the old dog
2010-04-07 03:47:05 UTC
I think your rant is all wrong and skewed towards more hatred for the world than anything else.

That or someone peed in your cornflakes this morning.
2010-04-03 04:39:47 UTC
Who are Palestinians and where is Palestine? None of that existed in 1948. Suddenly in the middle 60's there thousands of "palestinians" and now a "Palestine." A miracle?


One of the ways to achieve peace is through complete honesty. When people suddenly appear as..."Palestinians." and they claim they live in "Palestine" and accuses Israel of stealing that which never existed, is it any wonder why Israel balks at their gestures? Maybe if the "Arabs" start being a little more honest, that would help. Honesty with the word earns respect.
polite gardener
2010-04-03 05:02:34 UTC
Hey, Jim, Saying there was no country there is not the same as saying there were no people there. Theft is theft no matter how you twist words. You can't justify Israel's actions by diversion with "Well, they were not a country". They are a people. a large collection of victims.
2010-04-03 04:37:35 UTC
I would support anything that would give the stolen lands back to Palestine.
2010-04-03 08:31:27 UTC
I don't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.