2011-05-14 01:52:28 UTC
If the incident had occured in the UK, the evidence WOULD have been sufficient for a trial and may have returned a guilty verdict.
The media chooses not to report this, maybe it's because of the threat of being sued like the fate of the spanish newspaper. Maybe it's because the first thing the McCanns did, instead of hiring trackers and PI's they hired lawyers and PR experts, including the former Tory spindoctor.
There was an eye witness who saw the McCann hire car with it's boot left open all-night every-night, for the week leading up to the reported disappearance.
A British police sniffer dog detected 'death' in the hire car, in the McCann appartment and on Maddies teddy, even after Kate had washed it immediately after the disappearance.
The leading theory among portuguese police was that the McCanns had self-prescribed sedatives for Maddie which may have led to her swallowing her tongue, etc, and choking to death.
They are certainly guilty of neglect if nothing else.