To all those who believed that Madonna should not adopt little Mercy from Malawi,?
2009-04-03 09:13:11 UTC
do you think think Mercy will be happy with this verdict when she grows up, in an orphanage?

CNN) -- Madonna's petition to adopt a second Malawian child was rejected by a local judge Friday, an official said.

"The decision came down to residency requirement and the fact that the judge believes she was being well taken care of in the orphanage," said Zione Ntaba, a spokeswoman for the Malawi Justice Department.

"For the Malawians, the fact that the child is at an orphanage, is being taken care of and is going through the school education system, that does qualify as the best interests of a child," Ntaba added.

The 50-year-old pop star had filed a petition to adopt a girl, Chifundo James, 4, whose first name translates to mercy in Chichewa, the country's national language. She has three other children, including a son she adopted from the southern African nation in 2006.

The rejection follows weeks of criticism by human rights activists, who said Madonna was using her fame to circumvent a residency requirement for foreigners adopting in the country. Do you agree with the decision?

A coalition of local nonprofits from across the country accused Madonna on Thursday of taking advantage of a weakness in the country's child protection system. Days earlier, the charity Save the Children UK had urged the American singer to rethink the adoption and let the child be raised by her relatives.

Local media have reported that the child's teenage mother died days after she gave birth to her.

"This is a triumph for the children of Malawi," said Mavuto Bamusi, the national coordinator of Malawi Human Rights Consultative Committee."Inter-country adoption is not the best way of providing protection to children ... they should grow up in familiar cultural and religious surroundings," Bamusi said, adding that "supporting children from outside our country only helps five of the 1.5 million orphans we have."

Despite the controversies, a majority of Malawians were rooting for the adoption.Marilyn Segula, a presenter at Capital FM, which broadcasts in at least five cities, including the capital, Lilongwe said Thursday that 99 percent of callers wanted the adoption to be approved
"People are saying: 'Why are these [non-governmental organizations] pretending to care now? If anyone wanted to amend the law, they should have done it with other adoptions.' "

The recently divorced singer was married to British filmmaker Guy Ritchie. She has been involved with Malawi for several years and made a documentary, "I Am Because We Are," to highlight poverty, AIDS and other diseases devastating children in that country. She also co-founded a nonprofit group, Raising Malawi, which provides programs to help the needy.
Nineteen answers:
2009-04-03 09:27:25 UTC
No, I don't and I think the media has a lot to answer for. I doubt Madonna is the best mother in the world - but growing up with boundless resources to do whatever you want and be whoever you want to be has got to be better than growing up with nothing.

So what if Madonna's intentions are a bit questionable. The end result is that this child grows up without love and without access to any resources. Great.
2009-04-03 19:20:19 UTC
Perhaps she will value the fact that she was not taken away from her extended family to be the plaything of a rich, spoiled stupid b*tch like Madonna. Depends if she cares about more than just money. Actually if Madonna truly cared about Mercy she could have donated enough money to that family to enable them to care for her and bring up her in comfort. But no, she's too selfish.

Mercy's family had placed her in an orphanage temporarily because they were too poor to care for her. This will not always be the case and they were planning to bring her home when things improved. Madonna is little better than a child snatcher. I'm glad she's been stopped.

Why do these women seem to think that it is their "right" to adopt? NOONE has the "right" over someone else's child!

We don't have much money and we have a beloved 2 year old son. Are you going to say that Madonna would be a better mother to him than me just because she has money?

Misty Blue
2009-04-03 18:56:05 UTC
I'm inclined to agree with the courts decision.Not a lot of point in having laws if you discard them every time someone with large wads of cash comes along.She may well be the best mother in the world but if ever there was an issue that required strict adherance to the rules surely it is child adoption.Being rich and famous is no guarantee of anything other than money supply for the child.So the less well off you are the further down the queue for adopting you are?Na,that has to be wrong.
2009-04-03 18:39:18 UTC
What I don't understand is that if she is so desperate to help the people of Malawi, why doesn't she donate some money to the families who can't afford to raise their children so that the kids can stay with their natural parents.

Her toher son David - his dad is still alive, what right did she have to give him a 'better' life in another country away from his family and his culture, she is touring the world, wht kind of life is that for a child!

Maybe I'm being judgemental and idealistic but I think that it is bettr for kids to be with their parents and I don't think that Madonna or any other rich singer to alter that!
2009-04-03 17:49:29 UTC
Faith - You should read Jomamos blog concerning this matter. It will open you eyes to the good and decent ' normal' people who don't get to have a chance at international adoption due to stringent regulations.

A desire to nurture a child as your own should be the only driving force. To long to 'save' a child from an orphanage or from poverty speaks more of ego than of longing to me.

Great Q missus :-)
2009-04-03 17:17:38 UTC
Its her duty as a billionaire to donate money to charities, but you give because you want to not because you can. She can adopt me if she wants, i'm a worthwhile charity case, i haven't ate for 5 days. Yes the child might be better off with her but theres nothing to say a family from Malawi couldn't adopt the child first. Nobody can assume because Africa is poor that it has no rich people of its own or people who can afford to adopt.
2009-04-03 16:31:58 UTC
I fully support the Malawi court's decision, which was doubtless based on those recurring pictures of the rapidly aging harlot dressed as a low rent dominatrix, despite being in her late 40's.

Madonna, with all her wealth and "power," has never been able to elevate herself above being American style "vulgar," even when living in London.

The courts did right. The fact that she wants to take the child out of Africa and her native culture shows her hidden contempt for that continent and its traditions.

I heartily wish Madonna would just go away. Certainly not have her make anymore movies.
2009-04-03 16:58:20 UTC
Sorry Faith

I happen to agree that Madonna should not be allaowed to adopt.

Had she not had fortunes and time to spare and nothing better to do, she would not be adopting.

Also, what is going to happen to this child when Madonna decides she was to go touring with her music, the child will be left with some nanny.

Her looks are fading (if they were ever non faded), her voice is on it's way out (if it was ever in) and she is looking for something to keep her in the headlines.

Not the best reason to adopt
ariana the original
2009-04-03 17:17:43 UTC
Hi Faith

I agree with Big River why does she want to have all these children when you very rarely see her with them . Lourdes is the main one you tend to see her spend time with could that be because she is older and less bother . And its nannies that look after them more than she does anyway as shes always away touring etc and spending time with her exercise regime . At least with Brad and Angelina where ever they are or go all their tribe are with them .
2009-04-03 17:15:48 UTC
Someone needs to tell Madonna that an African orphan is quite simply not the latest fashion accessory.
2009-04-03 16:25:13 UTC
Why would the kids life be better, i wouldn't like a selfish greedy haggy old woman as a mum, she would be a terrible mum and will have died of old age in a few years. the kid was lucky.

Same_but_different I'd rather have a loving mum than all the money in the world, loving parents bring up child correct madonna's money will just turn them into mini madonna's, rude obnoxious and full of self importance.
2009-04-03 18:26:22 UTC
Why doesn't she adopt a poor white child,or some coloured child from the gun-running,drug fuelled ghettos of America?
2009-04-03 16:59:29 UTC
The woman has an entourage of nannies!

If you cant stay home to bring up a baby that you are adopting then you shouldnt bloody adopt!

She should be home more for her own kids first!
2009-04-03 16:20:49 UTC
I don't know if Madonna would be a good mother. Why does she go over there with camera crews? Go for the love of the child, not publicity.
2009-04-03 16:19:28 UTC
of course it would be better for the little girl to be raised by a rich American

i think rich Americans should adopt all the children in Africa and Asia
2009-04-03 16:22:13 UTC
Of course the child deserves a better life but Mad Man Madona SHOULD NOT be the mum of the poor child. She is a crazy control freak.
Knight Crusader
2009-04-03 16:20:30 UTC
The woman is a meglomaniac monster and wants to control everyone. If she can't have something or one, she will throw a ton of money at it until it's hers.

Don't go there with any sympathy
Mark Honesty
2009-04-03 16:18:29 UTC
Its just a public stunt to keep her in the public eye so she can make more money! (There is nothing better than free publicity)Dont Worrie about it.
trish b
2009-04-03 16:21:31 UTC
I certainly do not support the decision,it's outrageous..These bloody do-gooders should keep their noses out..I know where i would prefer to grow up..I do hope it gets over-turned..................

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